SEND MY BLUES OUT TO THE SEA &. riverclanner

He is conflicted, torn between several feelings he can't quite grasp. None were prioritized, they both danced within his heart never quite touching. He didn't want to fight ThunderClan either, selfish as it was, for the same reasons Blazestar grit his teeth and refused. Roepaw was there, he couldn't stand the idea of seeing her hurt in battle and having to hold back the desire to help; he doesn't want to face her either and he might very well be pitted against the pale molly if they were to join. But he is also indignant, righteously furious, blood spilled at his own paws to force this law, to drive home this demand for loyalty to ones clan and Blazestar was fully refusing to do it; he could not draw his heart from ThunderClan in the same was Snowpaw can not take back the life he'd ended to cause this divide. It was petulant, selfish, entitled, but he was a leader and his word was law. He was grateful, ungrateful, relieved and outraged all at once. Every emotion pricked and boiled to the surface and he resisted them both with a shaking stance; limbs so stiff he trembled from the force of his own attempts to remain stationary.

Thistleback is a leashed dog, the others voice their protests more quietly, subdued, but it is Sharpeye like daggers of his namesake who cuts right through it with defiance and anything Snowpaw had been trying to formulate the words to utter died in his throat before this display. If they were not loyal to their leader then what was the point of the clans, Blazestar was not cruel like the WindClan queen yet he was not as formidable and experienced as the pine forest's black tabby. For all intents and purposes he was just some guy. It was a little uplifting to see him take a firm stance when he was so easily pushed around before but also infuriating that it was this he chose to fight for. He almost agreed with Sharpeye but this wasn't the way to go about it and his lips drew into a thin black line as he flattened his ears to listen until finally the tom left; self-exile, as if one cat made a difference at all.

His golden gaze moved to Gillpaw, stuttering, trembling, appalled and he wished he could say something to help; to make it better. But words were meaningless now and the only action that could have changed the tides had been decided already. They would not be helping. So like his mentor Snowpaw sat there and shook, smoldering in his own misgivings and uncertainty. His paws bloodied for no purpose if they could not follow this one law written upon Morningpaw's grave.


He doesn't know what to expect when he hears of a RiverClanner on SkyClan's territory, a plan he once hatched now carried the opposite way. But, Greenpaw follows behind Sheepcurl anyway - white paws bounding after his mentor.

And, when they arrive, it's a familiar face he sees. A surprise, really, at the sight of black and white apprentice. A surprise at the fact he was here, at the fact that he's wounded.

He listens quietly to the RiverClanner's words. ThunderClan is attacking them, so soon after WindClan struck them down, killed their warriors. Killed this one's mentor, he learns. Green gaze drops to his paws. He can't imagine having to lose Sheepcurl like that, can't imagine the pain his fellow apprentice must be going through right now. All within a matter of days.

Greenpaw fully expects to aid RiverClan - it was... it was only fair, right? Despite what ties ThunderClan has with SkyClan, it only makes sense. But, it's not the choice Blazestar makes. It's not their allyship that guides his leader, but his family instead. And it... confuses him too, because, while he doesn't want to fight Burnpaw and Moonpaw - doesn't want to even think of the face Fireflypaw would make if he struck either of them - it doesn't seem like it's the right thing to do.

He stays quiet as his clanmates protest the decision, as the RiverClanner stands helpless. This isn't right.

"I... I know him," he tries to add in, once Sheepcurl speaks. "He and his mentor were some of the first volunteers to fight, when I was brought to their camp. Shouldn't we --" He cuts himself off, as Blazestar speaks, as teeth are bared - a sight that twists Greenpaw's stomach, causes his ears to flatten against his head. This is wrong.

There's an offer, amidst rising tensions, for a patrol to be sent after the fact. Greenpaw doesn't know how this will help RiverClan while the situation is dire. They should be helping now, just as RiverClan helped them.

He'd arrived to RiverClan with worries for his own family, for Blazestar's too - Figpaw and Firefly trapped in the medicine den, the rest of Greenpaw's family out of his sight. They'd saved Blazestar's son before, saved Greenpaw's family and the rest of SkyClan. It feels like SkyClan should be doing more than this in return.

And it gets worse and worse until Blazestar ends the conversation, punctuating it with exile hanging over them. It scares Greenpaw more than it probably should, a side of the leader he hasn't really seen. Sharpeye opts for exile, and Greenpaw hurts. Greenpaw hurts for his clan, for RiverClan, for Bananapaw and Sharpeye. This just isn't fair. But, it's the leader's orders, and Greenpaw is far from being the clan's leader.

"I'll go," he blurts out, an offer that he should've made earlier, for its connotations sound worse, now. Bright eyes widen, and he quickly shakes his head. "To help, I mean. After the battle is done. I... I know the territory, sort of. I'll go. If... If that's still what we're allowed to do." It's the least he can do, after all RiverClan has done, for the shelter they'd given him. Though, he wishes he could do more without the threat of losing his own home, his own family, looming over him.
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Blazestar cuts them off from battle, and Grizzlyridge's heart aches. For RiverClan, for ThunderClan, for the tom himself. Though he wishes he could be angry, who could he rage against? The tired, beaten RiverClan, who sought to protect their land, even against those who starved for it? ThunderClan, as they begged to fill their bellies off the land they had protected, when their own territory would not do it? Blazestar, who loves his children as much as his clan, and thinks of the parts the same way he does the whole? Instead, he is angry at himself for the indecision, for not knowing what he should feel, what he should do. Without their assistance, RiverClan would lose this battle. With it, SkyClan would lose the small fraction of peace between themselves and their neighboring clan. Either way, they lose.

The seal point tom has been quiet to this point, listening to the back and forth with his head turned low and his tired heart aching. Only once Sharpeye is gone and the conversation has lulled does Grizzlyridge raise his voice. "It is past bold to council a leader on what is right," he murmurs, though as soon as they are out of his mouth he questions them. Does he speak them for himself? For SkyClan? Or is he merely hoping to steady their leader some? To offer a breath of stability in the midst of this disaster? "And crueler than he would claim credit for, to think so lowly of starving cats." He doesn't look to Blazestar, or to Gillpaw– his gaze is distant, focused on the treeline. "I will go as well, once the battle is concluded." He misses the waters, anyway.

  • ooc:
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old. a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"
"So much for allies.." Fireflypaw mumbles under his breath as he listens to the conversation go down. An apprentice had rushed over to them, begging for help- and his father.. His father denies the poor kid, tells him they can't help him. Why not? Sharpeye leaves to go help them, and a cooling chill goes down his spine in response. "This won't end well.." He mutters softly, inching over to sit beside Greenpaw with a worried look on his face. His father designates him and Dawnglare to go offer help afterwards; traitor. What use would it be then, if they could prevent injuries from even happening in the first place? "..Mm, okay." He hums, resolute. He'd help, but that didn't mean he wanted to.