seems every path leads me to nowhere / shadowclan hunting patrol

His hits land beautifully, precision shots causing Spectermask to reel backwards and spit at him with the utmost rage. Stormchaser smiles menacingly, his glinting ivories flashing from the soft moonlight that danced across his blue frame. "You can try all you want!" The tom retorts, his confidence growing a little too quickly. The masked warrior disengages from him once more, clearly more worried about his apprentice than anything else. Stormchaser's brows furrow in annoyance as Spectermask rushes back to Eeriepaw, wrenching his claws free from the shoulder. He's about to jump back on top of them, to pin them against the frigid ground when— snap! Stormchaser feels pressure from the jaws of the shaded warrior graze past his throat, yanking out tufts of fur instead of piercing delicate skin and his trachea.
His apricot eyes grow wide in shock, silently praising StarClan for giving him fast reflexes in that moment. Spectermask aimed to kill right then. The warrior watches the two sprint at the call of Roosterstrut's retreat, the mouse they had caught in tow. His limbs shake with adrenaline, the deep lacerations under his eye forgotten for now. Blood clotted around his face, a sheen of dark crimson against silver and white. ShadowClan finally retreats with Sunnyday, Silverlightning, and Shallowpaw rushing behind them to ensure they had gone. A sigh slips past his pink lips, eyes trailing along the rest of the ThunderClanners with a weak smile. "Everyone alright? Let's get back home and tell Howling Wind. I have a sinking feeling this won't be the last time they do this."

✦ ★ ✦

Poppypaws claws met with his face and he felt a stinging pain he had never felt before. He felt blood seep from the freshly made wound, and it..... Upset him.

But he didn't cry. He wasn't that kind of upset. He didn't know what kind of upset he was... Was he.... Mad?

Shadowclan had the nerve to come to their territory.... Steal their prey..... And threaten them like this?

How.....Dare they.

He glowered at Poppypaw and raised a paw to strike at her for real this time.

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!!" He shouted back at her.

And just as he was about to swipe, their patrol leader sounded a retreat. He halted his paw, and looked at her to see what she would do. Which was yell more, it seemed.


He could have done better than that, but you know?? It's hard to think of good comebacks when you're mad and blood keeps trying to get in your eyes.

He would let her run. They had shown Shadowclan who's boss, and they would be fools to come back again.

But a part of him did feel bad. They were starving and desperate.... Shouldn't they help them? They may not have much prey either, but to be pushed to such measures.... He wondered just how bad it was in the marsh.
