SEND MY BLUES OUT TO THE SEA &. riverclanner

Reinforcements. They need reinforcements.

It's an alarming call that breaks what semblance of normalcy is left of their already battle-torn camp. Reinforcements. How? Why? So soon? How can it be, when they're still trying to heal, when they're still trying to pick up the pieces?

It doesn't seem fair. It doesn't. Gillpaw's hardly over the last battle, hardly over losing Clearsight, and now? Now they have to do this again?

He learns quickly, what this is. ThunderClan. The Sunningrocks. A place that held importance to RiverClan, to Gillpaw, who'd tied the rocks to blue swirling fur and lessons and home. It is yet another blow, yet another twist in his heart as he realizes that he might lose this piece of his life too.

The black and white apprentice, whether for better or for worse, is among the reinforcements racing toward the battleground. His pace is slower than usual, weakened by bruised ribs and ever-healing wounds that he tries to push through, tries to pretend they're not here for the sake of his home. But he is weak, and he doesn't know if he'd make it out of this battle alive. He might... He might join Clearsight in the stars before the battle's end.

And... he's not the only one. They're all still healing, all weakened by WindClan's strikes. How can they win this? How can they avoid losing more lives, losing pieces of their home?

A blur of brown comes into his eyesight as he nears the battleground, his stomach dropping when he realizes who it is. Clayfur. Clayfur. He can't lose him too.

They can't lose any more than they already have.

He remembers then. Remembers the bright-eyed boy from the pine forest that had shown up to RiverClan one day in a panic, remembers him asking for help. RiverClan had come to their aid, could... could SkyClan do the same for them? Would Cicadastar allow for that?

Quickly, quickly. A split-second decision to divert his path from the rest of the reinforcements sent to the Sunningrocks, white paws leaping across stone after stone over the river. His paws land on solid ground, sunny gaze looking up at the pine forest that stands before him. What next? What next? What had the bright-eyed boy done, when he'd landed on the river's territory?

Pain sears at his sides, but Gillpaw pushes forward, running further into the forest. "H-Help..!" he calls out, "R-RiverClan's under a-attack!"

Again. RiverClan's under attack again.
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Sailing the branch kingdom with his apprentice nearby, the bramble coated lead runs along the skies as he chases a squirrel. It screeches and scatters dusty debris as it escapes him, it slips into a pine hollow and Thistleback bruises his shoulder with the force of shoving his arm after it. Missed by a hair. Frustration is shortlived, for the birds are stirred from afar as a cat yowls into the woodlands.

A call, desperately caterwauls above the soft hum of the river. The howl of a young voice, patter of frantic paws intruding on Skyclan lands. Thistleback leaps from the swaying loblolly and thuds the ground. Trotting across the low foliage to intercept the stranger. The smell of river stones, fish, blood makes him accelerate until he’s skidding to a halt. A black and white pelt ripped and bloodied. " Windclan?! " he asks urgently, quickly approaching Gillpaw and examining the wounds with a scowl. " sit-sit... easy now " he orders, the kid looked exhausted.

" Snowpaw, get Blazestar " he’d call to his apprentice.

  • @Snowpaw

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


His mentor vanished in pursuit of a squirrel and he took his time to follow, making sure to bury his own sparrow properly before leaving it to be gathered up later less some predator go picking at it. From the sounds of it they needed it as the curly-tailed prey had eluded the tom despite his efforts.
Snowpaw pauses alongside the black and white warrior, fur prickling at the scent of blood and the sight of another cat bursting through the treeline before him. For a moment he is preparing for the worst, another skirmish, WindClan coming for their ex-medicine cat within their camp, something wretched. But he is surprised to scent RiverClan instead and a plea for help that is met with a sharp and brittle stare, eyes glassy and uncertain. It is only when Thistleback turns to him with an order does he jolt from his thoughts and turn tail to race back to camp without another word. Get Blazestar, get Blazestar, get Blazestar-
The mantra creeps into his thoughts, overwhelming whatever panic might have been bubbling up there; he has a task to do and the focus is good, he enjoys following orders more than he'd ever dare admit outloud.
"Blazestar!" His voice is splitting ice, shrill, loud as he bursts into the camp itself, "There's a RiverClanner on the border! Said they're being attacked and need help! Thistleback is back with him!"

-Calling for @BLAZESTAR !


The feeling of bark beneth his paws and the wind ruffling his fur was more than familiar to Quill at this point. He was a good climber, no cat could deny him of that, but the large chimera tom had never really held a sentimentality toward it like so many of his other clanmates had. Lately though, he'd felt that changing. There was comfort in standing above the forest floor, familiarity in the bite of bark again roughened pawpads, and something about the gentle rustling of leaves around him that provided an almost blissful white noise that helped quiet his mind.

Not mention he always felt closer to the stars, to the sky, and while he'd never been religious or a believer in things like fate, he found it interesting that he'd ended up in a clan that held both in such high regard.

Like Thistleback and Snowpaw, Quillstrike was also drawn in by the frantic call for help. He didn't know any of the Riverclanner personally, but they'd helped Skyclan when they were in need and he remembered the help offered by Clayfur when Howlingpaw went missing. Attatchments or not, the least he could do was show up when they called even if he had no say in the overall situation.

Still, he was ready to fight.

As he dropped down from the trees to join them that much was clear, mismatched eyes flashing toward Thistleback for orders as he came to stand among them. "Which clan is it?" he asked, an unusual sharpness to his typically blank tone as his attention turned back to the apprentice.

Quill never attended gatherings, and seldom did he entertain gossip about the other clans because gossip wasn't something he really indulged in. Thus, he wasn't aware of the tension between River and Thunder. But he knew the dangers outside forces could pose, and Riverclan had proven a valuable ally in the past. It wouldn't be wise for Blazestar to reject this request.

skyclan - male - 13 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

With newleaf gracing the territories Sharpeye had hoped that perhaps peace would return to the clans, but that simply wasn't the case. The older tom descended from the tree he had been perched within and he hurried over to join Thistleback and Quillstrike in order to watch over the RiverClan apprentice. "Poor kid", he truly felt sorry for them. "Catch your breath, lad. Tell us what you can so we can relay the information to Blazestar when he arrives." Surely they would be sent to help. They owed a debt and it would be best to keep relations strong with RiverClan. "If I must fight once again then I shall."


Johnny, who was not used to running through the treetops like he had a pair of wings growing out of his back, was next to arrive, feet flat on the ground as he shouldered his way through the underbrush to join them. The voice calling for help had been unfamiliar but distinctly young, and the usual alarm the tom would have held had been doubled at the thought of a kid in trouble.

Amber eyes were quick to take stock of the scene- Thistle and some Skyclan warriors were already gathered around asking for details and trying to calm the black and white apprentice, who luckily appeared to be on one piece. Alive and well, save for looking shaken out of his mind. His gaze would shift beyond them then, past the trees and back toward the river where the Riverclanner -that's what they were called, right?- must have come from. There didn't seem to be any signs of pursuers, but Johnny could feel the familiar thrum in his veins already, working its way through his body at the promise of a fight to come, of danger sitting just beyond the rivers edge.

He said nothing as he made his way over to join them, mainly because there didn't seem to be more to add- Blazestar had been sent for, the questions were being asked. But he offered a solid nod to his clanmates, ready to join them in battle if it came down to it. Johnny couldn't pretend to know anything about the politics between Skyclan and the other groups - something he should probably ask Thistle about sometimes if he were honest- but he didn't really think that mattered much right then. He'd promised his claws and loyalty to Skyclan, and if they needed him to defend another group then he'd do it. Fighting was the one thing he was usually half decent at anyways, and considering he hadn't exactly been bringing in any prey lately he might as well show he could still contribute in other ways.


Gillpaw's eyes go wide at the spiky furred warrior that appears, at the urgency in his voice as he asks of RiverClan's invaders. WindClan, he asks.

WindClan, the warrior assumes. WindClan, WindClan. The mention of the moor-dwellers pulls at Gillpaw's stomach, twists it until it twinges with guilt. He should have... Should have come here when WindClan was attacking. He should have made a run for it the moment he escaped from his own opponent, should have run for the border.

Clearsight might be alive now, if this idea had come to the black and white apprentice in the prior battle.

"N-No, I... Th-They..." he starts. Stuttering, stuttering. He's never had much of a problem with the way he speaks before this, never been as frustrated with his staggered voice as he is now in his exhaustion. Sit, sit, the SkyClanner urges him before ordering his own apprentice to fetch their leader. Gillpaw sits, and it's then he can recognize the all-too-familiar sensation of warmth pooling at his shoulders.

He's bleeding. He's bleeding.

Reopened wounds, Gillpaw has no doubt those who fought in the last battle will suffer the same.

"T-Th... Th-ThunderClan..!" he finally lets out, "O-On... On o-our S-Sunningrocks! W-We can't... " He's drowning, can feel the chill of leaf-bare's river around him again, inky black all-consuming. They're going to lose because of him, because he wasn't quick enough in getting help. He's going to lose Clayfur, going to lose Ashpaw, going to lose someone.

Deep breaths, he can hear Clearsight saying at the back of his mind, can feel the warmth of two paws stepping into new-leaf's streams. Gillpaw needs to be brave for him. He promised. The boy shakes his head, closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath, as he steadies himself and gathers his words. Soon, he looks up back at the SkyClanner, at the other pine-dwellers that begin to surround him.

"Y-You're a-asking about WindClan t-too late," he tells them, an admission he doesn't know if he should be sharing, but has little time to worry about. "T-They a-attacked us the other d-day. M-My mentor, h-he..." Ears flatten against his head as he looks down at his paws, another deep breath taken.

"W-We can't lose a-any more."
  • Crying
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"Blazestar!" A shrill cry, and Blazestar is on his paws instantly. Snowpaw had been out hunting with Thistleback, and the Ragdoll wonders if they've found Howlpaw -- is she -- was she -- alive? He pulls his thick fur through the elderberry bush, eyes falling on the blue and white apprentice. "Where is she?" He demands, but Snowpaw is spilling over with other news. "There's a RiverClanner on the border! Said they're being attacked and need help! Thistleback is back with him!"

Blazestar grits his teeth. Disappointment floods him, mixed with low, burning anger. "WindClan came back for more, did they?" he mutters. He nods to Snowpaw. "Take me to the RiverClanner."

He can see Thistleback, Quillstrike and Sharpeye at the border already, speaking to a young black and white tom. Blazestar doesn't immediately recognize him. Still, the Ragdoll quickens his pace. He's just in time to hear the RiverClan apprentice say it is ThunderClan they are fighting.

Blazestar's paws freeze. "ThunderClan?" He sets his jaw, fear washing over him. Little Wolf wouldn't be fighting, but Burnpaw and Moonpaw... all of their kin... Howlingstar herself.

"Why is ThunderClan attacking RiverClan?" He asks. He remembers the Gathering, Howlingstar's prior request to take a sliver of RiverClan's territory for prey. How hungry his kits' Clan had looked during leafbare, their trouble with the dogs.

But RiverClan, too, has suffered. Blazestar has seen it. Cicadastar had not sought assistence from SkyClan prior to this -- but he'd come when SkyClan had been at risk of extinction at WindClan's paws.

Blazestar stares bleakly at Gillpaw. He does not know what to do. Does he owe RiverClan these reinforcements?

But he cannot ask his Clan to attack his kits. He cannot. He's caused them so much pain already, and he'd lost Morningpaw in a similar battle -- over prey, not territory. Howlpaw is missing.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I can't ask SkyClan to fight ThunderClan," he near-whispers. "I can't lose my kits because I've commanded it."

Has he sentenced RiverClan to death with this decision? Has he chosen his children over his Clan's alliance? Blazestar stares at Gillpaw with dark, shadow-blanketed blue eyes. He is sinking.

Moments follow and Quillstrike, Sharpeye, and Johnny are at his flank.

Thunderclan, on Sunningrocks. A battle for territory, the lead warrior nods affirmatively as everything is explained in choppy gasps. Thistleback’s brows pull together, " they attacked when they knew you were weak " he snorts in contempt, was Howlingstar no better than the moorland witch?

the riverclanner’s mentor had been the one to pass in the war, the gathering plays back in his mind and he growls low with a shake of his maw. " foxhearts. The lot of them." he glances to his former apprentice and then to Sharpeye.

" thank you " he nods to Snowpaw as he returns with the leader and a few others.

I cannot ask Skyclan to fight Thunderclan, Thistleback’s eyes swell in size and his hackles twitch in surprise.

The ambition, the power seeking hunger within the man’s belly ties in a knot. A powerful alliance forged by Riverclan’s aid in the blizzard, shattered over a mistake that had been rotting a hole in Blazestar’s throne since Morningpaw’s death. Thistleback’s jaw slacks a bit, he eyes the cuts on the sleek pelted fish hunter. His shoulder’s tense, his jaws slam shut and he simply cannot find words.

With a lift of brow, Thistleback takes a single step backwards, and basks in the silence as it were a funeral of diplomacy. You cannot blame the father for fearing for his children, but you must consider the day riverclanners poured from the ferns on the ice laden ground to save them. He didn’t envy the position Blazestar had found himself.

As for the lead warrior, he felt for the first time in his life- like a chained dog. Thistleback takes his stand next to his leader, but has to turn his scowl to the forest. No matter what, the man would be by his side.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


WindClan had already attacked?! Now ThunderClan was wading in to attack next. What level of madness was taking place beyond their borders? His heart truly went out to Gillpaw, even more so as he caught that the youth's mentor had likely already met a grim fate. Death was already staining events, how much more would come from inaction on SkyClan's part?

"Steady, you did well coming here and telling us. Rest now, I'm sure we can get Dawnglare to tend to your wounds." The smell and sight of the blood wasn't missed and he found himself turning towards Johnny. "Johnny, can you find some cobwebs? We'll need it for the wounds." It was as far as his medical knowledge extended, the rest would be up to a medicine cat to decide. However, his focus was now to be cast to that of Blazestar. Though the decision being made did not sit with Sharpeye at all, and the shock was evident in the way he looked at his leader.

"You can't be serious..." The words slipped out as a sharp whisper of disbelief as he moved away from the RiverClan apprentice so he could confront Blazestar. Normally he would not go against Blazestar's decisions, but this time he could not find himself agreeing. Especially if the reason was due to kin in another clan. "Kits of RiverClan may die instead. RiverClan stands to lose territory, and they may lose even more warriors due to injury. They are suffering and will be prone to further attacks. They need help!" He tries to avoid letting his anger overcome him but he can't help but feel strongly on the matter.

"Blazestar, send a large patrol. One big enough to make ThunderClan think twice about what they are doing. They might stand down and retreat without any further blood being spilled. We can save both sides from this madness, which means keeping our relation with RiverClan strong and protecting your kin in ThunderClan." If played right they could achieve a good outcome, surely. "Don't forget that RiverClan's aid saved the kits you have here. They didn't need to risk their warriors helping us, but they did because they knew that it was right. So I ask you to think about this, do what's right."

This. This was why the spotted tabby loathed the idea of being indebted to another group. Lingering with little else to say about the matter until now, the maine coon's head turned sharply towards the leader as Blazestar offered his verdict. He felt his jaw clench, words of protest threatening to spill until he saw the silence of the other lead warrior and took it as a sign to tread the rocky path more carefully. Silver didn't think he'd ever know what it mean to be torn between kittens and a clan, but, surely Blazestar's offspring would have joined SkyClan had they felt the same loyalty to the clan's cause as their old man did? He shook his head, uncertain if that sounded right. The situation was complicated, far too complicated for Silversmoke, it wasn't until Sharpeye smoke that the maine coon took his eyes off the floor. He had never doubted Blazestar's leadership, he'd done everything to serve SkyClan to the best of his ability... until today. Today, there was a selfishness to the ragdoll that startled him, a reminder that the pedestal where he placed the cream figure was marked with flaws. Blazestar was a good leader, but he was not perfect, today it was that imperfection that threatened the political stability in his home.

Listening to Sharpeye speak, Silversmoke caught himself nodding in agreement, catching himself before his head returned to its haughty height. StarClan, why did he feel guilty?! He had to remind himself that he was a council member, not some Baskerville hound there to do the dirty work and nothing more. He was allowed to advise, even if he risked breaking the ragdoll's spirit further. 'Anything for SkyClan...' he told himself as he inhaled loudly, inching close to the point leader. Briefly, he watched Gillpaw, his eyes glinting with something towards the apprentice. Sympathy was one word for it, but like a flash of lightning, it disappeared within an instant the moment the large cat began to talk. "We allied with RiverClan because of WindClan, we should not have to deal with ThunderClan affairs. But... we owe RiverClan for their protection Blazestar. Even if we do not battle, I suggest doing something." He had no personal stakes in the matter, though friendly with a RiverClan lead warrior, he wouldn't call her an actual friend. All Silversmoke saw was the consequences SkyClan could face for such decision-making, and he felt it his responsibility to lessen them as much as possible.



He's surprised by how.. not okay this feels to him. He isn't close to Riverclan and he doesn't care about any other clan but the one surrounding him now, and yet the idea of leaving the other group to their fate sits sour in his stomach. To make matters worse, Thistle doesn't seem intent on challenging the ruling- but thankfully, Sharpeye is. The chimera can't help but nod. Perhaps he'll lose standing with both Blaze and Thistle for this, but he doesn't care.

"Respectfully, Blazestar, we owe Thunderclan nothing. They're nice cats, but it's Riverclan who risked their necks for us during the raid and we all know how much worse that would have gone without them. And as much as I hate owing any cat, it sounds like they need us." added Quillstrike calmly. He'd follow the orders he was given, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try to convince the tom to change them. He knew what this was truly about- Blazestar and the cross clan relationship he'd allowed to fester, not wanting to shed the blood of his extended family. A mistake, if ever Quill saw one. "If we leave them to get torn apart after they just got done fending off Windclan, we might not have their support next time we need it." the chimera warned. Had he considered this, or had he brashly jumped to a conclusion based off personal interest? Quill wasn't so sure.

"Silversmokes right. Even if we don't go with the intention of fighting, it would be wrong to leave Riverclan to deal with this on their own when they're still recovering from Windclan. Thunderclans smart- they'd clear out once they saw us coming."

If Skyclan had never gotten involved with Riverclan, Quill wouldn't be pushing for this. He was a firm believer in letting people figure things out for themselves most of the time, and quite frankly he thought this was a smart move on Thunderclans part. Hell, he didn't even disagree with them - the river marked the borders for everyone else, so why should they have claim to a set of rocks that were sat in the oak forest? Not to mention Thunderclan had been the one to drive the dogs from it.

But the fact of the matter was that Skyclan did owe Riverclan, and now those allies were in trouble. Maybe it would have felt less severe if it was just a normal fight, but it wasn't- Riverclan was injured from a raid already, still reeling from the death of a warrior. Was Blazestar really going to let them get trampled on even more without trying to intervene?

skyclan - male - 13 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
Sheep wants to protect her home. She wants nothing more, nothing less than to have her home be happy, safe, content. The cats within, they were the ones she had vowed to protect with her life, not Riverclan. As she comes along to the scene she feels a sense of selfish relief when Blazestar speaks.

But once her eyes meet Gillpaws, scared, meek, she knows she has to speak up. She sees Greenpaw in his eyes, a little kid, undeserving of the horrors of war that had been forced upon him. If Sheep had it her way, Greenpaw would have never known how it felt, he would have never had to go through this. My mentor, we can't lose any more. Sheep can tell what this means, with the aversion of eyes. She has to add her voice in to the pile, she has to, for a kitten that reminds her so much of Greenpaw, for a child who could lose everything else.

"We have to. We owe them. Sharpeye is right. If Riverclan had not come to our aid then you..." would have lost more. We would have lost our home because of some hungry rogues. "We would have lost much more than just a couple herbs." her voice is firm and she takes a hesitant little step towards Gillpaw. She has never had to deal with her own children, nonetheless have them split from her, but she urges him to do the right thing. For the alliance, for a clan that had saved them. Thunderclan had done nothing while Riverclan had done everything, simple as that.

"There, there, now, we won't let anything hurt you in Skyclan, cariño. You'll be okay." Sheep attempts to rasp a tongue over the boys head, the only thing she can do besides rush in to battle against her leaders words.
Blazestar's decree is met with immediate ire from his warriors. Sharpeye bristles, while Silversmoke and Quillstrike attempt to reason with him. Sheepcurl adds her voice, going to comfort the shaken apprentice.

The Ragdoll's ears flatten as his Clan questions him in front of the RiverClan apprentice, and his fury is stoked -- anger at himself for the choice he feels forced to make, and anger at them for undermining him so boldly.

Sharpeye tells him, almost incredulously, that kits of RiverClan may die instad. Blazestar fixes his gaze on the sand-colored warrior and says, "ThunderClan is not in their camp, attacking their nursery. That was WindClan, and our presence was not requested for that battle." He lashes his tail, looking angrily at Silversmoke, Sheepcurl and Quillstrike. "Don't you all think I know we owe RiverClan a favor? Do you all think I've forgotten?"

He's defensive now, caught in the web of decisions made long ago, torn between three Clans when it should only be two. The pale fur on Blazestar's shoulders begins to rise. "No SkyClanner will ever raise a claw to my kits. Not while I'm leader." He bares his teeth in a warning. "And especially not for a territory dispute. This is the same bit of territory they've been fighting over for two Gatherings, is it not? This is not SkyClan's concern."

Forcefully, he hardens his heart -- if he doesn't, he will waver, he will break. He knows RiverClan lost a life in the WindClan raid. He knows it's possible it could happen again. But the situation is different, in his eyes. WindClan had been attacking RiverClan as it had SkyClan, in the dark of night, in the bad weather, invading their homes and intending to destroy all they had. ThunderClan was challenging RiverClan for a bit of territory. No kits, no elders, no queens, no sick were forced to drive ThunderClan out.

He does not voice this, but it's the mantra he chants in his head, his justification. He must not waver. He must not.

He forces the fur on his shoulders to lie flat and turns to Gillpaw again. "SkyClan cannot help RiverClan fight this battle. But I will send a patrol, with Dawnglare and Fireflypaw, to help treat your wounded and help ensure your fresh-kill pile is stocked. SkyClan has not forgotten RiverClan." Blazestar turns his face away. "We will help where we can."



Politics, Johnny realized as he returned witht he cobwebs he'd been asked to go find, was something he was going to have to make an effort to learn more about. It was instinctive for a cat like him to see a scared child like Gillpaw and to want to help- hell, at this point it was almost second nature for him to stick his nose where it didn't belong on behalf of another, and he couldn't say he wasn't feeling it now, too. He would have happily gone running in guns blazing, was admittedly disapointed that they weren't, but he could tell there was more to all of this than just helping out a neighboring group.

"M'not sure how to put em on, but I managed to find a good clump." he replied as he handed the webs over to Sharpeye, hoping he had more medical knowedge than that Johnny did.

There was a cear tension in the air among the Skyclanners as they all voiced their opinions, and Johnny couldn't say that Quillstrike, Sharpeye, and Sheepcurl didn't make good points. It sounded very much like this Riverclan had helped them out of a bad spot not too long ago, and had it been left at that then Johnny would have joined them. It was important to settle debts- the good and the bad ones.

But Blazestar seemed to have a lot of good points himself. If Thunderclan wasn't attacking their camp and it was a matter of territory, this wasn't a matter of cruelty, but calculation. Making this claim while Riverclan was weak would ensure that Thunderclan had an easier time taking it from them if they were weak still, but if they weren't in their camp...

"It'll be a blow to the leaders pride, no doubt, but if it's really just a matter of territory, couldn't he take the loss on this and fall back for now? Let Thunderclan have it. Riverclan will recover in time, and then they'll have the strength to take it back." the patched tom suggested, trying to keep his tone reasonable. Technicaly speaking, Riverclan didn't have to fight this battle right now. They could cut their losses, regroup, and strike back later.

Blazestar seemed willing to help with the recovery process, and it didn't sound as if Thunderclan were going to be jumping them in their own territory beyond the rocks any time soon. Maybe Blazestar was right in not offering that kind of help for this particular matter.

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Torn between two consequences is something Auburnflame is shamefully relieved he doesn't have to bear. Mint hues settled upon the creamy tom, tracing over his pointed features. Blazestar was stuck between a rock and a hard place, trying to decide between his family and the future of an alliance. Patched paws carried him forward, coming to stand beside Silversmoke and reeling back upon his haunches. His expression that always resides a small smile, now clouded with empathy for RiverClan and for Gillpaw. The young apprentice took it upon himself to come here, to ask for aid but be denied it. He could imagine the sheer shock, the heart-sinking feeling as it drops to your stomach in utter shock. Blazestar had made his decision, had told the young tom before them that they can not help the fight. He's lost children, lost the love of his life. Auburnflame knew of his burden to an extent, watching as Apricotflower chose a different clan. She had left Orangeblossom and him here, but at least they had each other within it all.

Sharpeye, Quillstrike, Silversmoke, and Sheepcurl all counteract, making decent points and the calico feels his throat clench in the process. Apart of Auburnflame also wanted to speak out, to agree with them. RiverClan had aided them before as WindClan pillaged their camp, tearing everything asunder and ransacking their medicine den. He remembers the blazing inferno of hatred that burned up his guts and boiled his blood, his hatred for WindClan. Now they've taken their vengeance upon RiverClan, attacking their home and killing one of their warriors. Hearing this news sputter from Gillpaw's lips causes his face to harden into stone, eyes set upon the ground with an icy glare. Dammit, this makes things even more difficult.
ThunderClan declares war while RiverClan is weak, hoping to get an easy win and conquering Sunningrocks. It's not plaguing their camp once more, but the concept of doing it so soon—it was disgusting. The warrior's lip curls, his face twisting as if he had just smelled a rotten carcass left under the Greenleaf sun. That was not honorable on Howlingstar's part, despite what she tries to claim herself to be. He sits there, rigid like a statue—unsure of what to do. He wants to help fight, but he also can't go against his leader's orders. Crimson and white hairs along his shoulders prickle in frustration, his plumed tail lashing and brushing against Silversmoke's haunches. "It's not fair..." He finally murmurs, voice low and hardly heard in all the commotion. The ghostly tom beside him made a good point, they had to do something—even if it wasn't to fight. Blazestar speaks again, turning his face away from the wounded apprentice. He agreed to at least help the aftermath, to work to hear the injured and hunt for them while their injured rested. It wasn't much—but it was something. Auburnflame's gaze reached the larger tom, his expression softening a bit. "I will help hunt for their injured. I'm not afraid to get my paws wet." He finally states, a small bit of relief rolling off his shoulders.

Resistance would be met with resistance, and the small tom refused to back down as he continued to face Blazestar. At least he knew now that he wasn't the only one with a stance on the matter, but he perhaps continued to be the loudest of the lot. "Territory today, but what tomorrow? And who next will attack RiverClan when they're down? ShadowClan has been thin as of late, likely desperately hungry and seeking a weak clan to exploit. And with every dead and injured warrior it means one less hunting food for the clan's vulnerable, one less ready to defend the clan. So regardless of how you put it those kits, elders and queens remain indirect victims of these conflicts."

Sharpeye still finds himself shocked about the proclamation that no SkyClanner would ever raise a claw against one of Blazestar's kits. It was... it was hard to hear. He wants to remind the Ragdoll that his ThunderClan kin were not SkyClan's concern in any form, but he fears the declaration being thrown back in his face in regards to RiverClan's own number. So he's forced to swallow it down like vile bile.

There's only a minor give, a weak promise to send the medicine cats and a patrol to help hunt for food. But it's honestly pathetic in Sharpeye's opinion. "Alright Blaze, if that's what you decree. I hope Cicadastar makes you dig the graves for every fallen RiverClanner, so you better go and face him yourself, because none of us here will go in your stead in order to explain your decision. Maybe doing so will sober you up and remind you to be a leader, because until I see a glimpse of the cat I once knew and respected you won't be worthy of that -star in your name."

There's a visible tremble in his form, a product of his rage and sheer panic over standing up against Blazestar in such a way. He didn't want to be doing this, but he just cannot stay silent any longer. His respect for the other was slipping away. Sighing, he then turned away from the Ragdoll so he could accept the cobwebs from Johnny so he could apply it to Gillpaw's bleeding wounds. "I'm sorry that we aren't doing more."

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Blazestar had expected his warriors to fall into line after being told to do so, but Sharpeye continues to speak, and his words becoming venomous. The Ragdoll's lips peel back from his teeth as the smaller tom rants against his leader.

There is disappointment, too, in the anger Blazestar now displays. Sharpeye had been a loyal cat, once. A warrior he could have trusted with any task. Clearly, that loyalty was conditional.

The SkyClan leader's hackles raise again, and he steps close enough to Sharpeye so that the smaller tom would be forced to stare his leader in the eyes. Blazestar's breath would warm his face as he snaps, "Is that what you hope, Sharpeye? Is this all it takes for a warrior of mine to disgrace StarClan by telling them they made a mistake?" Blazestar is trembling with rage -- and with emotion. He is sincerely hurt by this betrayal. "Since you know exactly how to lead a Clan, I invite you to go start your own. Perhaps you will be more worthy of the star than I am.

He grits his teeth, pain sweeping through his body. He had known his decision would cause dissent, but he had not expected one of his most trusted warriors to turn his pelt so easily. "You can support your leader as you have been ordered to do, or you can leave this Clan. Feel free to fight ThunderClan yourself. But if you do, do not return to these borders. The second you leave, you give up being a SkyClanner."

He whirls away, facing the other warriors here who have questioned him. "The next cat to speak against their leader's decision can follow him. This conversation is over. I will not be questioned again." His whiskers twitching, he stares at every cat who stands with him at the border. He will wait for another word, another whisper, another mutter about Blazestar's unfairness, and if he hears none, he will begin to stalk away, back towards his camp.

It was a pity Gillpaw had been privy to that conversation. Had it been Blazestar's choice, this blatant disloyalty and resulting turmoil would have occurred privately.

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His heart lurched up in his chest as he was made to once again look Blazestar in the eye, this time on a far more intimidating level. Instinct wanted him to run, to back away and escape in some way or form. He didn't like being caught under it like this, but there was no where to go. Words danced like a jumble on his tongue but failed to pass his lips as the ultimatum was made. The thundering of his own heart roared in his ears as he was made to confront his options, but the panic caused him to make a split second choice.

"Goodbye, Blaze..."

Uttering the words hurt far worse than any claw or tooth. It was deep and raw, twisting and threatening to make him buckle then and there. Had his legs always felt this numb? Why were they shaking? "Am I living a waking nightmare?" He swallowed coarsely as he staggered back a few steps before catching himself before he could stumble. "Stay strong..." Shifting his gaze towards Gillpaw once more he tried to find the strength to give some form of confident expression. "I'm going to Sunningrocks. I will fight for RiverClan." Hopefully he would see the apprentice again, he truly hoped so.

Stepping back he then swept his gaze across all those who were present; regret, sadness, and fear evident on his face. "Tell Bananapaw that I'm sorry." He wouldn't get to see her become a great warrior, something he knew he would miss witnessing. He could only hope that she would be given another worthy mentor who could get her there. Without further delay he turned and raced off to join the fight, all the while wrestling with the strife brewing in his heart.

"Cast your feelings for him out. It's not like he'd ever look your way anyway."



It's not long before SkyClan's golden-furred leader appears to the scene. Hope rises within Gillpaw - help will be on its way soon. His home will be safe. His clanmates will be safe. Quickly, quickly. Gather your warriors, please.

But hope dies too fast, takes its own trek to the stars before it has time to grow to fruition.

"I can't ask SkyClan to fight ThunderClan."

The leader's words feel like another strike, like claws digging into his skin. No, no. This... This can't be. Surely, he's hearing Blazestar's words wrong?

"B-But we..." he starts, sunflower gaze looking to the leader with a lost look, "But w-we h-helped you wh-when --" I can't lose my kits, Blazestar continues, and it only furthers his confusion. Then don't take them to battle, he wants to say, at first, before remembering. He has kits in ThunderClan too. Kits related to Howlingstar.

A warrior code is set in place for this leader's mistakes, only for him to feel like he's above it. Gillpaw has no family to break such a rule over, no urgency in such a law. Gillpaw is just nothing, no one. And yet, he has to abide by the warrior code. Gillpaw feels sick, feels his head pounding. RiverClan needs help.

"So... So w-we must sh-shed our blood for your battles, b-but you can't do the same for us." They're meant to be allies, RiverClan and SkyClan. Meant to be allies, and yet, it feels one-sided. Feels like it only benefits the pine forest, like ThunderClan is SkyClan's true ally. Betrayal, that's what this felt like. If only RiverClan have known when fighting on SkyClan's behalf, that it wouldn't be worth it.

But SkyClan's warriors seem lost at the leader's orders too. Protesting, urging to help. Yes, please, help us, he silently begs. Help is only offered in the form of sending their medicine cats over after the fact, of sending SkyClanners to fish for them. They could hunt on their own just fine.

"RiverClan won't be forgotten."

It already feels like they have been.

"W-What's extra m-medicine cats going to do, wh-when i-it was t-too late for Beesong to h-help the fallen?" he asks quietly. This isn't fair.

The tongue of a SkyClanner rasps over his head, an action that causes Gillpaw to flinch away. Comfort, she tries to bring him, telling him he'd be safe in SkyClan - as if they were going to hold him here like RiverClan held bright-eyed boy that has now joined them. A familiar face in this mess. The RiverClanner can't stay here though. No, if SkyClan doesn't send warriors to fight, RiverClan needs all the help they can get. Gillpaw will have to go back and fight.

Cobwebs are pressed against his wounds as tensions rise within the SkyClanners, an apology muttered to him. I'm sorry SkyClan isn't doing more. Gillpaw shakes his head.

"J-Just h-hurry up w-with th-those," he mutters out to the apologetic one. "I-I h-have to g-go back." A cold stare is shared with Blazestar. A deep breath.

"I-I won't lay a claw on y-your children," the black and white tom tells him. A promise - one he won't break, because he's good at keeping them. He can't say the same of Blazestar. "B-But, i-if... if I m-make it out of this battle, if... if I g-get to become a w-warrior, d-don't expect me to fight another of your b-battles." Don't expect any of us to fight for you again.

Blazestar moves to leave, cutting off the conversation with the threat of exile to his warriors. He hears the apologetic one speak again, a SkyClanner no more. He's gained the help of one warrior, and for that he must be grateful. Gillpaw watches the leader leave with hard stare, all trust in the golden tom broken.