✦  .   ˚ .   The moors are quiet this late. The prey itself seems to have curled up for a rest, safe within their tunnels and burrows. He wishes terribly that he could do the same. His life had been spent in uneven shifts, sleeplessness as normal as sleep. They would fall asleep between breaths and blinks, and wake just as quickly when the world around them stirred. Night was not the thing of fear it was to others. Beneath StarClan's watchful gaze, they do not even have to fear the dark. The world above them glows, raw and brave in its faith. Though Sunstride cannot say that he belongs with those deceased warriors his clanmates revere as loved ones and saviors both, he knows that they look fondly upon the rest of WindClan.

To do this beneath their gaze seems– terrible and cruel. Wrong. Yet Sootstar's word was not to be spoken out against, and if they trust in shall he.

A deep sigh floats into the cool air, its warmth quickly dissipating. Their patrol has taken them towards the edges of their territory, horseplace behind them and the stinking thunderpath some distance before. Should they follow along, it will take them to Fourtrees. The place of great violence, and of great peace. Part of him wishes that they could make it that far. As if it would ensure their safety– kittens playing amidst the stones, small paws slapping down with a I'm safe! You can't get me now! as if this was how war truly ended. A pathetic notion he wishes he still had the innocence to believe in. Even if it were so, they have no chance of making it now.

Beneath the moon's quiet force stand two rogues. Their pelts are sleek and full, short fur showing both healed scars and toned strength. They do not starve like WindClan does. They do not suffer– Yellowcough, battles, starvation, they are immune to it all. And they stand above a rabbit, freshly killed. Its scent is still warm upon the air, with spilt blood and twoleg stench wafting from further away. Sunstride's pelt bristles, auburn fur rising along his shoulders and his fangs bared into a glint. Those that came with him were not among his most trusted. Bluepool, certainly. The rest– he does not know him. But he knows enough to trust the hatred in the sight before them.

"Fan out," he orders softly, thick tail lashing. "We will strike at my order. Rumblepaw, with Bluepool. Thriftpaw, you are to follow me. Do not draw their attention before I order it."

  • OOC. @Bluepool @Honeybadger. @beetlenose @RUMBLEPAW @Thriftpaw

    helloooo everyone, so i have a specific plot in mind for this thread! please feel free to powerplay the rogues in combat only (don't have them do anything outside of fighting your character!), but keep in mind that they will only act in defense!
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"
  • Like
Thriftpaw had said he needed something like this. He had even meant it, wholly, when he had said it before. Now, with moonlight limning Thriftpaw's edges pale and StarClan itself watching his back, Thriftpaw feels trepidation shake him to his core. His paws fall in step with the patrols' but as he follows along the same wilding path as them to whatever destination they will meet, Thriftpaw considers just how much trouble he might find himself in were he to let himself slow into an unnoticed stop and allow the rest of them to carry on without him.

Fear presses him forward just as much as it fights to stall him — the threat of disapproval is far more tangible than that of the rogues to Thriftpaw, up until the moment that he sees them. Instinct takes him; Thriftpaw backs away a startled step and glances anxiously at Sunstride. His mouth moves but his voice doesn't come, the desire to seek reassurance against the worry that he will somehow be loud now, when he has never been so before. It will not be Thriftpaw to draw their attention, his rabbit-heart couldn't take it.

Instead he offers Sunstride a shaky nod, and moves to follow his orders.​
  • Crying
Reactions: SUNSTAR

Bluepool has no qualms with what they have been ordered to do. These rogues are a disease that in her opinion needs to be cut out before they are allowed to spread. They had invaded their home, stolen prey that her clan desperately needed right now. To her, these measures were necessary to protect her clan and its inhabitants. Still, she cannot help but cast a sidelong glance at Sunstride and wonder. Did he agree with these orders or did his strange sense of nobility make these actions feel wrong to him? Still, he was carrying them out so if he did disagree it was not enough to sway him completely. She respects that about him she thinks. The way he is willing to go against morals to protect their clan. It is how she feels too.

At the order to fan out she gives a nod and silently, with a flick of her short tail she indicates to Rumblepaw to follow. The grass parts for her as she slices her way through the heather, expert paws knowing just where to step so that she makes the least amount of noise. When they get into position, flanking the two unaware rogues she dares to look at the apprentice at her side. They were one of Badgermoon's - One of Scorchstreak's and shes certain that they would be able to hold their own in a fight but still, she worries. "Get ready" her voice is barely a whisper, more a movement, she would not want to give their position away after all.

Her whole body tenses as she awaits the signal to pounce.

  • ooc : — sorry for the late reply! ​

  • she / her
    WindClan lead warrior & moor runner

    - - a small, silver tabby she cat with short fur a cropped tail and yellow eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Reckless. Impulsive. Spontaneous. These are all the words that may come to mind if asked to describe Bluepool. She is an incredibly loyal cat who loves her family, her friends, and her clan fiercely. She is well known for her outspoken behavior, often just speaking whatever is on her mind or diving into things without really stopping to consider the consequences of her actions first. Once she has set her mind on something it is difficult to get her to change it.
    ESTP-A 'the entrepreneur'

    skilled fighter ; decent hunter
    SOOT CLAW X PEBBLE BREEZE; sister to sootstar and mintshade