

ShadowClan is notorious for the gloom and doom, the raised hackles, the bitter air that comes in the wake of endless tragedy... but it does need to always stay that way.

Mirepurr has taken it upon themself to divert the usual course of their days — and much to a few's dismay, their current position means their attempts at spreading some positivity is now an order, rather than a suggestion that can be easily shrugged off. They urge their Clanmates to bury the hatchet; encourages them to think of their peers as partners in crime. One for all, and all for one, isn't that right? At seemingly random, Mirepurr assigns pairs with surprising ease.

Your other half for a time, they say... your eyes drag towards a temporary extension of yourself, wondering if the next few weeks would be hellish or actually quite pleasant?

・This little "event" will run for two weeks, ending on September 25th.
・There is no badge and no requirements; this is just for fun and to encourage unlikely interactions!
・Grab the code below, comment under this thread, and wait for assignments to go out! You will be pinged accordingly. Occasionally, pairs might turn into trios to ensure everyone gets involved, or to further disrupt the status quo.
・From here on out, you are encouraged to plot with your partner and pick from the prompts list — although coming up with something yourself is also allowed!
・You do not have to include your partner / refer to this in all of your posts in the coming weeks, and pairs are allowed to "team up" with others as well. Go wild and have fun!

[b]CHARACTER ACCOUNT:[/b] @ [b]PRIORITY LEVEL:[/b] Active / Casual [b]ANY WISHES?[/b] Here you can specify if you want a specific kind of character personality to go alongside or against yours. Requesting another by name is not allowed! Additionally, if you want to opt out of trios, you can say so here. Otherwise leave this blank!

    • Guarding camp during the night is an impossibly boring task. The chances of anything crazy happening are slim, and anyhow, it's not like you want someone to invade... but surely there is a way to make the hours pass quicker? A game of I spy, perhaps?
    • With the season's change, a cold chill in the air and an increase in rain is imminent. You're about to burrow deep into your nest for a good's night rest, but apparently, there's a damned leak in the roof, right above your nest. Anger seeps in with surprising ferocity; do you and your partner embark on a fix-it montage, or would you rather curse the stars for your bad luck?
    • Mushrooms are arguably the most favored forage for ShadowClanners, whether its for eating or simply collecting purposes. The darker corners of dens are full of them, if you know where to look — and how to harvest.
    • History should not be forgotten, lest mistakes of the past linger. The bear invasion had been terrifying; now, its reenactment offers not only a teaching opportunity, but even a fun afternoon!
    • It is not unusual to see kits or other young apprentices badger warriors to give them- well, badger rides. It is unusal, though, for the promised count to stop right after ten... your back is starting to get tired!
    • A lizard has decided to forego all survival instincts by sunning itself right within the heart of camp. The two of you get into a debate; should you eat it to not only fill your belly but also stop a possible lizard invasion, or join it?
    • Thankfully, the Carrionplace is too stinky for Twolegs to idle by for longer than necessary, but today is not so lucky. The two of you intend to investigate the newest harvest, but this lanky mole is in the way... its strange paws sort through the debris, apparently looking for something. Maybe you can try to scare it off?
    • SkyClan might be best at climbing, but who's to say ShadowClan can't try? The Burnt Sycamore offers a good enough playground; its stunted status means less chances of bones breaking if you fall off the wrong way.
    • Underneath the Thunderpath's incessant rumbling and dangers, the two tunnels by the borders offer a nice respite. The monsters' never-ending treks fade into background noise... one has so many possibilities here, away from prying eyes and attentive ears; a cuddly nap, a bit of romance, a juicy gossip.
    • The marshes, with all their humidity and wetness, can be a great source of growth. It is now ripe with big garlic bulbs and a surprising lack of usage... maybe you can figure out what we should do with them? Two minds are greater than one, after all!
    • You've heard tales of leaf-fall coming with a rise of a plant called 'milkweed'. it seems you come across a patch, and it's overrun with butterflies!
    • You're caught in a sudden downpour... drenched to the bone, and no doubt prickly is a result. Puddles quickly form in the deeper dips of the ground and an idea starts to form — if you're already soggier than a RiverClanner, why not make the most of it?
    • Do frogs still make your skin itch after their invasion? It is quite unfortunate, considering how often it is placed onto the fresh-kill pile... just make sure to avoid anyone's toad-y pranks!
    • Stealth is second nature to you, courtesy of the darkness surrounding the marshes. You take on the perfect crouch, find the perfect spot to remain invisible, and enact the perfect leap... cue your shock when your paws grab your partner's tail instead of anything actually edible. (Unless-)
    • A battle of tongues can be just as ferocious as one over a scrap of territory! You're somehow caught in a poetry battle. What rhymes with bumfuzzle?
    • Quick, hide! It's a shower of pinecones! You've got two options: flee together or use one another as a shield.
Thank you Poe for the help with these prompts! <3
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PRIORITY LEVEL: Active (casual at the moment but will be more active for this event!!! hoping it’ll invigorate my muse)
ANY WISHES? nope! i don’t mind a trip either <33
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Our first pairings are online! Feel free to start plotting in the Discord server for what you and your partner could be doing; remember, have fun! Please don't be afraid to reach out to me if you have any concerns.

If you didn't make it into this round, this is still open. Sign-ups are still on-going!



@beatae @Kitty-Kat- @PUNK @Jay @Twitchtail @ken_Unot @Rynnaroo @SATURNID
PRIORITY LEVEL: Active (trying to be I swear)
ANY WISHES? I wish you have a wonderful day tomorrow <3

ANY WISHES? that you wake up long enough before your alarm clock that you get that sweet sweet bonus sleep time <3

ANY WISHES? that you never have a bad hair day ever again
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