seems every path leads me to nowhere / shadowclan hunting patrol

Roosterstrut had not felt this anxious in a long time. He had been pacing around in near the camp entrance shortly before the patrol members were due to meet him, thinking about what if things went wrong, what if they went right, what if... He had a bad habit of overthinking things sometimes, just letting scenarios get into his head before they even happened. It wasn't as if the young warrior hadn't hosted a patrol before, but this patrol in particular was immensely important for ShadowClan. If they managed to pull this off, the clan would be supplied with more prey than they had managed to catch in moons. Roosterstrut could practically taste the mice already, or perhaps the juices of a fat squirrel.

However, he cannot help but feel that this was wrong. Everyone else had seemed to agree with Pitchstar on his plan ( more or less ) while Roosterstrut felt torn in two directions — his clanmates were starving and had nowhere else to turn, especially after the Carrionplace failure. He was starving. At the same time, though, ThunderClan had their own families to feed. Ignoring all of the political drama and tensions shared between the two clans, ignoring the border that divided them, were they not just the same? They were all cats, warm-blooded with beating hearts and souls just the same.

Roosterstrut had nearly been tempted to speak up, to ask if there was any other way to solve this, but it was simply not his place. Pitchstar and Chilledgaze had put some amount of trust in him, at least, so who would he be to turn down an opportunity to prove his worth to the clan?

Everyone had gathered soon enough, all eyes on him for direction. He had already reminded his group before departure: "Once we reach the end of the tunnel, wait for my signal. Then, spread out and start tracking." Keeping quiet pretty much went unsaid, as ShadowClanners were pretty stealthy anyhow, but it was critically important to not even make a peep once they neared the border. Even so much as a low murmur could sabotage the entire mission; even if it was late at night, there was always a possibility of someone roaming around.

After a quiet trek across ShadowClan's territory and through the Thunderpath tunnels, the patrol had finally made it to the edges of ThunderClan's territory. A jolt of anxiety—an overwhelming realization that this was actually happening—shoots through Roosterstrut's heart but he manages to keep his cool.

With a glance over his shoulder and a nod to his clanmates, the orange tabby tom initiated the hunt.

He cautiously advanced deeper into the woodland, lifting his nose to the air to try and catch a whiff of something. Just his luck, he hears a mouse scurrying just behind the trunk of an oak. Desperation—and, most of all, hunger—immediately triggered Roosterstrut's instinct to drop into a low crouch. He crept forward, muscles mustering their strength to keep his stance steady, before springing off the ground and outstretching his claws so that they could make purchase onto the little rodent's flesh.

  • please wait for another shadowclanner to post and we'll be gucci (y)

    tagging the patrol members:
    @betonyfrost @brookpaw. @Frostbite @Poppypaw @spectermask @EERIEPAW

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.

    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

Though he's been content to be by himself lately, it had been broken to the call of a hunting patrol. Too many cats, they think, too many cats to truly get enough hunting done. There would be sabotage from at least one of them, on purpose or accidental he was sure of it. How he loathes the company, fur prickling along his spine in frustration.

But he'll bring something back for Chilled, he'll make sure his apprentice is going to bring back something too. He would ensure it, yes, they deserve to rest easy for once. They deserve not to overwork themselves. Shadowclan deserves this.

"Stick by me and everything will be fine." monotonous voice turned to his apprentice, Eerie, the shadow that has been following him since they had left camp. If push came to shove, he was good at fighting. He was, and he felt his claws itch. All the pent up stress, anger, this was a perfect way to release it. He's almost giddy as he takes in a deep breath for a scent trail, watching Roosters signal as he himself goes stalking off.

Found one. He flicks his tail for Eerie to follow, eyeing him as if to say be prepared. They'll get their prey one way or another, with or without Thunder intervention.

He wore his typical stoic expression as he crossed the thunderpath into Thunderclan territory. He didn't hesitate. He was surprisingly stealthy, moving like a ghost across the grass.

The....Nice, dry ground. He savored it. It would probably be the last time, and he intended to make it count.

They were starving. Their territory was useless. Thunderclans territory was much better, had more to give than that damnable swamp.

If they had a problem, well.... Deal with it.

Survival demands they steal from their neighbor, and he had no qualms with killing to survive. He had stolen prey before in the past, in the mountains.

You do what you must to survive.

He looked to Poppypaw, his loud, obnoxious apprentice.

"Stay quiet.... Catch what you can." He whispered. " But don't wander too far.... And remember! It's only stealing if you get caught."

He was a wonderful influence on the youth.

He crept along, hoping to catch the scent of something. Anything.

A shadow beside his mentor, the spindly boy follows. Dark paws step into unknown territory, hollow eyes wide as he takes in the new land before him.

Though he carries a disdain for hunting patrols, this one he is, at the very least, mildly excited for. A trip to a different clan, a stealth mission before him. Hiding in the shadows is his strong suit, and getting to take in a new setting, to follow the way ThunderClan's tree branches twist and turn is a bonus in the mission Spectermask brings him on.

Stick by me, the warrior tells him. Eeriepaw only wishes to wander, to sink his feet into new mud, to try to find foreign trinkets to bring home. But, this is an important mission, so Eeriepaw has no choice but to listen. So that ShadowClan is fed, and star spots don't call his fellow marsh-dwellers to the night sky too early.

The boy nods in acknowledgement as Spectermask gestures to follow. The smell of prey fills his own nose as he stalks behind his mentor. Perhaps Eeriepaw too, will catch something today.

sitting guard just outside thunderclan's camp, the molly gazed into the dim forest sporting a rather bored look. despite her stony countenance, she enjoyed the task. the forest was eerily silent at night, save for a few gusts of wind rustling the leaves or the occasional monster whizzing by on the distant thunderpath. she could count the stars in the sky on a night like this and be wholly entertained. however, her body and mind disagreed. nightbird hadn't moved for quite some time, because of it a soft pain began in her leg. she was used to it, but it wouldn't be fixed until once again put to use.

"i'll be back," she muttered to another warrior sat watch not too far away. an explanation wouldn't be necessary, she wasn't going far, just enough to get some feeling back to her paws. a big stretch, and then she was moving away from her post in a brisk yet silent manner. her tail swished lowly behind her as she moved. the closer she drew to the thunderpath, the slower she got. there was something wrong. scents intermingled with thunderclan's forest that did not belong. she slid behind the trunk of a tree just as a flash of ginger passed her.

she watched as the shadowclanner sniffed the air before following a trail to the base of a tree, and pouncing on something. her teeth ground into each other, but it did little to subdue the molly's anger. surely he was just a dumbass, surely he did not cross the border and knowingly hunt on their turf. nightbird approached, confidently and quietly, positioning herself in between the thick trunks of two trees. "you seem lost. i'd be happy to escort you back to the border once you hand over that mouse you just stole," she said flatly, a threatening edge to her tone.

[ ☾✩ ]

Across the border, ThunderClan’s ground is dry. It isn’t spongey dry or brittle, top layer of mud dry, but dry and firm. How do ThunderClanners travel anywhere without their shoulders aching? The thick undergrowth is what makes it certain in Betonyfrost’s mind that this is a terrible place; she catches herself twice on the same bramble patch while trying to avoid a many-berried dog-rose tree.

Other warriors offer reassurance or instructions to their apprentices. Betonyfrost glances at her own and considers if she has anything to say to him, but realizes she isn’t particularly keen on defending him and that if he doesn’t know to keep quiet or close then it is hardly Betonyfrost’s fault that she was given an apprentice without sense.

The nubs of her ears pivot atop her head in every direction and her nose twitches in a constant beat, just as a rabbit’s would. Above is a tangle of branches thick enough to block the stars from view— Betonyfrost will never know if StarClan shines down on what she and hers are doing with approval or disdain, but she likes to think that they have a vested interest in her continued survival.

shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 16 moons | tags

The need for food still outweighed his fear of dogs, though it made him cautious as he waded his way through the forest. It's that caution that aids him in ultimately sensing that something was amiss. The scents of other clans could be easily carried on the wind, but this was too strong for him to ignore. The ridge of fur down his back began to rise, and as friendly as he generally composed himself to be, he had no peaceful intentions on that particular day.

He's not the first to identify the intruders, he can already hear Nightbird confronting the thieves that had dared to come onto their territory to hunt. But he wasn't sure if she had any backup at that exact moment. A single cat against a full patrol would only end in disaster. Leaving wasn't an option. Still, they needed further support, so he looked back over his shoulder at his apprentice, @sandpaw . "Hurry back to camp, get help. Quickly!" He instructed in a hushed yet firm tone.

With that sorted he then decided to make himself known, but he also intended to scare off any nearby prey in order to bring the thievery attempt to an end. "ShadowClan! I see you're eagerly playing into the role of being scavenging rats! I suggest you scurry on home with empty paws before I start sinking my claws into ya!" Sunnyday announced loudly, putting his old booming voice to good use. Though he wouldn't lie, he didn't like how the intruders were already fanned out. It made him feel vulnerable, especially if one dared to strike from behind. He knew that this whole thing was an act of desperation from the other clan, just how far would they take things now that they had been found out? "If I don't make it home to Shallow and the others... StarClan, watch over them."
  • Sad
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the instant that sunnyday's voice rang in her ears, sandpaw was making a beeline to camp. large paws stomped against the ground almost clumsily as she made her frantic run. the apprentice sent a few glances back over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't followed before bursting throug the camp entrance, panting heavily with aching muscles.

her gaze darted around, looking for those who still remained awake despite the hour. however, most had already retreaded to their dens, blissfully unaware about what was beginning to unfold outside of the camp walls. "get up!" she yelled through labored breathes, still searching for anyone who may have been summoned by her call. "come on! there's shadowclanner's in the forest!" sandpaw cried for help. her heart raced in her chest, but she wouldn't go back yet. not until everyone was up an ready to defend their territory. she was sent to get help and refused to fail.
[ 𖤓 ]

It's Sandpaw's yowl that stirs him from his nest, blinking dreams from his eyes. Get up! Come on! There's ShadowClanners in the forest!" It's as though he's been doused with snowmelt; he jerks himself to his paws and pushes his way into the clearing, all traces of sleep vanishing from his countenance. "Where?" He demands, though he does not wait for a response. "Wake the rest of them," he orders her, springing through the gorse tunnel.

He can guess where, after all. Those vile rat-catchers have crossed the Thunderpath. Are they here to raid them, as WindClan had SkyClan? He's determined not to let them get close to their camp, if so. He'll drive them back towards the Thunderpath and StarClan help them if the monsters come before they make it.

It's a solid white tom he spots, pelt blinding even in the grayish darkness. "Catch what you can," he mumbles to the red-splotched she-cat next to him. "It's only stealing if you get caught." Raccoonstripe bares his fangs, hackles stiff like needles. He hisses, "Guess you're both thieves then, foxdung." He won't wait for the white warrior to retort -- Raccoonstripe immediately springs for him, aiming to bowl him over onto his back. If successful, he'll aim to bite the other cat's left ear.

// attacking @Frostbite and interacting with @sandpaw in camp, @Poppypaw in the forest

The alarming sound of a young voice tears the larger tom from his slumber, he's upon his feet in moments and into the chilled camp clearing within moments. Sleep barely had left from his glowing irises, his feathered fur now disheveled with a bristled tail. ShadowClanners in the forest! Stormchaser is instantly enraged, a roaring flame igniting in his chest and blazing throughout his veins. Those damnest rats—no better than WindClan! His usual free spirited demeanor had no vanished, sift expression were now as hard edged stone, jutting from the longer hair on his cheeks. Pink lips curled back to bare ivory incisors, ready to tear into their flesh for their assumed thievery. Why else would they be on ThunderClan land?
"Rise up, ThunderClan!" His masculine voice booms, the edges of a snarl echoing through the camp. He looks to Sandpaw then, her winded frame trying to catch her own breath. "Good job, Sandpaw." He attempts to rest his plumed tail along her shoulder. "Grab Howling Wind. She'll gather a patrol together." He ushers the young apprentice before thundering off in the direction from which Sandpaw came. Perhaps he should have stayed and waited for her orders, but evidently Sunnyday was out there. And Stormchaser had never been a strategic one, always so brash. Nightbird's post had also been left unattended. She had to be out there as well. Were they outnumbered? Had a fight already broken out? His paws thrummed against the firm soil, like the steady beat of a drum as he weaved in and out of the skeletal foliage. His apricot eyes blazed with certain hellfire, Sandpaw's trail leading him straight into the onslaught.
ShadowClan scent fills his nose, their ick causing his facial features to twist in disgust. He spots them now. A few ShadowClan members with their supposed apprentices. He follows Raccoonstripe with urgency, his fangs bared with ferocity. "Go back to the marsh where the rats like you belong." He sneers, aiming to leap over Nightbird and crash into Spectermask with brute force, threatening claws to anchor themselves into the other warrior's shoulders.

Ooc - Attacking @spectermask interacting with @sandpaw

✦ ★ ✦

White paws plopped along noisily, her body bouncing and tail swaying as she ambled alongside the stark white form of the older warrior with a grin plastered across her maw.
That Poppypaw was allowed to go on what was essentially a stealth mission was both a delight and possible oversight but she wasn't going to complain. This territory was so much different than theirs and she clung close to Frostbite's side at first, sniffing about and batting her paws at every strange new thing only to grow more daring as they ventured in further. The red and white apprentice flicked her tail in amusement to the words her mentor spoke, teeth flashing as she laughed because really it was such a ShadowClan way to think and one she happily abided by. "Then we don't get caught, easy peasy-" Oh well, nevermind that. They got caught already and she hadn't even gotten to go hunting around yet! It was so unfair! She could just CRY! Poppypaw gave a startled yelp as a black tabby sprang from the underbrush to lunge for her mentor and she yowled shrilly in anger before diving forward to snap her teeth at his legs to stop him-only SHE was allowed to be mean to Frostbite!

- Giving @RACCOONSTRIPE a little chewin.

Shadowclan was attacking them?. Shallowpaw was quick to be ready for action after Sandpaw had alarmed them of the marsh cats trespassing. He decided to follow Racconstripe and Stormchaser as the two warriors took chase after the intruders, and so he followed along to aid them. He was not as fast as them was but it didn't took that long before him to join shortly after the two warriors had, and right into a battlefield he ended up in. Turned out shadowclan was trying to steal prey from them.

He took a quick look around never having been in so much chaos before until his eyes find Racconstripe attacking one of the shadowclanners while one of their apprentices was trying to stand in the way. In this situation helping his clanmate out seemed like the logical way to go. Shallowpaw didn't hesitant as he rushed straight towards the other apprentice side and with full speed he attempted to ram himself right into her side in hope to send both of them tumbling towards the ground and in result make her let go of Racconstripes leg.

// attacking @Poppypaw >:) helping @RACCOONSTRIPE

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He smiled at Poppypaw. She was a pain in the ass, but he didn't mind it, actually. He thought it was entertaining. And he was glad she agreed with him! It's only stealing if you get caught!!! Prove him wrong!

The lighthearted moment is cut short when Raccoonstripe bowls into him, knocking him on his back and biting his ear. The yowl he made was mixed with pain and wrath.

"So we are, then!" He growled. " It's either this or find out if the jokes about cannibalizing each other have any merit!"

Claws outstretched, he aimed to dig his claws into Raccoonstripes neck to dig them in and ram his hind legs into his underbelly with the hopes of getting the bulkier cat off of him.

Frostbite may be weakened by hunger, but he was powered by spite and anger, and he was never short on those.


Shadowclan was attacking? What? Sparkpaw felt uneasy. He hasn't fought another cat for real before.... He tensed, curled tightly in the apprentice den.

The memory of Emberstars body struck him. It forced him up.

No. He won't be scared.

He will not lose anyone else this moon. Shadowclan will not take from them. They've suffered enough. He pushed himself to leave the den, and he followed the other warriors out of camp.

Anxiety gnawed at him. How many were there? Were they going to arrive only to be outnumbered? He was worried. Upon arrival though....

He spotted his fellow loudmouthed apprentice, Poppypaw! And she was yelling about devouring souls!!


"THAT'S RUDE YOU CANT EAT HIS SOUL!!" He shouted again as he ran at Poppypaw to aim to whack her in the face, claws unsheathed but not aiming to maim.

He wasn't that mad yet.

@Poppypaw helping @SHALLOWPAW!
A menacing tone cuts through the quiet, evening air. It does not belong to any of his clanmates; no, it is that of a ThunderClanner. They were supposed to be asleep, they were supposed to be back in their camp, but the worst possible outcome of this hunting patrol had just become a reality.

His tabby coat stands on end now, individual hairs frizzing as if static electricity is cascading from the top of his head, down his spine, and to the very tip of his tail. Roosterstrut's heart began to pump like mad, obsidian pupils narrowing into slits, his veins beginning to run like a river of ice. The mouse lies dead beneath his paws but he turns his head suddenly now to meet the she-cat's silvery gaze. She hasn't moved to try and take the prey from him, at least not yet, so Roosterstrut figures he now has a chance to try and reason with her. There didn't seem to be anyone accompanying her, so perhaps the patrol stood a chance at getting out of this unscathed. However, considering the past conflict with ThunderClan, that chance was very slim.

He had to try, though, for the sake of his own clanmates. What kind of patrol leader would he be if he didn't?

Roosterstrut's jaws part to speak, and it takes a moment for his brain to even compose a coherent string of words, "Our clan is starving. It- It had to come to this." Did it, though? Did it really? As much as Roosterstrut tries to justify ShadowClan's actions, he struggles to do so. They didn't even try to ask WindClan for help.

He stands there, planted, though the muscles in his shoulders are bulging with tension; he is trying so desperately to maintain his composure but it's obvious how much he is straining to do so. It has been moons since Roosterstrut has felt genuine fear like this. "I'll take my cats and go. We'll never come back. Please... just don't—"

It was too late. "ShadowClan!" Another voice rings out, signaling the arrival of another ThunderClanner. Before he knew it, several other warriors and apprentices had surrounded the hunting patrol, launching into battle in order to recover the stolen prey. Roosterstrut watches as chaos ensues around him, the pace of his breathing quickening; he feels utterly helpless, and everything is slipping out of his control. They have no choice but to fight now, like Pitchstar expects, but Roosterstrut feels frozen. He can't bring himself to attack first.

  • interacting with @nightbird , open to interventions n whatnot!

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.

    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

He slinks forwards and low and behold, theres a mouse. Scrawny, little thing but its better than anything they have back in the Shadowclan hellhole. He hears his apprentices softer footsteps, good, Eerie is following directions like a champ. He's grown fond of his shadow, ironic considering he believes himself to be a heartless cat, someone who would never grow attached to clanmates.

He springs. He's knocked off course by loud screeching from Thunder-rats and heavy claws digging in to his shoulder. The mouse begins to skitter away. "Fuck! Eerie, get that damn mouse!" he barks towards his apprentice, no way in hell would he let himself or his apprentice return without prey. He nearly staggers under the weight and as blood drips down his shoulder he decides to not play fair. They snarl, the anger flaring, he lets it guide them.

Pains in the back were Thunderclanners, literally and metaphorically. He swings his head, lifts a paw and aims to surge upwards, swiping a heavy paw at the others face and hoping it connects somewhere. Eyes flicker back and forth to his apprentice and his opponent. He wouldn't let his apprentice get hurt either, just as he wouldn't let anyone hurt Chilled. A grimace as he realizes he's growing soft.

// tussling with @Stormchaser and speaking to @EERIEPAW

Pebblepaw had awoken in a panicked state at Sandpaw's call, copper eyes wide as the first thing he heard was 'There's ShadowClanners in the forest'. Without waiting for his own mentor, Pebblepaw rushed after the first wave of defenders, adamant to put a stop to whatever evildoings their neighbour was up to. Paws burned as they traversed the forest, their lungs even moreso as they struggled to catch breaths from the long-distance sprint. By the time they arrived, conflict had already broken out, and panting, the lilac tom looked around frantically to try and ascertain the situation. He stood still to regain his breath, the taunts and yowls sounding more like wails of anguish to a tom unused to combat. He realised his paws shook somewhat, he wanted to blame it on the adrenaline, but the racing thoughts were somewhat harder to ignore. If this was what every battlefield looked like, then Pebblepaw didn't know how many fights he'd want ThunderClan to get into. His gaze began to harden as he fought to calm down, unsheathed claws flexing. It didn't matter if he was scared... he was allowed to be scared... it wouldn't stop him from doing what was right!

Ears flatten in sympathy as Roosterstrut explains ShadowClan's predicament, pleading for safe passage back to the marshes after declaring their home to be starving. Pebblepaw did not envy the moral predicament the adults had been put into, but what the enemy was doing wasn't right. It felt wrong, to say it was better to starve than to steal yet... they were stealing from his home, a clan that had already seen enough hardships. He made up his mind them that ThunderClan shouldn't be allowed to starve to save another. A ShadowClanner calls out to someone called 'Eerie' and for the first time, Lilacpaw spots a figure lurking in the shadows. It was hard to tell if they were a cat or a void, the very epitome of a night-dweller, and for a moment, his kittypet blood ran cold. A difficult encounter was guaranteed whilst visibility was poor, but... "I'm sorry... but that prey doesn't belong to you!" He yowled, his voice high-pitched and wavering with emotion. Pebblepaw closed the distance between him and the enemy apprentice quickly, aiming to sink his claws into the other's hind legs and drag him towards the ground to hinder him from getting the mouse.

[ attacking @EERIEPAW ]


analyzing the tom before her, she watched as his fur spiked at her presence. she silently hoped it wouldn't come down to a fight, memories of the skirmish with skyclan flashing before her mind. feathered tail swishing behind her, nightbird listened to his pathetic excuse. they were starving he said, weren't they all? to assume leaf-bare was kind to any of the clans was ridiculous. he claimed there was no other option, the molly scoffed in response.

she remained silent as his composure began to crack. pleading and desperate, she almost felt sorry for him. however her expression never faltered, even when other various voices rang out in alert. the shadowclanner's chest quickened but he made no move to attack, she was slightly relieved. they had bigger issues to handle, ones that they would need to reserve their strength for. "call your retreat then, this is your last chance. if you're really as starving as you claim, you should know that you don't stand much of a chance." nightbird hissed as the sounds of more thunderclanner's approaching reached her ears. there wasn't many of them, they would be driven out either way. how much blood were they willing to shed for such a dishonorable cause?

patience dwindled as she waited for an answer from the patrol leader. although she stood firm, her ears were angled to listen to anyone's approach and she would be ready to attack or defend at a moments notice.

//interacting w/ @ROOSTERSTRUT
[ ☾✩ ]


With his mentor gone and no one left to fill her shadow, for now at least, Burnpaw was mostly left to his own devices. He lays curled in the apprentices den now, glad to be taking advantage of the extra napping time before the inevitable mentor reassignment. He can't help but wonder who he'll get reassigned to. If his grandmother didn't already have an apprentice he's certain she would've taken him on herself. Silently he thanks the stars that won't be the case. He loved his grandmother but he knows that under her mentorship he would be quite busy.

He is interrupted from his daydreams by Sandpaws call. ShadowClanners in their territory? Silently, he hopes that the black and gray she cat he had met at the gathering was not among them. He would fight her if needed but he would not enjoy it. His claws itch for a fight though and so he goes racing out of the camp, following along on his uncles heels until they reach the scene of the fight.

He pauses for only a moment, taking a second to survey the scene. All his training with Emberstar would finally pay off here, the past couple of moons spent doing drill after drill, launching himself at the flame point only to be beaten down time and time again. He hadn't gotten to the point of overcoming her but maybe one day soon he could've. His eyes find Nightbird's black pelt in the crowd. Her and the ginger furred shadow clanner are talking instead of fighting and he cannot help it, he wants to know why.

Fur bristling he comes to stand beside his clanmate, claws unsheathed, daring someone to attack him. "Shes right, call your warriors. Go home while you still can you're outnumbered." unless more ShadowClanners were hiding somewhere nearbye it almost felt like an unfair fight. They could easily wipe out the scrawny marsh dwellers, though he does feel his heart twist in slight pity. They must be hurting pretty badly over there if they had resorted to this.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
The sound of Sandpaw's voice jostles the tom from his light dreaming, head snapping up from his paws as her cry for alarm continues to ring throughout camp. He can hear Raccoonstripe questioning her as he gathers himself, swiftly moving from his nest just in time to see the brown tinted warrior stream out from camp. Blinking the remainder of sleep from his eyes he decides against bringing Mousepaw into the fray and sprints in behind the tom making a mad dash toward the intruders. By the time he arrives fighting is already taking place along with weak negotiation. Silver's eyes harden as he continues to survey the situation prior to speaking himself. "It would be wise to accept this offer if you value what's left of your wellbeing. Retreat to your swamps and leave our prey where it rightfully belongs." He voices over the shill of battle, tone slipping into something deeper, imposing. "To do anything otherwise would be...dangerous, for you and your kin." It was more than a threat, it was a promise he intended to keep should they continue to linger.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road