Jul 14, 2022

RiverClan Mass Adopt Sign-Ups
FALL 2023

Hello, and welcome to the RiverClan Mass Adopt Sign-ups for Fall 2023, make sure to read this thoroughly before signing up! You have the option to set your slots as FCFS ( first come, first serve ; accepted by the RiverClan Official account ) or as application slots ( let people apply, and you pick who gets them! ).

The slots you sign-up with MUST be for RiverClanners only and not relations outside of RiverClan. Those slots should go through the other Mass Adopts relevant to the clan! Those in the Ripple Colony currently are able to sign up for relations, but said relations must be a part of the colony as well. Any after 9/14 will be assumed to have been a part of the colony when it's integrated, but will be a part of RiverClan when they join.

We're also introducing a new category : Connections! Have a childhood friend, an ex - partner, an enemy you need adopted out? Throw us a form and a small description of what youre looking for!

Relations Sign-up Form:
[b]Slots:[/b] #
[b]Relations:[/b] -
[b]Age/Aging Rules:[/b] -
[b]Genetics:[/b] [u]Must be realistic genetics provided by a geneticist.[/u]
[b]FCFS or Application?:[/b] -
[b]What Are Your Adopt Rules?:[/b] -
Connections Sign-up Form:
[b]Connection For:[/b]
[b]Relationship to character:[/b]
[b]FCFS or Application?:[/b]
[b]Short Description:[/b] Is this an estranged ex? A childhood friendship that fell apart? Give a brief description of what youre looking for / require.
[b]History:[/b] Clanborn, kittypet, Marsh group, Pine group?
Connection For: @Frond.
Relationship to character: unofficial apprentice / younger sibling figure
FCFS or Application?: FCFS
Age: 12-18 moons
Short Description: Close friend to frond, viewed as an unofficial younger sibling by her. Any gender, genetics, personality. Preferably shares fronds view of how important they are to eachother.
History: Frond grew up in the Ripple Colony, an orphan who had a good head on her shoulders but nothing else to her name. She was very kind and understanding, compassionate to an extreme, leading her to collect a rather odd friend group and a reputation for helping those in need. This cat in particular was orphaned young as well, leaving frond sympathizing with them and taking them under her wing. Without official titles of apprentice and mentor being a thing in the colony, these two were as close to that as one can get - frond teaching them everything she knows in the hopes they'd grow to be strong.

Slots: 2
Relations: @Sneezefur. adopted kits; adopted younger siblings to @Dragonflykit @PINKKIT ! (both kits are currently inactive, but should still be assumed to be siblings should they return)
Age/Aging Rules: starting at 02 moons, aging realtime
Sire: SH seal point w/ low white (carrying longhaired, chocolate)
Dam: LH lilac tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying point)

Toms can be black, blue, chocolate, lilac, seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point, red tabby, cream tabby, flame point, or cream point
Mollies can be black, blue, chocolate, lilac, tortoiseshell, blue tortie, chocolate tortie, lilac tortie, seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point, tortoiseshell point, blue tortie point, chocolate tortie point, or lilac tortie point
Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
Non - pointed kits with no white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; non-pointed kits with white can have any realistic eyecolor; pointed kits will have blue eyes
Black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-pointed kits will carry point; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

FCFS or Application?: FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
History repeats itself yet again, though at least this time Sneezefur is not taken by surprise. A sickly queen confesses she knows the truth of "his" kits, and asks him to do the same once more - a false pretense of paternity. Though he doesn't understand why, exactly, they ask this of him, he accepts anyways - fatherhood suits him more than expected, and another chance to have what the twoleg cutters have stolen from him is all the convincing he needs. While sneezefur and the npc queen are aware these are not his biological kits, these kits do not know that - and he will never tell them.

A large plot point of sneezefur's existence is he suffers from selective mutism - leaving his family members, and apprentice, the only ones he can comfortably communicate with verbally. This goes for these kits as well - though he will be unlikely to speak aloud when around others, they will be aware he can, and likely will have conversations with him when alone or in private threads.
- The NPC queen may be adopted out in the future, either by me or by the roleplayers of these kits if they so wish
- These kits must stay in riverclan until at least 12 moons barring any worthwhile plots, which must be ran by me beforehand; and cannot be killed off until at least 09 moons
- Activity levels is at least one post a month, please don't drop them without warning
- I am unlikely to rehome these slots, if you go MIA with them they will be assumed to be Icly missing, deceased, or npc's depending on if you contact me beforehand

Slots: 1
Relations: @Marmotbite. Plot Sibling
Age/Aging Rules: This kit is 10 moons old aging on the 15th of the month.
Sire: LH black (carrying dilute)
Dam: LH blue ticked tabby w/ high white (carrying solid)

Kits can be black, blue, black tabby, or blue tabby
kits will be longhaired
kits will have low white
kits can have any realistic eye color
tabbies will display a ticked pattern; solids will mask ticked
non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid

FCFS or Application?: Application! Likely to be accepted on a fcfs basis but I personally want to be extremally clear that all rules are followed, the character fits the requirements, and that you can maintain activity for the plot!
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
This kit alongside Marmotpaw were born into a family a wandering loner group a with a long tradition of focusing only on survival of the fittest. This group viewed everything in very black and white terms - to be weak enough to die was the greatest sin. They lived as truly feral creatures - hunting and fighting freely amongst themselves, though trade wasn't all that uncommon either. They strongly believed in mating for life, and in finding a true 'fated' pair, making it so that they often felt the only ones you could trust were direct family members. Tragedy befell the family as they were passing through the lands, and Marmotpaw was carried off by a hawk, thought dead. Fearing the worst and hearing of the clans strange ways, the family chose to leave this child upon the riverclan border in the hopes of them surviving longer.

This character has now lived in riverclan for eight moons, and marmotpaw and their former family is most likely only a memory to them - until now.

During this yellowcough plot, at some point Y/C and Marmotpaw will come face to face, recognizing her and telling her what happened - shaking her resolve and loyalty, given that due to the trauma she had forgotten the hawk incident and how exactly she'd ended up in windclan. While specifics are open to discussion, the end result is that by the time the journey plot is over, marmotpaw choses her loyalty to sootstar over her last remaining familial connection, severing all ties with them.
- This kit must be amab
- This kit was unnamed and only referred to as "brother" or "son" by the family as per their beleifs, and would only know marmot as "sister"
- A less important possible plot is the continuation of this familiars morals/beliefs being passed down to this characters offspring should they have any. This is more preference than a rule - if interested, I have a massive document about this groups beliefs you can reference.
- Please do not kill this character off before they are at least 16 moons. They are not cannon fodder.
- This character must remain in riverclan permanently, barring any reasons/consequences for IC actions that the hp's may take such as exile.
- While I am not strict about post count levels, you must be able to maintain at least casual activity ICly, and be fairly active and willing to plot on discord. Inactivity without warning for more than a month, or an inability to follow through with at least the basics of this plot may result in rehoming.
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  • Love
Reactions: antlers
Slots: 1
Relations: pepper's wife
Age/Aging Rules: must be atleast 100+ moons, pepper is pretty old after all
Genetics: genetics can be whatever you want them to be !
FCFS or Application?: FCFS, a simple little form with all the basics will do.
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
- i'm not super picky about activity levels, you can be quite casual with this character but i'd appreciate it if you don't go inactive with them ^^
- because pepper is apart of the ripple colony it will be assumed that her wife is as well
  • Love
Reactions: antlers
Slots: 1
Relations: - @CARPPAW and Minnowpaw (fluffy), LITTERMATE / Shadepool (tikki) X NPC/TBA, Parents / Duck Call (NPC), Maternal Grandmother
Technically a gen 2
Age/Aging Rules: - Ages realistically, ages on the 14th of each month. They will be the same age as Carppaw (see tags here for current age)
Genetics: Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby. Kits will be shorthaired, kits will have low white, kits can have any realistic eye color. (silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies will carry solid).
FCFS or Application?: - FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: -please keep these characters at least casual, im asking for five posts a month at least.
- if your muse subsides, or something comes up, and you will return to the character, just shoot me a dm! i am understanding
- if you want to rehome the character, please let me know! (dallasofnines on discord)
- naming theme: any legal fish name, any legal RC flower name, etc (i trust u guys, i think)

Slots: 1
Relations: - @CARPPAW, Minnowpaw (fluffy), and NPC/TBA, THEIR PARENT / Shadepool's (tikki) mate
Age/Aging Rules: - Somewhere in the 30-40 moon range! Ages realistically
Genetics: MUST BE SH silver tabby (carrying non-silver, solid) Any body shape, realistic eye color. / WILL BE AMAB
FCFS or Application?: - FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: -MUST have a name starting with Web- or Silver- (if you can think of another name in the same general range, please DM me, dallasofnines)
- please keep these characters at least casual, im asking for five posts a month at least.
- if your muse subsides, or something comes up, and you will return to the character, just shoot me a dm! i am understanding
- if you want to rehome the character, please let me know!
- the sire and dam will be in love, and love their kits very much. i am open to the sire/dam having marriage issues down the line, but please wait until the kits are apprentices or you're active with the sire/dam!
- must be amab!!
Slots: 1
Relations: younger sibling to @KAEDE
Age/Aging Rules: 10-12 moons ( aging every other month on 11th ).
Sire: LH black (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
Dam: LH silver mackerel tabby w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, non-silver)

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue, blue tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, cinnamon silver tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, fawn smoke, or fawn silver tabby
- Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have no white or low white
- Kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- Tabby kits will display the mackerel tabby pattern

- black-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; silver kits will carry non-silver; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid
FCFS or Application?: fcfs
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: you're more than welcome to be super casual with them as long as you don't go inactive ! they will be from the ripple colony, viewing kaede as a father-figure almost since their father isn't on good terms with them and kaede would do anything to protect them from their father's wraith. if you have questions, don't hesitate to message me ! i haven't completed kaede's tags quite yet, but i do have his ripple colony application that's a smidge outdated.
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Reactions: RIVERCLAN
Slots: # 2
Relations: - @otterpaw littermates
Age/Aging Rules: - 7 moons, age on the 1st of every month
Genetics: Must be realistic genetics provided by a geneticist. genetics approved by THE floppa
Sire: SH black with low white (carrying chocolate, dilute)
Dam: SH lilac

Kits can be black, chocolate, blue, or lilac
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits may have low white or no white
- kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black based kits will carry chocolate
FCFS or Application?: - fcfs
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: - casual activity is fine, but at least the minimum post count to remain on the census is required. siblings are free to have any opinion on their oldest brother, otterpaw. their father figure is @/pikesplash, milk-mother an NPC named mistbreath. 2 months without any posting with no notice will result in the sibling being rehomed
  • Like
Reactions: RIVERCLAN
Slots: 2
Relations: @apricotflower x NPC, littermates to Robinpaw. Family Tree.
Age/Aging Rules: 8 moons as of October 1, age once/month on the 1st.

lh black solid x lh lilac tortoiseshell w/ high white (cinnamon, point)
toms: black, red tabby
mollies: black, tortoiseshell

— kits will be longhaired.
— kits will have low white spotting.
— kits may have any eye colour.
— kits will carry either chocolate or cinnamon. kits will carry dilute. kits may carry point.

FCFS or Application?: FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
— Naming themes are "cute", "visual", or "birds". Will not have been named in direct reference to any living RiverClanner.
— Casual characters are welcome, though I would like to see a minimum of one post per month. This character will be rehomed via mass adopt after three months of no activity.
— Barring IC consequences and reactions, these characters should remain in RiverClan. Please do not kill them without warning and discussion.
— This character has living family in SkyClan, which Apricotflower will have been open about if asked.
[b]Slots:[/b] 2
[b]Relations:[/b] @apricotflower x NPC, littermates to Robinpaw. [url=https://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=px6sax4hpuosdyws&f=329614690931149673]Family Tree.[/url]
[b]Age/Aging Rules:[/b] 8 moons as of October 1, age once/month on the 1st.

[subquote=white][b]lh black solid x lh lilac tortoiseshell w/ high white (cinnamon, point)[/b]
toms: black, red tabby
mollies: black, tortoiseshell

— kits will be longhaired.
— kits will have low white spotting.
— kits may have any eye colour.
— kits will carry either chocolate or cinnamon. kits will carry dilute. kits may carry point.
[b]FCFS or Application?:[/b] FCFS 
[b]What Are Your Adopt Rules?:[/b] 
— Naming themes are "cute", "visual", or "birds". Will not have been named in direct reference to any living RiverClanner.
— Casual characters are welcome, though I would like to see a minimum of one post per month. This character will be rehomed via mass adopt after three months of no activity.
— Barring IC consequences and reactions, these characters should remain in RiverClan. Please do not kill them without warning and discussion.
— This character has living family in SkyClan, which Apricotflower will have been open about if asked.

Slots: 3
Relations: NPC x NPC, @tempest. 's littermates
Age/Aging Rules: 13 moons as of September 25, age once/month on the 29th.

sh silver tabby w/ low white (lh, dilute, cinnamon) x lh black solid w/ low white (dilute, albino)
any kits may be: black, black smoke, silver tabby, brown tabby, blue, blue smoke, blue-silver tabby, blue tabby

— kits may be shorthaired or longhaired. shorthair kits will carry longhair.
— kits may have any degree of white spotting.
— kits with white may have any eye colour. kits without white may have any eye colour except blue.
— non-dilute kits may carry dilution. kits may carry cinnamon. kits may carry albino.

FCFS or Application?: FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
— Naming theme is "weather".
— Casual characters are welcome. This character will be rehomed via mass adopt after six months of no activity.
— Barring IC consequences and reactions, these characters should remain in RiverClan. Please do not kill them without warning and discussion.
— Former Ripple Colony members prior to joining RiverClan, these kits were dropped off after being weaned by loner parents who knew their kits would have a better chance with the Colony. They would have remained with the Colony during the move from the mountains, and been a part of the beaver confrontation.
[b]Slots:[/b] 3
[b]Relations:[/b] NPC x NPC, @tempest. 's littermates
[b]Age/Aging Rules:[/b] 13 moons as of September 25, age once/month on the 29th.

[subquote=white][b]sh silver tabby w/ low white (lh, dilute, cinnamon) x lh black solid w/ low white (dilute, albino)[/b]
any kits may be: black, black smoke, silver tabby, brown tabby, blue, blue smoke, blue-silver tabby, blue tabby

— kits may be shorthaired or longhaired. shorthair kits will carry longhair.
— kits may have any degree of white spotting.
— kits with white may have any eye colour. kits without white may have any eye colour except blue.
— non-dilute kits may carry dilution. kits may carry cinnamon. kits may carry albino.
[b]FCFS or Application?:[/b] FCFS
[b]What Are Your Adopt Rules?:[/b] 
— Naming theme is "weather".
— Casual characters are welcome. This character will be rehomed via mass adopt after six months of no activity.
— Barring IC consequences and reactions, these characters should remain in RiverClan. Please do not kill them without warning and discussion.
— Former Ripple Colony members prior to joining RiverClan, these kits were dropped off after being weaned by loner parents who knew their kits would have a better chance with the Colony. They would have remained with the Colony during the move from the mountains, and been a part of the beaver confrontation.
  • Like
Reactions: RIVERCLAN
would like to request sneezefurs litter be put back up. the other two already got slotted but im not 100% sure why his was removed (im assuming they got cleared or something maybe?)
All of the previous adopts got cleaned out for the refresh, will add it back up when at desktop!
Slots: 3
Relations: NPC X NPC, littermates to @SASHA
Age/Aging Rules: 22 moons, ages realistically on the 17th of every month
Genetics: Must be realistic genetics provided by a geneticist.

lh blue with low white x sh brown classic tabby with low white (carrying dilute, solid, longhair)
kits can be black, blue, brown tabby, or blue tabby
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabby kits will be classic tabbies
- shorthair kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid

FCFS or Application?: FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: -
- these characters should remain in riverclan, don't kill them off without any warning and discussion
- former ripple colony members prior to joining riverclan, these kits do not know their biological parents but were raised by adoptive parents. they would have been part of the colony during the move from mountains and part of the beaver confrontation.
Connection For: @SASHA
Relationship to character: adoptive mother
FCFS or Application?: FCFS
Age: 40+ moons
Short Description: a she-cat who took in sasha along with her littermates when their biological parents had left them under the care of the colony. any personality and appearance!
History: ultimately up to the rper, but sasha along with her littermates would have had an adoptive father. said father is deceased. this character doesn't need to have been mates with the deceased tom, but it is welcome. again, up to the rper!
Connection For: @SASHA
Relationship to character: mate
FCFS or Application?: FCFS
Age: 20 - 25 moons
Short Description: a character who would Sasha's mate. any gender, personality, appearance.
History: it is up to the rper but it can be discussed further!
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Reactions: RIVERCLAN
( ) heya! let me know if this isn't open anymore!
Slots: 3
Relations: coyotecreek (older brother) tbd played by maverick (older sibling), prairiesun, lambfang (nephew, niece)
Age/Aging Rules: - adult (20+ moons), as coyote is 40 moons.
Genetics: kits can be shorthair or longhair.
toms can be black, chocolate, cinnamon, red, blue, lilac, cream, blue caramel, lilac caramel, or apricot.
mollies can be red, cream, apricot, tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, dilute tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, blue caramel tortie, lilac caramel tortie.
kits can have low or no white.
kits with white can have blue eyes, kits without white can have any color eyes but blue
FCFS or Application?: - application
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: - no mean names, any personality welcome as long as they are realistic to riverclan's society, the kits would likely be named after farm related things to keep their memory of the farm alive but this is not set in stone.
history -coyotecreek, then cowboy, was born in the horseplace and lived there for most of his life until he met wolf's howl, a colony cat. they eventually had kits, but wolf's howl died in the great battle right after the kits were born. cowboy ended up leaving horseplace to move to riverclan with his kits. a few moons later, his littermate (tbd played by maverick) followed, and then their younger siblings followed a moon after.