falling down the rabbit hole
Mar 3, 2024
It is only Obi's second time in the new addition to his twolegs' nest, and the experience remains fresh and completely captivating. At first, he searches for the friend he made just one twoleg-sleep ago, but when there's no sign of his pale-furred companion, Obi wonders if he wanted to stay with his twolegs today. Or perhaps he's gone and found those wild cats he talked so much about— the ones who supposedly eat kittens. As skeptical as Kenobi is about that, what if it is true and they've gobbled him up like he's merely a tasty helping of kibble?

He frowns, pressing his nose against the mesh. Something rustles just outside of view. Has his friend come to visit after all? Straightening from his slouch —he was not pouting, not at all— he strains against the odd walls of his den. This would be much simpler if he knew his friend's name, but an introduction was not chief among his concerns at the time. More's the pity. "Hello? Is that you, my friend?"
" I- um.. I don't think so? " Michael didn't think anyone had ever referred to him as their friend, much less another cat. His twoleg? perhaps. He didn't really understand them though and he wouldn't be certain. They had been kind to him, treated him well, but he wasn't their equal so, perhaps, not really their friend.

The dark tabby had been picking his way across the twoleg place in hopes of scrounging up some discarded food, coming across kibble left out for someone's 'outdoor' cat, anything. He was endlessly hungry these days, for a reason he was finding it hard to ignore, and seemed to spend every waking moment trying to eat. " I.. suppose I could be, though? " If Michael didn't know who the friend was supposed to be then maybe it really was him. It could've been a term for anyone, he supposed.

He made his way toward the voice, gazing curiously at a confined cat. Michael had never seen his type of den before but, really, nothing twolegs did surprised him. " Who are you? "
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The voice that finds him is not Mojito's, and the complete unfamiliarity rattles Obi, though just for a moment— after which he rallies, reminding himself that getting through these walls is no easy feat. Besides, the stranger doesn't seem particularly threatening, and Kenobi relaxes further when the older cat continues to speak.

"You could be? That is, you'd like to be? Of course you would! I am a very good friend to have." He tilts his chin and squares his shoulders, all with a pleasant smile. Unlike Mojito, this stranger's coloring is much more familiar to Obi, though he is no less intrigued by his presence, of course. A wandering cat must have many interesting stories to share, and until he manages to free himself, he will have to experience broader horizons through other eyes.

He blinks, realizing he's asked a question, and he scrambles to answer. "Oh! Yes, proper introductions are in order. I'm Kenobi, though if you mean to be my friend, you may call me Obi as my twolegs do."