Jun 7, 2022
With foxes still lurking around the loner lands border and an ever-growing string of murders leaving SkyClan shaken, everyone is on high alert. SkyClan is starting to look at mandatory buddy practises for a while, to help ensure the warriors' safety before they drive the foxes out for good ...

Enter our partner plotting prompts for the month of May and June! By signing up in this thread, you and another roleplayer will be assigned a prompt to complete! This is to encourage branching out among the Clan and hopefully forming some new and lasting dynamics among our beloved SkyClanners.

Pairings will be given out after a few people have signed up, and each pairing will be given a prompt.

— Can my (non-warrior) sign up?
Yes! Any ranking of SkyClanner is welcome. While these prompts may focus around the foxes, not all of prompts will be about them.

— Will this be a badge event?
Not at this stage!

— My plot partner and I completed our prompt. Can we do another one?

— I have another question! Where do I ask?
Feel free to reach out to the HPs on the SkyClan discord, or ask in our questions channel!

[b]Character account:[/b] @user
[b]Priority level:[/b] (in comparison to your other characters, if any eg. main, secondary, casual)
[b]Prompts to avoid:[/b]
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Character account: @Daisypaw
Priority level: secondary but a high priority secondary!
Prompts to avoid: anything goes that a fresh apprentice could participate in ~
Character account: @BEAR
Priority level: secondary bordering on main
Prompts to avoid: nothing i can think of