[box=70%][fleft][img width=135px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/84967184_vrk3m1uCU2JwgBA.png[/img][/fleft][box="marign: 0 auto; line-height: 130%;"][justify][color=#BBBDC1]
[color=#858d77][b]⤷[/b][/color] penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/saturnid.1023/][color=#858d77][b]saturnid[/b][/color][/url]
[color=#825A74][b]—[/b][/color] [b]PREFIX[/b] for reason, [b]SUFFIX[/b] for reason
[color=#825A74][b]—[/b][/color] she / it & AFAB female. [abbr=girl, molly, sister, etc]feminine terms.[/abbr]
[color=#825A74][b]—[/b][/color] apprentice of thunderclan & former rogue.
[color=#825A74][b]—[/b][/color] created 10.04.2023 at 2 moons. ages on the 1st. [fright][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/aRjB2q1.png[/img][/fright]
[/justify][/box][/box][box=70%][box="margin: 0 auto; margin-top: -8px; text-align: justify;"][tabs]
[tab=I. EXTERNAL][img]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png?1721079776[/img]
[color=#858d77][b][outline=black]SCARRED, POINTED BROWN MOLLY WITH PATCHY WHITE SPOTTING[/outline][/color] / [url="https://toyhou.se/22983632.fallowkit"][color=#825A74]TOYHOUSE[/color][/url][/b]
↳ LH chocolate sepia, low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
Fallowpaw is a thing of the forest, pelt draped in woody browns growing darker the further they spread from her chest. Her face, legs, and tail are dipped in a deep and muddy color, her belly and torso the only remnant of the color she was named for. Speckled across her form are patchy white spots, uneven and pale like glimpses of snow, like clouds across sky, like lichen clinging to the bark of a tree. They dapple her chest, her lower back, tail, face, and front paws. Hey eyes glimpse out from a mane of thick fur, a golden so dusty as to nearly appear brown. But perhaps most striking are the slashes that run down the apprentice's back, long and pink marks left by the owl that nearly took her life.
Fallowpaw's body is short and stout, compact and thickly muscled. Its legs are short and stumpy, its paws overlarge and bearing bits of fuzz between their toes. Its muzzle is square-shaped, bottom lip jutting out and revealing two small fangs. The underbite gives her the appearance of a perpetual pout; a fitting expression, given her stormy disposition.
[color=#858d77][b]SCARS[/b][/color] here
[color=#858d77][b]ACCESSORIES[/b][/color] here [/tab]
[tab=II. INTERNAL][CENTER] [COLOR=#858d77][B][outline=black] ISTJ, NEUTRAL EVIL, FIVE OF SWORDS & VII. STRENGTH[/outline][/B][/COLOR]
Fallowpaw is a wild thing, brought into ThunderClan from forests beyond its borders, a chance displacement courtesy of a particularly hungry owl. It clutches this outsider status like a still-bleeding wound, a deep mistrust eating away at the apprentice's insides. Tragedy marked her coming, and vigilance paves her way forward. Claws slip from sheathes and lips pull from teeth with an instinctual ease; I will not go quietly, the apprentice screams at the world around her, thrashing against a threat that never quite feels like it's passed. It seems as though she was born to violence.
Fallowpaw's words are few, and come out wrong more often than not. Always too harsh and too scared, her throat spills forth the same violence as her paws: a cruel anger aimed carelessly. But mostly it is quiet, measured, watching the world with a scrutinizing glare. It prefers action over speech, mind a muddy mess that it often struggles to truly translate.
Fallowpaw is not a creature devoid of kindness, merely a wounded one for whom altruism fits awkwardly. She handles her care with a marked clumsiness, but when a cat manages to assuage the suspicion the apprentice always holds she will stick to them like moss growing over a old wood. Her affection is a quiet thing, shown through proximity and restraint foremost, yet exploding into vicious protection when the need arises. There is a want in Fallowpaw to find an easy love like she knew before the owl's talons left their mark upon her skin, and yet it seems that the more time passes, the more she forgets how to love so thoughtlessly.[/tab]
[tab=III. INTERPERSONAL][color=#858d77][b][outline=black]BAYING HOUND x NPC[/outline][/b][/color] GEN 2. littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw, half-sibling to TBA.
⤷ mentored by stormywing
[color=#825A74][b]LOVES[/b][/color] antlerpaw, doepaw
[color=#825A74][b]LIKES[/b][/color] falconheart
[color=#825A74][b]UNREQUITED FRIENDS[/b][/color] bravepaw, wrathpaw, orangepaw
[color=#825A74][b]DISLIKES[/b][/color] halfpaw, stormywing, thundergleam
[color=#825A74][b]LOATHES[/b][/color] baying hound
[b][color=#858d77]BISEXUAL[/color]; [color=#825A74]NOT LOOKING.[/color][/B]
[i] [b]trust[/b] is a hard to earn and easy to lose. regards all who come near with a wounded suspicion.[/i]
[color=#825A74][b]SOUNDS[/b][/color] breathy and mumbled, voice pitched deeper on purpose.
[color=#825A74][b]SMELLS OF[/b][/color] rotting leaves and kicked-up dust.[/tab]
[tab=IV. INTERACTIONS][CENTER] [TABLE][TR][TD][COLOR=#9E8D9F][B][outline=black]PLATONIC[/outline][/B][/COLOR]
to befriend[/TD]
to romance[/TD]
to manipulate[/TD][/TR][/TABLE][/CENTER]
⤷ standoffish, solitary, and insecure. resists making connections, but caves easily to peer pressure.
[color=#858d77][b]HUNTING[/b][/color] NOVICE. [i]blurb[/i] [url=here][color=#825A74][b]✦[/b][/color][/url]
[color=#858d77][b]TRACKING[/b][/color] NOVICE. [i]blurb[/i] [url=here][color=#825A74][b]✦[/b][/color][/url]
[color=#858d77][b]STEALTH[/b][/color] NOVICE. [i]blurb[/i] [url=here][color=#825A74][b]✦[/b][/color][/url]
[color=#858d77][b]CLIMBING[/b][/color] NOVICE. [i]blurb[/i] [url=here][color=#825A74][b]✦[/b][/color][/url]
⤷ [b]OPEN TO[/b] here [b]CLOSED TO[/b] here [b]ASK ABOUT[/b] here
[color=#858d77][b]DIFFICULTY[/b][/color] NOVICE. [i]blurb[/i] [url=here][color=#825A74][b]✦[/b][/color][/url]
elaborate here.
[tab=V. PLAYLIST][columns=2][color=#825A74]► [url=here][color=#858d77][b][outline=black]TITLE[/outline][/b][/color][/url][/color] by artist
♫ [i]relevant lyric[/i]
[color=#825A74]► [url=here][color=#858d77][b][outline=black]TITLE[/outline][/b][/color][/url][/color] by artist
♫ [i]relevant lyric[/i]
[tab=VI. BEHIND THE SCENES][fleft][quote][size=5][b][OUTLINE=BLACK][color=#858d77]█ #858d77
[/color][color=#5D6B52]█ #5D6B52
[/color][color=#43503b]█ #43503b
[/color][color=#604558]█ #604558
[/color][color=#825A74]█ #825A74
[/color][color=#9E8D9F]█ #9E8D9F
[color=#BBBDC1]foresty greens, deep purples and pinks. dogs and wolves, teeth and claws. deer with eyes glinting in the night. the eerie twilight hours, the sky before a storm, the border between real and unreal. repitition, the snake eating its tail. nature overtaking humanity, mushrooms, branches sprawling out over clouds.[/color] [color=#858d77][b]PINTEREST:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.pinterest.com/saturnids/wc-fallow/][color=#858d77][b][1][/b][/color][/url] [url=https://www.pinterest.com/blitz__krieg/fallow/][color=#858d77][b][2][/b][/color][/url]
[color=#858d77][b]SPEECH[/b][/color] here
[color=#858d77][b]MANNERISMS[/b][/color] here
[color=#858d77][b]WRITING NOTES[/b][/color]
— here
[color=#858d77][b]THEME WEEKS[/b][/color]
— susie ([i]video games[/i])
— babs seed ([i]mlp[/i])