RACCOONSTRIPE x NIGHTBIRD ; thunderclan shpr litter

i n t r o d u c i n g . . . . . . . LIGHTNINGKIT!

🗲 named lightning for her pelt & markings (silver and crescent are other options, but lightning is preferred).
🗲 afab and uses feminine pronouns, though she might potentially explore adding the usage of they & them.
🗲 a lesbian, but will question this. her banter with masculine-aligned cats may also be received as flirtatious.
🗲 some warrior name ideas: lightningcloud; lightningspark; lightningbird; lightningstripe; and lightningstreak.

f u l l . s h o t
🗲 lh silver tabby with white; carrying non-silver and dilute.
🗲 will be her mother's height, but takes after father's build.
🗲 large and pale, sage-green eyes framed by dark stripes.
where her coloring is concerned, she does not closely resemble either of her parents, but the tabby webbing and ashen fur are more accurately a combination of their respective palettes. her silver pelt heralds nightbird's neutral shades, neither warm nor cold on the color spectrum. her striping is, of course, her father's legacy, bold and loud against a light base, and both of her front paws are white— as though she inherited one from each parent. her chest and belly take after raccoonstripe's white tundra, but it expands across more of her face, such that she wears striped silver like a cowl.

she will not be especially tall, but her stockiness will make itself known quite quickly when she begins her training as an apprentice. she will build muscle in her shoulders and haunches, perfect for a cat suited to thunderclan's terrain, but entirely to her own dismay: she wants to be more lithe and sinewy like her mother, whose grace and physical presence are enviable. without raccoonstripe's height, she feels much like a squat turtle.

c l o s e . s h o t
🗲 easygoing / loyal / perceptive / open-minded
🗲 freewheeling / dreamy / self-conscious / deceptive
🗲 lazy / manipulative / haughty / self-indulgent

born to respected thunderclanners, it is understandable for kits to experience some form of pressure to grow outside of their shadow, and perhaps even cast one of their own. this is not so for lightningkit. as she ages, she will become increasingly uninterested in striving for success, especially if her sibling intends to do completely the opposite. raccoonstripe and nightbird are formidable and clever, and it is not so much that lightningkit does not feel compelled to do their legacy justice, but that she ignores it, due in no small part to her self-consciousness, which reminds her that she cannot possibly be their perfect daughter, so why bother trying? you cannot fail a game you haven't even played.

of course, while she avoids shaping herself into an ideal product of her parents' reputations, she doesn't hesitate to take advantage of said reputations. they may not be the highest echelons of thunderclan (with the exception of her grandmother), but they are much more respected than your average clanmate (in her mind, of course). they have a greater degree of authority, and as a kit, she isn't above wielding that to her advantage over her peers. when she ages, that will not change; she will simply employ more manipulative, subtle means. to what end? enabling her laziness, for the most part, which is lightningkit's greatest and most obvious flaw. her namesake may invoke imagery of energy and motion, but so too does lightning require great impetus, a storm to encourage action, which is just about what it takes to spur lightningkit. she would much rather indulge her idle fantasies than get dirty and sweaty and bloody.

that storm is most easily formed by any untoward behavior leveled at lightningkit's family or friends. she may be lazy, and, on occasion, self-important, but she treasures the people close to her and can be motivated by their struggles. she may not be the most gracious about it ("i could have been lounging instead") but she is sincere. ​
o v e r h e a d . s h o t
🗲 i do want there to be a contrast between her and her sibling as far as their work ethic/her avoidance of living up to the legacy. it isn't necessary, but i think it could be an interesting dynamic and it'd be one way to feed that avoidance of hers.
🗲 i predict quite a bit of trouble for her laziness, which is why she will likely become a bit more sly about worming out of certain responsibilities. obviously she cannot escape all of them, but if she's on tick duty, for instance, she will hope to pass that off to a "volunteer."
🗲 she isn't actually incapable and has a lot of untapped potential. a no-nonsense mentor seems like the obvious choice for her, but i think one who balances no-nonsense with genuine care would be a route for tapping into that potential. an incredibly strict mentor would honestly have her putting more effort into not putting in the effort, which could also be a route that happens.
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Jackdawkit Raccoonstripe XX Nightbird

" If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. "
Tom, He/Him | Kit of ThunderClan | 00 Moons

Jackdawkit will be a rather large, well-built kit. With rounded features, he can be quite imposing. His fur is quite coarse, and oftentimes appears to be spiky. He also has a bit of an angry resting face, even when he is rather quite relaxed. With the lighter tones in his fur, he looks like a grumpy old man, the silver almost resembling a large graying beard.

Jackdawkit is a gentle giant. He doesn’t have much to say, and tends to be very soft-spoken. As intimidating as he may look, Jackdawkit would much rather sit in the back of the crowd. He wouldn’t even hurt a fly. As a matter of fact, he might end up befriending a fly, or some other insect. Those are cool.

You know how a lot of scary things can be more scared of you than you are of them? That is Jackdawkit. He is rather shy, and extremely awkward around others. He is very liable to fumble his words. A lot.

Jackdawkit is also extremely clumsy. He is liable to trip over his own paws at any given time. He might have to pay more than one visit to the medicine den, simply because he got hurt in some silly way.
  • I would love for him to have a really close relationship with his parents, finding safety in them.
  • It would be awesome if Jackdawkit was bullied by another kit for whatever reason, or maybe even his future mentor, and that could help serve to “toughen him up” so to speak
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Thank you so much to those who applied! Vayle and I had a tough decision to make… and we ended up expanding the litter to its maximum of five slots!

The RaccNight kits will be:

@antlers with Bayingkit
@alloy with Lightningkit
@nya with Twilightkit
@Floppie with Tigerkit
@waluigipinball with Stormkit

Thank you again to everyone who applied <3

Those who were chosen will be added to a family chat soon!