camp SEVENTEEN GOING UNDER ⁺˖⋆ return with kit

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ navigating the undergrowth had become a second nature to nightbird. navigating it with a uncoordinated, too large to carry child in tow was something else entirely. it took twice as long, was ten times as draining, but eventually the lead warrior made it to the gorse tunnel. she stopped for a moment to check for the abandoned kitten.

"when we go inside, you're heading straight to gentlestorm to get that wound checked. he's very nice, do not bite him. there are many other kits, do not run off with them. you'll be acquainted soon enough." she wasn't entirely sure if the child was bluffing when he threatened harm to her nose, but it'd be just her luck that her friend would get bit due to her underestimation of the kitten's tenacity. with her instruction, she led him through the entrance, stopping briefly at the first clanmate she saw. "fetch howlingstar, tell her we'll be in gentlestorm's den."

nightbird herded the kitten to the medicine cat's den, careful to block out any distractions that may come about. soon enough, they arrived to the slanted stone entrance. "surprise, i have a kit for you." she announced, ushering said kit into the den with her tail. "found him beat up in a hole. this is..." she realized then that she hadn't yet figured out what he was called. ".. uh, you have a name or what?"
  • ooc ↛ @BOLDKIT & @GENTLESTORM , sending someone to get @HOWLINGSTAR, no need to wait! continuation of this thread.
  • BvsNLyD.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 32 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Reactions: BOLDPAW

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ The red tabby had been near the camp's entrance, taking in the fresh smells that the wind teased her with. She hadn't been outside since her outburst with Gentlestorm, but she was contemplating finding someone to accompany her on a walk, when Nightbird burst through carrying a kit. Her eyes widened partially, but there had been so many orphaned kittens lately, that it barely brought shock to her now. Instead, it plucked at her heart strings, the same way it would to their leader. The deputy dipped her head at Nightbird's words, ducking away to grab their tabby leader.

Flamewhisker halted at the threshold of Howlingstar's den, poking her alabaster muzzle through. "Nightbird has just returned with a kit...she is taking him to Gentlestorm. He appears to be injured."

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 31 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    widowed mate to flycatcher / / mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowkit, sunkit, mothkit, scorchedkit, and squirrelkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Bold tried his best to keep up so he wouldn't fall too far behind and risk being left behind. It for sure was a difficult terrain for him to get himself through not used to this type of environment. or closed up space to travel inside. With everything he had gone through today it was really no surprise how exhausted the kit actually felt once they arrived right outside of camp. This was not a fact he wanted to be known though as he struggled to follow tightly behind the warrior. She once more brought up the biting part and now he was actually starting to wonder if the warrior actually had taken his threat back then seriously. Did the thunderclan cats not like to get their nose bitten?. Was that some sort of fear of theirs?, or a weaknesses?. He could think about this all he wanted later.

" I made a promise to you that i won't ...i always keep my word." he would ensure them truthfully hoping that was enough to put their mind to rest. Nightbird did not need to worry about him to wander away either to meet the clans fact he felt both concerned and suprised to hear they had more kits around his age here. Bold had barely had any interactions with kits his age before so he wasn't sure how to act around them. So for now he rather not interact with anyone of them at all...that was an issue he could work around later or...maybe he could avoid them entierly.

Once they stepped foot into camp the kit was making sure to keep himself close to Nightbird while looking around to take in everything he saw. It was huge in here and so many cats too...Bold felt a bit overwhelmed as he had never seen so many cats in the same place before. They for sure beat the numbers of rogues that lived back at his old home.

He stopt behind Nightbird when they arrived to one of the dens and as much he would have liked to stay hidden behind the only cat he had some sort of attachment to no matter how small or short time they had known each other, Nightbird was a less stranger to him then everybody else in this place was right now, he was shoved forward by Nightbirds tail to be placed at the front. The kit's eyes widened as he stared up at the new cat that had been introduced to him. Bold swollowed nervousely. " Uhm, m-my name's Bl..." he paused, blinking before his eyes narrowed at himself. No, that was not his name anymore!. Get yourself together!!. be brave!.

Bold cleared his throat as he collected his thoughts. "My name's Bold, sir! and miss! " he puffed out his chest as he introduced his name with pride. After all it was the name Big Blue had gifted to him before they had departed from each other!. So this name meant a huge deal to him. It was a name he would wear with pride!, and a name he had sworn to live up to as well!.


[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit never saw much commotion from the warriors when returning from patrol, and yet today seemed different, and not only that they brought in a new kit! Who was quickly ushered to the medicine den. Mister Gentlestorm had made it clear the medicine den was off limits but, a kit was going in there and not only that, someone she didn't know. So the she-kit herself quickly made her way over, trying to scoot herself in without the others noticing in her attempt to get a better look at Bold.

Of course, she was quick to blow her cover, "Hello! I'm Fadingkit! Would you want to be my friend?" she called, her stumpy tail wiggling a bit as the strange scent of the no no den smacked her nostril, but she was too focused on attempting to be the first to befriend the strange kit that the adults had brought back to care.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Even when she managed to keep a clear and calm face about it, there was something about orphaned or abandoned kits being brought back to ThunderClan that tugged at Softpaw's heart. Of course, she was sure most others in the Clan felt the same - but lately Softpaw had felt she had a reputation to uphold as someone who didn't take up too much space in any way.

She watched curiously as Nightbird brought in the injured kit, ushering him towards Gentlestorm's den.

"Perhaps you can be friends a little later, Fadingkit," Softpaw suggested as she sat down next to the other kitten. "Bold looks to be a bit hurt right now."


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
If Roeflame could, she would have been driven up the wall by now. Kits ran every which way under her paws, argued amongst each other in the middle of the night, while she would like to think her own kits were well-behaved enough, it hadn’t been all that long ago that Littlekit had been discovered in Gentlestorms den dripped in honey, Dovekit in Howlingstars- gifting fur-balls and critters.
By the time the silvery queen was able to simmer all five bundles of joy down within their nest for the night, her head crashed down with a thud.
Motherhood did not go without its magic or wonder, it had plenty of that- it was the exhaustion that had been leaving Roeflame so scatter-brained for the past moon, the loss that still weighed heavy on her shoulders.
These ailments are well concealed, tucked behind ever-alert celadon optics, for she always has something that needs tending to.
The warriors and loved ones who brought meals to the nursery where life-savers more often than not, but Roeflame had a hankering for squirrel, and was more than ready to take a short moment for herself while she walked to the fresh-kill pile.
The queen has barely arrived to her destination when Nightbird slips through the entrance, the clamor that follows prompting Roeflame to glance in her council-mates direction.
A battered scrap of fur is on the mollys heels, and Roeflame is all too accustomed to this scenario by now.
Concern brews like storm clouds in the rosetted she-cats expression, and if her own kits were thinking of following in the duo’s wake, they would be met with a sharp shake of the queens head, a gesture to stay near the nursery.
Fadingkit and Softpaw’s words give Roeflame a pause. Between Howlingstar, Flamewhisker, Gentlestorm, and Nightbirds presence… Roeflame would be left with nothing to do but gawk.
”Why don’t you two go to the nursery, for me? I have some feathers we can use to make a super comfy nest for our new friend.” Roeflame changes her route to instead draw towards Fadingkit and Softpaw. Technically, the bundle of feathers that lay untouched near her nest were Littlekit’s, but her daughter would be happy to share.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


glowingkit & 03 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

When Nightbird returns to camp, it's not with prey or news of their borders - no, there's a kit with her. It takes a moment for her gaze to focus on them, far away as she is, but she can feel the quiver of uncertainty in her belly once she does. Why is there a new kit? Is his mother there with him? But no... there is no new queen, only the kit. Frown crosses her features as she wonders for a moment, if the stranger is like her - like them - with parents who can't bother with their kits existence. She thinks it'd be a bit rude to ask though, so she doesn't.

Instead, blue eyes simply follow the two went they go to see Gentlestorm, paws kneading against the ground. Unlike her sister, Glowingkit makes no move to peek into the medicine den - they're not supposed to go there, and Glowingkit always tries to be a good girl, even if her parents don't seem to think she is. Roeflame shoos them away anyways, which is enough to have her feeling relieved by her choice. " I can help too - I make real 'ood nests, " it's not really true, she's not actually sure her nests are good at all, maybe average, but it's the thought that counts, right? She just... doesn't want to be left out.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L A L W A Y S B E S O P E R F E C T L Y H A P P Y


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The mass of fur had been organizing his herbs and carefully moved the berry he had recently found during one of his solo patrols for herbs. He moved it somewhere that wouldn't be reached by small curious paws though his attention turns away from it when he hears pawsteps approaching and the sound of Nightbird's voice getting closer. Gentlestorm perks up at the sight of his friend but his expression falters when she mentions bringing him a kitten and he blinks back surprise, his copper gaze focusing on the young kitten that had followed Nightbird here. "You always have a way of surprising me, my friend." He says with amusement as his tone takes a teasing one though backs up to grab at some cobwebs and marigold, his gaze focuses when the injured kitten introduces himself as Bold. The pale tom offers a smile with a small nod of his helm "It's nice to meet you, Bold. As you know, I'm Gentlestorm."

His attention shifts when Fadingkit comes over and he's about to answer her but Softpaw tells the younger molly to try befriending Bold later due to being injured. Gentlestorm nods in agreement only to use a large paw to nudge Fadingkit out of the medicine den, he needs his space to work and didn't like being crowded while he works. He glances over to Roeflame giving her a grateful nod of his helm before turning his attention to Bold once more as he mews "Seems like you already got a few new potential friends." He chews on the marigold into a poultice and grins with a soft chuckle "You don't need to refer me as sir either,"


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
*+:。.。 Wrathkit craned his neck behind Fadingkit and Glowingkit, his own deep blue eyes wide as he looked at the stranger. A kit that came from a hole - wowee that was cool! "How can friendship wait? That feels mean" Wrathkit would whine, shaking his head incredulously. Unable to help himself, Wrathkit would wave his cream-striped arm vigorously and call, "Feel better soon, Bold! I like your name!" Hopefully that'll show him he's welcomed here - and that friends are just around the corner when he's ready! "Can his nest be next to mine?" Wrathkit would ask, padding after Roeflame with a sniff of his ever watery nose.

    DMAB— He/Him
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovepaw, Joypaw, Gigglepaw
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #191961
    injuries: None currently

Scorchedkit is nestled near Flamewhisker, nose tilted toward the gentle breeze wafting through camp. It brought a myriad of teasing new scents and something new entirely. The kitten stepped backward as Nightbird pushed through the gorse tunnel with an injured kit in tow. The foreign scent of blood not belonging to prey made her muzzle wrinkle. However, lying beneath the scent of blood lies another smell altogether. Nothing about it reminded her of the forest. What happened to him? More importantly, where did he come from? The tortoiseshell's head twists to watch her mother leave for Howlingstar's den. Her paw lifts to follow but hesitates as several other kittens begin clamoring around the new kid.

With curiosity tugging at her, Scorchedkit turns to alleviate its beck and call. Weaving through the crowd she blinked as multiple voices offered to be his friend. Somewhere along the line, the kit speaks his name. Bold. Her brows quirked. "Where's the "kit" part of his name?" She inquired, her question floating toward the nearest warrior.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
Another kit. Another! How many kits can possibly be left on ThunderClan's doorstep? She has lost count of how many kittens she has taken into her clan, how many sleep orphaned in the nursery but cared for by the doting queens inside. She follows Flamewhisker out of her den and towards Gentlestorm's abode, her fur bristling when she sees the clowder of kits crowding outside. "Help Roeflame get them back to the nursery," She requests, looking to her deputy pleadingly. She does not need that right now, not when she must get to the bottom of whatever this is.

"Bold, huh?" She murmurs to the kitten as she steps inside the medicine cat's den, coming to a stop beside Nightbird. Her gaze lifts to meet Gentlestorm's and the lead warrior's, as if trying to gauge what might have happened to him out there. No kit has arrived this hurt before. Scorchedkit's words ring at the back of her mind and she leans down to look at him. "Why don't you stay here for awhile and tell us how you got here? You can sleep in here until that wound heals, and then you can go into the nursery with the other kits. We can even call you Boldkit - it means you're one of us." She has done this same song and dance countless times over the last couple of moons. Another abandoned kit. Another she will take in without a second thought. He has a place here already.

The den got crowded rather quickly and before knowing it Bold was surrended by unfamilliar faces, complete strangers. It was not until then it hit him how surreal this was. That he literally had jumped into the lion's den. They could all eat him if they wanted and he could do nothing about it. Bold truly wished he hadn't made a promise to not bite anyone's nose right now. That made his own situation very troublesome. But he had to remember to be brave, to trust what Big Blue had said about this warriors. If only he hadn't been approached by a group of kits. Bold honestly didn't know how to interact with any of them.

" Uhm, sure i guess." he mumbled out to the kit who had asked if he wanted to be their friend. Fadingkit was it?. That was an odd name but not in a bad way. Bold didn't look them in the eye as he replied while taking a small step closer to Nightbird like he tried to use her like a shield between him and the other kits. He felt timid and shy in their company.

It was kinda a relief when the older cats came to his rescue to lead the other kits away so he could have his space back. It didn't slip from his attention as he overheard one of the mothers put the idea into the kits mind to build a nest to him in feathers. That had him stare after them wondering if that was true. " I like your name!" One of the kits called out along with wishing for him to get better soon. Bold half smiled as he watched that one kit leave to join the rest. He liked that someone liked his new cool name. That would be difficult to hide.

Lastly was the strangest of all the kits who had approached. She didn't exactly have anything interesting to say either beside commenting to why he didn't have 'kit' behind his name. Wasn't that obvious?. Only forest cats had cool double names like that. Didn't meant his name was uncool though...Bold twitched his nose as he looked away deciding to not answer since she hadn't directly been question him anyway and...he was already drained out after interacting with them.

The medicine cat had his attention now and he had to admit this was the nicest interaction he has had with another cat during the whole day. He got a good 'vibe' from this tom. " I like your name." It was cool actually. It gave the vibe of 'nice guy you don't wanna mess with'. Bold took a careful step closer so Gentlestorm could take a better look at his clawed face. He still felt the pain grapping a hold of his face but it had numb down somewhat. Or maybe he had got used to it with his old scars on his ears and body already seemed to state. " Do what you most. I'm good at sitting still and i've already promised not to bite you." He told them with a firm look as he tried to look more mature, like pain didn't faze him which wasn't entierly true.

While Gentlestorm was about to start working on him, a new shadow entered the den and as Bold cast a look over without moving his head saw her the leader of the whole forest. She for sure was big....Bold looked at her in awe. For a long time he had wished to meet her after hearing so many stories of her, the leader of the howling forest. She was for sure his idol right after Big Blue of course. It was an honor to hear his name get slipped out from this molly's maw!.

Bold straightened himself up a bit and forgot entirely up to hold his head still as he shifted his attention to Howlingstar as Gentlestorm was forgotten about for the moment. She went straight to the point, asking him to explain how he had ended up here but not without mentioning that he could stay, even going so far of giving him the 'kit' part to his very name. Bold had not been expecting for things to go this almost felt too good to be true. Bold caught himself staring too long and he quickly recovered by blinking his eyes. Right. He shouldn't forget to speak it was a most to make a good impression in front of his idol.

" Big Blue told me to run as far into the forest i possibly could as fast as i could and...and then i couldn't run anymore he told me to find a place to hide until a warrior find me..." he paused as his gaze sank down to his paws, sadness returning back to his heart when he thought about it, how he had run and Big Blue had stayed behind to protect him. " He told me that thunderclan would take care of me...that you wouldn't uhm...h-hurt me." another pause, this time a bit longer as he tried to block out the memories of the group he had lived with. How his life had been there. " He told me you were the good guys...and, and, i wanna be a good guy too." he finished with the last part slipping out through a mumble.

Howlingstar tilts her head in confusion. Already, she has many questions, and she glances to her clanmates to see if they look as confused as she does. "Who is Big Blue?" Is perhaps the first question she should start with. She wants to ask plenty more, like how he knew about ThunderClan and how he could be so confident they'd take in the little kit. She wants to know why he would call them the good guys. Rogues don't care much at all for the clans, and loners are neutral about them at best. None of this makes sense. She lowers her head to be eye-level with Boldkit and stares expectantly, awaiting an answer. Who is this mysterious cat he speaks of who told him to come here? Could he be an enemy?

Who was Big Blue?. That confused Bold because how could they not know who Big Blue was?, the coolest cat in the whole wide world?. For sure they could not have forgotten about him?. " Big Blue is Big Blue." he stated it as facts, like it was the most obivious thing in the whole world to know about. He blinked when the big molly leaned down to come down to his level. " Big Blue took care of me and mom and when she..." he paused as he got reminded of this painful memories over how his mom had got taken out. The kit shook his head not wanting to think on that right now!. This was supposed to be an happy day after all. " He continued to look after me even after she was gone. He made sure i wouldn't starve and he protected me from the other cats so they wouldn't hurt me too much!. " his eyes glowed as he spoke about them. He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. Big Blue was his hero!.