private red wine supernova | lupinesong

She doesn't know what she was thinking, grabbing the decaying remnants of her best friend's failed relationship and trying to bring it her. Maybe it was a little something like what she did with Spiderpaw's flowers clinging onto a bundle of bloodied hyacinths with all her kitten might. It'd been something to hold onto for the coming moons, even as she slowly replaced the dying ones with newer, fresher steals from the twoleg gardens, even as their meaning gradually slipped from being Spiderpaw's to Cherrypaw's to Cherryblossom's.

She doesn't want Lupinesong to hold onto him though. Selfish as it is, she can convince herself it's for the greater good: reasons such as "you're too good for him, you've always been," and "it's for everyone's benefit that she moves on quickly." So she tucks the flower into the crook of a tree trunk and a branch a few tree-lengths outside of camp, high enough for the sun and out of wandering eyes.

The gray-bellied sky is about to break when she finds her, curled on a branch like a slender, sobbing shadow. "Hey," she calls, delicately hopping up to sit besides her. She presses her pale side against smoke-threaded fur, letting heat blush between them beneath the storm-chill, before murmuring, "I heard about it."


skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
❀‿ Lupinesong allows herself to wallow for a little bit, sobbing to her heart’s content on a tree branch because she knows that she has nothing but awkwardness and avoidance waiting for her once she returns to camp. How could she have been so dumb? What could she have fixed about herself to have mended things before it had come this far?

She doesn’t expect sudden meow nor the light sway of the branch as someone hops up beside her, flinching before relaxing again into the familiar warmth that seems to reach into her to find its second home. "Already..?!" an incredulous laugh is punched out of her, "Oh, Starclan this is humiliating." She wipes a paw over her face before moving to tuck it in Cherryblossom’s shoulder and asking muffledly, ”He didn’t, like, announce it on the high-branch, right?” She was half-joking, but seriously, how did she find out so quickly?

Lupinesong sits up straight again, and realizes then that she must have left as soon as she heard about it, and for the first time that day, her watery eyes glimmer with appreciation, ”Awh, Cher, you came to see me…” She looks out again at the swaying pine branches she’d been staring at before Cherryblossom came, and admits, ”I wasn’t… expecting it. But now I just feel a little stupid… should I have seen it coming?”

  • OOC:
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw . lupinesong
    — trans she/her. 16mo warrior of skyclan. formerly mentored by dandelionwish, mentoring stormpaw, single
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowsight & drowsynose. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy
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"Already...?!" Breathless, like Cherry's words were a sudden twist in her lungs. The calico leans ever so slightly into Lu as she lightly mashes her face against her shoulder, a sigh fluttering from her heart. "Oh, you know he wouldn't," she answers into the smoky fur between her ears, voice walking more along the lines of "He wouldn't have the guts to do anything like that anyway," than whatever goodness of character she could've implied about Falcongaze.

Lupinesong's second wind means pulling away from her, but she holds onto the closeness they had in liquid green eyes: the cool tones of the algae-soaked bottom of a riverbed, or a dizzyingly sweet pool of pine-shadow. "I'd actually be so awful if I didn't," she scoffs quietly, flicking the black tip of the tail curled around them both. No one but your mom was going to.

Lu's gaze shifts, and along with it Cherry's, held in the mass of pine boughs about to storm. "Should I have seen it coming?" Cherry closes her eyes and leans in to lick back down a few strands of fur on her inky shoulder. She had prayed for it to come, saw it so fiercely in her mind's eye that it had no choice but to seep into reality. Of course Cherryblossom saw it coming, and on some level it hurt to see her closest friend so deluded, entrenched in whatever it was Falcongaze promised her.

"I dunno," is her final answer. She looks back at her and shrugs. "Does it matter?" Yes, of course appearances matter to the most appearance-loving cats of the clan. "Lu, I promise you no one's, like, saying you're stupid or blind for, for him treating you like this. And if they are..." Her solemnity turns wry for a moment, the corners of her lips quirking into not-quite-a-smile. "...I'm deputy. So there's that."