RIVERCLAN APPRENTICE REHOME [ willowroot x poppysplash ]

willowroot stumbled upon poppysplash on a happenstance walk, back when she was 'caraway' and poppysplash was merely 'poppy'. something sparked between them that day, and they found themselves drawn toward each other, meeting up periodically throughout the next moon. when caraway joined riverclan, fearful for her adopted child's survival and the survival of her family's legacy in the river territory, the two only grew closer. after many trials and tribulations, both riverclan and the two femmes have settled down. caraway, now willowroot, was appointed lead warrior, and poppysplash has worked to heal from her trauma. nine moons ago, the two had their first litter in the middle of leaf-bare, and had to raise their children amongst a huge amount of strife. this past greenleaf, the two decided to grow their family once again.

this is a rehoming for one slot in their most recent litter. the original thread is linked here.

@POPPYSPLASH. is an amab trans woman. the children will refer to her with feminine parental names. poppysplash's tags
@willowroot is afab genderfluid. the children will refer to them with feminine or non gender conforming parental names. willowroot's tags

  • this slot will be chosen on february 15th.
  • this litter is currently 6 moons and will age realistically.
  • no cruel names- poppy and willow will love their kits.
  • if your kit is disabled in any way, we ask that you do your research to respectfully portray this disability.
  • this is not first come first serve. form is ffa as long as you include the basics.

mosspool, litter one, penned by empyrean
hazewish, litter one, penned by kangoo
carawaypaw, litter two, penned by vayle
bumblepaw, litter two, penned by tasmagoric
ashblaze, adoptive sister, penned by tinyleafs
buckgait, adoptive aunt, penned by lex

sire: lh blue tabby w/ low white (carrying solid)
dam: lh black smoke oriental longhair (carrying dilute, non-silver)
kits can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue smoke, or blue silver tabby
kits will be longhaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
kits will be 50% oriental longhair and may display some breed traits
silver/smoke kits will carry non silver; non dilute kits will carry dilute; tabbies will carry solid

poppysplash is gen 1 | willowroot is gen 1 | kits will be gen 2

trees (similar to willow) - birch, maple, aspen, alder, etc
plants found by a river (fern, sorrel, etc)
flowers (iris, lotus, etc)
willow, poppy, coast, tide (familial names )
dapple/dappled, spotted, earthen/earth, stag, doe, buck (for buckgait)
seed, petal, flower (for poppysplash)
stream, creek, sorrel, fern, iris, lily, minnow, tadpole, pebble (river/nature names)
smoke, blaze (for smokethroat), chirp/ing, buzz/ing (for cicadastar), cloud, sky, silver, clear (for clearsight), shade/d, cinder (for cindershade), dust/y, clay (for clayfur)

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At the age of six moons old, Lotus stands at about six inches tall and weighs a little over five pounds. They are rather small and lithe in shape, probably to be a willowy and lanky cat. He has long fur, with tufts at the back of each paw and a long, fluffy tail as well. Lotus has a stark black coat with small patches of white on their face, tail and dot on their hip. They have an angular shaped face that is covered by their longer fur and their coat is always usually dirty to some degree. Lotus does groom himself but he just can’t seem to keep himself clean with how much he likes to dig in the ground or lay in dirt. With almond-shaped, bluish green eyes, Lotus has a narrow muzzle and rounded ears as well as smaller paws. Their paw pads are black in color as well as their nose.

This young cat is known for their pessimistic behavior. They likes to say they are the voice of reason and logical, but really theyre just a mean cat. Lotus is known for always thinking the worst of situations and often overthinks everything to a point of convincing themselves of things that never would happen. They struggle with making friends and relationships, and often as a kit hid behind Willowroot or Poppysplash cause they dont know how to behave around others. Lotus can be rather honest and blunt, straightforward with their words and never beating around the bush as they hate politeness and rules.

Lotus is calculating and hot headed as well. They are quick to snap at the others and overall tend to be a grumpus most of the time. Though they are loyal and strong, with great skills in fishing thus far and would perish at the hands of another if it meant the good for Riverclan. He can be very sentimental, however, and likes to keep things he is given whether it be flowers, rocks, scales or whatever. Lotus can also be hopelessly in love and obsessive to a point of never letting this cat out of his sight.
  • Has Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Autistic
  • Likes fish a lot (obsessed)
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  • tadpolekit | tadpolepaw | tadpolesplash
    → 'tadpole' after the animal and for how much she wriggled at birth ; 'splash' for her enthusiasm

    06 moons | ages realtime on the ??th
    → created on 00/00/00
    → born 00/00/00

    demi-girl [intersex] | uses feminine and gender nuetral pronouns [she/they]

    panromantic | demisexual | polyamorous
    → single; not looking [open to plotting]

    riverclan | apprentice
    → born and raised in riverclan
    → loyal to riverclan
    → starclan believer
  • longhaired black/blue chimera with low white; 50% oriental longhair [infertile] | reference
    ↳​ a blurred memory of days long past, tadpolepaw bears a striking figure blanketed in shadow and sky. mostly soot black in hue, a stripe of blue fur trails down her spine and tail, only interrupted by white bands. white front stockings and a half-white face complete her strange coat combination. her fur is long and soft, feathery and slick, repelling water rather than soaking it up, and her tail is long and plumed. her eyes are very wide, their striking shade of spring green quite eye catching.
    → no scars/injuries
    → no accessories

    → speech
    → tadpolepaw holds herself with innate grace, walking in a confident manner with shoulders pulled back, head and tail held high.

    designed by kitty-kat- | toyhouse
    → faceclaim
    → voiceclaim
    → aesthetic
    → theme weeks
  • friendly | romantic | intelligent | idealistic | observant
    fanciful | adventurous | energetic | confident | dreamer
    naive | impractical | impulsive | disorganized | unhurried
    ↳​ a friendly young cat, paw is quite sociable, confidently conversing with others and making friends wherever she goes. her intelligence and observant nature make her a great hunter, and she takes pride in her cunning and problem solving skills. on the flip side, she is often impulsive - prone to following whatever flight of fancy that may come to mind at any given day. every experience is naught but an exciting adventure, and she has trouble understanding that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows and happiness. though her mind is full of solutions to the world's problems, many of them are impractical or outright impossible - nothing more than a kits dream. when things do go wrong, she often finds herself blindsided, unable to comprehend what went wrong or even sometimes how to fix it.

    → likes:
    → dislikes:
    → fears:
  • extroverted — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — introverted
    reckless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cautious
    competitive — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cooperative
    emotional — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — composed
    lazy — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — diligent
    energetic — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — calm
    playful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — serious
    ↳​ put hobbies, habits, quirks here
    favorite food:
    favorite activity:
    favorite time of day:
    favorite weather:
    favorite season:

    → goals: to become a strong riverclan warrior
    → achievements:

  • health: level | 80/100
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ​
    hunting: level | 30/100
    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ​
    fighting: level | 30/100
    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ​
    attack: level | 30/100
    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ​
    defense: level | 30/100
    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] swimming: level | 40/100
    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] running: level | 20/100
    ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ​
' the wondering eyes of the ones that were left behind '

Extra Note: I've always regretted having to drop Kelpie due to everything that happened IRL - a good chunk of this is pulled from her original bio and edited to fit, so if anything seems super familiar that's probably why.
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I've been swayed. have some notes to be expanded upon and formatted later :3c

minnowpaw -> minnow(?) (suffix likely will begin with the letter s)
-> she/they initially, pronouns tbd after I get a feel for them.
-> blue smoke w/ low white, blue eyes. got the olh nose bridge and big ears. cuts a very regal silhouette! shimmery looking. not a fan of accessories.
-> decently social, a bit of a gossip. hates not knowing things; not for malicious reasons, but just so she can reason out logic and know her clanmates better. likes puzzles and problems to solve. up and coming strategist, likely to attempt (key word attempt) to listen in on council meetings.
-> practically lives in the water. absolutely hates that it's leafbare at the moment and she can't go in, has come this close (there is one micron between my fingers) to attempting to go in the river bodily to fish. doesn't like land hunting! feels like she has clumsy paws and isn't fast (the latter is true, the former is them being teenager humble). carries a lot of strength in their legs and shoulders. could probably climb well if they were taught but thinks skyclan is really weird for that.
-> (frantically counting backwards) uhhh yellowcough nearly got them! very nearly! it's largely considered luck that it did not.
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