RiverClan's Mentor & Apprentice Sign-Ups [10/05/24]

Character's Name: @Shimmerkit.
Activity Level: Active. Hopefully 10+ posts a month but might fluctuate depending on my work schedule
What kind of mentor are you after: Shimmer would likely benefit from a patient, kind, and reassuring mentor; someone who would temper her hyperactivity but also not chide her for the occasional playful behaviour. She would likely misbehave under a more coarse mentor. Shimmer will be eager to learn and provide for her clan, though it will take some time for her to truly refine her skills. Will likely pick up on her mentor's best skill(s) with some time. To be apprenticed in July.
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Now that I know shes gonna stick (for july meeting)

Character's Name: @Frecklepaw.
Activity Level: Casual
What kind of mentor are you after: Anything goes. Freckle however is a very clingy cat, spoiled and prone to tantrums when she doesnt get her way. Any new mentor is likely to be frosted out at first, given the cold shoulder, but as she grows to trust them they will likely end up with a very needy, codependent Freckle following them around at all times of day. Would ICly do better if not doubled up, unless with Magpiepaw (she is territorial of her mentors rip) but OOCly open to whatever ♡
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Character's Name: @Hawkcloud
Activity Level: Casual
What kind of mentor are you: Hawkcloud would continue to be fun-loving and lighthearted as a mentor, nurturing and kind but also rather childish and would spend just as much time playing as training. Would try and focus on hunting and battle equally, but also playing games.
Traits you intend to pass down: Kindness and Optimism
Can you double-up? If needed​
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Character's Name: @CRABKIT
Activity Level: Active
What kind of mentor are you after: A strict, stern mentor! Someone harsh who has high expectations would be preferable, or someone who generally wouldn’t allow Crabkit to stay as naïve and goofy as he is now. I’d really like someone who would preach about a warrior’s loyalty being to their clan first and foremost, and someone who shuns outsiders would be preferred. I don’t want a softer, more mellow mentor for him, since his mentor is going to play a large part in his development through apprenticeship and to warrior age. If there aren’t any available mentors who fit the bill, then I’m perfectly fine with him having a NPC mentor! Activity level doesn’t matter much to me as long as they fit what I’m looking for <3
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Character's Name: @FERNGILL
Activity Level: active
What kind of mentor are you: Ferngill would be a patient but devoted mentor. His own training was a long, laborious and untalented endeavour, thus he would not treat his apprentices too harshly for failing, but would preach the importance of perseverance most of all. His sternness would kick in only if his apprentice was not trying- there has never been a day in his life Ferngill has not tried, even if he did not immediately succeed. Ultimately, Ferngill would be completely devoted to training his apprentice, and would certainly be prone to slightly overworking them, desperate to keep their progress steady.
Traits you intend to pass down: Swimming, fishing
Can you double-up? Would prefer not but will if necessary B)
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Character's Name: @Graykit
Activity Level: Active, aiming for 10+ posts with him a month
What kind of mentor are you after: I'm okay with any kind of mentor as I'm pretty flexible with him and want to see how interactions play out icly / how Lichenstar would realistically pair him! Graykit as an apprentice will be one who has a lot of potential but is unwilling to put in the work / effort to realize that potential. He'll be incredibly stubborn, roll his eyes a lot, and will be very obviously holding himself back but he will not be overly disrespectful to the point where he would be considered a problem apprentice. He's pretty content to just fly under the radar for the most part and will probably try his best to get away with doing the bare minimum to appease whoever his mentor is. To be apprenticed in August**
Amending this, Graykit is actually to be apprenticed in August, not July! Sorry for the confusion! <\3
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Character's Name: @hazecloud
Activity Level: - active, 15+
What kind of mentor are you: - unintentionally take a motherly role out of habit
- does not punish with chores but rather Big Picture lessons. if her apprentice struggles to understand these, they will have a hard time with her teaching
- her apprentices will know next to nothing about land hunting. the closest being able to catch amphibians or crustaceans
- fighting technique will be taught with minimal contact. her apprentice will learn how to tire an enemy out rather than using brute force to win
- will not baby her apprentices, and instead encourage them to enter into as many different and unfamiliar situations as possible
Traits you intend to pass down: - stealth, hunting, unwavering loyalty
Can you double-up? - yes
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Character's Name: @TWINKLEKIT
Activity Level: Active (i dont mind a casual mentor as thats where i may fluctuate some months)
What kind of mentor are you after: Tbh im not picky at all, Twinklekit will probably be a very easy going apprentice. If a mentor seeks a challenge they’re unlikely to find one with her. Only thing thats a no-go is a dry paw mentor since she’ll be in the water :P
Preferably, twinklekits mentor will not have or take on another apprentice while training her, but if thats a bit of an ask with current availability nw
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Character's Name: Cragkit @CRAGKIT
Activity Level: - casual
What kind of mentor are you after: - I want a mentor who is similar to Iciclefang in the sense of they’d instill a sense of tradition, code-following, and patriotism in Cragkit. He will struggle at first with stuff and won’t be a prodigy, but will eventually be a talented fighter. I am open to a mentor that passes away during his apprenticeship, leading to him being reassigned as I think the development would be interesting!

I would want a mentor who will tag Crag in threads to get as many interactions as possible, and is okay with me doing the same!
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Character's Name: Cloudpaw @CLOUDPAW.
Activity Level: - Casual
What kind of mentor are you after: - Looking for a mentor that will be similar in personality to her, very kind and patient and willing to teach her to become a loyal, rule-following warrior. She's the type of apprentice that will definitely bond with her mentor, so i'd like someone who will do the same with her! Also would love to have a mentor who is super involved in her training / willing to plan lots of interactions for the two of them if possible <3 (since she's already apprenticed age, hoping to have her reassigned in an ic way, i.e. her former mentor retired)
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Character's Name: @swirldance ✶
Activity Level: - casual, less than 10 posts a month
What kind of mentor are you: - swirl would be a risk to assign as a mentor, given that she's not particularly great at anything, but she has the spirit and passion to pass down what she can! she's a little naive, a little silly, and still enjoys having fun but she does her duties well and completes them when tasked. she would expect her apprentice to do the same and listen to authority (not hers maybe, but definitely the leader and its council!)
Traits you intend to pass down: - duty, determination, faith
Can you double-up? - sure! there will DEF be consequences tho (she will pick a favorite)
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willowroot is open for a new apprentice if needed as of this past meeting.
( ) character's name: willowroot @willowroot
activity level: - active
what kind of mentor are you: -
-> a confident teacher with a forgiving teaching style
-> will expect a close bond with her apprentices, although she might keep them at arms length at first due to past mistakes
-> excellent at swimming and fishing, but will also teach the importance of land hunting, specifically rodents, as she is good at that as well.
-> a good fighter, although she promotes diplomacy over violence. she will work with her apprentice to develop their own fighting style.
-> readily gives out compliments- good for an apprentice with low self esteem.
-> in the event she receives a boastful or hotheaded apprentice, she will change tactics, and has the ability to become hardened.
-> emphasizes loyalty, but only out of a want to keep her apprentices safe from exile. she will not suggest any of her own misgivings about clan leadership, but will emphasize the importance of making one's own choices.
-> learned weaving from an excellent weaver, but never really got into it. she will teach it, however.
-> a typical day involves one strenuous activity, and then practice or casual fishing for the rest of the day.
traits you intend to pass down: - swimming, fishing, diplomacy, kindness

character's name: coyotecreek @coyotecreek
activity level: - casual
what kind of mentor are you: -
-> not necessarily built for teaching, but cares a lot about young cats, so is passionate.
-> hopes to develop a close bond, will try to be there for whatever his apprentice needs.
-> an excellent land hunter, less of a good fisher, although he tries. he's also not the best swimmer but deems it necessary to living in riverclan.
-> not the best fighter, so will stick to the textbook battle moves. he will encourage his apprentices to seek out others to practice with.
-> super supportive, almost to the point where it might get annoying, but he's well meaning. giving Single Father vibes.
-> will teach the warrior code and be a rule stickler.
-> works with the apprentice to develop a schedule that works well for both of them.
traits you intend to pass down: - land hunting, clan history knowledge, kindness, forgiveness.
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Character's Name: Foxpaw, currently @Foxkit
Activity Level: casual
What kind of mentor are you after: no preference, he's definitely a people pleaser though and often struggles with instructions that aren't clear and direct. He'll also probably start out pretty unconfident as his wobbliness and regular stumbling will make initially learning to hunt and fight more difficult for him than most!
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Character's Name: @eaglepaw.
Activity Level: Any! He's a tertiary character for me so mildly active to casual is okay!
What kind of mentor are you after: - Eaglepaw is one of the easiest cats to mentor. He's hooked onto every word and takes that to heart. He'd flourish BEST with someone who was as dedicated as him so he had the work-flow energy directed. However, he's just about okay anywhere (and if he gets a mentor he butts heads with... well, it was part of the plan all along, then)
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Character's Name: @STREAMSONG
Activity Level: active !!
What kind of mentor are you: streamsong is a patient and kind mentor who will do her best to adapt to her apprentice's learning styles! she is big on ensuring her apprentices know and understand/follow the warrior code. she will be a motherly/older sister type to her apprentices and will become fiercely protective of them. while she is more laid-back and kinder, she'll make sure her word is followed if her apprentices step out of line and causing trouble. they won't get off easily if they break a rule with her.
Traits you intend to pass down: clan values/loyalty && respect for others !!
Can you double-up? yes !!

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Character's Name: @BUGBITE | drypaw
Activity Level: Semi-active (leaning towards 10 a month rn?)
What kind of mentor are you: Bugbite, although a little sheepish and unsure of his own abilities, truly tries to be the best warrior he can. In turn, he will be as encouraging & patient as needed so his apprentice can have the same opportunities to be the best warrior they can be as well :-)
Traits you intend to pass down: Land-hunting, loyalty, appreciation in what they do
Can you double-up? Sure!
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Character's Name: Tanglepaw @tanglepaw
Activity Level: Casual
What kind of mentor are you after: open for any! tanglepaw is a drypaw and a very stubborn one at that, so ideally the mentor is at least somewhat tolerable of him not learning to swim; if not a drypaw themself! additionally, he is very meek and anxious - i am okay with an easy pairing route of someone patient and empathetic, but also am down for a spicy route with someone a little more pushy and impatient! B)
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Character's Name: @MIDNIGHTASH
Activity Level: - active
What kind of mentor are you: - Midnight will be a strict mentor who will make sure that her apprentice is loyal only to Riverclan. Pushing them to do their best with little room for error.
Traits you intend to pass down: - Loyalty and ferocity
Can you double-up? - yess
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Character's Name: Merlinpaw @MERLINPAW ✦
Activity Level: - casual
What kind of mentor are you after: -someone who contrasts his personality - merlin is generally quiet and more of a thinker than a do-er so someone who's different from that could be a fun dynamic !!
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Character's Name: @carawaysong
Activity Level: - casual
What kind of mentor are you: - a skilled warrior but inexperienced teacher, may be a bit overzealous for her first apprentice but will desire a strong connection with them. great swimmer/fighter, proficient in both fishing and land hunting. will train all areas pretty evenly, especially as she gets her footing. will emphasize the importance of clan history and diplomacy. easy-going but dutiful when necessary, would work best with similar apprentices but is open for a challenge as well.
Traits you intend to pass down: - swimming, diplomacy, kindness
Can you double-up? - yes if needed!
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