- May 11, 2024
- 75
- 12
- 8
Ripple hadn't come back yet, at first Shrike wasn't too concerned because they held a lot of stock in their littermates being able to hold on their own. He was never usually gone for more than a sunrise, so when they didn't come back Rook had left to find him. Then before Shrike knew it a good pawful of sunrises went by without sight of either one of them. Ripple had left in search of those mysterious kin that their father would talk about, they knew that much at least. Personally, they didn't care too much about these mysterious siblings as they were perfectly happy with their littermates. While Shrike held a deep loyalty to family, that loyalty lies with family they had met. The loner was half convinced that their father had made up the stories he would tell of the other kin he sired.
Yet despite their own personal hesitations, their littermates had not returned, that anxiety for their wellbeing was what forced their paw on the matter. In the end that's how they ended up trekking through land that they didn't particularly care for in search of their littermates. The weird mixture of the scent of pine needles, algae and dozens of cats was a good indicator that they were following the right direction. When the smell had become particularly strong they found themself stopping and waiting, there was a vague sense in the back of their mind that it must be this strong for a reason. As much as Shrike loved a good exchange of heated words, they didn't want to be jumped by some weird cats before they could even reunite with Ripple and Rook.
Antsy paws constantly shifted as their body grew tense, tail haphazardly flicking in the air. "Uh, hello?" they called out, raising their voice with the hope to draw the attention of someone quicker as they weren't exactly known for their patience. "I'm looking for my littermates, Ripple and Rook? They went out looking for… Chilled? Did they wind up this way?" There was hope in their tone, if they weren't here then Shrike had no clue where to look next.
┌── Black sheep
Come home ──┐
OOC. Asking about @Ripple~ and @Rook but no need to wait!
⤜ They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
✧ A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
✧ Jagged x NPC
✧ Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
✧ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
✧ penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.