RiverClan's Mentor & Apprentice Sign-Ups [10/05/24]

Character's Name:@FOXTAIL
Activity Level: - fluctuates how on busy i am irl, but i'm aiming for active <3
What kind of mentor are you: -
- not necessarily prepared/built for teaching, but he cares about the younger cats of RiverClan and wishes to seem them succeed.
- he will try to grow a close bond to his apprentice- as he believes connecting to his apprentice will help him be a better mentor for himself and for them.
- he will struggle teaching them how to swim, as foxtail has a fear of water. though, he will not want his fear of water to be passed down to his apprentice, so he'll try his best to ensure his apprentice feels comfortable and confident when in the water.
- foxtail will be an understanding teacher, but he will expect his apprentice to fulfill their duties and not to slack off.
- foxtail dreads battle as he doesn't like to get hurt, but he understands the importance of being a strong fighter.
Traits you intend to pass down: - tracking, fishing/hunting, fighting
Can you double-up? - no sorry
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Character's Name: @Wavepaw
Activity Level: High
What kind of mentor are you after: Wavepaw is very sweet and sensitive so he would do best with a mentor that will be kind and patient with him. He'll likely bond very easily with them and will want them to open to being close with him as well. He excels at swimming and fishing, less so with combat and land hunting. He would also do better with a mentor who was more sympathetic towards the former Colony cats.
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Character's Name: Please include the @Minkpaw!
Activity Level: - semi-active to active
What kind of mentor are you after: - one that won't overly put up with Minkpaw's sass, I'm hoping her mentor can teach her how to be a bit more subtle with her digs and manipulation (directly or indirectly!) She's not fond of fighting and prefers hunting, but will perk up if the spars are a group activity
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Character's Name: @DUCKPAW
Activity Level: Casual-Active
What kind of mentor are you after: Someone who could teach her to use her smaller stature in hunting and fighting. Somebody that will challenge her to go outside of her comfort zone.
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Character's Name: @Lilacbird
Activity Level: - Casual/Active
What kind of mentor are you: - Lilacbird will be a kind and caring mentor, with a lot of patience. The things she does know how to do will be taught on her apprentices time. Unfortunately, she is also a push over, and that means if said apprentice decided they did not want to train, she probably won't have the ability to force them. She would probably ask for a lot of help from other mentors in regards to being a better mentor, and making sure they do have the ability to learn what they need to. I imagine she can struggle with worry and helicoptering them a little bit. She's full of encouraging words otherwise, and always will support them and their decisions. Lots of pros and cons here.
Traits you intend to pass down: - Fishing and Swimming, the best ones ofc! Patience will be a big thing she'll have them focus on as well.
Can you double-up? - yes, but not advised for her.
Character's Name: @Mosspool
Activity Level: - Active
What kind of mentor are you: - Mosspool is going to be an intense and strict mentor. Her expectations are clear, she expects her apprentices to wake up early every morning and train exceptionally hard. She aims to mold them into some of the best warriors in the clan. She will not give out compliments easily and will punish any rulebreaking or back talking harshly. Her reprimands are quite harsh, and will only get more so if interrupted or disputed. Emotionally she is going to be very closed off and distant (though this could perhaps change with plots). Since she is a talented warrior, her apprentices will have the chance to learn a lot under her guidance, but they will have to push themselves hard to live up to her frankly kind of unrealistic standards.
Traits you intend to pass down: - Skilled figher, Fishing & Swimming, Strong Will, Devotion To Riverclan
Can you double-up? - Yes
Character's Name: Please include the @Feathergaze
Activity Level: semi-active to active
What kind of mentor are you:
- feather will be a rather lenient mentor, prioritizing the wellbeing of her apprentice over discipline
- she will focus on water-based skills (including some battle moves) as this is an area she excels in, and hunting both in water and on land will also be a focus. She is a pacifist and only learned enough fighting skills to get through her own apprenticeship, if her apprentice isn’t helped along by sparring sessions with another warrior or apprentice they may lag behind their peers

Traits you intend to pass down: empathy, swimming

Can you double-up? I don’t think it would make ic sense for feather to double up due to her inexperience atm, but I’ll opt in if we’re short on mentors!
Character's Name: @SWIFTFIRE
Activity Level: - active, around 10-15 posts per month
What kind of mentor are you: - swiftfire is likely to be a bit of an absentminded mentor, but also one that engages extensively with her apprentice and legitimately tries to answer any questions they may have throughout their apprenticeship while not looking down on them. she'll also be very dedicated to teaching them the ways of riverclan as a sort of show of her own loyalty in spite of being a former colonist, but will also mix in some moves or other techniques she learned as part of the ripple colony. it's unlikely for her to be extremely strict or impatient with her apprentice, but she may become more harsh if her assigned apprentice refuses to hear out her teaching.
Traits you intend to pass down: - devotion to riverclan as a whole, strong tracking abilities, and a curiosity for the world as a whole
Can you double-up? - oocly I can, but I doubt she would be entrusted with two apprentices just yet as one of the former ripple colonists.
Character's Name: @PERCHBERRY
Activity Level: - casual
What kind of mentor are you: - Perchberry is a very anxious tom overall so it is gonna be difficult for him to become a mentor at first there he is probably not gonna be the best mentor figure however he will take his role as their mentor very seriously and are always gonna try his best to not only teach them everything there is to become a warrior but will also be a supporting figure in their life and will do his best to be there for them.
- Overtime he is also gonna grow into his role as a mentor and my hope is for him to build a very strong bond with his apprentice.
- It should be noted that he is a drypaw and will not be able to teach them how to swim or fish however future developments will change that but this is not something he will teach them straight away
- if anything his apprentice is gonna have to be patient with him since perchy has social anxiety and will not perform very well in groups or crowds. the best training sessions they will have will be when they are on their own to train
Traits you intend to pass down: - stealth, courage and kindness
Can you double-up? - only if it makes icly sense for smokestar to do so
Character's Name: @salmonshade
Activity Level: active (minimum of 15 posts monthly)
What kind of mentor are you: a stricter mentor who will mold her apprentice in to being a loyal warrior. does not tolerate disrespect, and is expected to be respected; does not give out many compliments, but at least you know she means it when she does. -> mentoring style
Traits you intend to pass down: loyalty, doing what is right, being a fantastic swimmer/hunter & knowledge/respect of clan-life
Can you double-up? yes!
Character's Name: @Shellwhisker

Activity Level: - Mostly active during the week, not so much on the weekends, as I work doubles on Saturdays :')

What kind of mentor are you: - Shellwhisker is strong, welcoming, and willing to teach an apprentice. She's rather kind, yet she doesn't tolerate hate or disrespect and will make sure that her apprentice knows that. Shellwhisker can be real firm and / or stern when it comes to disciplining her apprentice.

Traits you intend to pass down: - Grace, Intelligence, Strength, Skill, + Speed

Can you double-up? - I most certainly can! :D
Character's Name: @HOUNDSTRIDE.
Activity Level: Active, aiming for right around 10.
What kind of mentor are you: A tough mentor who pushes harder than might be necessary, but still supports his apprentice as best he knows how. Bad at feelings but great at teaching someone to tough it out, he focuses heavily on self-reliance and the ability to defend oneself without relying on others to take care of you while also trying to make it known that that's the clan's purpose. He just doesn't want an apprentice of his to wind up a burden.
- He tends to be rather awkward and has a difficult time complimenting anyone, but this serves to create something much more genuine whenever he does manage to get something out.
- He is a staunch loyalist and will be hard on an apprentice that seems too eager to make friends with the other clans. He will lecture on this one quite intensely if need be, or straight up stop taking them to gatherings / large border patrols if they continue.
- If your character is a drypaw, no they are not. He will drag apprentices into the water if necessary and will make it absolutely clear that if they want to survive in this clan, they need the river.
Traits you intend to pass down: Resiliency, devotion to RiverClan, and a drive to succeed.
Can you double-up? If needed, sure!
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Character's Name: @Troutsnout
Activity Level: Active
What kind of mentor are you: A supportive mentor that does her best to explain everything thoroughly and won't lose her patience with them over their failures, instead will focus on their weak points to help them improve. She doesn't want them to feel pressured or overwhelmed and want them to focus on moving at their own pace. She performs better at defense than offense which she will also teach her apprentice.
Traits you intend to pass down: Patience, Loyalty + Tracking
Can you double-up? Yes!
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Character's Name: @HORIZONKIT
Activity Level: 10 posts/month
What kind of mentor are you after: Horizonkit will be a difficult apprentice, so anyone who is okay with a lot of conflict at first would be good! He is fiercely independent and impulsive, and he's used to doing whatever he wants when he wants. He has an innate dislike of fighting and would prefer to hunt all the time if he could, especially fishing, where he just gets to chill by the river. However, he's pretty adaptable, and he'll pick up his mentor's best skills with enough teaching (I'm down for any plots along these lines!). Horizonkit has mild social anxiety and will not talk to his mentor in the beginning unless talked to. He prefers not to rely on his mentor to answer his questions and instead seek out the answers by himself.
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Oh wow can’t believe I haven’t done this yet
Character's Name: @LAKEMOON
Activity Level: - Casual / Secondary (5-10 posts per month)
What kind of mentor are you: - Lakemoon is a stern, no-nonsense type of mentor. A disciplinarian who has no issue with utilizing her intimidating presence, Lakemoon may not work well with softer or more timid types of personalities, as her methods often have no care to protect feelings, or take note of sensitivities. As a mentor, her goal at its core is to shape a formidable solider & provider for Riverclan.
Traits you intend to pass down: - strong skills in combat, rationality, a firm sense of loyalty
Can you double-up? - if needed, yes.
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Character's Name: @Tigersplash
Activity Level: - Medium to High
What kind of mentor are you: - A kind joyful young mentor, she has a lot of patience and a understanding that sometimes a little leeway should be given to the young of the clan to be what they are; overgrown kits. She'd try to make things fun and would be extremely encouraging.
Traits you intend to pass down: - Adaptability, Strong Swimming, Devotion to your clan and a good sense of humor
Can you double-up? - She will try! But as she's not yet had a apprentice she would struggle with more then one until she has more experience
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Character's Name: @Magpiepaw!
Activity Level: casual/semi active
What kind of mentor are you after: im open to any kind of mentor!! Id love someone harsh and strict, but also funny and lovable sounds fun too! Probably someone more strict and hard to get along with for the challenge? Otherwise im open!!
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Character's Name: @Graykit
Activity Level: Active, aiming for 10+ posts with him a month
What kind of mentor are you after: I'm okay with any kind of mentor as I'm pretty flexible with him and want to see how interactions play out icly / how Lichenstar would realistically pair him! Graykit as an apprentice will be one who has a lot of potential but is unwilling to put in the work / effort to realize that potential. He'll be incredibly stubborn, roll his eyes a lot, and will be very obviously holding himself back but he will not be overly disrespectful to the point where he would be considered a problem apprentice. He's pretty content to just fly under the radar for the most part and will probably try his best to get away with doing the bare minimum to appease whoever his mentor is. To be apprenticed in August**
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Character's Name: @otterbite
Activity Level: - casual, 10 posts a month
What kind of mentor are you after: -
-> very militant. clear power dynamic that he takes in telling his apprentice what to do
-> jumps straight into chore city and battle training. any apprentice trained by him will be decent at best in hunting
-> instills a lack of empathy for The Enemy (bordering clans, outsiders) very young and praise + affection is hard to come by. possibly manipulates his apprentice to work for his approval bc its scarce
-> drives a 'dont speak unless spoken to' behavior. cuts down any misbehavior quickly and bordering violently
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