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    SNAKEKIT SNAKEPAW SNAKEHISS ; a family name that he bears proudly
    once the second-in-command to windclan's tyrant queen, snakehiss is now an exile roaming the outskirts of the clans. cast out for condemning sunstar, claiming that starclan was angry with windclan and had chosen him as their messenger, he vows to return to his homeland one day and restore it to its former glory.
    ⤷ named after his grandfather, snake.
    — cis male; he/him
    — rogue ( exile ) / former deputy of windclan / loyal to the moors
    — 19 moons / created 2.20.23 / ages on the 1st
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    A void of a cat with emerald green eyes that can appear to pierce right through your soul. Snakehiss has short, black fur with only one white splotch across his chest. A sneer is ever-present on his sharp and defined features. He has a thin-legged and slender stature, though not overly scrawny. He is about average height. Snakehiss has healed bite marks from a fox on his right front leg as well as a thin scar across his chest ( given by Sootstar ). Newer scars include scratches across his left cheek and across the base of his throat ( from Harrierstripe ).

    — SH solid black tom w/ green eyes, low white, vitiligo ( carrying longhair )
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    — Snakehiss is widely known for being a bully, plain and simple. With prejudice and self-importance hammered into his brain starting at a young age, he thinks himself above many of his clanmates and of course those from other clans. He is not afraid to call others out on their flaws to try and make them feel bad about themselves (which, in turn, only makes him feel better about himself). Snakehiss relishes the feeling of hovering near the top of the social ladder, so to speak, so he does not take any attempts to besmirch his reputation lightly.

    — Often overlooked by others is Snakehiss' brilliance and intelligence. He has a knack for problem-solving, offering solutions that seem reasonable and logical through his eyes all while avoiding letting emotion cloud his judgment. He may not be the most brutal fighter but he knows where his strengths lie and uses them to his advantage. This also applies on a mental level as well, as Snakehiss will utilize manipulation and deceit in order to persuade others and get what he wants. He makes mental notes about others, including weaknesses and rumors and secrets, to use against them at a later date if need be.

    — Cunning and ambition make for an almost dangerous determination to succeed. Pressured to bring glory to his bloodline and make his parents proud, Snakehiss grasps at all opportunities to prove his worth and rise above his clanmates (even if it means putting others down). With his ultimate goal of becoming an infamous and feared WindClan leader, Snakehiss is quick to make a grab for leadership roles in group settings if only to catch the eyes of his superiors. He also enjoys the thrill of competition, is arrogant and egotistical when he is in a position of winning, and is peeved and sulky when he doesn't get his way.

    — Hidden beneath his spiky exterior is a coward, a scared kit forced to mature far too quickly and abandon any childlike curiosities. Having witnessed plenty of violence and bloodshed as a kit and young apprentice, the concept of death and dying and the afterlife weigh on him almost daily. He fears anything to do with death — how it's going to feel, life's essence draining from his earthly vessel, being forgotten by the living and disregarded as just another pawn (thus his goal to forge a legacy for himself and his family).

    mannerisms blah blah blah
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    father to rowankit, cricketkit, and privetkit (duskclan)
    SOUNDS LIKE: draco malfoy
    SMELLS LIKE: petrichor and wild grass
    speech is #4b5c58

    SHADOWSIGHT xx ROSEPOOL paternal cousin to whitedawn | mentored by badgermoon | former mentor to rivepaw
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: sparkspirit
    TOLERATES: bluefrost
    DISLIKES: other clans, cottonpaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: morningsong, foxglare, sunstar, windclan
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    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    [ KITHOOD ] Born to two proud doting parents, Shadowsight and Rosepool. Snakekit was raised to be prejudiced against those with outsider blood, though mostly rogues and kittypets. His lineage also consists of moor cats who roamed the hills long before WindClan, which he is very proud of.

    Not too long into his apprenticeship, Snakepaw was reassigned to Badgermoon. He participated in his first battle against RiverClan following the murder of Juniperfrost. After saying mean comments toward Sunflowerpaw, he was punished by Wolfsong, thus creating resentment toward the Lead Warrior. His father was not pleased.

    After months of practice, Snakepaw finally catches his first rabbit. Another milestone is visiting the Moonstone and baring witness to StarClan's presence with his bare eyes. However, his training progress is interrupted when a fox injures his arm while he's out with Sedgepaw.

    Snakepaw heals in time and is discharged from the medicine den with only a moon left to complete his training. He harbors a growing resentment toward his mentor, Badgermoon, for focusing on his new family and gives him the cold shoulder with a vow to keep the deputy at a distance. Feeling isolated from most cats, Snakepaw turns to like-minded apprentice Heatherpaw in hopes of an alliance.

    Speaking of seeking connections with his peers, Snakepaw also kindles a friendly relationship with Cottonpaw during the last few weeks of his apprenticehood.

    [ WARRIORHOOD (2023) ]
    Snakepaw is given his warrior name, Snakehiss.

    Yellowcough falls upon the clans. When it is time to recruit volunteers for the StarClan-sponsored journey to find lungwort, Snakehiss volunteers himself immediately in order to look good in front of the clan. Sootstar turns him down, claiming that he needs to stay behind to defend the camp, which disappoints and frustrates him.

    Not too long after, Badgermoon and Curlewnose flee the clan after Sootstar claims they attacked her. In utter disbelief, shaken to his core, Snakehiss gives himself little time to process these developments and instead offers to pursue the traitors.

    His mother, Rosepool, shows symptoms of Yellowcough and is taken to quarantine. She quickly succumbs to her illness and dies, leaving Snakehiss devastated.

    Rogues take over WindClan territory, forcing them into ThunderClan territory and eventually into ShadowClan. Snakehiss looks to StarClan, hopeless and distraught, pleading for answers. While temporarily living in ShadowClan, he and Sootstar run into WindClan traitors Hyacinthbreath and Pollenfur, engaging in a fight.

    The clans band together to take back their territories. Snakehiss fights a rogue, though loses his upper hand and is nearly killed when Sparkspirit saves him. After WindClan is back in camp, Snakehiss is assigned to mentor Rivepaw, one of Sunstride and Wolfsong's kits.

    Sootstar's reign grew more intense, with the loyalists beginning to separate themselves from the non-loyalists. Snakehiss, along with other loyalists, defend Highstones from Smokeheart and nearly kill him ( though he does not partake in the action ). Trying to isolate Cottonpaw from her friends and ensure his place, Snakehiss proposes that they become mates when the time is right, which she accepts.

    He provokes a physical altercation with Sedgepounce, trying to paint him as disloyal to WindClan.

    The tensions between the loyalists and the rebels finally snapped, with Sootstar declaring war on Sunstride and anyone who supported him. Snakehiss, torn on what to do, meets his father in battle and pretends to fight him while being told to remain in WindClan and masquerade as a loyalist. He hesitantly agrees, and Shadowsight flees. After the battle, Snakehiss is named Sootstar's deputy.

    Shortly after, Snakehiss catches Sparkspirit and Morningsong fleeing WindClan in the dead of night but ultimately lets them go. Cottonpaw breaks off their relationship in front of the entire clan, humiliating him. Feeling emotionally charged and testy, Snakehiss gets into a fight with Sedgepounce, causing him to accidentally plunge into the river and disappear. Distraught, he thinks he's killed Sedgepounce.

    He he makes his new relationship with Berrysnap public. She falls pregnant soon afterward.

    [ WARRIORHOOD (2024) ] Snakehiss served as Sootstar's loyalist deputy for over a moon, carrying out her orders and even participating in an attack on the rebels' hideout. However, guilt and uncertainty grow within him as he wonders if he's made the right decision but feels trapped into submitting to Sootstar.

    Eventually, the rebels attack camp for a final time. Snakehiss turns on Harrierstripe, deterring him from injuring Sparkspirit and ultimately switching sides. He is severely injured by Harrierstripe and is downed, eventually fainting from shock and blood loss.

    Snakehiss wakes up after the battle in the medicine den.
  • credit to izanami for the template! <3

    [slide=₊ ⋆ * ⊹ ₊ ☾][/slide][slide=——][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙏𝙄𝙈𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙎 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀 𝙏𝙊 𝙈𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎 𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏][font=verdana][size=3][fleft][img height=245px][/img][/fleft][size=25px][height=20px][glow=black][color=#982c28]₊[/color] [color=#7d2a28]⋆[/color] [color=#612729]*[/color] [color=#462529]⊹[/color] [color=#2a222a]₊[/color] [color=#0f202a]☾[/color][/glow][/height][/size][height=20px][glow=black][size=35px][font=hello][b][i][color=#982c28]s[/color][color=#872b28]n[/color][color=#762929]a[/color][color=#652829]k[/color][color=#542629]e[/color][color=#422529]h[/color][color=#31232a]i[/color][color=#20222a]s[/color][color=#0f202a]s[/color][/i][/b][/font][/size][/glow]
    [quote][justify][color=#982c28]—[/color] he/him; exile/rogue; former windclanner
    [color=#982c28]—[/color] long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and multiple scars
    [color=#982c28]—[/color] father to [abbr=played by beatlesi]rowankit[/abbr], [abbr=played by izanami]violetkit[/abbr], [abbr=played by noia]cricketkit,[/abbr] and [abbr=played by tempest]privetkit (duskclan)[/abbr]
    [color=#982c28]—[/color] [color=#982c28][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#982c28][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    [color=#982c28]—[/color] [url='']link to full tags[/url]; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots![/justify][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/COLOR][/justify][/box]
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