
Sep 24, 2022
❝  It's a streak of pale above his head, and Dreamer tumbles to oblivion. He yelps, an undignified a sound as anything could ever be from one so practiced with his voice, and the world becomes one long path of blurred insensibility. Rocks bound towards the clear blue sky, and the grass tickles his tail before his paws. Wind carves through his fur, tangling pale strands to an inconceivable mess. He sucks it in as if it might save him, lungfuls of cruel, razor-edged air– and then he lands. He lands with the world still so far below him that he cannot make sense of it. Swaths of blue with a rocky pathway...he's on his back. The ground that he sees above him is not ground at all, but the wide expanse of open sky. And the rocks he sees, looming just a few short tail-lengths above him...

Dreamer makes a grand mistake: he rights himself. And sucks in another lungful of air. "Hohhhkay," he exhales. The small tom is breathing deeply, as one might have been taught to do when they're in a deep, all-consuming state of panic, but he is not there yet. He doesn't think. Rushing far below him, on this teeny, quite useless water. "Okay," the tomcat whispers again. "Okay." His legs have caught a tremble. His back begins to ache with the sudden impact, adrenaline giving way to pain as he takes inventory of his surroundings. At least the loner is not entirely alone– a stick keeps him company on this miserable ledge, as well as a small bundle of leaves growing in the crack that he, quite frankly, does not think will be much help.

"This is not quite the story I imagined coming here for." In some strange effort to distract himself, the silky feline has taken to conversation as he takes one ginger step alongside the ledge. There's a faint slope upwards. If his paws are sure, maybe he would find himself back on even ground? "Or a fitting end to my own," Dreamer tacks on as one paw slips and sends pebbles down the gorge's face. He seems remarkably calm now, at least.

  • alloy_headshot_2.png
    ooc: dreamer, having thought walking very close to the border would be the most unobtrusive way to get through clan territory, has been startled by a hawk and fallen onto a ledge at the very edge of the gorge. though it's not too far down, he is very much stuck. please save him. ^^'
  • DREAMER. current loner, warrior name to be decided.
    ──── uses he - him or they - them, will accept it - its.
    ──── approximately forty moons old.  will join wind.
    ──── sexuality unknown. flirt, yet he rarely falls in love.

    a small, slender cream tabby with silky fur and lightly tufted ears. despite his small stature, his legs are comparatively long and lend him a delicate look. combined with his rather large, silky tail, dreamer seems far more refined than he truly is. as a wandering loner in search of stories, he has built up a fantastic endurance that rarely shows itself.
  • "speech"
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Reactions: REEDBONES

The gorge was a neat little part of WindClan territory... It was entirely useless aside from causing scares at least once a moon. The only good it did them was that the hole in the earth kept RiverClan at a tail's length, made it more difficult for fools to trespass onto the moors.

Sootstar on this day leads the charge to the gorge, the border needed scent markings redone. It felt like a waste of complete time given no one could cross over from the other side, but she knew by ensuring their scent was strong they'd be sending out a clear message. Besides... RiverClan marked the other side, and she wasn't about to let their fish scent float over and not cover it up.

Usually the patrols to the gorge were quiet, but today there was a surprise in store. At first Sootstar ignored the sound of paw-steps coming from... over the gorge? Yet she kept hearing the earth and the rocks move, and eventually heard a voice. Was someone...?

Creeping over to the edge of the gorge she peaks over its ledge, her gaze swiftly finding the source of the noise. A cat was a little ways down on a narrow perch, legs quaking and all.

"Don't fall." Unhelpfully she meows, a smirk growing on her face. Turning around she does in fact give her warriors a nod of approval to help, she just hope none of them get their hopes up on saving this guy... Who knew if the earth would hold under his paws.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Following close behind Sootstar was Hyacinthbreath herself, eagerly marking the borders and chatting with clanmates. After all, this was routine- she had grown used to the boring repetitiveness, but she enjoys the lack of events. The lack of trauma, of blood and gore. She blinks as she watches Sootstar creep towards the edge of the gorge, speaking to someone below. Had someone gotten stuck?

With Sootstar's nod of approval to help, Hyacinth pads forward to take a look at the surrounding area near the tom whom was trapped. She turns to look behind her, gesturing for someone to lean down so she can whisper into their ear.

"Keep him talking so he doesn't freak out and get himself killed." Hyacinth orders softly, before she dismisses them with a flick of her tail to find a way to help him. She reaches down, feeling the security of the gorge's wall of dirt and rock. "Name's Hyacinthbreath. We're gonna get you out of this, ja? What's your name, friend?" She asks calmly, almost too calm- she seems to be nonchalant at this situation, but the panic was all in her head. Would he die, here and now? Fall into the depths?

She sees the slope, but doesn't decide to move down it- she doesn't need to get stuck as well.
INFO Reedbones isn't part of the border patrol— marking up their boundaries really isn't his thing. Just reminds him how much more they could have, and then he gets pissed off all over again remembering the battle between the marsh and pine cats. Among other reactions he kicks dirt over until they're completely submerged. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

So he'd noticed the small, pale bastard wandering along like the unpredictable flitting of a butterfly, except Reedbones had thought, That moth-brained idiot is going to fall. And he had. Spectacularly.

Reedbones doesn't arrive until after Sootstar and a little band of WindClanners have already checked out the scene, clustering over by the edge. Must not be dead, then, or he's a noticeable smear they're gawking at— but no, he's there on a ledge looking worse for wear and clearly tugging his composure back in place.

"Why should we?" He asks, not nearly as keen on being helpful as Hyacinthbreath. His gaze sizes the stranger up, head bending slightly closer for a better look at the absent-minded fool. There's no pity in his chest for him, which is a good thing. Reedbones never handles pity like anything other than an executioner's axe. "Nasty shits, those birds," he calls down to him with an entirely rogue-ish grin. "Saw the whole thing. When I want to have a good laugh, I will just remember the little tumbling cat who went tail over head into the gorge."
❝  He looks up to meet the eyes of other cats, and that is perhaps the strangest delight in this situation. His eyes brighten. There is one with a sardonic uselessness, intentional as it must be, and another with gentle words. Those two greet him first, and Dreamer offers a practiced, pleasant smile back up to them. He does not take another step when his eyes cannot see where they go. Frozen there, under observation. How strange. In a way, it was quite like giving a performance. The tomcat embraces that. "I'll do my best!" he cheerfully answers the first, then drops his eyes for another step. Another rock tumbles down, and his heart leaps up. Nothing shows on his face. "Hyacinthbreath. A stunning name. I feel as if I should congratulate you on it." How grand his tiny paws seem on this ledge. They take up much of the space. One after the other, though he pauses shortly after to look back up. The gradual slope seems to have gotten him a scant few inches closer to those looming heads. "Mine is nothing so grand. Call me Dreamer. Everyone does." A light, charming grin.

Another step is in the works when another voice echoes through his thoughts, and silky fur bounces in the effort of suddenly righting himself. For someone who does not consider himself easily startled, it has deeply wounded his pride to jump like this twice in such a brief span of time. Despite the sharp disapproval in his chest, when he looks up it is with the same easy smile. "I am so glad to bring a measure of joy to your life." A step. The path has narrowed further, and he's no idea how to walk it safely. It fades soon, merging back to the sheer face of the gorge's drop. "Though I doubt a group such as this could have a boring enough day to need memories for a laugh. You must have plenty going on. Tell me of it?" A bid for composure, a plea for a story to cling to as he forces himself another few steps up the narrowing slope.

  • alloy_headshot_2.png
  • DREAMER. current loner, warrior name to be decided.
    ──── uses he - him or they - them, will accept it - its.
    ──── approximately forty moons old.  will join wind.
    ──── sexuality unknown. flirt, yet he rarely falls in love.

    a small, slender cream tabby with silky fur and lightly tufted ears. despite his small stature, his legs are comparatively long and lend him a delicate look. combined with his rather large, silky tail, dreamer seems far more refined than he truly is. as a wandering loner in search of stories, he has built up a fantastic endurance that rarely shows itself.
  • "speech"

Redbones wasn't helpful in this situation, she realized- he'd prefer the amusement of watching the cream tom struggle beneath them. She knew better than to show weakness, but Hyacinth figures this tom would be a good addition to WindClan if he survived this. She tries to make her way down the slope, only to stop and pull herself back up onto the grassy ledge. She hums, thoughtfully- the tom's compliment of her name making her cheeks warm. Nobody's said that to her before, it was just an ordinary name after all.

"Dreamer is a nice name. Don't hear it often." Hyacinth replies softly, blinking violet hues down at the pale feline down below. She lifts her head then, turning around to the rest of the patrol. Then, with a mighty yell, she summons a tom she knows can help in this situation.

"JAGGEDOAK!" She yells for her long-time friend, smirking at his questioning glance. "Help me pull this chap up, ja? He's stuck down there, and you're big and strong enough to take some of the weight, yes?"

She only hoped he didn't trip or something.


Dreamer, the cat says to call him. Sootstar snorts as she lashes a tail, quite the name, had he been daydreaming when he fell into the gorge too? Yet Reedbones states something about birds, he must've seen something the small she-cat hadn't...

The tiny feline finds herself moving to stand near the late arrivers shoulder, peering up into his gaze, "The birds did this?" She questions with a glance to the sky, half-expecting to see one of the beasts hovering. Then she glances back down at Dreamer, another smirk rising onto her features. "Good thing all you did was take a tumble then, hmm? Could've been hawk meat instead... StarClan must've spared you." Not that he'd know anything about their starry gods, but considering they were the reason he wasn't dead...

Sootstar stands idly as Hyacinithbreath and potentially Jaggedoak help the tom, she clearly doesn't see the emergency in getting the tom to safety, similarly to the tom-cat at her side.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Aha, well this was an unfortunate sight wasn't it?. A cat had fallen into the gorge on thier land. Who even knew where this tom had was a shame they just couldn't leave him down there. Sunsetpaw twitched her nose as she come on over closer to peek a glance down there at the hole there the tom were stuck. A concernd frown crossed this features of hers as a worrisome thought crossed her mind. " I hope he doesn't have any fleas..." She pointed out her concerns like it was the most importand thing right now. Of course it wasn't but she for sure didn't wanted to risk it...neither did she wish for Sootstar to end up with fleas either. If she had too she would sacrifice her beautiful fur for her but...starclan, she really hoped she didn't have to. That this tom were not as filthy like he looked down there. Let starclan hear her prayers. Please.