
May 22, 2023
To prepare for the rogues, Glimmerpaw found it wise to get some combat training in to make sure they’re on top of things. It wasn’t their favorite thing to do, but that doesn’t matter much. Asking for some help from Edenpaw and Crowpaw, as well as anyone else who might want to stretch their muscles, they find a comfy spot with as much room as they need so that they can begin.

They aim to practice with Crowpaw first, so they tell Edenpaw to watch for the time being and then they can have a go. “Rogues are sneaky before anything else, yes? We gotta be three steps ahead of them.” After Crowpaw gives them any note of approval, they crouch down, eyes narrowing as they prepare to strike. When they feel the time is right, they strike his side with their soft paw.

// OOC : Feel free to post before either of them!
- Our skills have to stay sharp! Practice your battle moves with your Clanmates!
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 They sit with their paws tucked neatly under their chest, watching with squinting green eyes as Glimmerpaw paces in careful consideration for what strategy they were meant to take against the rogue threat. Sneaky... sure... but also like. strong? Proabably? They crease their brows in uncertainty as the dappled apprentice whirls to face their opponent- Crowpaw. "Don't let'em corner you either... The last time we dealt with stinky rogues they outnumbered us and that sucked."

Not that Edenpaw lingered for long... after a certain RiverClan apprentice had saved them a nasty, abrupt death they'd fled back to Twolegplace with him in tow. This time... they would try to be braver, even if they weren't all that certain that they'd be a good fighter. Besides... the journey cats were home for this, with their added strength, there was practically guaranteed success.​

Figfeather's nose twitches as she observes the trio of apprentices going over battle moves and giving each other light blows. She remembers being their age, being their rank, it was nice to see them take initiative in their own training and abilities.

Stopping several paw-steps away from them she decides to vocalize her own observations about the rogues, "They're all brawns and no brain. You'll need more than sharp battle moves and strength, you'll have to outwit them." She meows, recalling as the rogue she had most recently encountered had pinned her head against the snowy floor. She refrains wincing at the bad memory. "How about you three practice your moves on me?" The rogues will be larger than most of the apprentices and certainly more experienced in brutality. Figfeather could provide them a slightly closer experience to fighting one, even if she herself was not up to par in the strength of the rogues.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Oh oh can i join?” The young pointed apprentice bounded over to the trio of apprentices and Figfeather, his tail up in the air and waving excitedly. Spottedpaw wanted to continue his training so badly! He wanted nothing more than to make his clan proud and do his best to rise to the ranks of Slate and Johnnyflame! A lead warrior, maybe even deputy one day! Though dreams only started small and they needed to be kindled like a flame.

Then the young cat crouched playfully with a little chuckle, “Smarts is all i gots!” Spottedpaw crowed happily and then wanted to swat or something at someone- but no one was close enough. He stood back up with a puffed out chest proudly, “I’m sure we will be able to handle those rogue no problem!

  • ooc :Speech

  • 10 moon old Skyclan Apprentice // Transmasc (he/him) // Uncertain Sexuality (Bisexual)