Aug 6, 2022

GOLDEN: of a high degree of excellence ; radiantly youthful and vigorous ; having talents that promise great success ; highly favored

GOLDEN ⋆ GOLDENPAW ⋆ ███████████

↳ named after his silvery - cream pelt and distinct golden eyes
— currently a loner; completely unkowledgable of clans
— cisgender male, he / him, accepts others with confusion; sexuality unknown
— created 1.1.2022 at 3 moons 10.28.2022 at 3 moons / ages every 27th
↳ penned by floppie

medium - haired, cream cameo tom with golden eyes & solid cream patches.
/ reference

golden will later grow into a taller than average tom; spry and packed with lean muscle under a thick coat of cream and silver. he doesn't have the typical " longhaired " appearance, instead, longer swaths of fur are more obvious around his chest, hind - legs, and tail, giving it somewhat of a regal, plumed appearance. affected by mosaicism; this manifests in sparce, solid cream patches across his fur. coat is always maintained with the utmost care, it shines golden in the sunlight.
↳ carrying non-silver
↳ masking blue

alignment loading . . . entp ❝ the debater
(+) loyal, centered (/) protective, playful (-) lazy

Intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
Confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
Charisma ●●●●●●●●●○
Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
Empathy ●●●●●○○○○○
Humor ●●●●●●●●●○
golden likes to flaunt himself, though he's careful with how far he goes, never daring to brag or be obnoxious about anything he doesn't genuinely believe he has. he's a fast learner when he's truly interested, though these instances are few and far between. Not yet touched by WIndclan's harsh regimen, he's a typical fun-loving kit. He rarely gets truly angry (probably tolerance built up around his family) unless his brother is in genuine trouble.

↳ mannerisms Negative emotions rarely show on his face. His resting expression is a dumb little smile, and at worst, it may go flat in contemplation. His tone remains light, and despite his laziness, he puts quite the emphasis on posture. He emotes with his tail more than through bright faces and the waving of paws.

moss ( npc ) x pitch ( npc ) brother to storm| mentoring no one, mentored by no one | Mate to no one

— Respects
— Curious of
— Wary of
— Doesn't care for

single; too young
trusts somewhat slower than the typical child.

strength ●○○○○○○○○○
stamina ●●●●○○○○○○
agility ●●●○○○○○○○
hunting ○○○○○○○○○○
swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
grace ●●●●○○○○○○
— physical health [100%] | mental health [90%]
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at balance
poor swimming
sounds like a boyish voice, typical of someone his age.
smells of dry grass and sun - warmed marigold
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is #F1C46D
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in elit interdum, porta nisi eget, faucibus ex. Sed at odio vel lacus finibus tristique lobortis at arcu. Suspendisse pulvinar elit tortor, quis varius diam aliquet eu. Phasellus varius enim dui, nec fermentum sem ultricies quis. Nullam convallis eu nisi non rutrum. Etiam sed justo sodales, congue quam eu, varius erat. Phasellus eleifend elit varius libero egestas, a consectetur nunc lacinia. Nullam vehicula, libero sed ornare scelerisque, libero ex hendrerit libero, vitae pretium nulla arcu vitae mauris. Phasellus lorem magna, lacinia sit amet vehicula nec, condimentum vehicula mi. Mauris semper justo sit amet justo egestas posuere. "Sed vel ligula rutrum mauris pharetra feugiat."
[box=60%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][font=verdana][size=11px]TEXT TEXT TEXT. "[outline=black][color=#F1C46D][b]SPEECH[/b][/color][/outline]"[/size][/font][/color][/justify][/box]