private SHE CALLED OUT A WARNING | orangestar

"What do you see in him?" He queries, uncharacteristically soft in nature, though there is no denying the weight of bitterness and skepticism that saturates it. Slate hasn't the ability nor the energy to huff and puff whilst pacing around like a frustrated badger, hence the reason why his ire is more tempered than usual at the moment. He does not mean to rile up his mate while she already has enough on her shoulders in addition to the children that she's carrying, but Slate does not want to pretend that he isn't shocked by her decision. The Maine Coon wants to know why, even if he wasn't truly entitled to.

Moonlight peeks through the maw of the medicine den, filtered against boughs of pine branches and setting a solemn mood for a rather tense discussion. "I just... I don't get it. He's let you down before." Twitchbolt does not deserve to stand at Orangestar's side, he tells himself. "This'll be the cat who'll be in charge of the clan for six moons." That is a reality that Slate did not want to be faced with, but, one that would arrive soon nonetheless.

  • @Orangestar
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    a warrior ( formerly lead warrior ) of skyclan, slate is forty-two moons. he is mated to orangestar. he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
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