private SHE DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE DOES TO ME;; beefang

There was very few times that Moonbeam got Beefang all to herself, with the former being the medicine cat and so many getting injured recently and the latter having an apprentice they seemed to always miss each other during the day, only to curl into their shared nest at night, too tired from their days work to share stories, only to simply sleep and start over the next day. Today however had been slow, Roepaw had been allowed a small break - had it been Moonbeam's doing she'd never tell - and for once there had been no accidents that had to be dealt with, no bites from predators or accidental injuries during patrols. "Meet me by the camp's entrance, when you're done for the day." She'd spoken to the monochrome warrior, a small smile left on her maw before she moved off to finish her day's work so that she, too, could wait by the camp's entrance.

It was getting dark, the sun setting over the territories by the time they were together once more, and carefully the white moggie pressed against her mate as they walked together, Moonbeam leading the way. Any questions of where they were going were met with "you'll see's" or a playful "be patient", and though it didn't take them long to get where they were - nor were they too far away from camp in case something happened - she beamed when they stopped by the river, the ripples of the flowing water glinting in the last of the sunlight before she took a careful step in. "Swim with me, while the sun's still here, and then when it's gone we could fish together... the fish look so pretty when it's just the moon in the sky." The way their scales glint in the moonlight was softer than in the sun, but yet it felt brighter somehow.

  • -- @BEEFANG
  • flesh wounds
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • 85735138_Ng21HDz61WrGyCp.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    15 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual polyromantic ; mated to beefang, crushing on redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
  • Love
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