camp READY FOR THEIR STONES // bringing kit back

// @unnamed kitten @Flamewhisker
and tagging the queens @ROEFLAME . @Moonwhisper

An abandoned kitten. Howlingstar remembers in leaf-fall when this had become quite common around this forest; their nursery had been full of orphans back then. Now, they're all training as apprentices, fully accepted ThunderClanners. She supposes this little one will be just the same. She leads the way into camp, and behind her toddles the kit - behind him, Flamewhisker. The elderly she-cat feels curious eyes fall on the; she offers them all knowing, sad looks before leading the way straight to the nursery. "This is our camp, little one," She begins to explain, looking over her shoulder at him. "You're safe here. I'll have one of the apprentices bring you by something to eat, soon." She glances towards the nearest apprentice who's listening in and nods to them to send them off.

"And this," She pokes her head into the warm, cozy den, "Is our nursery. The queens in here are Roeflame and Moonwhisper - they'll take care of you." Although, she can't help but notice just how the kit clings to her deputy's legs...her pregnant deputy. She smiles, blinking from the kit to the fiery ginger she-cat. "And perhaps, Flamewhisker will too - soon enough." Sooner than planned....maybe? She can see the way the deputy looks at the child.

"He'll need a name," She goes on, eyeing all three she-cats. "I'd appreciate some ideas...I know you all have been thinking of plenty of names for an entire half-moon!" A small chuckle leaves her as she gestures for the kit to go inside. "After all...he's ThunderClan, now." Hopefully, that will tell the others all they need to know. The poor scrap was abandoned.
Softpaw peered curiously at the patrol as they returned to camp, though this time they bore no ill will of what lay beyond the camp. Instead, what they brought with them this time, was a kitten. It surprised Softpaw, to see the cats come back with one more to their party, and she inched closer as the caravan approached the nursery. She could hear Howlingstar introducing the camp to the newcomer, and Softpaw perked up when the leader nodded towards her to send her off to get food for the young kitten.

The albino apprentice trotted over to the fresh-kill pile, choosing a mouse that seemed the perfect size for the kitten. She was just getting back to the nursery in time to hear Howlingstar ask the other queens for ideas on what to name the orphan, and Softpaw felt her heart sink at the idea that this kitten had lost its parents so early on. Softpaw wasn't sure what she'd do if she lost Whitelion and Spiderlily, even at her age.

"Here you are, little one," Softpaw said nicely as she gently set the mouse down. She wondered if it was fun, to think of names for kits. Maybe one day she'd learn first-hand. Stepping back so as not to crowd the nursery, Softpaw lingered nearby, curious.

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ It may have been shock that led the kitten to follow these strangers without objection, leading to a mostly quiet journey back to camp. The brown cat had told him that his mother wasn't here, and he was too cold and weary to object. Soon enough, as they entered the camp full of strange scents and stranger faces, he couldn't help but long for her once more.

He'd never had a sleepover before - that was what the hopeful part of him was calling this - and he hoped his mother wouldn't mind if he spent the next night. They seemed like friends enough, even if the words they spoke were unknown to him. Camp. Apprentice. Nursery. If he had any more energy in him, he'd question each word, asking all the 'whats' and 'whys' in his little head. For now, he was content just to absorb.

Once inside the nursery, the kitten was swiftly introduced to the queens - mothers, he guessed. Someone else's mothers, but not his own. At least Flamewhisker (the ginger cat, he learned) looked at him kindly enough, but it wasn't quite the same as his mother's icy stare. The word 'name' was mentioned again from Howlingstar. It was one of those new words that he had learned, and he discovered that he didn't really have a 'name'. Not like Flamewhisker or Roeflame or Moonwhisper. "Mother called me 'baby', and 'kit," the boy spoke up after a long-lasting silence. Would they still change it knowing this?

The child's stomach growls on cue at the mention of fresh-kill, and as the cold begins to subside in the body heat-warmed den, he realizes just how hungry he was. Food was scarce with the snow, and his mother went hunting frequently - if this was any normal hunting trip, she'd have been back with food long ago. The kit had missed his meal. Thankfully, Howlingstar sent for someone to fetch the fresh-kill, and the kitten's face lit up at the sight of a mouse.

The boy squeaked a soft 'thank you' to the cat, observing her for just a moment before he'd begin to dig into the mouse with tiny fangs. She spoke softly, much like the cats who brought him to ThunderClan. She was bigger than him, but even smaller than the adults - and her fur was soft and snow-white, a familiar and longing sight. "You look like mama," he commented towards the apprentice who had brought him food. His voice was quiet now, forlorn and distant as if reliving a memory. But all was soon forgotten as he plunged his little fangs into the fur of the mouse, with a new light returning to his eyes once more.

  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    UNNAMED KITTEN he/him, loner kitten, 2 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage, family unknown
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ The trip back to the camp was long, or maybe it just felt longer to her. She trailed behind the kitten, darting forward with her nose or paw each time he fumbled. The tabby had wanted to volunteer to carry him, but she was barely able to keep up with her own extra weight.

By the time they returned, Flamewhisker's paws ached. Howlingstar padded straight towards the nursery, and something tugged in her heart when she introduced the kit to Roeflame and Moonwhisper. It was the same longing when Tigerpaw had been brought into the nursery, and introduced to another queen. Back then, she hadn't been nursing a litter, so she hadn't been able to take her in...but she would have. She looked down at him as he left the side of her leg and padded into the den. The deputy paused at the entrance, and took in a deep breath. She still felt like she had a couple days left in her, but with the threat of the wolves out there, she felt guilty each time she left the camp. Two of her kits had paid the price last time for her foolish mistakes...she would not lose any more family.

The fiery she-cat ducked her head, and padded through the entrance. Softpaw was returning with something for him to eat, and she blinked at the apprentice kindly. There was no doubt in her mind that the little one was probably starving. "Actually...Howlingstar, if it's alright." she paused, looking down at the orphan lovingly. "I would like to take care of him. I think I'm ready to move in." She had been hesitant on the way home about giving up her freedom just yet, but seeing him here now she knew her answer. She knew what it was like to lose a mother at a young age, and she wanted nothing more than to give him the affection he deserved.

Mother called me Baby, or Kit Her eyes rounded slightly at his words. The poor thing didn't even have a name. "May I suggest Patchkit?" She looked to the tabby leader.

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 30 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: ixora
Lightpaw lifted her head at the sound of a patrol returning. Only something was different, they were carrying... a kit? There's a child brought into the nursery. She comes forward to listen more closely, overhearing things about Patchkit and hearing the little one tell Softpaw she looked like his mother. Her heart broke hearing that. How can such a little thing be left alone to the mercy of the woods? What happened to his mother?

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
And this… is our nursery.
The gentle voice of her leader rouses Roeflame from her half-lidded dozing, she always seemed to be drowsy these days.
Her maw parts with a yawn, blinking dim light into murky optics. Flamewhisker, Howlingstar, and a bundle of fur clinging to the deputy trickle into the nursery. Brows furrowing with confusion, the tabby queen looks to Howlingstar first, ear flicking against the leaders softly spoken words to the kit.
It doesn’t take long to piece together the context, and furrowed brows only slightly loosen, a frown on her maw.
”Hello, there.” She hums to the kit, eyes flicking to Softpaw upon her arrival.
Howlingstar states that he’ll need a name, while Flamewhisker announces her official move to join her and Moonwhisper in the nursery.
Roeflame blinks, so much was happening. Feelings of empathy, anger, and sadness bubble in the queens chest.
”I understand.” Roeflame finally speaks, in no specific direction, giving herself a moment to piece her thoughts together.
”You must be so tired, why don’t you make yourself comfortable when you’re finished? You can pick any spot you’d like.” Forcing the kindness to shine from under her bitterness towards the situation as a whole, Roeflame would offer the young child a warm smile, trying to find some maternal radiance. Though, it was clear who in this den was ready to take this poor baby under her wing, and Roeflame offers Flamewhisker a bittersweet look, appreciative of her deputies kindness, though saddened by the situation that called for it.
”I’ve always liked… Sparrowkit?” Rubbing a forepaw against bleary optics, Roeflame turns back towards her leader.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Joypaw’s eyes dart from cat to cat as he shuffles to Palepaw’s side. He’s heard enough to get what has gone on: this kit has lost its parent. Through death or abandonment or getting lost, he doesn’t know. He keeps his mouth zipped about it still. If he waited long enough, someone would tell him, and the poor thing looked too exhausted to overhear any questions about it.

The nursery is becoming fuller and fuller. He frequents running chores to it during his punishment, finding it the easiest place to work in. It harbors no ill tensions nor makes his stomach twist with jealousy at graduations. The queens are all kind, and he knows this kit will be watched over and loved.

Joypaw’s heart twists as the unnamed kit replies to questions of a prior name. He isn’t so sure the parents died, now. Surely he had been old enough to be named if they had…

Shaking his head, and unable to do much but stand, his attention diverts onto Roeflame’s encouragement to find somewhere comfortable. “I’ll get you fresh moss to rest on,” he says to the kit. When his head is turnt to find and fetch, his eyes narrow unexpressively onto the ground. He hopes something has happened to the parents, if only to explain why their child was here without them.

She wasn't entirely too pleased with having a kitten in the nursery already, she expected at least another moon of just sitting around in peace before motherhood reared its ugly head more properly but of course things never really did go her way did they. Moonwhisper kept her expression neutral as the kit was moved in and subsequently Flamewhisker was too. As if it wasn't crowded already she now got to deal with their deputy being nearby and bothersome, ruining whatever peace she might've gleened from this ordeal. The tortie point's jaw tightened as she clenched her teeth, she hadn't even thought of her own kits names and she was being asked to suggest something for this one - Patchkit, Flamewhisker said. Sparrowkit, Roeflame said. She can feel Howlingstar's eyes sweep over her waiting expectantly. It takes most of her willpower to not shrug her shoulders and go back to sleep without reply, blue ice raking over the tiny black and white kit, ignoring the apprentices milling about nosely. Finally, after what felt like eons, her maw parted to speak, "Dark-kit." For their dark spotting, black ears, the distinct heart-shaped blotch on their side.


  • 75204781_kmRWM9XaLmDg6Vg.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes


These days, it's rare to find Burnstorm far from the nursery. If he is not doting on his mate he is attending to his warrior duties. Hunting, patrolling, whatever is required of him so that he can get back and spend as much time with Roeflame as possible before the kits arrive. Kits. It still feels so strange to hear that word, to know that they will be his, theirs. Before they became mates, he would have simply shrugged the idea of such a thing away. His father had not exactly been a shining example of a family man, after all. He would be better, he had vowed it the moment he had learned his mate was expecting.

When he returns from hunting that morning, he is surprised by the number of cats that congregate around the nursery, all peering and gawking at something within. Curiosity and anxiety in equal measures make his paws move faster, barely does he take the time to drop his catch off at the fresh-kill pile before he is shouldering his way through the crowd to see what it is that has stirred the whole camp.

A kit. One without a mother, he hears clanmates say. "How anyone could just abandon their kit like that is beyond me" he grumbles quietly when he comes to stand between his sister and his mate. "Whatever his name may be I'm sure he will grow into a fine ThunderClan warrior one day" this he says louder, an approving nod sent in the kits direction.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
She smiles as Softpaw brings the little kit some food, but his words draw the frown right back out. Just as she'd suspected, he has never even had a name. He'll have one now. Her gaze flicks up to Flamewhisker when her decision was made. She gives her deputy a knowing look - yes, she understands. She had known upon first seeing Berryheart that she wanted to raise him alongside her own kits. She's happy that her friend will be blessed with the same experience. "Of course," She murmurs back to her, smiling gently.

Her ears flick as each of the three queens offers up their ideas for names for the little one, and Howlingstar mulls each over. It is time, after all, for him to be given a name beneath StarClan. With their ancestors loyally at her back, she feels their star-blessed authority course through her as she dips her head to the little tom-kit. "Sparrowkit. Welcome to ThunderClan." Roeflame's suggestion - it suits him. She offers Joypaw a grateful not as he goes off to find some moss. At Burnstorm's words, she shakes her head in disappointment. "You and me both," She sadly mews.
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She had to admit, being compared to the kitten's mother who had abandoned him was not something that Softpaw had expected. She didn't think herself particularly special in regards to appearance, but she wondered if her appearance would hinder or help the newly-named Sparrowkit in his new life within ThunderClan. She would be there for him if he wanted her presence, she decided.