private recall those days 》hollowkit


✧ me and the ghosts 03.18.25 ✧
Jul 17, 2024

The sun is only beginning to rise when Kitewail feels stirring against their flank. They do not know how long it has been since they awoke, only that the moon had been high above and now the dawn's chorus of birds can be heard from outside of camp. When the kits sleep beside them is when Kitewail does much of their reflecting, when they dare to begin to unravel all which led them to have kits in the desolate scrublands instead of a snow-laden pine forest. The tabby shakes their round head and sharply intakes a breath of the frigid air, then she careens her neck to see which of the siblings has woken from their dreams.

Kitewail rasps a greeting to their fourth-born. "Hollow... good morning..." With an outstretched forepaw Kitewail tenderly pulls the two-toned kit up to their chest. A sandpapery tongue laps over Hollowkit's forehead and ears, they smooth back it's disheveled fur to see his citrine green hues clearly. "No bad dreams... I hope?" There are many times when Kitewail scrutinizes the way Hollowkit squints or struggles to see a bug beneath its nose. They suspect his vision must be terribly poor... Fireflyglow and Fawnpaw would know what to do to aid it. The briefest thought of Fireflyglow heeds prickles of goosebumps along their spine as they inspect Hollowkit's eyes for for any noticeable damage— there is none... They raggedly sigh, then inhales loudly to cover up the visible sound of confusion and concern.

"Up, up," Kitewail rubs their chin over its head and careful scoots away from the slumbering kits. They stand and stretch before stepping over the others. "Come on Hollowkit... lets go listen to the finches... sing." Kitewail trails their tail over Hollowkit and presses beneath the low overhang of the gorse bush to emerge into camp. They trot toward the center of the camp with the kit on their heels. When they recline back on their haunches they gather Hollowkit close to them by sweeping their short tail around it. "Hollowkit," Kitewail lowers their head and nudges their cheek against it's own. "You need to.... notify me if your vision... ever worsens, understood?" Hollowkit and Larkspurkit caused her the most worry as newborns, they thought it would get better as they aged but now that they are becoming so independent it may be even scarier. Softly Kitewail repeats, "Understood?"

  • KITE ; KITESTORM ; KITEWAIL 》 a small statured black tabby with compact muscles but the very first thing one would notice are the welted scars beneath their eyes. kitewail is perceptive & clever. may appear unfriendly due to neutral expressions but is very sociable, or rather once was; in their current situation kitewail does not speak to anyone unless they approach another first. they have a soft, monotonous voice with a rasp to it. their gentle side is only reserved for their unborn kits, they do not care much for any duskclanner.
    ✧ 43, ages every 21st ✧ they/themmate to Florabreeze
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed, all opinions IC



the kit greets but it does not look up from what it seems to be studying. it's slowly finding different ways to squint, sometimes even holding the edge of its eye as it does it, titling it's head at the right angle to just get a pretty clear picture of whatever seems to be beneath its paws. even in the next of it's siblings, careful not to disturb them, it always seems to be observing. the soft sandpaper rasps over it and it purrs in pure instinctual response, blinking a few times before shaking its head.

"no, papa. no bad dreams. in this dream, actually, i caught a big big big bird for us to eat. mhm. it was... good until i realized I was chewing on larkspur's tail... d-dont tell him, okay?"

they get up when they're prompted, little fight within them when it comes to what their da wants. why would they when they've only really ever known this? they are careful in their steps, not wanting to step on anything that could hurt their paws. to hear the finches sing... it sounds like a good time.

"okay! where do finches come from?"

when in the center of the camp, however, it's da becomes pretty serious. it returns the gesture, pushing against kitewail in the same manner to be sure that they know they're loved, too.

"huh? oh... uhm... okay, papa. i understand. i promise."

they take a second before twitching their ears in thought.

"does... everyone not see like this? coyotecrown asked why i squint but i... thought everyone saw this way, too."

None of their dreams leave them feeling anything but ill when their eyes finally pry open in the mornings. Maybe by being so persistent about asking the kits to share what they dream is so they can dream vicariously through them. It tells them without prompting and Kitewail's maw twitches into a ghostly smile when they visualize what it describes. "...your secret is... safe." They rasp into Hollowkit's ear as they hold it close.

Kitewail's face turns grim when they brush their cheek against the velvety fur of it. Before bombarding Hollowkit with what makes them so grim the tabby answers its inquiry. "Finches..." Hollowkit's cheek presses back against theirs and the shadow that darkened their face lifts, the touch of any of the kits makes them feel as light as a feather. In truth they have given it much thought, bird watching was one of their favorite things to do when they could enjoy it in Skyclan. Florabreeze can take Hollowkit to their favorite spot so it can listen to the very same birds Kitewail watched. " other birds... they come from beyond the mountains, over there..." By leaning their cheek against Hollowkit's head they guide his head to the direction of the mountains looming in the distance. Kitewail's eyes narrow as they ponder if the kit could be far-sighted, but they know this could not be the case.

"No, not everyone... has the same vision..." The tabby's head slants thoughtfully, not often do they speak of anyone in Skyclan but Magnoliashine and Florabreeze. "My friend... Fireflyglow is blind..."Something feels lodged in their throat as they conjure the image of the large tomcat, down to the mint scattered through his fur. "...he will help you, Hollowkit... Fireflyglow is the... medicine cat. He can... give you advice I can't."

Kitewail swallows painfully and lifts their head to look around the barren clearing. "When we..." Their jaw tenses when they're forced to lie. "...when we go see your... mother you will meet him too. Would you... like that? He can... be your friend too. You can have many friends... like you." The dark tabby's tail whisks around it once more in a comforting hug, but it is more so for their own comfort than its.

  • KITE ; KITESTORM ; KITEWAIL 》 a small statured black tabby with compact muscles but the very first thing one would notice are the welted scars beneath their eyes. kitewail is perceptive & clever. may appear unfriendly due to neutral expressions but is very sociable, or rather once was; in their current situation kitewail does not speak to anyone unless they approach another first. they have a soft, monotonous voice with a rasp to it. their gentle side is only reserved for their unborn kits, they do not care much for any duskclanner.
    ✧ 43, ages every 21st ✧ they/themmate to Florabreeze
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed, all opinions IC

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