It was no secret that Cedarblaze can be unfriendly towards her clanmates. The typical scowl she wore on her face would drive others away. All accept those from the Ripple Colony. Meaning cats such as Dawnstorm, Thornmask, and Goldenpaw. Adjusting to Riverclan was harder than it seemed. She didn't hate her new clanmates, but she wouldn't say she loved them either. They were strange and their ways while some rules shared similarity she couldn't quite understand why she couldn't speak towards lead warriors with the same mannerisms as anyone else. All of them were cats. What separated them was title. She's pretty sure she could take on Snakeblink and win, not that she would want to anyway. There was no sense in it and Smokestar would surely throw her out no questions asked.

Today though... Today she had missed Dawnstorm and was saddled with Lilacbird as a hunting companion. Introductions aren't needed. All she does is pad over to Lilacbird and narrow her amber eyes towards the warrior before slipping out of camp. She expects the other to follow and that they do. When the sound of pawsteps reaches her ears, she doesn't look back. Merely trudging through the snow. When the day had started, the weather was fine. However, as she was trying to head to the beech copse the weather had gotten worse. Snow fell more rapidly and the frigid winds pierced her pelt. White puff of breath escaped her as she tried to navigate to their destination despite the snow hitting her eyes. Eventually, it had gotten to the point where she had to give up. Brown paws stopped as she looked around for Lilacbird.

"Hey! Where are you?!" An annoyed hiss escapes her maw as she shakes her head. Hopefully, Lilacbird has followed behind her so they wouldn't be too separated. Screw hunting we can't do it in this! We're going home. Just as she says that her paw slips and something rough scrapes her side. A painful yowl leaves her throat and when amber eyes look down all she can see is the color of champagne rose. Her paw pads. They were fine, but she could see the red dripping from her wound. And bark. To think she slipped on a fallen tree. You gotta be kiddin' me. With a huff, she calls out again "LILACBIRD?!" All she can do is wait for a response to find the other, and if there is no voice then she messed up. Messed up real bad.
  • / @Lilacbird here's the private! <3 feel free to respond whenever
  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots

She was trying very hard to make friends. She had, at first, been against it. But not everyone could be lonely forever. Not everyone was going to hurt her and abandon her, not everyone was going to die. And since Silverbreath pulled her from her shell watching fluffy clouds and placing an object as to what they could be- lilacbird had been beginning to open up.

the grey warrior gave a soft smile towards cedarblaze as they were paired up to hunt. she already knew the other was brash, but as she tried to greet her, she was ignored. cedar would turn cold shoulder from her and begin leading. she wasn't a leader anyways, she could follow just fine and was more content than way. it did begin to upset her however, when she was met with a dry tone of short to no responses. it made her more nervous.

snow fell gently, and lilacbird thought nothing of the weather getting worse. the one thing about winter was how eerily quiet it was besides the occasional loud crow. at some point she had veered just a bit away, not thinking it mattered too much since the other didn't want to talk anyways. shed actually see a bird, approaching softly through the thickening snow before intercepting a loud caw. teeth met neck bone, and she was actually proud to have caught the large bird. the triumphant smile on her face didn't last long as the flurries began quicker.

maw full of black feathers, but ducked her head as she tried to search in the thick snow to return to the other. the cue to her location was a pained yowl, then a scream of her own name. shed rush over, nudging her head into the shoulder of the other before pulling away and turning her head to look at a carved out log from decay. camp would be too far away .. and that may just be enough to escape the snowstorm for now.