border Should I stay or should I go ⤜ Joiner (open)


Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

Ripple hadn’t come back yet, at first Shrike wasn’t too concerned because they held a lot of stock in their littermates being able to hold on their own. He was never usually gone for more than a sunrise, so when they didn’t come back Rook had left to find him. Then before Shrike knew it a good pawful of sunrises went by without sight of either one of them. Ripple had left in search of those mysterious kin that their father would talk about, they knew that much at least. Personally, they didn’t care too much about these mysterious siblings as they were perfectly happy with their littermates. While Shrike held a deep loyalty to family, that loyalty lies with family they had met. The loner was half convinced that their father had made up the stories he would tell of the other kin he sired.

Yet despite their own personal hesitations, their littermates had not returned, that anxiety for their wellbeing was what forced their paw on the matter. In the end that’s how they ended up trekking through land that they didn’t particularly care for in search of their littermates. The weird mixture of the scent of pine needles, algae and dozens of cats was a good indicator that they were following the right direction. When the smell had become particularly strong they found themself stopping and waiting, there was a vague sense in the back of their mind that it must be this strong for a reason. As much as Shrike loved a good exchange of heated words, they didn’t want to be jumped by some weird cats before they could even reunite with Ripple and Rook.

Antsy paws constantly shifted as their body grew tense, tail haphazardly flicking in the air. “Uh, hello?” they called out, raising their voice with the hope to draw the attention of someone quicker as they weren't exactly known for their patience. “I’m looking for my littermates, Ripple and Rook? They went out looking for… Chilled? Did they wind up this way?” There was hope in their tone, if they weren’t here then Shrike had no clue where to look next.

  • OOC. Asking about @Ripple~ and @Rook but no need to wait!
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Mirepurr wishes they could simply turn tail and leave, as embarrassing as that would be for a warrior to do; leaving behind a stranger on their border and allowing the possibility of trespassing- or worse. They simply dislike the notion of being the one to make a decision regarding ShadowClan's... privacy, so to say. It's much more fitting for a lead warrior or higher to decide what to say and what to never utter, but they are the first to arrive to the scene, drawn by the strange and unfamiliar scent.

They know most of their Clanmates would hiss and spat. None of them had ever been very friendly towards outsiders, and the recent burst in cats without warrior names is the exception, not the norm. But Mirepurr does not have the heart to be aggressive in the face of a question like that. Shrike might as well pass as one of Chilledstar's family with that signature black color.

I do not trust them, Chilledstar had explained once, glaring at Rook and Ripple like they were pests instead of siblings, but they are my family. Surely they wouldn't turn away another one, then?

"Hello." Mirepurr is hesitant, strangely held-back for once. They regard Shrike with curiosity and sees no ill-intent there. Even then, they know better than to regard this cat with too much kindness and hospitality; their Clanmates will surely pop out of the dark any moment now, circling the stranger like a hawk. "Chilledstar, our leader, has allowed Ripple and Rook to stay with us. This-" A paw stepping forward, ghosting over the ground, as if a line has been drawn in the sand, "-is our border. If you want to see them, it's not as easy as simply hopping over for a quick visit."

[ ༻ 𖤓 ༺ ] Ripple had warn of their siblings coming, so the clan already knew that there would be more of them... 3 more to be exact. Well, now two. Rook had made it and now Shrike had arrive. Ripple had been lucky enough to be on the patrol to the border when they spotted the familiar form of Shrike standing there and a warm smile spread across their lips yet Mirepurr was quick to place down the boundries of Shadowclan borders.

"Shrike!" they called to greetings to their littermate, coming to stand near the other warrior. It was a relief to see their sibling was doing alright, even if Ripple's wayward ways might have cause the other to worry. Perhaps Ripple should have returned briefly and let them know they had found their lost kin yet... of course there was so much they needed to know. Like how Chilledstar was non-binary, and that they had nine lives. Or how, their older sibling wasn't too happy over Jagged's decisions to take more care in Ripple and their littermate.

Yet for now? Ripple was happy once more to see their sibling at the border and couldn't wait to once more embrace the other once they have been cleared and allowed to cross over. They would have to wait for Chilledstar to give the okay and even then... with the caution that Shadowclan tend to have, would Shrike be okay? They wonder how well the other would settle in. Yet for now they were just happy to see their family start to come together

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Ripple 𖤓 AMAB, He/They, Loner, 27 moons.
    LH short Black tom with vitiligo and hazel eyes
    Jagged X NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Hazel eyes widen in surprise when Mirepurr actually greets them back but they promptly narrowed once they had realised that surprise was visible. They seemed friendly enough, the apprehension that they seemed to hold made sense to Shrike, after all they were a stranger hollering out for potential visitors of their territory. At least, they assumed they were from these lands, Mirepurr seemed to carry that same strange smell that the rest of this land had. The correction about their kins name caused their head to tilt, ah so at it seemed their father didn’t make up stories then. Chilledstar? Seriously? Why would you want to make your name longer? They stared at the cat in front of them incredulously.

There was an unspoken expectation for Mirepurr to just somehow pick up from the look of disbelief that they were confused about this. That expectation was disbanded very quickly as they realised it was pretty silly of them to think that this stranger just knew what they were thinking. “Chilledstar? Does being a leader give you a funny name?” they drawled as they took the time to study the cat in front of them.

Shrike was confident in their abilities but not confident enough to think they'd win against a clan cat. Their eyes dropped to the land where Mirepurr's paw was hovering over. “What does that mean? It wouldn't be a quick visit anyways, I go where they go.” Their tone was matter of fact, like they were insulted at the thought of a quick visit. Though, it surely would be easy, they could just… jump over this couldn’t they? Or even step over it, there wasn’t exactly something blocking them.

The sound of Ripple's voice did make them further consider forgoing any kind of friendly relationship and just jumping across the border. Their white paws stayed planted on the other side though, not budging as they turned their head to their siblings' direction. “Ripple! You're safe!” A sigh of relief escapes them alongside a wide grin. “You could have come back you know, I thought I'd never see you again” despite the agitation in their tone their smile didn’t falter. Any irritation that they felt towards their sibling for being left behind would die down quickly. It was hard for Shrike to stay mad at any of their littermates for long.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Orchidbloom hates border patrols nowadays. In fact, they truly hate doing most things but hunting and being in their nest. Life seems to drone on and on and this is just another hurdle in the way. It unfortunately doesn't mean that the times aren't killing them right now, that they can act completely fine. And they stumble upon Mirepurr and Ripple and... A stranger. Great. Fantastic. What a good day! Amazing day!

They're so tired.

An eye twitches at the stranger. "Y-Yes." they respond bluntly to the cat inquiring about Chilledstars name, rare irritation blooming in their chest. She tries to stomp it out, but even then, Orchid feels it quickly igniting in to an open flame. They state they're not here for a quick visit and they can't stop the venom that hisses out, the sudden protectiveness of their home. "C-Chilledstar will d-decide that. N-Not you." their voice shakes violently, anger an emotion rarely seen on them. But they can't help it, it's been a shitty day, Orchidbloom is tired, they want to go back to their mate.

They want to go home. Home, please, home.

They blink as anger begins to slowly dissipate through the use of grounding themself with steady breathing... And then right back to the subject on hand which is the stranger and their dilemma. They're uh... Ripple and Rook's sibling. And then that means... Chilledstars... sibling... too... Which is why they were looking for them. She narrows her eyes. "... I- I'll go inform them. W-Watch... them..." their voice is dull, lacking conviction as they turn tail to go wander off and find Chilledstar.

  • // fetching @CHILLEDSTAR.
  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 14 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
*+:。.。 Duckshimmer glided behind the rest, each step carefully placed with purpose and intent. She watches with half-lidded eyes as Orchidbloom wastes its pretty face on such a foul temper. Not that she could truly blame them. Watching Orchidbloom as they bolt away for as long as it takes for them to disappear, she finally turns her sights upon the happy reunion and their uncomfortable witness.

Duckshimmer feels disgust pulling at the edges of her heart as she watches the interaction. Mostly in part because, for all of Orchidbloom's ire and Mirepurr's discomfort, there's no denying that Shrike will soon be joining their ranks. After all, Ripple was here now, wasn't he? Chilledstar surely wouldn't deny their other sibling among their ranks, not especially after allowing Stryker among them. The chocolate torbie point can't say she's excited over the inevitable, though. It's...exhausting, having strangers within Shadowclan's heart, especially when Siltcloud and Granitepelt's betrayals have yet to fade from everyone's collected memories. Whether Shrike is related to Chilledstar or not doesn't make them any less of a potential threat. A threat that will soon be allowed to walk by the dens where Duckshimmer's kits sleep...

"Shrike, was it?" Inner feelings kept firmly out of visible ranger, Duckshimmer looks the part of a young maiden touched by a beautiful reunion, "As a sibling to Chilledstar and Ripple, it's an honor to meet you" she bows her head politely. Although she wants nothing more than to cuff them over the ears for insulting the clans' cultural naming conventions, she instead lets out a tinkling laugh, "It does, actually, though the addition of 'star' is done out of honor and respect for...well, it's a bit of a story I won't bore you with right away" Periwinkle eyes sparkle and dance as she lightly pouts, "though if you think Chilledstar is a silly name, I'm afraid now what you'd think of mine"

As she speaks, she carefully positions herself beside Mirepurr and behind Ripple, subtly ensuring that Shrike doesn't have immediate access to cross the border. She can play the friendly greeter until the sun goes down, but she doubts she can stave off her temper if the fool actually attempts to cross without permission.

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
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There's a murmur of annoyance that worms itself within Mirepurr and surprises them, enough for it to show in their gaze. Ripple all but tramples over the imaginary line they had just drawn, too unfamiliar with Clan customs just yet to understand how important the boundary is... even if it's family that stands on the other side. But the least they could do is listen. Mirepurr would not react with aggression, but that's just pure luck. Any other warrior wouldn't have hesitated to snap at Ripple for it.

So when Orchidbloom and Duckshimmer arrive to the scene, Mirepurr gets to relax. They're thankful for the company and their decisive nature, and they make sure both of them can tell by the glint in their eyes. A silent thank you.

"I will," they say when Orchidbloom turns to leave, dipping their head.

Mirepurr can more or less guess that Duckshimmer's polite nod is not as sincere as she makes it look, but they do not mirror the act. Relative or not, they will only get the full extent of their kindness when Chilledstar actually says the words, welcomes them into the ranks of the Clan.

Instead, they decide to take on the informative role. "I'm sure you've given it some thought, then? Ripple already knows there are rules that you'll have to follow. Expectations to live up to."
they weren't expecting another one. another cat to be... here and being their sibling. it doesn't bring them joy, or much of anything really, but that jealous sits within their belly like a raging storm. it's not enough for them to have a loving father... they have to have a clan, too, huh? closing their eyes, they gentle bump against orchidbloom, with a nod of their head. mote emotionless than usual but at least there was some emotion there in the first place. they're trying to... be better they guess.

"go ahead and get some rest. raggedbite is looking for you, anyways."

they inform, twitching their tail back and forth before heading to the scene at the border. their gaze is dull and there seems to be fuss over their name, right now. was this supposed to be the point where they admit that they hate being called chilled? to just be chilled is like being back in a time before clans. before security and found family. and back when their mother died. they don't want to be back there. and even when, sometimes, they wished to be chilledgaze again, at least it was not chilled. with a flick of their ear, they stand beside duckshimmer, looking over at the woman with a soft and slow blink of their eyes.

"hm. i quite like your name. don't change it on an account of a loner than knows nothing. all of our names are a product of respect."

they turn their attention back to this... "shrike" as ripple called them.

"you're here to be with ripple then? great. another one of you. tch. of course my father would have more. stupid. stupid dumb mousebrained fool."

they muttered the last portion of their sentence, unable to stop the jealousy from raging within them.

"you don't get to be within the clan for nothing. you will earn your place. or, I will kick your ass and send you back to your oh-so-loving father. got it? good. because i am not kidding. just ask ripple."

they lashed their tail with a roll of their eyes.

"damn my mother for making me honor family. bring them back to camp."

//out !

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

// tw: misgendering (Shrike is under the impression that Chilledstar is a molly! She/her pronouns are used only in thoughts, nothing is said!)

Too many new faces had shown up for Shrike’s liking. They feel their fur raise as Orchidbloom greets them with a stern voice that slowly melted into aggression with each word she spoke, normally they would pounce on the opportunity to meet that anger head on but they weren’t a mouse-brain. They knew if they picked a fight immediately then they wouldn’t get to see their littermates again, they especially wouldn’t put Ripple up to the choice of walking away with them or not. Truthfully they would hope that he would side with them but who knows, maybe he’s buddy buddy with these half siblings of theirs by now.

Duckshimmer is able to placate that itch for a fight, oddly enough they didn’t think anything soothing could come from this but she seemed to have a way with words. “Yeah, Shrike.” They sniffed in response, eyes narrowing at the warrior but without hostility. They didn’t really know what to make of the... politeness? chivalry? They’d honestly rather being cuffed then whatever… this was. “Well, what's your name?” They asked with a slight head tilt, deciding to not further comment on whatever the deal with the star addition is. The idea of rules and expectations to be held under was not an appealing factor to Shrike but they had mulled over what they were willing to set aside for this before approaching the border. Pride for the sake of appeasing some clan cats was something that the loner could shelve, they had made peace with that during their trip.

The presence of Chilledstar does make them consider throwing aside that peace. The leader's words manage to find a way to crawl under their skin and stab them, who gave her the right to speak of their father in disdain? What was 'oh-so-loving' supposed to mean anyways? This was who Ripple decided to go running out into the unknown for? Were they happy with this decision? “Sure thing, didn't plan on just being dead weight” they mutter rolling their eyes. Harsher words were on their mind but even though they didn't particularly like the leader right now Chilledstar was family. No matter how they considered her right now that loyalty that formed their core determination was forcing their hand at being polite. As polite Shrike could be with strangers anyways. Speaking of family, they could cross the border now right? Hazel eyes glance over at Mirepurr for a moment before they jump over the invisible line to go stand next to Ripple, a pleased purr emanating from them.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.