Character account: @SLATE
Priority level: Main
Prompts to avoid: Probably anything where he willingly has to partake in overly happy interactions

Character account: @LIONKIT
Priority level: Secondary
Prompts to avoid: Out of camp threads :c

Character account: @COMETPAW
Priority level: Casual
Prompts to avoid: None that I could think of
sorry for the long wait on these!! if we've missed your character somewhere in this please let us know<3

Orangestar & Sangriapaw
... are sharing prey on a late new-leaf evening. Before Sangriapaw heads back to her twoleg nest she decides to inquire the leader about the Great Journey. Sangriapaw has heard of the trip all five clans took together in order to save their clans and that Orangestar had led SkyClan’s party into the mountains. Does Orangestar take pride in telling the tale to SkyClan’s youth? Are there any events in the story that still cause her to grimace? Bits that she’d rather not tell? How does Sangriapaw feel after hearing the story? Does she feel any pride knowing she shares blood with cats who endured the trip to the mountains?

Sorrelsong & Howlfire
... are hunting by the ThunderClan border. The stale stench of ThunderClan still lingers and they are reminded of their neighbors recent crime against SkyClan. Likely conflicted due to having litter-mates reside there, Howlfire wonders if a time will come where she’ll be expected to raise her claws against her kin. While Sorrelsong doesn’t understand what it’s like to have cross-clan litter-mates, she knows what it is like to be separated from kin. Is she able to provide Howlfire some comfort?

Honeysplash & Slate
... have an unlikely bump in with each other near the fresh-kill pile. Honeysplash who is friendly and bubbly attempts conversation with her sister’s lead warrior. Does Honeysplash know of the warrior’s past with her sister? Would she approve if they ever rekindled the flame, as brief as it had been, that they once held for each other? How does Slate feel about Honeysplash? A former daylight warrior turned full-time, is that enough for him to forget and ‘forgive’ of her kittypet past? Does her blood relation to Orangestar help negate any negative feelings he’d have towards her for it?

Cherryblossom & Dogbite
are near opposites, yet fate has landed them in a situation where they’re chasing down a fox together. Naturally, the new deputy takes the lead, but her youth and inexperience cause her to make a questionable choice OR an accidentally faulty move in the process of tracking down the fox. Dogbite who is shy, but older and more experienced has the opportunity to share their wisdom. Does he? Would Cherryblossom heed their advice or brush it off? Can deputy and lead warrior work together to ensure the fox has left their territory?

Duskpool & Chrysaliswing
... are on a hunting patrol when they hear the shriek of a rabbit, a prey animal they do not typically encounter in SkyClan. Rushing to investigate they find only a trail of it’s blood and the scent of fox… Hot-headed Chrysaliswing is eager to chase after the fox and launch himself into battle, does Duskpool feel similar anger? Or does he attempt to bring Chrysaliswing down to think rationally and report what happened to Orangestar before taking action?

Figfeather & Florabreeze
... are tasked with a routine border patrol, keeping an eye out for the foxes. The spirited duo come across some evidence that could either be left by foxes, rogues, or neither. Florabreeze was the first to stumble on the remnants of rogue violence, while Figfeather was part of the foxes’ initial assault on SkyClan. With their personal experiences, do the two clash on what it is or what actions to take? Will Figfeather’s experienced practicality be overshadowed by overbearing insistence, or will her opinion on daylight warriors sway her? Will Florabreeze’s immaturity take her delivery the wrong way or will she brush off the evidence, unwilling to confront the vulnerability of being a warrior again?

Silversmoke & Lupinesong
... rank among the tallest cats of SkyClan, but while Silversmoke is accustomed to throwing his weight around in a battle, Lupinesong is a green warrior with a marked reluctance to fight. After their experiences with the foxes and her mentor’s death by the rogues, Lupinesong and Silversmoke end up in a training session, whether by one’s request or just circumstance. Does Silversmoke push harder than usual in a spar, knowing with her size she could more easily protect the ones she loves if she just tried harder? Can Lupinesong see through his stony exterior and realize his bullish methods are his way of caring for others, or will she use this to sink deeper into her faults, or both?

Nemo & Sfogliatella
... are both new bloods of SkyClan. Over a piece of fresh-kill the opportunity to share their experience on settling into clan life arises. Do they open up to each other and find some comfort in the fact they’re not the only new cats in the forest? Perhaps this shared experience blossoms a friendship that will survive long after they become recognized and loyal SkyClan warriors.

Cometpaw & Hawkpaw
... are climbing the Tallpine. What was initially just climbing practice turns into playful competition and the two begin to see who can climb the highest. Cometpaw, with a subconscious desire to impress his den-mate and observing mentor, feels the need to surpass his comfort level and climb to heights he’s never seen before. Does he give into this temptation? If he does, will Hawkpaw follow in an effort to surpass him or become fearful for them both as the branches narrow with each upwards leap?

Hollykit & Eggbounce
... bump into each other at the fresh-kill pile. Hollykit recently heard a story from the elders about mean and evil cats who have plagued the clans in the past. She inquires Eggbounce about these types of cats and how to avoid them. Conversation unravels and Eggbounce’s whimsical beliefs on curses and the idea that you can tell the difference between a good and evil glance comes out. Has Eggbounce shared this with anyone else before? If not, how does it feel to share this knowledge with a kit who could use it to protect themselves from evil? Does Hollykit, who is naive with little experience, believe Eggbounce? Does he adapt the warrior’s beliefs?

Cloverjaw & Owlheart
... are practicing battle moves on each other. With signs of foxes all around the territory Orangestar and Cherryblossom have noted to their warrior’s to keep their skills sharp. In a spar, Cloverjaw overpowers the newer warrior with relative ease. Owlheart who is a perfectionist and often insecure finds herself bruised, rationally she knows the large tom has moons of experience over her but still she loses. How does she react? Does Cloverjaw revel in his own strength or does he take note of Owlheart’s feelings and offer to teach her some of his skills?

Lionkit & Butterflytuft
... are both stuck in the nursery on a rainy day. Recalling being informed Butterflytuft was Blazestar’s apprentice, Lionkit asks the queen to share stories of what it was like being his father’s apprentice. Does Lionkit feel a connection to his late father through Butterflytuft, knowing that she is a product of his teachings? Does Butterflytuft see signs of her late mentor in Lionkit?

Momowhisker & Pinefeather
... have been asked to track down foxes an apprentice had spotted near the twoleg-place border. They’re just to make sure the foxes have left the territory and if not report back to Cherryblossom on their new location. Just as they pick up on a trail a storm sets in. Heavy rain begins to pour that not even the thick boughs of the pine’s can protect them from. Do they decide to keep tracking? Do they collectively have the tracking skills to accomplish the task in these conditions? Or do they accept the odds against them and find a place to hunker down instead?

Daisypaw & Ricekit
... are clearing out the elder’s den together. While it’s traditional for apprentice’s to burden the chores around camp, Ricekit has been complaining of boredom, so a warrior has asked Daisypaw to allow her to join him for the task. It gets some energy out of a restless kitten and allows two former den-mates to catch up, so whats the harm? How does Daisypaw feel about having a shadow and showing Ricekit the ropes of nest duty? How does Ricekit feel about assisting with an apprentice responsibility?

Bluepaw & Spicepaw
... have been sent ahead of the patrol by their mentors to gather materials to reinforce the camp walls. Both originating from outside of SkyClan, they get to discussing how clan life has been treating them. Are they excited to become warriors of SkyClan? Do they have any doubts this is where they’re meant to be? Do they miss anything about their old lives before becoming clan-cats? What do they share? After their conversation and looting of materials the scent of fox lingers in the breeze… How do they handle it? Do they dare take matters into their own paws or do they immediately report to their mentors?

Coffeepaw & Bear
Coffeepaw approaches Bear with prey in maw. The apprentice doesn’t think he’ll be able to eat the entire squirrel and unable to find any kin or friends he decides to offer to share it with the warrior. Bear typically doesn’t enjoy sharing prey with others… but Coffeepaw is barely older than a kit. Does this sedate Bear’s weariness or does he remain reluctant to accept Coffeepaw’s offer? As for Coffeepaw, does he use this interaction to gain insight and wisdom from an older and experienced warrior? As a competitive apprentice he likely knows the more knowledge he observes the better chance he’ll have one paw ahead of the others.

Falcongaze & Candorkit
Falcongaze is teaching Candorkit some basic self-defense moves in the clearing of camp. Though he is still a kit, this is a good enough way to burn up some of Candorkit’s energy. This experience makes Falcongaze think about himself as a future mentor, he’s a young warrior but he knows soon Orangestar will entrust him with his first apprentice. How would he feel if he was honored in teaching one of Blazestar’s kits? What if he was given Candorkit himself? Vice versa, Candorkit is becoming an apprentice soon, does he wonder who his mentor will be? Does he hope for a more experienced warrior or would a young, but strong warrior such as Falcongaze be suitable?

Fireflypaw & Radiokit
... find themselves in camp on a sunny, warm day. Most of the Clan is out on patrols, and the air is hotter than Radiokit has ever known it to be. Horrifyingly, the warriors are already saying it'll get even worse before the moon is up! Fireflypaw, as the medicine cat apprentice, surely has some advice on keeping cool. Radiokit's sudden interest in what Fireflypaw has to say is definitely not just because their den is nice and shady ... right? And, potentially suspicious of Radiokit's ulterior motives, how does Fireflypaw feel about the little paws in his den?

Kurt & Ekat
... are sharing tongues as the Clan begins to settle in for the evening around them. The topic of warrior names is overheard from a gaggle of nearby apprentices, and the two adult SkyClanners share their thoughts on the topic among themselves. What's in a name, anyway? Neither Kurt nor Ekat carry Clan names, the latter by choice. Do either of them hope to be given a warrior name someday, or are they content with what they have now? Are names all that important to either cat?