Jul 9, 2022


This is a very quick adopt for a plot involving my ShadowClan apprentice Agatepaw - it's only gonna last about a week and will close on November 8th, 2024

Agatepaw, struggling with a falling out with his brother, his best friend, and a seemingly uncaring mentor finds himself lonely and unsure of himself, especially after struggling with his gender identity and making a decision about it. Longing for more friends to replace the gaping hole in his heart, he notices an apprentice around his age who seems to keep to themselves more often than not. He finds them pretty and thinks of them as a kindred soul and decides to approach them and befriend them! Whether they take pity on him, actually want a friend, or think leading him on will be entertaining, they decide to accept. Having low self esteem already, Agatepaw starts to become numb to and ignore negative comments (should there be any) and begins to fall for them...

  • A long-ish term plot, but casual activity is okay!
  • Agatepaw is a gay trans-male (but has yet to ICly realize or come out!) and as such, this character should be male or masculine aligned!
  • Genetics and names are FFA! Age is 9 or 10 moons!
  • Your character will not be the nicest at first, maybe not sure how to deal with their emotions or feelings or talk to others or just a jerk in general and only entertaining him for their own amusement. Whether or not they warm up to Agatepaw and actually fall in love and become mates in warriorhood, as well as becoming more open and willing to befriend others, is up to you.
  • If you have a pre-existing character that fits the bill, feel free to apply with them!
I could bring in Milkpaw! They're amab and use both he/him and they/them pronouns. Originally I had them as sweet and soft-spoken, but I could definetly flip his personality and adjust their age to 10 moons to fit the plot.
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I could bring in Milkpaw! They're amab and use both he/him and they/them pronouns. Originally I had them as sweet and soft-spoken, but I could definetly flip his personality and adjust their age to 10 moons to fit the plot.
there's no worries about changing their personality ^^ - i'm actually gonna close this because i have plans with someone else now. thank you for your interest tho! i hope to see milkpaw around no matter what!
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