camp SAY HEY ☼ thunder

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
If Roeflame were asked what her favorite season was out of the four, the tabby molly would be inclined to answer with new-leaf, if not leaf-fall.
New-leaf was the season of life, the season her kits had been born into. The perfect balance between days filled with sunshine and those dampened with the rain that let the oak forest flourish.
Roeflame didn’t mind the rain, it was the thunder that she despised. The booming storms did not occur in the cold months, they were a con of the warmer ones.
The sky had been thick with ashen clouds all morning, drizzling on and off. In all honesty, when the first crack of thunder exploded from somewhere in the gloom shouldn’t have been as surprising as it was, yet it had every hair along Roeflame’s spine standing on end.
Thankfully, it seemed lightning was missing from this storm.
While Roeflame had a faint desire to turn tail back into the nursery and wait it out within the safety of her nest, the reasonable part of her reminded her that she was an adult now, a leader warrior at that, stars she was a mother!
Oh shit.
With a shake, Roeflame moves to her paws, hastily diverting her attention back onto her children. The thunder had seemed to rattle the fact that she was, indeed, in charge of three kittens that happened to be running about.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Dovekit wasn't sure how they felt about the rain. On one paw it sounded cool, pitter-pattering on the floor of the camp and kicking up dust left behind from warriors coming and going in and out of camp, but on the other paw it was wet, and Dovekit didn't like wet. When they had been ready to complain about it, to ask why it was raining and why it was wet, they had looked towards their mother content as she stayed in place and let the rain soak into fur and silently the kitten had willed themself to do the same... from the safety of Roeflame's side.

Wet pelt pressed against their mother to try and hide from the wet, unwilling to move back to the nursery until the loud crack of thunder rippled through the sky and quickly Dovekit screamed and scurried to be beneath their mother, body shaking as tears welled within their eyes. "What was that, why was it loud?" They whimpered out, ears lying flat against head as deep blue eyes peered up. "Can we go?" It was quieter this time, a plea for safety from the rain and the noise, but they were unwilling to move unless Roeflame did so too, not wanting to be without their mother if she remained outside.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
⊱⊰ As a kit who enjoys his comfortable, uninterrupted sleep, Hopekit has come to detest the rumbling of thunder. Storms don’t frighten him as they do some of the other kits—he’s mature for his age, and brave, so of course he’s not scared—but all the same, they make it difficult for him to nap. A yawn splits his sleepy muzzle as he rises from his nest to stretch and then head outside. He doesn’t fully understand what the rumbling from the sky actually is, but the clan is named after it, so it must be good, right?

Still, the sound makes it difficult to sleep. "Can we make it stop?" He questions with a quirk of a dusty brow. A paw raises to brush against his eye, attempting to rub the sleep from his expression. Dovekit seems scared, from their screaming and scurrying, but he isn’t. The other kit hovers close to Roeflame, but Hopekit refuses to drift any closer to the queen. He doesn’t need to use her as a shield to hide beneath, and instead he speaks softly as he settles near the nursery’s entrance. "When will it… end?"

Tornadokit was named after the most destructive child of the heavy storms above, if he was lucky he’d never live long enough to see his namesake. This was his first newleaf and these sporadic storms were still very new and novel to him, he loved the spring showers that brought mud to kick up and many cool leaves to swat at. However the clouds above aren’t just going to rain down a nice shower to cool the soil, it’d be a downpour.

While he wants to proclaim himself fearless he’s still a kit, a crash of thunder makes him leap upwards. Every hair on his body stands tall he’s almost as poofy as the cloud above. A peep of a startled mewl comes from him, his game is left forgot as he scampers to safety. Thunder was a scary thing it rattled the earth and announced the arrival of lightning which had the strength to pulverize the most ancient trees - his clan was named in honor of its strength.
Didn’t mean it wasn’t downright startling to him.

The safety he finds is Roeflame, he’s not the first kit to find sanctuary in her presence. Dovekit was much more terrified than he was. He’s sure he’d react the same if he’d been that young when he heard his first boom of thunder. His ears lay flat but his fur despite the rain beginning to soak his body remains prickled. Hopekit comes up and he’s unperturbed, he feels a flash of embarrassment looking at him. He was supposed to be brave he was older just about ready to become an apprentice and he looks like a poofy little mouseheart in comparison to the much younger tom.

"I hope soon" he meows trying to sound more confident "I’ll scare the clouds away if they don’t leave on their own!" he proclaims and it’s a act to bite back his shame.


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
As if brought forward by thought alone, Dovekit has fastened themself in the safety of her fur, the wide eyes that turn up to Roeflame prompting a fleeting frown. Her kit’s feathered fur was clasped to their flank, the thunder had clearly given Dovekit quite a shake. Before Roeflame can reply, Hopekit pokes his head out from the nursery, eyes bleary with interrupted sleep. Can we make it stop?
When Tornadokit follows in her eldest paw-steps, Roeflame is quick to whisk a protective tail around them both, ”Lets go get you two dry.” The queen keeps her tone light despite the anxious knot that upsets her belly, ushering the duo inside the warm depths of the nursery.
”That big noise was just our ancestors making a racket, nothing scary.” As she’d get all three kits settled back down, a sandpapered tongue would begin to dry Dovekit’s pelt first, grooming upwards. ”Starclan feels emotions just as we do, sometimes their emotions are so big they reach all the way down to us.” Between rasping through her child’s sodden pelt, the queen continues with the same fable that she had spoken to her siblings, the one that had been passed down to her, until the tremor in her own paws calms.
”The rain is nothing more than some of Starclan’s sadness, the thunder must be their friends jumping around, trying to cheer them up.” Once Dovekit’s pelt is throughly combed through and most of the moisture gone, Roeflame would lift a forepaw and beckon Tornadokit forward for his turn before look to Hopekit with a smile that aimed to soothe. ”We can’t stop it, but the storms always pass. Sometimes Starclan leaves us these beautiful, colorful arches called rainbow’s afterwards, perhaps we can go look for one.” Even after nearly three moons, Roeflame still found herself struggling to find ways to bond with her adoptive kits, Leopardtongue and Batwings last gift to them, but Roeflame was nothing if not persistent in her efforts.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Thunderstorms grew more common as springtime rolled further. When Laurelkit and Goldenkit were much younger and she still tucked herself beneath her mothers tail when scared, she remembered a short little rhyme the queen would hum to them.

Newleaf showers bring more flowers, that is what they say. But if all the showers turned to flowers, what a colorful day!

Laurelkit hummed the melody to herself to soothe her prickling mane of fur. She looked to Hopekit who appeared just as unfazed as her, but she did not move away from her mothers side to join him with Roeflame and her kittens. His facade of maturity becomes transparent when he questioned the queen, and the red tabby turned away with a disappointed frown. Of course they couldn't stop something like thunder. No different than stopping the rain or the wind! What a silly thing to ask.

"Have we seen a rainbow before?" She murmured to her littermate, @Goldenkit, as she huddled closer to him .
  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( laurelkit )) a blue-eyed red tabby with a white paw and tail-tip
    ↳ 4 months | thunderclan kit | littermate to goldenkit | she/they
    Silverfur x Dayglow | easy to trust | easy to manipulate | currently despises kittypets

Unlike his mate, new-leaf is perhaps one of his least favorite seasons. Tied right up there with green-leaf. The heat of these two seasons was near suffocating to his thick dark coat, and not to mention the near-constant rain in new-leaf. It made patrolling miserable and as he trudges through the mud on his way back to camp he silently curses to himself when his foot sinks into a particularly deep puddle.

Finally home though, his first thought is of his mate and children. It is not uncommon to find him near the nursery nowadays, especially with them residing there. And it would seem he had returned just in time because no sooner is he through the bramble tunnel does the sky crack in a loud boom. Thunder. Immediately his mind is on his family, his kits who likely have not heard such a thing yet. His whiskers twitch in amusement as he imagines what must be running through their young minds right now and as he ducks his head into the nursery, his eyes immediately find his mate comforting them in the dim light. "The rain is good for the forest, it'll help everything grow to be big and strong, like you guys" he says, reaching out with a paw to gently ruffle the top of Dovekit's head, a gentle smile lifting his lips upwards.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably