pafp SEEING YOU IN EVERY SNOWFLAKE [ ✦ ] pining . prompt

White paws carry her across the wetlands, following along with the rest of her patrol, her fur fluffed up against the biting wind. Leaf-bare was about to be in full swing, that much was clear by the way the cold wind swept across their territory, the snow drops that fell from the sky. Soon, the river would grow cold and soon the world would be blanketed with white. Her thoughts wander as they walk, to what she was going to eat when she got home to the gathering that would be coming in a couple of short weeks. At the last one, she had searched for back and red fur but her traitorous heart had been left disappointed. Either he had not been there or if he had he had done a good job of avoiding her. She hopes the latter is not the case. In her dreams that night, she had convinced Skypaw to leave ThunderClan behind, to join her in RiverClan. They would become warriors together, he would stand by her side in the same way her father stands by her mother. Through thick and thin. It's what she wants more than anything, someone that loves her unconditionally and someone who she would love the same in turn.

She is surprised when she finally snaps out of her haze and they are at the ThunderClan border. The rest of the patrol are chatting idly, but their words seem so faraway in comparison to the thoughts that buzz so loudly in her mind and the sound of her heart thundering in her chest. She slows for only a moment, sunset eyes looking out to the forest beyond the river. It's foolish, she knows it, but she cannot help it. Her eyes scan the foliage with the hope that a familiar figure would part the undergrowth. If she could even just see him, then she would be happy she thinks. It would be enough.

Painful seconds elapse with no sign of movement on the border and she finds her heart faltering. Silently, she chastises herself for her foolishness and she goes to turn away, when she does though, she spots Iciclefang. The calico she-cat is also looking over the border, her blue eyes scanning for something in the same way Dipperpaw had been only moments before. "No ThunderClan patrols today" she comments idly, acting as if she had only been keeping an eye out for a patrol and nothing more. She wants to ask what Iciclefang had been looking for over there, but prying might lead to further questions about why her gaze had lingered and she does not want that.

// please wait for @iciclefang

Iciclefang has come to a halt at the edge of the river, the patrol weaving around her like water around a stone. It hadn’t been long since she’d met Stormywing here at the ThunderClan warrior’s behest; it hadn’t been long since she’d pushed her face into soft white fur, since she’d pressed her chest against her companion’s so that their hearts could beat in tandem. The tortoiseshell feels a distant ache in her ribcage now, one she cannot ignore; as though her Clanmates are not with her, her frost-blue eyes linger on the opposite shore, as though she can spot a scarred tabby pelt, as though her gaze will meet with golden fire and it will burn her indecision away.

They had parted that night on neutral, uncertain terms—they are in love, but can they meet again? Can they keep meeting again, breaking the warrior code? Iciclefang sits on Smokestar’s council now. She risks it all for one long, lingering look over the river.

And then she is caught. One of the apprentices—Dipperpaw—looks at her curiously. “No ThunderClan patrols today,” she says, and Iciclefang’s gaze swings toward the gray-toned she-cat, startled. So she had been looking over there, too. The tortoiseshell purses her lips, annoyance at both herself and at Dipperpaw sweeping through her. “Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. The less we have to listen to their infuriating banter, the better.” She stares at the other she-cat, wondering at the wistful, limpid expression in her clear blue eyes before brushing it away.

She’s imagining it, as she’s imagining the question staring back at her. She has to be. “If I have to hear one more quip about Sunningrocks, I’m tearing ears off,” she says in a voice edged with ice.

, ”
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

"Sunningrocks," the boy echoes, a question in the single-worded tone. What was that? And why did it matter that ThunderClan should continue to talk about it? It was weird enough to encounter the two mollies just sitting here staring off into space rather than fishing... But they seemed to understand something in unspoken words, shared glances. He wanted to understand and be apart of it too. "Is that a name?" Realizing his own folly, he clenches his jaw- he tried not to... tried so hard not to.

Iciclefang and Dipperpaw were not strangers in their names but what right did he have to use them, to exhume some sort of power in shouting the identity of their soul at them? "Sorry..." he mumbles, realizing very slowly that he has interjected on what was probably meant to be a quiet moment between clan-mates.​
They've stopped for some reason. We taking a break or something? Her tail swishes to the side impatiently. She merely listens as Dipperpaw and Iciclefang converse. When Valepaw butts in she turns and answers, "I think that's a place buddy. It has a really weird name though." She had been given a lesson and understands that Thunderclan is their neighbor and from what she gather's a clan they aren't really friends with. She still isn't quite familiar with Riverclan territory especially those that are near the river. She doesn't know how to swim yet so she avoids places that require swimming. The last thing she wants is to drown. She really just doesn't want to be embarassed at requiring help.

Amber eyes roll at Valepaw's apology. She shoves the young tom lightly and huffs, "Whatcha got to be sorry for? You just asked a question." It ain't like Ice? Icefang will gut you for it. What's the worst she can do? Kill you? No one would let her. Quite frankly she would be amused to see Iciclefang turn and slash at Valepaw, but that's just her dark thoughts speaking here.

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 24 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots

Bubblepaw trots along with the rest of the patrol, making idle conversation and gossip like she usually does. When they slow near the border they share with ThunderClan, her gaze skates across the opposing shore and the sunningrocks which stand still and taunt them. She looks to the rest of the patrol for direction and her eyes catch Dipperpaw staring over the waters just as Bubblepaw had moments before, but as if she's searching for something in particular. There isn't time to dwell on it before Valepaw pipes up, and her easily grabbed attention is torn away.

"Sunningrocks is a place, like Cedarblaze said," Bubblepaw confirms with a reassuring nod to Valepaw "ThunderClan thinks it should be theirs... I mean I guess technically it is their right now, but it's silly because my mama told me the river used to run on both sides of them." Bubblepaw is unsure as to whether or not her mother is right- she's pretty sure that tale is from even before both of her parents' time in RiverClan- but she still shares the belief that sunningrocks is unfairly occupied by ThunderClan. Though she'd much rather let them have that piece of land than allow WindClan to continue to own highstones. At least the former of the two made sense.

"Why are the ThunderClan cats so annoying?" Bubblepaw poses the question to Iciclefang now, as if the lead warrior might have all the answers. It's not common for the apprentice to look down upon others' for their home or affiliation- actually, she quite likes Howlingstar- but it sticks out in her mind the number of times she's ended up on the receiving end of some annoying quips and comments from their neighbors. Bubblepaw is thankful that her mother taught her humility. Such a thing must be lacking in upbringings in ThunderClan.

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