sensitive topics SEVERED THE ROPE ⁀➷ return & rogue attack!

( ⁀➷ )  Fallow's mother won't stop chasing her. Her words ring in their ears. "You are not my daughter." Her breaths come quick and unfocused, legs aching as they flee from the snapping jaws of their mother. There's a frenzied look in the rogue's eye as she pursues her daughter, all sense lost in her grief and anger.

Fallow can't keep going for much longer. But she catches a familiar scent, a spark of relief coursing its way through her veins. She wasn't as far from ThunderClan as she thought.

The former apprentice barrels across the border, movement clumsy and desperate. Her legs catch on one of the many roots, and Fallow is sent tumbling to the ground. Fear grips her, desperate thoughts of the siblings she's been forced to leave behind. Will she ever get to see them again, or was it all for nothing? Her eyes press tightly shut, bracing as Baying Hound catches up to her.

This world is a cruel one. Taunting her with a mirror image of her daughter, trying to lure her children away from her... Has she not already suffered enough? Baying Hound wails as she chases after the ghost of her child, grief and rage swirling inside her.

Fallow is dead. Fallow has been dead for moons. Baying Hound has a rock outside her den to serve as a makeshift grave, and she brings it flowers every few nights. No kit can survive an owl. But this thing keeps acting like it's Fallow, and Baying Hound can't bear to believe it. Can't bear to think that her daughter was alive out there, in the cruel world where her mother couldn't reach her.

It's some sort of trick. It has to be.

So she chases the phantom across the forest, thoughts little more than a mourning scream.

The kit stumbles and Baying Hound sees her chance. She's upon it immediately. It's easy to pin, and she raises a paw unthinkingly. Claws come unsheathed, ready to be brought down upon the beast's much smaller form. How dare this thing take her daughter's face, bring back all that pain? She won't let it get away with it.


// all powerplay allowed, no need to wait for a response!! do anything you want aside from killing her

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Fortunately for Fallowpaw, Hailstorm had been within the territory searching for herbs or anything that may prove to be good nesting material and his nose was to the snowy ground as it twitched briefly. Perhaps he could catch some prey for Berryheart and their patients back at home as well but these thoughts are interrupted when the sound of a wail rips into the cold air, his pupils narrow and hackles raise in the slightest. He does not hesitate to move forward already bolting in the direction where the sound had come from and when he nears does he notice that Fallowpaw had caught onto some roots causing the molly to fall into the snow yet his gaze locks onto the sight of a rogue that lifts unsheathed claws to the apprentice. Ears lay flat against his helm, the burly tom taking a few powerful strides to close the distance between them before ramming his large frame into Baying Hound in an attempt to bowl her over and away from Fallowpaw.

"Get away from her." A snarl tore from the throat of the medicine cat apprentice as he stepped back until he stood between the apprentice and the rogue, he hadn't even realized the resemblance between the pair... He was only focused on protecting the young cat not wanting to lose another cat to teeth and claws, the thought of Wolfwind and Oakfang burning at the back of his mind.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed

the day is hazy. freckleflame was nearly ready to call it ; another morning lost to the bitter chill, tucking each creature away into the warmth of their burrows. the air is near silent, save for the harsh howl of wind whipping the longer fur of her ears — so it’s the sound that draws her. a rapid beating of paws, scrabbling in the leaves that has her prying through the undergrowth just as quick. hailstorm beats her to the scene only breaths before she emerges, in a way, she is thankful the molly is so engrossed in what freckleflame could only assume was a hunt ; focused on what she thinks first is a bundle of prey. bigger than she’d seen in moons, maybe a hare chased over from windclan’s border.

hailstorm barrels the she-cat over and freckle is quick to move in, aiming a hiss and a fierce swipe along the mollys flank. the woman seems to stagger, blood spattering the white of the snow around them. that pure, crisp scent turns metallic before it finally hits her. something underneath, like heavy soil, familiarity despite the tinge of outlands that cling desperately to shaggy fur. her head swivels, but her back is still arched protectively in the space between hthe woman and what she slowly, slowly realizes is a terrified fallowpaw, ” who are you? what did you do to fallowpaw? incredulity lightens her voice. had this cat been the one to cause fallowpaw’s disappearance? had she been responsible somehow? she knew it wouldn’t leave! stormywing would be.. a grimace nearly crosses her face. stormywing would be.. relieved. for better or worse.

  • i.

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Fallowpaw disappearance had been jarring for the clan. The adolescent had been more quiet and withdrawn than her peers, but her brightness brimmed to even an oblivious eye, her intelligence and kindness was a loss Roeflame had felt, especially for Stormywing, who had been rejoiced to be assigned an apprentice of her own.
Forever an optimistic soul, however, the cinnamon tabby did not give up hope on the apprentices safe return.
The scene Roeflame stumbles upon was not one the lead warrior could have imagined in her wildest dreams. Distracted by the sounds of anguish and caterwauls from a near distance, the warrior wasted no time redirecting her and Foxpaws training session, breaking into a run towards the cries.
When her apprentice still hardly grown from her kit fur, Roeflame gives the russet sepia an order to stay back, hidden from whatever was happening by snow-covered undergrowth.
Even with her later arrival, murky toned optics stretch wide in shock as she bursts forward, met with the sight of Hailstorm barreling into a foreign cat.
The medicine cat apprentice was a gentle soul, and Roeflame is quickly aiding him, alongside Freckleflame, racing for the staggering she-cat, the warrior would aim to continue where Freckleflame left off and pounce, bringing the stranger to the icy floor. Intending to hold her in an unconventional pin with unsheathed claws gripping at shoulder blades.
In her rush, it is only when slitted pupils look towards Hailstorm again that she would see Fallowpaw on the ground.
Icy dread pools in her veins as the silvered molly would begin to piece her own conclusions together.
"Foxpaw, go get Howlingstar and Flycatcher" The lead warrior barks towards the shrubbery she had left her apprentice disguised in. turning to the rogue in her grasp with blazing ivy pools.
"You better start talking."


Baying Hound wasn't paying enough attention. It's hard to, right now. She didn't notice she'd crossed over the clans'scent line, a mistake she knows not to make. Not unless she's desperate.

They're on her in seconds, piling on like rats. Once crashes into her, one swipes claws across her flank. She lashes out wildly, a frenzied swipe towards whoever's nearest, but it's no use. She can only focus on one thing, and she's not ready when the silvered cat comes for her.

The words of her mottled molly register belatedly in her ears, and she cranes her head to look at her. "ThunderClan rats, you'd make a mockery of my daughter's name?" She snarls, venomous and shocked. "Where did you hear it? Why are you protecting that thing?" Hey eye gleams with a warped sort of understanding. Of course it's the clans, those rotten prey-stealers. They would be the ones to do this to her. She wriggles in the other cat's grip. "Is it yours?"

There's a vacant sort of fear in her eye as she turns her head back to the molly pinning her. "GET OFF OF ME!" she snarls, kicking out her hind legs to try and escape, hoping to make a beeline for the beast that is not Fallow. It's just lying there, whimpering on the ground. It's pathetic. Her daughter would never do such a thing.

No, no, no, a fluttering heart moves in tandem with clumsy paws that struggle to race through the unfamiliar undergrowth. Roots peek above frosted forest- golden eyes flick wildly to keep track of familiar dusty pelts- We just got her back, the thought screams, her face still wet with tears of reunion thought long dead. She could still feel the phantom softness of dappled fur against her cheeks where she'd buried her nose in Fallow's fur, wailed at it to have taken so long to come back home.

Her lip quivers with barely restrained sobs, hoping and praying she might be able to catch up to a seething banshee they called mother- "S-stop it," she cries in vain, watching ears flatten to ignore her further. "Mama please!"

Snow blooms in a wild flurry around a collapsed apprentice, one who'd clumsily and desperately found her way home; ThunderClan, wasn't that what it said? They'd taken care of a stray.. Doe thinks to flee the moment more strangers enter the scene and with a twisting knot of her belly- fear, relief? It's so hard to tell past the heavy drumming in her ears- They'd stopped Baying Hound from hurting Fallow but..

Sundrop eyes stare in wide, doe-like witness to the spattering of kins' blood- She is certain they will kill her mother and while the loyalty to her sister is admirable, it makes every story seem that much more true. A fluffy tail tucks itself like a coward between her legs, hunching down as a soundless cry leaves parted lips- begging no more.

But mama doesn't stop. She howls and twists to fight them even when she is outnumbered and Doe... She could help, she could save her, she could... Her knees feel weak and will not move. "F-Fallow," the deer-stared girl whimpers... Don't leave me behind... Don't leave us...
Antler's lungs burn. She hasn't run far, or this hard, ever. Baying Hound is keeping up with Fallow, likely due to age, and Fallow is able to run so fast and so hard because... she's a clanner. Antler's brain swims, and the thoughts are rough and hard to swallow. Her paws dig into cold ground, her flank scratched by brush she isn't used to running through. Antler trips and stumbles a few times, the first of her siblings to flee after- or towards- Baying Hound and Fallow.

Doe's cries are all she hears, above her own panting and struggling. She can hear the shouting, the calling from her sister, the crashing bramble- Antler herself breaks into a clearing.

She slides to a stop as Baying Hound crashes into Fallow, her mother aiming a terrifying strike to her sister when one of the biggest cats Antler has ever seen barrels through. A shriek leaves her, and she stumbles back to the edge of the clearing, eyes widening as she watched cats come from.. everywhere, it felt like, everywhere to defend Fallow. She does not know their name- the big white one moving to defend them.

More come, shouting orders, slamming her mother to the ground. Antler cried out again, pressing her flank against Doe. "P-please!" What are you begging for? There is nothing to demand. You know that Baying Hound was about to hurt your sister, or worse. Antler's eyes were still full of tears, her body shivering and pressing closer to Doe if possible.

She wanted to go home.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — still a loner by the name of antler, to make clarifications!
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
She and Acornpaw hadn't been far when they had heard the caterwauls and yowls. Abandoning their hunt, Flamewhisker tore through the forest towards the scene, her apprentice hot on her tail. Her claws viciously gripped the soft ground below as she pushed herself to keep running, to get there as fast as she could. She had missed the fox attack where Wolfwind had been maimed, she wouldn't allow another clanmate to get hurt again, not if she could help it.

When the pair crashed through the undergrowth, she found Roeflame pinning down a rogue. A little further away, Fallowpaw was laying on the ground, looking absolutely terrified. Did this rogue have something to do with Fallowpaw's disappearance? Had she kidnapped her? Hailstorm, Freckleflame, and Roeflame were already at the rogue, so she decided to make sure the apprentice was alright. The lead warrior hurried over to her side, touching her shoulder with her nose. "Fallowpaw, are you alright? Did she hurt you?" she asked, keeping her attention on the wiggling Molly.

There were four other young cats here as well too, but they were not attacking. Was the deranged she-cat their mother? She didn't have time to ask more questions, because soon after she asked if Fallowpaw was hurt, she saw the rogue slip from Roeflame's grasp and begin to run right towards them. The fiery red tabby positioned herself between Fallowpaw and the rogue. Before the rogue could reach the apprentice, she would attempt to push her front legs down on Baying Hound's back, digging her claws in deeply in an attempt to push her to the ground. If successful, she would then bite down on the back of her neck, sinking her teeth in as hard as she could.

  • attacking @BAYING HOUND

  • IMG_1727.png

    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 28 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

. ° ✦ It had been weeks now since his friend had disappeared into the powdery depths beyond ThunderClans border, and weeks since his Clan had deemed her a defected rogue. Bravepaw had never stopped praying despite the days that stretched on, nights that he thought would be spent with their nests beside each other instead vacant. Patrols together made alone. It hadn't worn him down the slightest, not when his Clan encouraged he stop his prayers or when his denmates cast awkward glances when he kept her nest tended to and clean.

'And what if she doesn't want to come home?' Raccoonstripe had asked, and the rosette had refused to believe any other outcome than Fallowpaw's return.

It must have been pure luck that Sunfreckle had taken him this way, the boy remaining dutifully at his mentors side while they padded through the frost. What lured them here were the several shouts from unknown voices mixed with their Clan. Sharing a quizzical look with one another they padded closer, and Bravepaw put on his best confident face as they confronted the scene. An older molly pinned beneath Roeflame that kicked and thrashed to escape. Flamewhisker joining the attack but that- that was not important.

"Fallowpaw?" His voice is hardly even a whisper as his gaze practically glowed with a youthful exuberance that spread to his paws. This molly, whoever she was, harmed Fallowpaw in some way and he wouldn't let her get away with it! In a split second he took off from Sunfreckle's side, perhaps the first time he's ever parted from his mentor without permission. He felt anger, protective of his friend, she wouldn't harm Fallowpaw ever again.

"Eat this old lady!" Set with his tail-side facing Baying Hound's muzzle he used his forepaws to kick up the snow into her face until his paws got too cold to continue. Which didn't take much time at all, but he was satisfactory with his attempts to join the pointed molly.

"Who are you guys? Are these your friends?" Dark blues set on the faces of Fallowpaw's littermates now, blinking at them with wide eyes.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — mentor tag @Sunfreckle
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
Howlingstar had resigned herself to the fact that Fallowpaw was long gone. Broken away, across the border in such a heavy flurry that no warrior had any hope of tracking her. Gone. Defected. Like Patchpaw's family. Maybe some cats who come to join just aren't meant to be clan cats, after all, despite the faith put in them by their clanmates.

Her head lifts when Foxpaw comes to retrieve her, telling her in hurried words that there's a situation. Fallowpaw is back, but she brings with her others, and there is trouble. She takes off in an instant, calling on clanmates to come as backup. Stormywing, she knows, is out hunting, so she calls on another warrior to retrieve her and bring her back to camp, for her apprentice is home. And with that, she makes a beeline back to where Foxpaw has led her.

She arrives on the scene with bristling fur and a lashing tail. She sees Fallowpaw, limp on the ground and cowering. She sees others her age - they almost look to be her littermates, with how much they resemble her - hiding nearby. And then there in the center of the clearing is a hissing, spitting, clawing stranger. Fallowpaw's mother. Of course, they're a family, all of them. Their similarities are uncanny.

A silencing yowl escapes her as she bounds forward and plants herself over the she-cat that Flamewhisker holds down. Eyes burning, she snarls down at her, "What is going on here? What are you doing on ThunderClan territory?"

Foxpaw is annoyed by the interruption of the training session, until she realizes what’s interrupted it. A rogue has chased Fallowpaw into ThunderClan territory, two more rogues similar in age to her den-mate sprinting after them. Foxpaw finds it difficult not to bolt from the shrubs and join the storm of claws, to rush to the defense of Fallowpaw. Yet Roeflame’s orders are clear and direct, ’Go fetch Howlingstar and Flycatcher!’ ”But I can help! I can fight!” However, there would be no disobeying her mentors word. On fast feet she races to alert the deputy and leader.

Foxpaw retrieves the tabby she-cat hastily, at her tail and with several warriors for back up she makes her way back to the scene. Foxpaw tries to inch closer to the action- likely against her mentors wishes in hopes of getting a good look on the scarred she-cat who had ruthlessly chased Fallowpaw.
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Baying Hound doesn't get very far before she's pinned again, and she thrashes and roars. No, no, no. It lured her onto ThunderClan territory, and now they're going to kill her, and who will be there to protect her kits? Teeth dig into the back of her neck and the molly gasps, adrenaline and panic coursing through her veins.

Through the haze, she turns her eyes to the kits who keep wailing their shrill cries. "Children," she croaks, voice hoarse from screaming. The wildness hasn't left her single, bulging eye, flicking between her kits and the ghost. Her lip draws up into a snarl, voice half-stern and half-threatening. "Go home, and stay there until I get back. Understood?" Her kits can't handle this, shivering and wailing. At least they're not piling onto their "sister" anymore. This is exactly what she'd been trying to protect them from, but of course they never listen to her.

The snow in her face causes the molly to splutter, shooting a glare at the little spotted beast that draws close to the horrible imitation of her daughter. Fallowpaw again, mocking the name she gave her child. Cruel, cruel, cruel. She can't bear it.

But before she can snarl at him, too, a yowl cuts through the air. A commanding tabby approaches, demanding her reasons. Baying Hound stares her down. "I was getting that thing," she glances to the shivering, scarred kit, "away from my children. It -- it lead me here, but this is none of your concern." Venom drips from her bared teeth, spiteful at being forced to negotiate with these monsters. Let me go, she pleads silently. She just needs to make sure the phantom will stay away from her kits, and then she can be done here.

Children, The she-cat crackles, confirming Howlingstar's suspicions. She orders her brood of four cowering kittens away, back to their den somewhere off in lands unknown. The tabby's eyes flicker up to look at the young ones for only a moment before she narrows them back on the spitting loner. And then she meets her gaze, fiery and proud, unafraid. From her look alone, she can tell this woman is not one to be afraid or stand down.

Her next words cause the stout leader to draw herself back up to her full height, the tips of her fangs glinting in the faintest beginnings of a snarl. Snow-capped paws bring her to stand defensively in front of the shivering form of Fallowpaw. "That thing has a name," She growls back, enunciating the words in a scathing tone as if it had been the most insulting thing she's ever heard. Her chin tips up with dominance, ears pinning to her skull. "Fallowpaw is a member of my clan. That makes it my concern. And you will not touch a hair on any ThunderClanner's pelt again, or we will not be so merciful next time." Her voices oozes authority, but remains stoic and level as she stares down the intruder.

She glances to Flamewhisker and nods, a signal to let her up. She thinks she's gotten the message. Attention returning to the kits across the clearing, then back to the she-cat, she lets off another warning growl, "Get off our territory. Take your kits and don't bother ours." She has no idea what Fallowpaw's story has been since she's left, but those are questions for later. Right now, she just wants to get her back to camp safely, and make sure this stranger gets her tail out of their forest.
Her breath was stranged in her throat- vision pinned on Baying Hound as cats toppled one and off of her. She couldn't keep track of them, ears pressing against her skull. Her eyes shifted, tracking the one who kicked snow on her approaching her sister, and information rushed into Antler's brain- the first, the realization that this was where Fallow has been. To see so many cats ready to defend her sister... her throat burned.

Orange eyes shifted to her sister, then back forward as a brown pelted tabby rushed into the fray. She carried authority, voice sharp. Antler... Antler wanted to be like her. Fearless. Unafraid of her mother. Antler's lips drew back, anger occupying her briefly before the rush of terror flooded at her at what she was about to do.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Antler finally shouted- what was she driven out of? Anxiety? A need to stay close to Fallow? Images danced behind her eyelids as she squeezed her eyes shut- Baying Hound's cruel, comparing words. Antler had looked so much like her mother, it was terrifying at moments, unable to separate herself from the person she could grow up to be. "I'm not... I'm staying with Fallow." It was a loud announcement- loud enough for all of Thunderclan and the Baying Hound clan to hear it.

Tears pricked at her eyes as she stepped forward, away from the forest brush. Doe was somewhere behind her, likely a bewildered pelt on her flank as Antler moved. "P-please." She said again, tail lowered and ears flattened- vision shifted from her mother, to the brown pelted tabby again, the oldest in the group- the leader, right? "Y-you took Fallow in. I... I can be useful. Please." Her words dripped to a soft whisper, choked by the noise of her own fear.

"Don't make me go back with her. I want to stay with Fallow." The flinch followed, instantly expectant of what Baying Hound may say. Expectant of a hit, or searing words that felt akin to it.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
Underneath her claws the rogue thrashes and roars. Flamewhisker pulls her lips back into a vicious snarl, a dare, a challenge for her to try to get away. If the filthy molly were to get a mouse tail length closer to Fallowpaw, she would shred her pelt. Luckily for Baying Hound, Howlingstar was quick to arrive on the scene. She acknowledges the leader's presence with an ear flick, not willing to lift her gaze from the she-cat beneath her.

Children, Go home, and stay there until I get back...

So those other cats were this molly's kits...did that mean this was Fallowpaw's mother? Her eyes widened ever so slightly, as she tried to process what kind of mother would try to kill her kit. Something is wrong with her... She sunk her claws into her shoulders a little deeper as Baying Hound called Fallowpaw 'That Thing'. Her tail lashed irritatingly, but she remained deadly quiet.

She glances up at Howlingstar for a second, noticing her signal to let the rogue up. Hesitantly she loosens her grip, slowly moving off of the she-cat. "Take your next steps carefully." she growled, ready to pounce if she made another move towards the apprentice. Behind them, one of the kits begged to let them stay. She turned to look to Howlingstar, curious to see what the leader would say. If that she-cat lost the rest of her kits, would she attack again? But then again...was she stable enough to be caring for the rest of them?
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

More crawl out of the woods as if they are an infestation of ants- something small and harmless on their own but with exuberant numbers, they had a hardy, surprising strength. She watches with dumb-founded awe by the lack of hesitation to rush in and protect her sister... One that had been sorely missed so much so it drove their mother to near-madness. Glancing between a speckled pelt and one that should've felt like home, Doe finds her belly flipping uncomfortably to try to make sense of this.

She'd been unfair sometimes... most times... but she wasn't evil... right? Tenderly, she reaches for a cheek that had been reprimanded with deft swipes any time order was called to question. She had just been upset those times. She hadn't meant it. That's what the fawn-colored girl had told herself while weeping into bark-hued furs to nurse her sore heart and sorer face.

A voice usually spoken in timid murmurs suddenly sounds like lightning- thunderous in its conviction. Sunrise gaze flicks to Antler with a flinching fear- they would all be punished for her outcry probably. And Doe wasn't sure she wanted to suffer it anymore either... Not when their sibling was alive and right there and had been chased off like Baying Hound didn't even want her back. "Don't make us go," she wails, chiming up behind Antler with a wobbling, uncertain voice.

"We just f-found Fallow again, don't make us leave!" Anything... anything... her paws scramble at the pieces of a family broken into tiny fragments when one little piece was lost. Her eyes wander towards her mother, barely able to meet the searing-fire gaze that glowers back, that demands them to go home. To give up on this. To take their loss (again) and move on.

"I don't wanna go with her!" Not without Fallow. Not without Antler.​
"I knew it," Baying Hound spits, struggling to her feet. Blood beads at the base of her neck. Her lips have been permanently fixed into a snarl. "I knew it was yours. Just keep Fallowpaw --" she utters the name with dripping disdain, "-- away from my kits, and then I'll leave." She turns to her children, expectant and impatient. Opens her mouth to chide them for not leaving when she told them to. Antler speaks first. Then Doe.

And Baying Hound stills.

"No!" tears its way from her throat, ragged and frenzied. Her eye is wide and glassy. "Traitors! Ungrateful little fox-hearts! You would abandon your own mother?" Leaving her behind, just like Fallow did. To think that her own children would choose the mangy clan-cats over her, to think they would be so naive as to fall for this. "And you!" she adds, whipping her head to face the other two, the children who have held their tongues. They're probably plotting against her too. "You're next, aren't you? I saw you with that thing! I bet you're just waiting to run off with it!"

She snarls and bares her teeth, tail lashing fitfully. "Fine!" she wails, hateful gaze turned now upon her two defiant kits. "Go join Fallow then! You're no children of mine anymore!" She moves quickly. Take your next steps carefully, the flame-pelted molly had said, but Baying Hound is far from reasonable. She lashes out wildly, with snapping jaws and unsheathed claws. She goes for the faces, the easiest to reach (and, vindictively, the kind of thing they can't forget). Insolent, cruel children. She would be a saint to even let them come back after saying such things, and Baying Hound has never been so trusting.

Her claws shoot towards Doe's eyes first, raking across. She hates them, those horrible, wide eyes. Staring at her so fearful, and at that mockery of her daughter so caringly. It's corrupted her, the mere sight of it, Baying Hound knows it. But Doe was not the first, no.

She whirls to face Antler, that pitiful little reflection. So much like herself, draped in dark stripes as she is. She'd been such a good daughter: so quiet, so obedient. This isn't like her Antler. She flings herself at the girl with claws outstretched, aiming to pin her down just as she did Fallow. Belly up, but Baying Hound goes again for the face. Just like hers -- and this will make it even more so. Claws aim for the girl's forehead, then down across her eyes. She just wants retribution, just wants some outlet for her rage. The beast has won, it's taken them (in mind if nothing else) and she'll have to be dragged away if she's going to let her children go so easily.

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  • Wow
Reactions: Deidre
( ⁀➷ )  Everything converges all at once. ThunderClan, her family, all come yowling and snarling. Her mama's blood stains the snow, and Fallow can hardly think. Her eyes are unfocused, her breath coming quick. This is all wrong. Her mama is supposed to be comforting, warm and fiercely protective. Her mama was supposed to come save her. This feels more like an encore of the rogue invasion than a family reunion. Then, she had run.

Now, Fallow lies petrified as the striped molly trashes in the grip of its (former?) clanmates. Her mama looks at her with such hate, such anger, that it makes her heart feel like it's going to collapse in on itself.

She watches the struggle blankly for a while, hardly even registering her sibling's arrival, their pleading calls. Bravepaw's question is what finally shakes her out of her stupor. "Wh -- no, my siblings," she responds shakily, voice hardly a whisper. Looks over to them, eyes wide. They're not fighting. They look scared -- of mama. It's all wrong. (But at least they're not scared of her.)

When her sisters cry out, Fallow finally scrambles to her feet, creeps closer. "Oh," comes more exhalation than word. "Antler, Doe..." Her throat feels like it's closing up, her words choked. "You -- you still want to...?" stay with me? She can't manage it. She barely has time before mama is on them instead, and again the adrenaline in her veins spikes.

"MAMA!" she shrieks, uncoordinated feet stumbling forwards. "Stop it! Please!" She can't bring herself to attack (and she knows she'll curse her own cowardice later), so her eyes flick... to the ThunderClanners, desperate and pleading. Baying Hound won't listen to her; she sees her ears flatten as she speaks. But if her clanmates want to protect her, still, then maybe they'll help her siblings too.

  • //



I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — His clanmates come to Fallowpaw's aid and he feels relief course through his body though he keeps attentive, alert, and refuses to leave the mollys side though his ears lay flat against his skull as Baying Hound refers Fallowpaw as thing. It makes a growl leave his throat and soon enough Howlingstar arrives immediately correcting the rogue, his hackles remained raised as his pupils narrow listening carefully. His leader gives an order for Baying Hound to leave to take her kits with her but the very same kittens plead to stay with them, with Fallowpaw, and it makes his heart ache as he watches Flamewhisker glance to the black tabby. He hates to see the family being separated, his once narrowed gaze softening in the slightest in sympathy, and he's about to speak until he hears the rogue part her own jaws to spit venom at her own kittens. The last thing he had expected was for Baying Hound to lash out at her own kittens, both of his tufted ears laying flat against his helm, and he feels his blood begin to boil with anger and the corner of his vision going crimson.

The shriek from Fallowpaw is enough to make the large healer unsheathe his claws already preparing himself for his next move and Hailstorm moves over quickly as he can to Baying Hound, he lunges with jaws parted and snaps them at her face in an attempt to get anything, and if he misses then he lifts an arm with claws outstretched to swipe at any part of the rogue. He's a healer now but all he wished to do at the very moment was tear into this heartless creature and get them away from Fallowpaw, and her siblings. To get her out of Thunderclan territory. He tries to slam into her side to throw her off her balance and if he succeeded in doing this, a large paw would slam down onto her chest with claws digging into flesh "You were given a warning." The usually gentle giant snarls putting more weight on her chest, "Leave."

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed