we are rehoming a kit from willowroot and poppysplash's recent litter. this litter are now apprentices and will be 5 moons. link to original post is here. here is the original introduction -

willowroot stumbled upon poppysplash on a happenstance walk, back when she was 'caraway' and poppysplash was merely 'poppy'. something sparked between them that day, and they found themselves drawn toward each other, meeting up periodically throughout the next moon. when caraway joined riverclan, fearful for her adopted child's survival and the survival of her family's legacy in the river territory, the two only grew closer. after many trials and tribulations, both riverclan and the two femmes have settled down. caraway, now willowroot is a lead warrior, and poppy, now poppysplash has begun to slowly heal from her familial trauma. feelings have been confessed, and now they live happily in their river home, content.

poppysplash is an amab trans woman. the children will refer to her with feminine parental names. poppysplash's tags
willowroot is afab genderfluid. the children will refer to them with feminine or non gender conforming parental names. willowroot's tags
kits will have an adopted aunt in buckgait, an adopted aunt/uncle role in raccoonpaw, and a sibling-like figure in ashpaw

sire: lh blue tabby (carrying solid)
dam: lh black smoke (carrying dilute, non-silver)
kits can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, black smoke, blue smoke, silver tabby, or blue silver tabby
- kits will be longhaired
- kits will have no white
- kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; smoke/silver kits will carry non-silver

1 --

☾ siblings ☽
antlerpaw played by @tuna
poolpaw played by @nico
hazepaw played by @Kangoo
naming theme is optional but appreciated - poppysplash name choices - river dwelling trees (similar to willow) - birch, maple, aspen, alder, etc, plants (fern, sorrel, moss, etc), flowers (iris, lotus, etc)
willowroot name choices - no fawnkit stagkit, doekit, (after buckgait), smoke/ykit, emberkit, (after smokethroat), buzzkit/buzzingkit, honeykit (after beesong), seedkit, poppykit, petalkit, tidekit, creekkit, wavekit, reedkit, other watery names

kit will be chosen within the month, most likely late march. this is not first come first serve. form is ffa as long as you include the basics. willow and poppy will love their kits no matter what, so there will be no cruel names or backstories. try to keep your kit in riverclan until apprenticeship. if moving your kit, speak to lavs or scar first.

contact lavs on discord lavendes#5628 or dm @lavs
contact scar on discord whore#8292 or dm @scar

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mosskit . mosspaw . mosswater .


↳ from poppysplash name list, named for the green of her eyes
— apprentice of riverclan
— she/her (may explore she/they & they/them pronouns later in life); bisexual
poppysplash x willowroot, sibling to antlerpaw, poolpaw, hazepaw

longhair black tabby with deep green eyes Mosspaw is a very tall and willowy molly, with her long fur falling all around her thin frame. That brown fur is patterned with black tabby markings. Her eyes are a deep green, and shine with a bright and confident look.
↳ carrying solid


( + ) polite, sociable ( / ) principled, compliant ( - ) prideful, stubborn
Mosspaw can get along with just about anyone. She is very good at making casual conversation, and likes getting to know people. Her demeanor endears her especially to adults or those in positions of power, as she is very courteous to them and does whatever she is told. Rarely does she break any rules, even if given good reason. She is very loyal to her clan and her family, devoting herself to and defining herself by both. There is also a prideful streak within her, however. As she considers the strength of her belief so great that it is, naturally, deserving of reward.
mannerisms: strict posture, dips head in respect often, steps forward when she has something to say, speaks as if everything she says is important
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— will excel at swimming


— Mosspaw learns more about Starclan from a clanmate, and becomes enamored with the idea. She asks everyone she can what they know about Starclan and starts actively searching for signs from them. Because of this, she is going to childishly misinterpret mundane events as signs from the stars, and be briefly convinced that she is of divine importance. Even after she grows out of this childish misconception though, she will still keep the faith and inflated sense of self importance the experience gave her.
— A clanmate doubts or questions something Mosspaw believes deeply to her face. This could be a rule she believes in or someone she cares about deeply or something else. This causes the normally polite molly to get very cross with them, and it turns into an argument. After this argument, Mosspaw refuses to even talk to her clanmate.
— Mosspaw meets and develops a crush on a cat from another clan. It takes her a while to realize what she is feeling, but once she does, she acts immediately. She tells her crush directly and politely that they have to stop talking to each other. Her devotion to her clan is too strong for her to let anything, even her own feelings, make her risk breaking the rules.
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Smokeykit Smokeypaw Smokeyheart
— Smokey- after Smokethroat, their mothers close friend ;; paw- for rank in the clan
— AMAB Questioning Queer (they/them)
— 5 months old
— Apprentice of Riverclan

— sibling to Antlerpaw, Poolpaw, Hazepaw
[COLOR=]✧[/COLOR] MATE TO... no one
— mother/father/parent to... no one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by TBD

A long haired, black smoke and black tabby cat with green eyes.
— Standing at about 7 inches tall as of right now, Smokeykit is a very tall cal with a lithe/longer frame. They have small paws with tiny white claws and these darker colored pawpads. Smokeypaw is a long haired cat with tufted ears, long whiskers and a feathery tail that trails behind their skinny body. They maybe weigh in at 5lbs soaking wet. Their coat is a mixture of different patches of a smokey black color and a black marckerel tabby pattern. A smaller head with a triangle shaped muzzle, Smokeypaw has these almond shaped pale green eyes that have a part of their left iris is a deeper emerald green color.
— carries; solid and dilute
— no scars or current injuries
— has cerebal hypoplasia


— Smokeypaw is not the most brave cat in the clan, and seems to be startled by their own shadow sometimes or shadows they think is there. They are known for their wobbly stature that frustrates him to the point of crying sometimes. They do cry rather easily to be fair though and they very much rely on their parents for most decisions in life. Smokeypaw is better than they where as a kit with how much they stuck to Willowroot or Poppysplash like a little shadow. Their fear is also lessening and theyre trying to come out of their heavily sealed shell. Smokeypaw loves the water and shows great skill at swimming, which is their pride and joy. Their goal is to be the best swimmer in Riverclan. A hopeless romntic who leaves their heart on their sleeve, Smokeypaw has a hard time making relationships due to their painfully shy nature.
suffers anxiety and depression

talents, experience? what are they good at swimming, hunting, weaving
what are they poor at fighting, climbing, can't handle the sight of blood
peaceful and healilng powerplay allowed!
smells like water lillies and daisies
sounds like Phineas from Phineas and Ferb
— penned by [you!]
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