Studying at all the gathered wind ferals, with a hunched over position. Scarred neck twisting to turn at the clanners movements, with a slight frown settled on his face as per usual. He sat next to his golden charge, long tail curled tightly against his darkened paws. He watches the ferals go about, sticking various flowers in different fur colors. He.. doesn't get it. What's so great about sticking sticky pollen covered blooms in you're fur? Nevertheless, he glances down at Celandine with a snort escaping him. Seems like someone is having much more fun then I am, he flicks an ear at golden furred tabby's chirpy voice. With a twitch of his tail, he waves at the retreating backs of the Windclanners going to this gathering he doesn't know what the hell that is. Seems Windclan is a more discrete folk then that of the Horseplace residents and temporary traveling visitors. These cats seem more at peace, then the ones who were streaked with the sharp scent of ichor dripping down their battered bodies when they arrived at the barn. Good. With an equally confused tilt of his head, eyes blinking slowly in slight interest of one of the ferals words of being 'united' he truly does not get it.

  • ( they come in creepin' ) GRAVE : rogue
    — afab, trans masc ; HE / HIM ; currently 19 moons
    — pansexual / single / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    — a tall, lanky shorthaired dull black feline with narrow dark amber eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech, 9a3b3b"
    — smells of raspberries and midnight rain

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone