- Dec 11, 2023
- 35
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//Some anxiety and spooky delusions but nothing too descriptive and please wait for @Bonepaw. to reply first!
Starclan, how did he always find Bonepaw at his side during patrols. The idiot was always blabbering and making his own life difficult, and yet he couldn't shake him.
They were on a evening hunting patrol, the warriors lagged behind the apprentices that were with them. Everyone seemed a little sluggish and bored with the patrol in all honesty. It wasn't late enough for it to be a nice temperature and the humidity was tiring. Laurelpaw could feel the damp hot air weigh his fur down as he padded alongside the other apprentices. He wasn't talking and was quite zoned out, he had been training hard that morning and didn't have really any break during the day, he was getting burned out and would rather the day just be over already. Bonepaw had been yammering on and on, probably poking fun at him and he had tuned it out. He could see the paws of the other apprentice just out of the corner of his eyes and so he assumed that Bonepaw was keeping them on track with the other cats.
Deafening silence broke through Laurelpaw's daze. He looked up finally, and there was no one.
Blazing orange eyes frantically looked around the small clearing he was now in. Before this moment he would have said that he was a pretty brave cat, that most things didn't scare him. To be fair he did only just find out that isolation could be a fear, now that it stared him right in the face. The trees encircling the clearing appeared to be closing in on him, covering up the now rapidly dimming sky. His breath caught in his throat, he began to remember all the apprentices that had been in what he could only assume were similar situations. He had thought of it like a curse, ShadowClan apprentices seemed at absurdly high likelihood of being maimed, killed or made to vanish. It had always been something he held in the back of his head, he was careful, he was smarter than those before him.
Yet here he stood, alone, vulnerable, just like each one before him. He was locked in this fear, it would not release him as his mind danced nightmares around him. Nightmares that seemed far closer now than they had when he was sleeping in his nest, with other cats around him, with safety almost always guaranteed. He stumbled around ever so slightly, his body eager to move, to try and figure out how to save himself. But, his mind simply lagged too far behind to be any use to the ready limbs. Like a deer in headlights the boy is frozen waiting for a demise. It's dark, he can't see any stars above him, even the dead had abandoned him now. He swore he could see eyes all around him, hear the snap of twigs, the rumble of feet slamming into the ground around him, and yet the death he thought was promised to those that wandered too far was not being delivered.