sensitive topics SEVERED THE ROPE ⁀➷ return & rogue attack!

She had been hesitant to lift her hold on the crazed she-cat, and the feeling in her gut turned out to be correct. Traitors! the molly screamed at her kits. Flamewhisker flattened her ears, and narrowed her gaze at the rogue. Tell me when, and I'll chase her out... she thought to herself, hoping Howlingstar would give the order any minute now. Her tail lashed behind her, and she sunk her claws into the soft dirt. No mother should ever speak to their kits that way. I'll tear her pelt off.

Seconds passed, and the rogue made a lunge for her kits. Flamewhisker risked a quick glance at their leader, but didn't wait for affirmation before lunging towards the she-cat with flared nostrils and outstretched claws. The lead warrior let out a bloodthirsty battle cry, and attempted to rake her claws along the rogue's side. Hailstorm was on her within a blink of an eye. Blood was roaring in her ears, and she was seeing nothing but tunnel vision. The kits were not even Thunderclan's yet, but she didn't care. Anyone who harmed their own kits didn't deserve them, and she wouldn't tolerate another minute of Baying Hound's idiocy. If Hailstorm pinned her successfully, she would lean down just out of reach and snarl, "When you run away, you'd better hope I don't catch you."
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

To her surprise, two of the kits rush from the other side of the clearing, eyes on both their mother and Fallowpaw, before their pleading gazes drift to her. She stares at them in bewilderment when they begin to beg to stay. Her mind whirs - she can't possibly take kits away from their mother. She won't! And she's about to gently say as much, before the she-cat is let up and casts venomous words in all directions. Howlingstar suddenly feels the tension in the air crackle and she bristles her fur in preparation, eyes narrowing and claws unsheathing, but the she-cat does not attack any ThunderClanner. She begins to attack her own kits.

Letting out a furious hiss, the tabby lunges forward, but is not as fast as those younger than her. Hailstorm and Flamewhisker descend upon the rogue and slam her into the dirt, and the old tabby turns her attention immediately upon the children. "Come here!" She quickly yowls, herding them away from their spiraling mother and standing between them and her. Her wide eyes roam them in a panic, watching as blood drips down their features and she clenches her teeth. "Hailstorm!" A quick command - he is no longer a warrior, and he's needed here, now. With the injured. "Flamewhisker, Roeflame, get that fox-heart out of here! Make sure she never comes back!" She snarls orders to the lead warriors. "Freckleflame! How is Fallowpaw?!" Everything is happening too fast, with blood staining the ground now and growls and screeches deafening her. How in StarClan did this happen so fast?

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Between frantic pants from under her claws, the writhing stranger Roeflame has pinned mutter incoherently, venomously lashing out.
Before the lead warrior can reply, the molly kicks out from under her, forcing the smaller feline to spring back with a hiss. Luckily, the spiraling woman wouldn’t be making it far, quickly trapped once more over a surge of fire and ivory.
More come, Howlingstar, more children.
Amidst the outcry’s and emotional pleads from the strange new kits that have stumbled upon the savage scene, Roeflame is only just given enough time to piece wisps of context together.
Muted optics are steady on Howlingstar, only breaking contact to glance at the huddled youth wailing at their presumed mother.
Her call for wary stagnancy is sent to a screeching halt when the crazed rogue springs forward again, a vow to have her own estranged daughter slain filling the tense air around them.
The silvered warriors rage is once again sparked, white-hot and blazing.
Hailstorm and Flamewhisker reach the pummeled form of Baying Hound first, and Howlingstar calls her medicine cat apprentice back. The small tabby is akin to a snake, darting to stand defensively adjacent to a Flamewhisker, ready to put the madwoman down.
"Flamewhisker, Roeflame, get that fox-heart out of here! Make sure she never comes back!"
A command the tabby is happy to fulfill.
"Let her go. We’ve got this, now." While the warrior would need to crane her head to speak to Hailstorm, her words are steely, cold.
When the snowy tom would do as he’s told, Roeflame would hardly give the other a heartbeat to stagger to her paws before giving chase, fangs bared and snapping on Baying Hounds heels.
You better pray to every damned star I don’t get my claws on you.
Away from the gazes of already traumatized children, from the gazes of her respected clanmates, Roeflame knows there is the darkest part of her heart pounding these thoughts into her mind. She knows she would not hesitate to kill.


Fear gripped Antler’s heart- it still did, given the gravity of the situation. Tears flowed over her cheeks, eyes squeezed shut, her siblings sticking close to her flank. She could nearly hear the moment the pin dropped- Antler’s head lifting, wide eyes shifting towards her sibling. “Doe-” She choked out, but that was only moments before Baying Hound’s shout echoed through the small clearing. No! Antler’s breath hitched, orange eyes swinging towards Baying Hound.

Traitors! Ungrateful little fox-hearts! You would abandon your own mother? Overwhelming grief, terror, and depression took Antler’s heart within an instant. She shrunk back again, ears flattening and her mouth trying to form words. She couldn’t. There wasn’t a chance, with how her mother was still talking. Abandon your own mother? The sentence seemed to explode in her mind into a billion pieces, slam back together, and rattle around some more.

Antler was stumped as she stared at Baying Hound. You’re no children of mine anymore! Antler sobbed then, the young cat’s head turning away. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, she couldn’t stop it. Everything hurt, and she couldn’t breathe, sobs and terrified cries leaving her body. It wasn’t that she wanted to leave Baying Hound. That was her mother! It was! But it wasn’t… she couldn’t stay with her after witnessing Fallow get chased down to be killed. Her shoulders shook as fear overtook her, only lifting her vision in time to see Doe get attacked.

A scream left the mouth of the sepia as she witnessed blood fly from her sister’s face, taking a step backwards. Fear had shocked her into being frozen, and as Baying Hound turned to face her, the only thing she could do was whisper out, “No.” But there was little else she could do to fight against what came next, having been sheltered, given as much of an easy life that Baying Hound could give to them.

Antler is knocked backwards as she was bowled over by her mother, but this wasn’t play. Smaller frame was pinned to the frozen ground, her legs kicking, claws that were just leaving kitten-sharp trying to scratch at her belly to get her off. Vision flicked towards the Thunderclanners, a silent plea for help- help her, like they helped her sister- and her eyes clenched shut just as her mother’s claws came down across her forehead, and down over her eyes. Body struggled against the attack, writhing what parts of her weren’t pinned down. Anything to make the pain stop.

Fallow’s shrieks ring her ear, but all Antler could focus upon was the pain, her eyes- she couldn’t open her eyes. Mournful and terrified cries left her mouth, hiccuping noises that were accompanied by red tears. Someone slammed Baying Hound off of her, and Antler rolled, claws digging into the ground and trying to get her away from the carnage. Instinct was all she was acting upon, and she couldn’t breathe. Pain flooded everyone of her senses. Fighting was distantly heard as she tried to push herself to wobbly paws.

She faintly recognizes smelling the thick Thunderclan scent as somecat moved, herding her and her siblings. She stumbles, the world slowly coming back into focus- she couldn’t see, couldn’t pry her eyes open. It hurt too much, but she recognized the voice of the oldest tabby. The one she had pleaded for safety. She was swaying on wobbly paws, but hopefully one of her siblings that had gone uninjured could hold her up, for now.

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.