RAY OF LIGHT — 01.01.24 meeting

When Blazestar emerges from his den, it’s done stiffly. There’s still a necklace of dried and flaking marigold at his throat, and his body feels bruised to the soul. He looks almost ruefully at the Highbranch before he clambers atop it; by the time he’s reached its zenith, his breath is ragged. He pauses before he gives the ceremonial call. It’s a momentous day for his daughter’s kits and for Pumpkinkit, Springkit, and Pocket—he will not let his own foolishness ruin the occasion. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!

He settles, his tail dangling limply. Blazestar looks for Howlfire, for the three rambunctious grandchildren who would be sitting proudly with their fur shining and their eyes bright. It’s enough to bring a gentle smile to his weathered features. “Today, we celebrate five kits beginning their warrior training. Blazingkit, Wolfkit, Hawk-kit, Springkit, and Pumpkinkit, please step forward. You have all reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you all to be apprenticed.” They will all stream forward, some awkwardly, some with trepidation, some in little excited bursts. This is the first of many steps that will be taken away from the queens who’d raised them.

He turns to his grandson, his namesake, a bright-eyed boy with a fiery spirit. “Blazingkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Blazingpaw. Your mentor will be Bobbie.” Fondly, he shares a glance with his mate, who he knows has been anxiously awaiting the day she’d receive a protégé of her own. “Bobbie, you were mentored by me, and I trust you’ll pass down all you’ve learned from me to Blazingpaw.” He remembers the first days they’d spent together, rushing through the pine forest with the breeze in their fur, with laughter on their tongues. He hopes she is looking forward to passing that onto his grandson.

Next is Wolfkit, lovely and pale beside the other kits. He goes on, “From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Wolfpaw. Your mentor will be Figfeather.” He finds the golden-pelted warrior in the crowd, offering her a knowing smile. He remembers how eager she’d been to mentor Cherrypaw, and the spirit she’d shown when she’d volunteered for the journey. Figfeather, in his eyes, has more than proved herself capable of handling Wolfpaw. “You had a fine mentor in Tallulahwing, Figfeather. I expect you will pass all she taught you to Wolfpaw.

Hawk-kit is next, bright-eyed and spirited. “Hawk-kit, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hawkpaw. Your mentor will be Howlfire.” He knows his daughter had been itching to leave the nursery, and before her brief tenure within its den, she’d never had an apprentice of her own. “You received excellent training from Little Wolf, Redstorm, and then Slate. I expect you to pass all the wisdom you’ve received from them to Hawkpaw.

Next comes Roseblaze’s kits, their dark pelts like shadows cast beside Howlfire’s. Blazestar first finds the blue-eyed she-kit’s gaze and begins, “Springkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Springpaw. Your mentor will be Orangeblossom.” His tail flicks as he waits for his deputy to touch her scarred muzzle to Springpaw’s nose. “Orangeblossom, it has been sometime since you’ve trained an apprentice. I expect you will pass all you know to young Springpaw.

Once the two of them have paired off, he turns to the final kit waiting for their name change. Pumpkinkit is different from its sister, but Blazestar has confidence in the pairing he’s chosen. He turns to where one of his lead warriors sits and inclines his head. “Pumpkinkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Pumpkinpaw. Twitchbolt will be your mentor.” He lifts his paw and gestures toward the chocolate-and-cream pelted tom so that Pumpkinpaw will know who to touch noses with. “Twitchbolt, you were a fine mentor to Doompaw, and I expect you will pass all you learned from Daisyflight onto Pumpkinpaw.

Once the new apprentices are sitting securely beside their mentors, Blazestar will find a familiar black-streaked white figure in the crowd of cats below him. “Edenpaw, since Tawnystripe’s passing, you are without a mentor. I would like for Hazelbeam to pick up your training.” The pair could travel to and from the Twolegplace together, and the extra time spent together would be beneficial for their training. He watches and waits for the new pair to touch noses before he turns his attention to a young apprentice in the crowd.

Pocket, it is time for you to become a warrior. Please step forward.” Once the tiny apprentice has done so, Blazestar will intone, “I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.” He lifts his chin and stares into Pocket’s eyes. “Pocket, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?

[ ceremonies: @BLAZINGKIT @wolfkit @Hawkkit @PUMPKINKIT @Springkit @bobbie @FIGFEATHER @Howlfire @orangeblossom @TWITCHBOLT @edenpaw ?! @Hazelbeam @pocket

Activity shoutouts coming in the next post :3 ]

, ”
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Dogbite, returning from a solo hunt, couldn't help but notice Blazestar's tired frame, an immediate concern flickering in his pale gaze as he observed the leader. The injury from the encounter with the fox was evident, and Dogbite grumbled to himself about the unfortunate incident.

Despite the lingering worry, Dogbite's attention shifted to a row of eager kits as Blazestar called out for the apprentice ceremonies. The prospect of these young cats taking their first steps into the warrior's path brought a sense of joy to the former loner. The meeting proceeded smoothly, filled with the happiness of clanmates and the bounding enthusiasm of the kits.

After Blazestar called out the names of the newly apprenticed cats, Dogbite's eyes lingered proudly on his friends, appreciating the responsibility they now held for the young cats. The ceremonies were always a happy occasion for Dogbite, and today was no exception.

Loudly and proudly he hollered alongside his clanmates. "Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!" Catching their breath attention turned to Pocket for his warrior ceremony. Dogbite felt a familiar warmth settle in his chest. Excitement bubbled within him as he eagerly awaited Pocket's response, knowing that the clan would gain a valuable new member to their ranks.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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The day had finally come. Roseblaze and Cricketchase watch from the entrance of the nursery, tails entwined and eyes full of love and pride as they watch their kits take tentative steps towards their futures. Roseblaze, of course, still worries for them, still frets over the child who was so different from everyone else, over her daughter who still cried for lost play things. "They’ll be fine" Cricketchase murmurs softly to his mate as he notices the tears that stain her cheeks. Roseblaze only nods mutely in return, turns to give her mate a grateful nuzzle before her attention is all for her children once again.

This was a big day for Springkit. She had been groomed for what had felt like hours by Roseblaze prior to the ceremony, had been schooled on how to behave, on how the ceremony would go. She would walk forward when she was called, she would touch noses with her mentor and then when she turned to rejoin the rest of her clan, it would be as an apprentice. She is grateful Pumpkinkit is here, that they stand by her side for such a monumental day, but she does find herself worrying. Would it know what to do? She finds her gaze shifting to them before excitement has her eyes shifting across the sea of faces, wondering which one would be her mentor.

She nearly bounces in place as Blazestar begins to speak those ceremonial words, nearly shoulders past all the other kits in order to get to the front of her assembled clan mates first. But she restrains herself, forces herself to walk with dignity and pride, the way her ma had taught her, the way that would make her and Cricketchase so proud. When finally she stops, she looks over at the other kits who were to be apprenticed alongside her. Of course, she loved Pumpkinkit and Hawk-kit and Wolfkit were cool too but… her eyes linger on Blazingkit for a few long seconds and if he were to turn her way - if his eyes were to meet her own she would quickly turn away, attention once again on the flame-pointed tom standing above them.

It is an extreme test of patience for her to stand this still, to watch as Howlfire’s kits were named and apprenticed before her. Tries her best not to let jealousy curl in her gut as Wolfpaw is assigned to Figfeather. She had been one of the cats Springkit had been hoping to be mentored by - the kind orange pelted Molly who had shown her how to hunt, who had played that feather game with her and Pumpkinkit. But then, before she knows it, it is her turn, and Blazestar is speaking her name, beckoning her forward.

Her movements are rushed, filled with excitement as she steps forward and twist her face upwards so that she can look at her leader as he speaks. She wants to memorize every word, every detail and feeling about today but it all feels like it’s going so fast her heart is racing a million miles a minute and she almost misses the name that comes from his mouth. Orangeblossom was to be her mentor he said. Her mouth could have come wide open in shock and she could have let out such a squeal of delight and excitement. Orangeblossom was so cool and she was the deputy and oh that meant she would be expected to work hard but that was okay! She would work hard and one day she would be a cool grown up too maybe.

All of these thoughts and more swirling about in her head, she steps forward, tilts her head up to meet noses with the larger she-cat, all the while her blue eyes shine with the excitement that she struggles to hide. "I’ll be the bestest apprentice ever Miss. Orangeblossom, I promise!" she vows, her voice low and conspiratorial so that only she could hear.

When her turn is over she returns to her peers, bumps shoulders gently with Wolfpaw as she comes to sit next to her friend and den-mate to watch her siblings ceremony unfold.

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Blazestar has looked better, Cherrypaw thinks. He's oddly disjointed for a man who has cheated death once again. Had some of it clung to him in the descent from the stars? She's never seen any of his deaths with her own two eyes, but she imagines StarClan wouldn't just kick him out right back onto death's doorstep.

Her attention drifts easily back to the kittens when he calls them forth. Five of them, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, no matter how much effort their parents must have put in to lick them neat. She doesn't recall having this many kittens apprenticed at once; all of them bunched together remind her of her own ceremony, vaguely as she remembers it. All five of her siblings, and three of Bobbie's, at least. The apprentice den would be just about swollen to bursting with cats in the next few moons. With a twist of annoyance, Cherrypaw realizes just how eager she is to become a warrior.

Blazestar relinquishes his grandson to his mate, and Howlfire receives her own daughter. Cherrypaw tilts her head. What would life be like if Orangeblossom or Ashenclaw had trained her? Or, weirdly enough, if Alice's new mate took her on, with the only reason she'd have a new mate being that someone killed Heavy Stone... Cherrypaw refocuses with a few licks to the chest, but the notion that she's watching Little Wolf's grandchildren become apprenticed continues to haunt the ceremony. Little Wolf wouldn't have seen the ceremony anyway if she were alive. Ruefully, she thinks the ThunderClanner would have a far better view in StarClan.

Surprisingly, she feels no surge of childhood jealousy when Wolfkit is apprenticed to Figfeather. As a kitten, she had wanted Figfeather and got Slate instead, but she's made a tenuous peace with him now. She's just glad the golden-striped warrior has an apprentice after all, though it makes Cherrypaw wary that Blazestar will overlook her for mentorship just as long.

Her earlier question is answered when Springkit goes to her mother. The kitten looks like she'd begin floating four paws off the ground with excitement, and her whiskers twitch with amusement. Her littermate gets Twitchbolt. Cherrypaw is starting to feel sorry for him. First Doompaw, and now—well, she didn't exactly know what was wrong with them, but they seemed to be as attentive as Twitchbolt's previous apprentice. A cruel thought she can't avoid: hopefully he wouldn't drive this one away, even though she knows Doompaw's decision was Doompaw's and no one else's.

Edenpaw is lined up as well, and her mouth quirks into a deeper smile. They look pretty silly among the kittens fresh out of the nursery, but it's not like they were incredibly far from their heights anyway. She doesn't know whether Tawnystripe lingers in their thoughts today as Little Wolf does in hers. Maybe being apprenticed to the elder-lover would bring some more levity in their life, lively as they already are. Cherrypaw doesn't even know if she's seen them get sad or mad about their mentor's death since the day he died.

"Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!" What a mouthful. It dawns on her that she's mostly here for Edenpaw. Why couldn't Howlfire and Roseblaze have just waited another few moons to have kits? She bets SkyClan could survive on the kittypets and loners looking to join alone.

At least someone was gaining independence today. Cherrypaw blinks expectantly at Pocket as the cheers die down, scrutiny gleaming in gilded eyes.​
|―――――――――――――――――| (()) |―――――――――――――――――|
Something was different today. The energy within the nursery was different. Livelier, more excited, frantic even, and it wasn't hard for it to rub off on the patchwork kitten, wriggling and pacing along with the others.

Roseblaze moved from one kit to the other, grooming and mouthing more than Pumpkinkit was sure she had ever mouthed before, looking between the two of them. At one point she stared hard at it, even raising her paw to tap at her nose as her mouth opened and closed. Dutifully it imitated her, putting its own paw to its nose and working its jaw the same. It could feel the puff of a sigh ruffle its fur as she stooped in to touch her nose to its own.

When the queen ushered them from the nursery, Pumpkinkit perked upon seeing the crowd of cats all gathering to sit together. That didn't happen very often! What were they doing, anyway?

Guided forward with a nudge from Springkit, the chimera sat down next to their sibling, twisting around to glance back and search for their parents. Roseblaze had moved to sit with Cricketchase. They looked happy. Upset. Both. Their fur prickled, and they looked to their sister, but... she seemed happy. It put them at ease, if only a little.

A flash of movement caught its eye, and Pumpkinkit looked up to see a big pale tom scale a tree and perch upon a branch above them. It had seen him around before. What was he doing way up there? Leaning forward with a curious tilt of its head, it could see him mouthing, looking from cat to cat.

Abruptly Springkit stood, looking more excited than ever, and it wasn't long before it was on its own paws and bounding after her. A white-and-orange molly stopped in front of her, and the two touched noses. Maybe they would be playing a game soon?

Then Springkit, unknowingly now named Springpaw, looked to her sibling and poked them, pointing with a paw and redirecting their attention behind them. Pumpkinpaw, also now unknowingly Pumpkinpaw, twisted around and found themself looking up at a chocolate-colored tom. Pumpkinpaw looked back to Springpaw, then up at the tom again.

For a moment it was confused, and then it struck them. Oh! Maybe it was its turn to do that? Was that the rule? The chocolate tom dipped his head in, and Pumpkinpaw sprang up to meet it, bonking their noses together rough enough to make its own sting. With a frown, rubbing its two-tone nose, it looked up at Twitchbolt uncertainly. It wasn't sure if it liked this one.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • image.png
  • (( pumpkinpaw )) of skyclan, sibling to springpaw ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 4 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is a known fact among skyclanners, but unlikely to be known by strangers
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinpaw is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springpaw.
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingkit tried his best not to squirm under Howlfire's tongue while she groomed him but it was hard not to wiggle away when it was a big day and it was where he would become an apprentice alongside his littermates and Pumpkinkit (and Springkit, he supposes). When the time came, the red tabby tomkit did his best to compose himself as he walked alongside his sisters with feathered ears pricked forward hearing the call of his grandfather and he could already imagine them running throughout the woodland that belonged to Skyclan, he would climb the biggest tree ever known in their territory, and they would bring lots and lots of prey to feed Butterflytuft and her kits. He can see himself being made a warrior within a few moons, maybe at eight due to all the lessons and skills that he obtains from Blazestar himself, and he would receive his warrior name. He stops daydreaming as he sits in the crowd with the rest of those who will be apprenticed today yet he cannot help but think that this, today of all days, would be the brightest moment of his and his sisters lives. He would bask in it as the stars themselves smiled down at the trio.

He feels as if he's being watched only to turn to meet eyes with Springkit and Blazingkit can't help but feel his snout scrunching up in the slightest. Why was the weird bug girl looking at him? She ended up turning away to look up and give her attention to Blazestar, one of his ears flicking in subtle annoyance. He'd ignore her... She would not ruin his day.

He's called upon first, Blazingpaw grinning wide already expecting to hear Blazestar announce that he would be his mentor yet he casts a familiar molly a glance and Blazingpaw feels his expression falter in the slightest and does his best not to show his disappointment. His pride was not terribly wounded as Bobbie was named as his mentor, she was trained by his grandfather, and even if the molly isn't his kin by blood... She's kin nonetheless. He would not disappoint either his parents, grandfather, nor Bobbie. This he solemnly swears as he steps forward to touch noses with her and smiles up at her. He wouldn't become a warrior at eight moons now but perhaps at nine or ten... He just knows that it'll be soon. Surely the fawn-like molly would put in a good word for him.

He settles down beside his sisters hearing them becoming paws alongside him but cannot help frown in the slightest when Hawkpaw's given to their mother instead of Orangeblossom, his mother would do well and he has no doubt in it but his imagined perfect day was going the wrong way with each turn and dip. Springpaw had stolen his sister's rightful mentor, the fur on his neck lifting in the slightest, and he curls his bottlebrush tail around his paws to keep it from lashing to the sides with frustration.

Maybe it was to soothe Roseblaze and Cricketchase's worries then Blazestar would assign Springpaw to a meaner mentor like Slate or Silversmoke. Or even Dawnglare himself. He silently hopes for it... But his thoughts subside when his clanmates start cheering for all the new apprentices, he feels his spirits lifted once more and smiles wide.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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*+:。.。 Orchidpaw usually avoided meetings - mainly on accident, as he'd usually be busy skirting his mentor to pay attention to the time of day, realizing only after waking peacefully from a nap on a high treetop just outside of camp that Blazestar's voice was booming for attention. Today, though, he made an effort and trots over to sit comfortably beside his sister, Cherrypaw, shooting her a cheerful look as he took his spot.

The meeting proceeds as meetings do. Drawn-out. But he does note with a pang of sympathy Blazestar's aches and pains. You don't need to have a medicine cat's eyes to know the old man has a lot more recovering to do. A shame he couldn't just have the meeting at the Hightree's roots, but he has to admire the man's dedication to presentation.

He has no particular opinion of the little ones bumping their noses to their new mentors. By the time Hawk-kit steps up, Orchidpaw has already begun to tune the whole thing out, choosing instead to take the time to groom his chest. He reflects as he does so his own apprentice ceremony. How eager he'd been to stand as still as possible, keep his chin as high as he could, and ensure he touched his new mentor's nose gently but firmly - first impressions meant everything. At least, back then. He would've sworn that he struggled with muscle aches for a whole moon after that from all the tension he'd carried in his muscles that day, gazing out over the crowd that cheered his new name and wondering all the while if he'd done it right. If he didn't mess up his first task as a working member of Skyclan. If his presentation had gone without a single flaw.
He hadn't even been able to enjoy the day at all.

He smiles ruefully at the memory, lifting his head back up as the cats around him begin to chant the names of Skyclan's newest members of the apprentice's guild. "Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!" he shouts a beat behind his sister. Starclan, his jaw was going to fall off from screaming all these names! On the bright side, the apprentice's den was going to be a little more stuffed but at least there'd be more body heat to combat Leaf-bare's chill!

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Skyclan — Apprentice

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
Fireflypaw sits beneath the looming tree like a statue, quiet and keeping to himself as the shouts of clanmates names are heard. New apprentices, Howlfire's kits were being apprenticed- he smiles, voice rising to join the others. "Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!" He shouts, soon quieting down to listen to Pocket's ceremony. It would be nice to not have to deal with warrior training, so he could just do his job and keep out of fights. Perhaps he was lucky, to be blessed with his position. A gift from the stars above. ​

All day he seemed to pace. Anxiety riddled his stomach, and anyone that did approach him would receive nothing but incoherent anxiety ridden muddles of words that he could barely spit out. He was stressing this ceremony to the point of almost having an anxiety attack.

What if he wasn't ready? What if he shouldn't be a warrior yet? What if everything fell out of place, and the ceremony turned out to be useless? He didn't feel he was good at anything- he was small, he was still a bit clumsy on his paws. Yet Sweetybee was so sure that he was ready. She was sure that everything would fall in place, that he still had time to learn, and it was okay he was learning slowly.

And Pocket was trying so hard to just calm down, his heart frantic in his chest as Blazestar called for the meeting. He'd plant himself on the ground, nervously licking down fur on his chest. He was so confident and sure he wanted to stay, but that was it. He wasn't confident the clan would accept him. He was just- he was born a kittypet...

He'd focus on the Maine coons words, biting the inside of his cheek till it felt sore as he started with naming apprentices. A line of kittens, not much smaller than him, gaining their names and receiving their mentors. And he choked out the names in a celebratory manner- soft-spoken and quiet but it was still there underneath the large group of cats. "B-b-blazingpaw! Wolfp-paw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! P-pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!" His voice stuttered and he was glad no one except maybe the few around him would be able to make out his mess of words.

And then it was his turn. He'd approach quickly, though fear came off of him in waves. He'd offer a small smile towards Blazestar, gulping as he continued to offer the apprentice the pledge of allegiance. He'd take a breath, a deep one before nodding quickly. "I - I d-do."

But could he really? Could he genuinely protect his clan? He would try- he would uphold his word, he always would... he was just scared.


The marmalade tabby pads to settle down beneath the High Branch, she sits down with @Fantastream ! at her side. She greets her mate with a gentle smile before refocusing her attention upon Blazestar, though the news of kits had shaken the warrior she had far from abandoned her mate. Figfeather knows somehow they’ll get through this- Fantastream seemed excited after all and maybe someday soon Figfeather would be able to join her with eager purrs. Maybe cats were right, she’d grow into her soon-approaching role.

Blazestar’s breath is ragged by the time he makes it atop his perch. Figfeather has to force a frown off her face, it always concerned her to see the large Tom doing unwell. The fox he had encountered near the ThunderClan border had really done a number on him, but with ample rest he’ll soon be back to the mighty cat he always was. As he calls forth five kits she cannot help but admire his strength and resilience.

As with every batch of apprentices, Figfeather straightens her spine and allows her ears to rotate forward in anticipation. She always had to wonder if today would be the day her name would be called, it was difficult to remind herself she may be faced with disappointment. Figfeather has been a warrior for many moons now, she believed herself capable of mentoring an apprentice, but Blazestar and Orangeblossom have not yet granted her the privilege. She trusts their judgement, but that didn’t mean her heart did not falter every time her name went unspoken.

Blazingkit is assigned to Bobbie, it made sense that the fresh lead warrior was to have an apprentice for herself. She watches the two unite to touch noses, it would be exciting to see Bobbie as a mentor after expirencing the journey and the teachings of Blazestar himself.

Wolfkit is another kitten of Coyotecrest and Howlfire, it always put her on her paws how fast kittens grew up. She was excited to have their mother back out on patrols and hunting duties, Figfeather had missed her companionship. She is named Wolfpaw, and Figfeather feels the blood rush to her face. She is to be Wolfpaw’s mentor, her heart flutters as she looks to Fantastream, excitement beaming in her eyes. She’s waited many moons for this day, she would waste no time seizing it.

The red tabby pushes through the crowd, her orange gaze meeting Blazestar’s as he smiles to her. She beams gratefully before settling before Wolfpaw, honored to have been chosen to train her. ’You had a fine mentor in Tallulahwing, Figfeather’ Yes, she had! Figfeather has never felt more closer to her late mentor than she did now as she takes her own apprentice. She wonders if the tortoiseshell watches now with a smile upon her face, does she stand beside Figfeather now proud of the warrior she had raised? Does Daisyflight beam too with Snowpath at her side?

It was her turn now, she would be the best Tallulahwing she could be for Wolfpaw. She looks at her apprentice and forces eager fur to lay back. Leaning in she touches noses with the she-cat and when she pulls away she dips her striped head, ”I’ll teach you all I know.” She vows, Wolfpaw will have her eternal focus and attention. Figfeather will turn her into a valiant warrior of SkyClan, one of the best.

Dispersing back into the crowd she finds Fantastream once more, a purr strong in her throat. ”Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!” She cheers the apprentices name, her voice dying out as Blazestar commences Pocket’s warrior ceremony.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing


It was quite the day for Skyclans kits, and Johnnyflame couldn't help but grin as he watched Blazestar assign them to warriors to officially begin their apprenticeships. The bobtail had never been through a proper one himself, having been too old by the time he joined to actually be assigned one. Instead, he'd trained alone or with other warriors to improve whatever skills he didn't already have, and while it'd worked out just fine and he had been happy to do so, there was still a part of him that couldn't help but wistfully wonder what that part of his life would have been like.

Not to get him wrong- he loved his twolegs and his life had been a mostly good one in their care- but his life as a kittypet and his life as a warrior were to very different roads walked. Sometimes, he couldn't help but wonder where his life would have led him if the two had never crossed, or if he'd instead been born within the forest like so many of his wildborn clanmates.

"Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!"

His voice joined his clanmates in cheering for the youngsters, and when things finally quieted down, Johnny let his bright eyes fall upon Pocket, who was also being sworn in as a full warrior. Johnny was glad for them, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of name Blazestar had picked for them.

The new mentors go to brush noses with their eager new apprentices—some gracefully, some noisily, some sloppily (Blazestar smiles apologetically in Twitchbolt’s direction in particular after Pumpkinpaw’s aggressive nose bump). When he’s called, Pocket steps forward, his voice trembling as he swears his warrior vows to the entirety of SkyClan. “I do,” he intones, and Blazestar inclines his chin briefly before speaking.

Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Pocket, from this moment on, you will be known as Shrewflight. StarClan honors your compassion and your dedication, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.” Blazestar—slowly, painstakingly—clambers down from the Highbranch so that he can rest his golden muzzle atop the newly-named Shrewflight’s head. He will wait for the young tom to lick his shoulder before he pulls away, voice ringing out above the rest of the Clan’s: “Shrewflight! Shrewflight!

Blazestar will allow the cry to be taken up and passed around—once the chants dwindle, he will clear his throat, turning to address the cats at large again. “There is some news, before I conclude this meeting. Those of us who were at the Gathering were able to see it for ourselves. WindClan did not appear at all.” His tone is grim. “Even Sunstride did not appear to speak for their Clan. It’s unknown if they are still occupying Highstones, but the council did decide SkyClan will not act alone when we have our own Clan to tend to in leafbare. Should they hang onto our sacred grounds in newleaf still, SkyClan will meet with the other Clans to discuss reclaiming Highstones.” A shadow flits over his eyes—he remembers Smokestar coming to speak with him, remembers his failed adventure to ThunderClan. He knows the other leaders had come to much the same conclusion. Leafbare was perilous for battles; his Clan knew this perhaps best of all.

He twists to give his shoulder a brief lick before turning back to address his Clan. “Furthermore… my last patrol to the unclaimed lands found rogue scent inside of our border.” His neck fur bristles, though he maintains a calm tone. “We cannot let them get comfortable stealing our prey and trespassing again. That is what cost us our territory the last time. So Orangeblossom will be organizing a patrol to chase the rogues out once and for all.” He lifts a paw to quiet any outraged murmurs from his Clan. “We have other borders we must patrol, and we must be sure our camp stays re-inforced and our fresh-kill pile well-stocked. With WindClan so quiet and with this new trouble with the rogues, I want us to be prepared.

@DAWNGLARE @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Johnnyflame @TWITCHBOLT @DUSKPOOL @Howlfire @Dogbite @Drizzlepelt @edenpaw ?! @Cherrypaw @BLAZINGPAW

THANK YOU SO MUCH !! i know december was a slower month because we had a break from plot, but stay tuned for skyclan's final event under blazestar :3 ]

, ”
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Sweetybee has been waiting for this day. She has taught Pocket all she knows, and now its time for him to become a full warrior of Skyclan. She is so proud of him, she can barely contain her excitement as she sits amongst her clanmates. She feels more confident herself, watching him grow. The warm feeling she feels inside is almost overwhelming in its love as she listens to the meeting, smiling brightly at the new apprentices named, among them being Howlfire's kits. Blazestar's grandkits. They grow so fast, she feels old. She doesn't let it dampen her mood, though. She cheers loudly for them, excited to see them running around.

And now the moment she has been waiting for is nigh, Pocket's ceremony. She watches, her breath caught in her throat from her excitement. She looks at him with love and pride, and when Blazestar gives him his new name, she bursts into cheers. "Shrewflight! Shrewflight!"

She hurries over to the new warrior and gives him and loving shoulder bump. "I'm so proud of you! Your new name is wonderful, congratulations, Shrewflight!" She says, nearly teary eyed. This is how queens feel when their kits grow up, she's certain of it.​

The day would be a very important one. Her kits would be becoming apprentices, she would be returning to her warrior duties. It was a day of nerves and excitement. Howlfire was excited to return to her warrior duties and excited for her kits to begin the next stage of their lives but also nervous for the latter too. They had grown considerably but it was hard to see them as anything more than her small children at the moment. Just last night they had been snuggled at her belly, warm and safe. Now they would be ready to go out and learn the way of a warrior. Howlfire buried her fears down by focusing on getting her kits ready, spending much of the morning grooming them, and trying their best to ensure they weren't too hopeful of getting certain mentors.

At last the time arrives, Blazestar begins this meeting by calling five of the kits forward, those who were ready to begin their journey as apprentices. Howlfire watches her children step up, tears shimmering in her eyes. Although it was hard to see them go, she's proud of them.

One by one her kits new names are bestowed and mentors are assigned. Blazingpaw did not get Blazestar as he had hoped but rather Bobbie. A surprising choice but one she thinks will go well. Bobbie had learnt from Blazestar and Howlfire is certain she would pass on what she had learnt. Wolfpaw is assigned to Figfeather and Howlfire smiles warmly at her friend. She knew Figfeather had wanted an apprentice of her own for a while and she is glad that her dear friend will mentor one of her daughters. Speaking of daughters, Hawkpaw is assigned to Howlfire herself. Her surprise is evident on her face but she is honoured by the opportunity. Howlfire steps forward and touches her nose against Hawkpaw's head. "I look forward to teaching you all I know."

After stepping away, Howlfire watches as Springpaw and Pumpkinpaw join them, being assigned Orangeblossom and Twitchbolt respectively. Howlfire thought that whilst Hawkpaw might have been happy with her, she'd have been a little disappointed to see Orangeblossom assigned elsewhere. As well as the new apprentices, Edenpaw was in need of a new mentor, reassigned to Hazelbeam following the passing of their previous.

"Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! Edenpaw!" Howlfire calls out, shouting the names of the apprentices. Her voice died down as Pocket was called to gain their warrior name, becoming Shrewflight. Once again, she calls out the new name before drawing still and quiet when Blazestar began to speak again. He speaks of the recent gathering and WindClan's lack of appearance. Howlfire frowned slightly at that, muttering quietly her grievances about this. Apparently, the clans potentially would come together to talk about reclaiming Highstones. There was further troubling news with talk of rogue activity inside their border. Troubling to hear, but Blazestar appeared to be taking steps to ensure they were prepared lest the worse potentially happen.

He had not been entirely ready for the concept of having another apprentice- it'd be another wild one, with his luck. One who hardly wanted to be a warrior, who'd run off into the sunset, who'd die out there in the Twolegplace, where leaders and lead warriors seeped into the stars, be it for just a moment or forever.

It would make no sense, though... with so many apprentices arriving, for him to go without one. Pumpkinpaw- the name hitched on uneven ears, and Twitchbolt's attention swivelled to the young cat, his new apprentice. Wide green eyes shone with overt uncertainty. You were a fine mentor to Doompaw, Blazestar had said, but how could he be so sure? Doompaw was Stars-knew-where now- there was no proof of his mentoring ability. Nothing at all...

And yet, he was at least prepared to do his best for Pumpkinpaw. It would be a challenging apprentice, no doubt... they could not hear, after all... but Twitchbolt was, at the very least, very visual in his emotions and his actions. He hoped... after some work, he and Pumpkinpaw might be able to find some way to communicate. Bowing his head, he was met with a quick flash of pain as Pumpkinpaw smashed their noses together. Confusion glimmered in its eyes, and was promptly mirrored in Twitchbolt's.

He caught Blazestar's eye for only a moment- an apologetic look, maybe. Twitchbolt let his own smile of sorriness wobble across his lips as he glanced back down to Pumpkinpaw, beckoning with his kinked tail to guide it back into the crowd.
penned by pin ✧


Quillstrike watched the proceedings in silence, his dull, monotonous voice calling out with the rest of his clanmates because he wasn't that much of an asshole to not encourage the new apprentices. His gaze though trailed after only one cat though- one with frazzled fur and conflict in their multi-hued eyes; Twitchbolt.

At least, until Blazestar mentioned the rogues.

The fur along the back of his neck spiked and mismatched eyes narrowed in agitation, snapping toward the ragdoll before the words were even entirely out of their mouth. Before Quillstrike could add anything to the protests already being spoken, Blazestar was quieting the crowd and continuing.

One thing was for sure; if Quillstrike caught site of any rogue sniffing around their territory, he'd kill them on sight. No fucking way was he going to risk his mate or anyone else to a bunch of cats he didn't even know or care about.

skyclan - male - 23 months (Feb 17th) - mates with Twitchbolt <3 - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 It was kinda bittersweet... this was the first meeting since.......

They shove his name into a forgotten place in the back of their mind, sucking in a shaking breath as flickers of dark quills spark in and out of imagination. Their paws shake despite their stubborn will not to acknowledge it, huddled close to Cherrypaw as they crouch down to avoid being seen much. It's easier to just ignore it... probably. The presence of plush autumn-colored fur is medicine enough, leaning over just slightly enough to feel the sensation of her pelt pressed against theirs- a security blanket, a warm hug that didn't need wrapping paws to feel complete.

Peering up at Blazestar with squinting eyes, they wonder if he still looks down at them from up there with that same sympathetic frustration as he had in his den. Stuck with his paws tied knowing there's not much justice to be achieved when they'd stumbled across a thin line. It had been almost a month of training left on pause, maybe he'd given up? They couldn't blame him... even in hushed conversations with Glimmerpaw (they searched for their friend now, realizing the absence of an equally downy pelt to take shelter beside) the two had confessed their struggling.

New apprentices are named and the pin-stripe cat is eager to welcome them, to have the opportunity to better befriend those little kittens they'd been watching with wild spring eyes. They were big enough now to share a den with... Was Howlfire ready to be free of the confines of a warm, milky den? Would she miss the company of Butterflytuft? Wasn't she afraid of what her children would be forced to face now?


Their drifting gaze flicks to Blazestar in alarm, spine straightening as they sit up properly from their hunched over spot on the ground. They swallow thickly, teeth grit tightly at the mention of who they'd lost, the painful and public reminder they'd been nothing more than a floater for the last few weeks. Couldn't hunt... couldn't fight. Great help in the dead of winter... at the very least they didn't steal from the mouths of babes when they snuck home to eat the hard, dry nuggets left by their Twoleg in the window sill.

Turning to face Hazelbeam with stupefied stare, the bi-color odd-ball couldn't help but gawk. She was going to be their new mentor? Hot embarrassment flushes under their pelt as clan-mates cheer for them alongside the new, overjoyed that they celebrate them rather than admonish their directionless path as a daylight apprentice. Flicking their bobbed tail slightly to tap Cherrypaw in a silent, I'm okay, they get up to wander closer to the hat-adorned molly with a cheesy smile. "Hi again Miss Hazelbeam."

Only time would tell if someone as cool as Hazelbeam could help direct aimless paws!​

'From this moment on, you will be known as Shrewflight.'

He couldn't believe it. He would actually receive his warrior name. He was.. he was accepted as a skyclanner. He had finally proven himself. Shrewflight, he'd repeat in his head, For compassion and dedication. As the golden furred leader, body laced with scars and new injuries, would place a gentle head on his own, Shrewflight would lean forward, as he seen many others do, and press a gentle tongue to Blazestars shoulder quickly.

"Th-thank you.." he murmured ever so softly with a ducked head to the leader. And he would pull away, a gentle smile on his face as he pulled through the crowd to sit back where he was before.

Sweetybee would be quick to congratulate him, bumping her head against his shoulder and grinning. He had made her proud- he had done it. He had really done it. He had learned his place, and he had made her so happy. "I couldn't have done it without you, Sweetybee. You helped me so much... And I- I have something for you. Later I'll give it to you- as like... a thank you."

He didn't know a lot about friendship. But he felt there was one here, and he wanted his previous mentor to understand how much Shrewflight did appreciate her.

His attention would turn back to Blazestar. He spoke of Windclan situation, and the tiny warrior shifted uncomfortably. There was not a lot they could do, and he agreed with that. But he couldn't help if part of it was that he was just a newly made warrior, and he had a lot to learn. He had listened intently, before letting out a small sigh. They will do what they could for others when they could afford it.

Hawkkit's fur has never been shinier. She thinks it's too shiny, honestly, but after Howlfire had painstakingly removed all the twigs and leaves from her messy pelt she thinks the least she could do is not roll in the dust until after the meeting. She's becoming an apprentice today, after all, and she has to look her best.

Next to her littermates and by Springkit and Pumpkinkit (did it know what was going on?), Hawkkit listens patiently, but not very patiently, as Blazestar says the magic words of apprenticeship and assigns Blazingkit to Bobbie. She's nice, and she'd been trained by Blazestar so maybe Blazingpaw would be happy to be trained by pop-pop by proxy? But any thoughts of her brother are tossed out of the metaphorical den as her name is called and she's assigned to Howlfire.

"I didn't know I could get you as my mentor!" She whispers to her mother, eyes wide and delighted. Hawkpaw practically vibrates in place as she touches noses with the tabby. Figfeather is cool, and Hawkpaw is happy for her sibling to see that she'd been given a warrior that their Clanmates spoke really highly of, but Hawkpaw got her mother and that's the most important thing about today.

Hawkpaw doesn't even care that Springpaw got assigned to Orangeblossom. She'd mostly said she wanted to be trained beneath the deputy because she'd been Blazingkit's deputy in their warrior games and that made the most sense; but Orangeblossom is also kind of scary, even if she is cool, and it's an immediate weight off Hawkpaw's shoulders to know that she'd be training with someone she already knows well. This outcome is so much better.

As the cheers break out around her - for her! - after Pumpkinpaw is assigned to Twitchbolt and Edenpaw is reassigned to Hazelbeam, Hawkpaw looks up at Howlfire again. The new apprentice beams, purring so hard she thinks she might explode. Not even the news of the rogues or Blazestar's droll talk of WindClan can sober her sunny mood, especially after Shrewflight joins the warriors. This is the best day ever.
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Orangeblossom watches Blazestar critically as he ascends to Highbranch, darting attention fixed on the creamy tom in search of unseen wobbles or weakness. She knows by now that revival restores him somewhat, but she's never seen him look so ... weak. She thinks back to their conversation. This is his last chance, and none of their Clanmates could know. If she catches Dawnglare's silvery eyes lingering on her, she'd meet his gaze; Blazestar said he had known. Does he know she's been told?

Either unaware of or ignoring her frown Blazestar calls this moon's apprentices-to-be forward. It's no surprise that the first names called to step forward are his grandkits, and Orangeblossom's trepidation is replaced by mild amusement as the three rambunctious youngsters are called forth. With them come Springkit and Pumpkinkit, Cricketchase's pride and joy.

It doesn't take an oracle to see that the assignment to Bobbie seems to have gone against young Blazingpaw's expectations. This should resolve itself in time: Blazestar was right in announcing that his mate would pass her knowledge truly and wholly down to his grandkit. Her newfound determination paired with her usual gentler disposition might lend itself well to balancing Blazingpaw's raucous behaviour, though both he and his littermates were menaces in their own rights.

Figfeather is finally, finally given an apprentice in Wolfpaw. Orangeblossom knows the sun-striped warrior had been feeling left out moon after moon, watching her littermates given new opportunities and recognised for achievements that Figfeather had made too. This should hopefully begin to rectify the gap that's widened between Daisyflight's brood (or at least, the one that Orangeblossom believes there to be).

Howlfire gets to keep a close eye on one of her kits, with Hawkpaw being apprenticed to her. Ordinarily this would be an unusual decision; apprentices aren't often given to either parent to train, though Howlfire had proven herself ready for an apprentice even before falling pregnant. At least Hawkpaw seems delighted by the assignment, the young she-cat practically shaking with excitement over it all.

It's been about twelve moons since Orangeblossom has been called forth to mentor, Thistleback's daughter now among the warriors and the ginger-patched deputy left to her own devices. This moon, however, that would change, and she draws herself upwards with a mild grimace that settles as Springpaw approaches to touch noses. The curious enquiry to be given a task as a kitten had captured Orangeblossom's interest as a mentor, and while she had not asked Blazestar outright to mentor Rozeblaze's daughter she had not suggested anyone else to him.

"You'll be one of the best warriors SkyClan has seen by the time we're done." Orangeblossom promises the young molly as she draws back, something akin to a smile upon her scarred muzzle as she watches Springpaw rejoin her cohort among SkyClan's crowd.

Twitchbolt, who had been an easy apprentice from an outsider's point of view aside from his intermittent panic, really had been given pawfuls to train. Was Blazestar testing him? Even if Pumpkinpaw generally seemed to mean well, its deafness might prove more of a challenge than most mentors would be able to work with. Orangeblossom worries for the odd-eyed kit somewhat, and her gaze lingers on them for a moment longer until the cheers start up around her.

"Blazingpaw! Wolfpaw! Hawkpaw! Springpaw! Pumpkinpaw! ... Edenpaw!" Swept up in her thoughts, Orangeblossom has missed Edenpaw's reassignment. Based on their proximity to Hazelbeam, however, she can guess. Orangeblossom can hear her kits' voices among the cheers for their new denmates, she notes with a sense of satisfaction. Whether that respect for tradition is her own installation or their father's or neither, she's pleased that they add their voices to the calls.

"Shrewflight! Shrewflight!" Orangeblossom adds her own meow to the second round of cheers, welcoming SkyClan's newest warrior. One of the youngest shelter cats Johnnyflame, Tallulahwing and Momowhisker had freed: Pocket, now Shrewflight. Her expression softens minutely as Shrewflight immediately returns to Sweetybee's side, quick to thank his mentor. Even if Sweetybee went home to her twolegs night after night, Orangeblossom can see that the two warriors would continue to grow their trust in each other. She should send the two on patrols together more often.

Torn ear twitches as Blazestar calls his Clan to attention once more, muzzle hardening again as their leader announces his discovery of rogue-scent inside the border. Orangeblossom nods as her name is called again; of course she would organise this patrol. In the meantime, she muses to herself, would it be safe to organise patrols as usual? The Clan had new apprentices now. They'd have to see the unclaimed border sometime soon, and learn to mark it. Perhaps if they were to exercise due caution, she could send them out with the warning to return as soon as they encountered something untoward ...