RiverClan's Mentor & Apprentice Sign-Ups [10/05/24]


Jul 14, 2022



  • Welcome to RiverClan's Mentor & Apprentice Program, here is where you will sign-up to be placed with either a mentor or apprentice depending on what your character needs! There are a few rules below to follow, make sure to go over them properly before filling out the form at the end.

    • Your character must be on the CENSUS before applying below.
    • It must be ICly realistic for your character to recieve an apprentice.
      • Newly made warriors must wait up to two months before recieving an apprentice.
      • Characters who have behavioral issues may not be permitted an apprentice.
      • Your mentor rights can be stripped away from you based on IC events (including punishments etc...)
    • Please apply only if you intend to maintain your mentorship appropriately.
      • Members who continually drop characters and otherwise make the pairing process more difficult may not be considered for mentorship.

    Activity levels are considered as follows:
    10+ Posts a month is relatively active.
    Below this you would be considered casual.
    Please keep this in mind when filling out your forms.

    Character's Name:
    Please include the @
    Activity Level: See above to figure out your activity.
    What kind of mentor are you: What sort of mentor your character will be, please make clear if they are strict, lenient, focus on hunting or battle etc...
    Traits you intend to pass down: Two words max describing traits your character embodies that you intend to pass down to your apprentice. Such as: loyal, steadfaster, agile, tenacious etc....
    Can you double-up? Please note it will be ICly determined if your cat will be allowed to, but make sure to note here if you're fine opting in!
    [b]Character's Name:[/b] Please include the @
    [b]Activity Level:[/b] -
    [b]What kind of mentor are you:[/b] -
    [b]Traits you intend to pass down:[/b] -
    [B]Can you double-up?[/B] -
    Apprentice Form
    Character's Name:
    Please include the @
    Activity Level: See above to figure out your activity.
    What kind of mentor are you after: Describe what you're looking for in a mentor, if you have no preference feel free to remove this section!
    [b]Character's Name:[/b] Please include the @
    [b]Activity Level:[/b] -
    [b]What kind of mentor are you after:[/b] -

  • Active Pairings as of [10/01/2024]:
    If your character gets removed from the census they will remain here unless you go too inactive and the other player requests a mentor/apprentice swap. Remember that you're responsible as a mentor for keeping up with your apprentice, if they go inactive and you want another then feel free to reapply for one, but if you decide to drop the character please communicate it with them and the HP team as well so this stays updated!

    @PIKESPLASH ──── @Nettlepaw-
    @lichenstar ──── @SHELLPAW
    @LAKEMOON ──── @Graypaw
    @otterbite ──── @Jaggedpaw & @Foxpaw
    @salmonshade ──── @horizonpaw
    @bubbleburst ──── @TWINKLEPAW
    @iciclefang ──── @Pinepaw
    @BEEFANG ──── @Roepaw
    @willowroot ──── @echopaw.
    @hazecloud ──── @EVENINGPAW
    @swirldance ──── @CLOUDPAW
    @BRONZESHINE ──── @Warblerkit.
    @RAVENDUSK ──── @blackkit


    • Snakeblink (Active) [Can double-up]
    • Salmonshade (Active) [Can double-up/Has one apprentice already]
    • Lakemoon (Casual) [Can double-up/Has one apprentice already]
    • Tigersplash (Active) [Can double-up/Has one apprentice already]
    • Otterbite (Casual) [Can double-up/Has one apprentice already]
    • Hawkcloud (Casual) [Can double-up/Has one apprentice already]
    • Ferngill (Active) [Preference not to double up/Has an apprentice]
    • Hazecloud (Active) [Can double-up/Has one apprentice already]
    • Willowroot (Casual) [Has an apprentice]
    • Swirldance (Casual) [Has an apprentice]
    • Barkingtide (Casual)
    • Streamsong (Active) [Can double-up]
    • Bugbite (Casual) [Drypaw]
    • Midnightash (Active) [Can double-up]
    • Carawaysong (Casual) [Can double-up]
    • Beesong (Active) [Can double-up/Has one apprentice already]
    Please note that not every warrior would be able to double-up based on IC expectations and views.


    • Rivuletkit [Casual]

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Character's Name: @Squishpaw
Activity Level: Casual to semi-active
What kind of mentor are you after: Someone who is going to teach Squishpaw to think before she acts! Someone who may help her become more thoughtful and reflective. I would still like someone kind (or at the least mildly interested in her), though, because someone who is too harsh will just shut her down. (Tags)
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Character's Name: @DIPPERPAW
Activity Level: aiming for active
What kind of mentor are you after: Dipperpaw is an extremely quiet and apathetic she cat who is prone to long bouts of silence only interrupted when she feels she has something important to say or to ask a question, of which in her apprenticeship there will be lots of. I am looking for a mentor that will be patient with her and who will not get frustrated with her lack of expression (though someone opposite of this would be fun development and I would be for it) I also would prefer something backwritten but again I’m not hard pressed if we want to plot a reassignment. Preferably her mentor will excel in swimming and fighting as that is what I want her to be good at in the future and where her strengths lie. [ TAGS ]
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Character's Name: @CARPKIT
Activity Level: - Active
What kind of mentor are you after: Anyone who can handle a rambunctious kiddo with no sense of integrity! She is a risk taker without thought and will often be loud. Needs someone who can settle her down and teach her responsibility! I'd like someone OOCly that can keep up, but it is NOT required! (She'll be becoming an apprentice this upcoming meeting, but I don't mind getting a mentor late!)
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Character's Name: @salmonshade
Activity Level: hoping for active! my goal is at least 15 posts a month
What kind of mentor are you:
-> slightly awkward in teaching. does not have much experience in teaching anyone outside of various pointers
-> will want to forge a close bond with her apprentice, but makes no big move (at least early) due to her immense awkwardness.
-> excels at swimming & fishing. this will more than likely become their best trait as well.
-> good fighter, will be best paired with a nimble apprentice that can keep up on their paws with her.
-> mediocre land hunter. do not bank on being great at this.
-> compliments may sound superficial, but she means it. compliments to her own apprentice will hold a heavier weight than to any other.
-> instills a strict sense of loyalty & duty to their clan. will have various sit-downs about clan culture & what will be expected of them.
-> as nimble & quick as her paws are, she is not greatly suited for little things such as weaving & fixing dens. she will show you how, but she will not spend much time on it.
-> will only train with claws out during certain circumstances, such as being asked or preparing for something big. wants her apprentice to be prepared, but does not want to hurt them.
-> quiet fishing sessions between them are always one of their most constant. salmon doesn’t talk much & doesn’t have the need to.
Traits you intend to pass down: fishing, swimming & fighting.

small edit: i am willing to have salmon double up if needed
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Character's Name: @Snakeblink
Activity Level: Active (15-25 posts a month)
What kind of mentor are you:
- Not very experienced or skilled at teaching, anxious about it. Makes up for it by being VERY attentive, will often ask for his apprentice's input
- Excels at swimming and fishing, good at land hunting: will focus a LOT of training on hunting prey
- Poor fighter: will teach dirty tricks, how to efficiently get out of fights or how to take advantage of an enemy that is already engaged with another opponent, but apprentice will get little out of one-on-one sparring
- Other skills he will try to pass down: observation, strategy, weaving
- Serious, level-headed, socially awkward, Out Of Touch Adult™
- Will often sound more distant and critical than he meant to
- Generous with compliments but they always sound weird
- Workaholic, will not teach how to have a work-life balance, WILL strongly encourage absolute devotion and loyalty to the clan (often through small tasks like cleaning the elders' den)
- Would do best with an apprentice who doesn't challenge his authority outright and who either has a natural inclination for fighting or is confident enough to ask for another mentor's help with sparring. But it would be VERY funny if he had to deal with a little hellion. or a drypaw.
Traits you intend to pass down: Observant, devoted
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Character's Name: lichentail @lichentail
Activity Level: active (20+ posts/month) - willing to double up on apprentices
What kind of mentor are you:
- duty driven, workaholic mindset. expects devotion and high levels of involvement in the clan's success.
- the longer they go without learning relevant skills, the longer they are in danger and they become more of a liability so she is pushy about learning new skills quickly, can be impatient
- though anxious for the safety of her apprentice(s), lichen is not overly friendly and struggles to be emotionally available to them, coming across as a rigid instructor with even more rigid expectations.
- cats with inflated egos or hankerings towards laziness easily earn her ire and frustration. however she seeks to grow her skills in constructive criticism and empathy.
- unique set of skills to pass on to future generations involving hunting flying creatures!
- does not enjoy swimming herself, finds it a mandatory skill for survival and stubbornly demands its mastery.
- her weaknesses include offensive combat strategies (as she prefers decoy and distraction) and diplomacy (as she is often unwilling to compromise), so these are not traits she'd be able to pass onto her successors.

tldr; "do no harm, take no shit"
Traits you intend to pass down: dutiful, bird-hunting, swimming​
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( ) character's name: willowroot @willowroot
activity level: - active
what kind of mentor are you: -
-> a confident teacher with a forgiving teaching style
-> will expect a close bond with her apprentices, although she might keep them at arms length at first due to past mistakes
-> excellent at swimming and fishing, but will also teach the importance of land hunting, specifically rodents, as she is good at that as well.
-> a good fighter, although she promotes diplomacy over violence. she will work with her apprentice to develop their own fighting style.
-> readily gives out compliments- good for an apprentice with low self esteem.
-> in the event she receives a boastful or hotheaded apprentice, she will change tactics, and has the ability to become hardened.
-> emphasizes loyalty, but only out of a want to keep her apprentices safe from exile. she will not suggest any of her own misgivings about clan leadership, but will emphasize the importance of making one's own choices.
-> learned weaving from an excellent weaver, but never really got into it. she will teach it, however.
-> a typical day involves one strenuous activity, and then practice or casual fishing for the rest of the day.
traits you intend to pass down: - swimming, fishing, diplomacy, kindness

character's name: coyotecreek @coyotecreek
activity level: - casual
what kind of mentor are you: -
-> not necessarily built for teaching, but cares a lot about young cats, so is passionate.
-> hopes to develop a close bond, will try to be there for whatever his apprentice needs.
-> an excellent land hunter, less of a good fisher, although he tries. he's also not the best swimmer but deems it necessary to living in riverclan.
-> not the best fighter, so will stick to the textbook battle moves. he will encourage his apprentices to seek out others to practice with.
-> super supportive, almost to the point where it might get annoying, but he's well meaning. giving Single Father vibes.
-> will teach the warrior code and be a rule stickler.
-> works with the apprentice to develop a schedule that works well for both of them.
traits you intend to pass down: - land hunting, clan history knowledge, kindness, forgiveness.
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Character's Name: @LILYBLOOM.
Activity Level: - Casual
What kind of mentor are you: -
Lilybloom will be a fairly serious mentor for the most part. Whilst not overly strict, she will expect her apprentice to take their duties seriously and not slack off or cause trouble for her or the clan as a whole. Lilybloom would be friendly and supportive of her apprentice and would hope for them to come and speak with her if they had any issues or concerns. Combat is not what she'd consider her strongest skill. She can hold her own in battle but it more likely to pass on good hunting and swimming skills.
Traits you intend to pass down: -swimming, fishing, patience, diplomacy.
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Character's Name: @robinpaw.
Activity Level: - semi-active/active
What kind of mentor are you after: - robinpaw would benefit from a mentor who is extremely loyal to riverclan and determined to set her back on track to becoming a proper riverclanner. i am completely open to this being her original mentor before she broke the rules and was captured or her getting reassigned to a more strict mentor after returning to riverclan
Character's Name: @ROOKFANG
Activity Level: - active/semi-active(?) can have more than one apprentice
What kind of mentor are you: -
- rookfang is a diligent and patient mentor, able to withstand stubborn personalities and even contrasting ones as he is one to keep his emotions separate from work and not take things personally

- this can lead to him being emotionally detached from connecting closely with his apprentices, making it difficult for them to know exactly what he sees or thinks of their progress unless they are prepared to hear the hard cold truth, he is not one to sugarcoat when it comes to criticism as he believes there is always room for improvement

- he expects commitment and the idea of opportunity, to take whatever chance and to get rid of any second thoughts/doubts that may arise, he wants to ensure that his apprentices grow with confidence in themselves

- will see them as equals and does believe in the idea of learning from mistakes but if they do make a big mistake (especially if it impacts other clanmates negatively), rookfang will ensure they never forget about it

- can adapt to whatever learning behavior the apprentice prefers but if it comes to socializing, he struggles deeply with it, and advice for relationships is not his strong suit

- heavy on the idea of meditation and self-reflection, he finds importance in realizing how big an impact one can be and will wish for his apprentices to learn this due to his struggle with accepting his own self-worth and impact

- will train his apprentices to be ready even during unusual times, especially at night, will train them to be prepared for all different hours of the day so they can be prepared at any given time so may wake them up in the middle of the night to train

- excels in tracking in all kinds of weather and offensive/aggressive fighting (specifically with pinning and restricting an opponent's mobility)

- not the best at hunting/fishing, mostly leaning towards avian prey but excels in holding breath underwater over swimming
Traits you intend to pass down: - striving for constant self-improvement, self-awareness, and tracking/fighting
Character's Name: @carawaykit
Activity Level: - active
What kind of mentor are you after: - looking for someone who will push her to take things more seriously. she'll be extremely dedicated to training but can be very spirited and doesn't necessarily grasp the gravity what being a warrior really means. i would prefer a mentor who excels in fighting as i plan for that to be one of her strengths. no preferred personalities, she would work well with anyone as long as they are devoted to her training.
Character's Name: Nettlekit, @Nettlekit
Activity Level: - Fluctuates based on how busy I am irl. Usually Active, though.
What kind of mentor are you after: - Someone that will be able to handle Nettlekit. By now, I think his reputation for being a blunt, rebellious asshole is pretty well know. A mentor who can re-direct his frustration onto enemies of RiverClan, rather than within RiverClan itself, would be ideal. Additionally, Nettlekit is blind, so any mentor needs to be prepared for the extra time it will take him to learn. He will be terrible at fishing. He will do a bit better at land hunting. Whether the mentor is patient, or demanding, I don't mind. Nettlekit will react differently depending.
Character's Name: @Bumblekit
Activity Level: - Aiming at active (10-15 posts)
What kind of mentor are you after: - Any cat willing to help break Bumblekit out of her shell and guide her to a better path would be a perfect fit. Towards cats outside of her family, she is polite but ignorant, often in her own world. She loves getting up to mischief with her siblings and can come across as stubborn if caught or reprimanded. Fair warning, she is also very in touch with her emotions. If you ever step on her paw or say a bad word about her siblings, it'll be a torrent of tears and whining.

An experienced mentor who can handle her attitude would fare best, but if you want a comedic twist, a mentor who is easily pushed around would lead to increased misbehavior and stress for said mentor.
Character's Name: @Nightfish
Activity Level: Casual
What kind of mentor are you:
- Drypaw. Will only teach as much swimming and fishing as can be done without getting him wet, and not great at either.
- Very 'show, don't tell' method of teaching, struggles to explain how to do things, and will be frustrated with an apprentice who has a hard time getting things right just from looking at him.
- Kind of only knows one way to do things and it either works or it doesn't
- Lacks patience, snaps easily but unlikely to punish his apprentice for getting on his nerves
- Not exigent: C-minus is a passing grade
- Not overly concerned with passing on loyalty and devotion to the clan, but will make sure his apprentice ends up with enough skills to take care of themselves and make themselves useful. Laid-back about discipline in general.
- Very good fighter, good tracker and land hunter
- Doesn't care to nurture a particularly close relationship to his apprentice but won't go out of his way to make sure it doesn't happen, either
- Likely to throw an apprentice into any kind of Situation with a shrug like "you're what, 8? you can manage this. probably."
Traits you intend to pass down: fighting, tracking, land hunting, self-reliance/independance
Character's Name: @bubblepaw
Activity Level: - relatively active
What kind of mentor are you after: - probably someone patient who is willing to put up with A LOT of silly antics and stupid questions. she is a very kind and good-natured individual, but lacks severely in logic and skills. probably a better mediator than fighter, and often doesn't think things through before she does them. would be open to a more stern than friendly mentor! She just probably wouldn't respond well to someone who is short-tempered.
Character's Name: @Asphodelpaw
Activity Level: casual but aiming for active
What kind of mentor are you after: Any at all! Asphodelpaw is a bit of a grouchy people-pleaser so whoever his mentor ends up being he'll probably take after them one way or another!
Character's Name: @bitekit - -
Activity Level: Active
What kind of mentor are you after: No preference. He's a bit of a meanie so he may clash heads, am curious to see what dynamic will come out of his apprenticeship.
/ if he's to be held back for his antics that's okay too!
Character's Name: @Silverbreath
Activity Level: - 6/10 life is hectic but I'm usually pretty present
What kind of mentor are you:
- Silverbreath is a dad at heart and will treat his apprentice as a member of his family so, prepare for loving uncle hours
- He'll treat his apprentice with lots of compassion and patience
- Might start off a little too soft on them since he won't be able to stop seeing them as itty bitty lil babies who need protecting
- but as they mature he'll get better at trusting them to handle themselves
- will be a bit useless when it comes to hunting on land, so he'll prioritize fishing and swimming more than anything
- will really push for an understanding of loyalty and what it means to commit yourself to your clan
- will be a bit of a pushover at first especially with harsh personality types, hoping and trusting that they'll come back to him if he stays patient and kind
- but he's not above being harsh with wayward apprentices from time to time and may give grueling training lessons like waking up especially early or making them do apprentice chores for a week if he has to
- will never use excessive force, but probably on the apprentices last moon or if there's a war going on he'll talk to them about preparing for cats who won't hold back and maybe a little rougher with training to get them ready for that concept
- but overall will emphasize taking it easy and seeing the positive in every situation, learning to balance life and responsibilities and the importance of
mental health
- will also probably do his best to get his apprentices to train in groups to better learn comradarie
Traits you intend to pass down: - Agile swimmers and laid-back dispositions
Can you double-up? - totally!