RIVER — named for her long blue-silver pelt
67 moons — ages every 1st
female — she/her
pine group — member
appearance — River is a large cat with main coon ancestry, evident in her long fluffy fur and size. She has dark tabby markings and large amber eyes.
mama bear mama bear — she can never have children of her own and she has never adopted any poor kits in need of a mother. Yet, she still loves the cats Rain adopted and dotes om them like a proud parent.
protector of the small — she fears not for her own life, after all, she has an advantage in size! But River will make sure that the cats around her are kept safe!
NPC x NPC — generation 1
sister to RAIN
friends — list friends
acquaintances — the pine group
enemies — the marsh group
before — River was born as a kittypet alongside her brother, Rain, before they moved into the forest.
after —
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