private ROW, ROW, DOWN THE STREAM - Thornpaw

Dec 5, 2023
It'd been a few hours since the meeting that connected Thornpaw to Bonerattle, attached now they both were. Where one went the other would go and it would take some getting used to for the both of them. Thornpaw would be Bonerattle's first apprentice, and though he had wanted this day to come - as much as the stoic warrior could, as he wanted to be a part of ShadowClan, do something to shape the future - he was still surprised, and a small part of him worried about whether he would do good. The larger part of his brain said that he knew he would, he'd been trained by his own mentor well and the help he'd received growing up training-wise by his mother made him fairly well-rounded. He was able to pull his weight and he was sure that by the time Thornpaw was old enough to take her own assessment she, too, would be well-rounded and ready to be a contributing member of the clan.

Still he couldn't deny her the joys of the first day of apprenticeship and so he'd left her alone for a few hours, waited for her to pick her nest, and then come to find her as the day was growing colder and the night would begin to settle in just a few hours time. It would be perfect for first lessons, learning the territory in both light and dark - one of the few things ShadowClanners alone could do. "Thornpaw." He'd speak to grab her attention before a tail waved as a command to follow before he moved to the entrance and sat, waiting to see how long it would take for her to come forth.
  • scalejaw x shadestep | sibling to shadefall & nightwhisper
    he/they - no preference
    15 moons, ages every 1st of the month
    They speak in bolded #708f52 and think in italicized #708f52
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Thornpaw had been sitting in the apprentice's den, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling within her as she nosed about. It felt like she had lived in the nursery forever and now she was here. The meeting had kicked started her life into a direction she hadn't really prepared for. With her mother's passing, father's absence, and siblings abduction she'd been wholly absorbed in life's drama. However, she couldn't deny the flutter of anticipation in her chest for the training that lay ahead, a chance to prove herself and become stronger. That way no cat nor clan could ever abduct her family again.

After choosing a nest, Thornpaw had spent some time reflecting on the gravity of the day. As the day came to a lull, she noticed Bonerattle's arrival, his stoic presence commanding her attention. The call of her name broke through any thoughts, and she swiftly turned to face him. His tail waved with a silent command to follow, and Thornpaw eagerly rose to her paws. "Coming!" Trotting forward and looking up with silent reverie.

Exiting the den, she joined Bonerattle at the entrance, her eyes meeting his with a mix of curiosity. She wasn't sure what the older cat had in mind but her paws itched with the need to find out. Ready for the lessons that awaited her, she awaited his guidance politely.
Already he knew he'd been given a good apprentice, quick to come when called and eager to learn. Not every cat was like this and so he could only thank StarClan and Chilledstar for giving him Thornpaw as his first, and ask he watched the eager child run forward to greet him at the entrance to the camp he stood up once more, tail flicking in a motion for the younger feline to follow before moving again out into the territory.

A few moments of silence to let everything sink in - how big the territory outside of camp was - he spoke at last, glancing down to the apprentice at his side every couple words to make sure Thornpaw was still there and keeping up. "Do you know what makes ShadowClan cats ShadowClanners?" He was looking for any number of answers here, though there was one that he hoped would come from the other above anything else. They were known to be able to traverse the dark, using their namesake as a way to get ahead of their enemies and he enjoyed hunting in the dark to practice his fighting skills as well. If you couldn't catch a frog how are you meant to catch a cat, after all?
  • scalejaw x shadestep | sibling to shadefall & nightwhisper
    he/they - no preference
    15 moons, ages every 1st of the month
    They speak in bolded #708f52 and think in italicized #708f52
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Quickly and silently she followed putting in some gusto behind each step as her smaller legs intended to catch up. Eventually, she fell into rhythm and her gaze widened as they pushed out of the entrance and into the territory. Her breath hitched with wonder but she dared not stray from the older cats side. Mindfully absorbing information around her but not betraying the path ahead. Their question pulled the youth from her daze and she looked up quizzically. Mind whirring to life as she tried to think of a good answer. Swallowing her nerves she meowed a response. "Um. We live in a swamp and we're good at hunting in dark spaces?" It was a wild guess on her part and the child fretted over said answer. She hadn't spent much of her early childhood learning anything about her home but surely there was some foundation to it.
A small smile tugged at the corner of his maw as Thornpaw answered the question albeit with slight hesitance before nodding his head. Dark spaces, ShadowClan was named after that if he remembered correctly, for the way their territory was enveloped in shadows and how well they were able to maneuver in them. "Yes, mainly the dark spaces part." He'd rumble out, tail-tip flicking in slight amusement as they continued to walk, Bonerattle's ears pricked as the two of them pushed forward towards the borders.

"Pay attention while it's light outside, make sure to smell the scent of ShadowClan around us and try to mark where we came from. Once it starts to get dark the landmarks change shape, the shadows taking over what you saw before. Once that happens you'll lead the way back." He'd be there, close behind to help where needed but if Bonerattle had learned anything in his life it was despite how well the clan could come together when needed, more often than not one would have to ask for help to receive it, and they had to be quick thinkers on their own.
  • scalejaw x shadestep | sibling to shadefall & nightwhisper
    he/they - no preference
    15 moons, ages every 1st of the month
    They speak in bolded #708f52 and think in italicized #708f52
    peaceful powerplay allowed
A soft nod followed Bonerattle's guidance as Thornpaw acknowledged the importance of mastering the dark spaces of ShadowClan territory. "I understand." The paw' responded, voice soft yet unwavering. "I'll pay close attention and mark the way." A touch embarrassed by her earlier naive remark but pleased to know she had been close enough. The swampy surroundings had always been her home, yet the art of navigating through the darkness required a different level of awareness. She admired her mentor's calmness, his experience evident in the way he directs her.

As the pair continued their stroll towards the borders, Thornpaw focused on the details around her, committing the scents and features of their path to memory. Pads carefully feeling the mushy earth mixed with frigid crystals. She repeated Bonerattle's instructions mentally, determined to prove her capability. Shyness and quietness masked the firmness and headstrong nature that burned within her.

Newfound determination flickered in her bi-colored eyes as she patiently awaited the challenge, ready to demonstrate as the stars embraced the swamp in their nightly dance. Looking to Bonerattle she gives him a unspoken blink of understanding before dipping her nose to the ground. Focusing on their mingling scents and the distant powerhouse of arma's marking camp. At a careful pace she winds back through the twisting tree's steeling her nerves in the dark as her eyes adjust to the dimmed light.

Unsurprisingly, she struggles as their trail is hidden by the incoming flurry above but she continued to pursue the fading markers. Looking every which way as the swamp fell into total darkness.