Mirestar decides to fill old shoes today — although referring to it as such does not feel entirely accurate, not when they had been a deputy just a moon ago still. They've been reborn eight time over since then... and while Sharpshadow had been kind enough to take on that responsibility for them before, they do not wish to pressure what little remains of the council. The amount of changes they've been forced to undergo is enough.

"ShadowClan, it's time for patrols!"

The last time they had uttered those words, Mirestar had just started to shed self-doubts. Now, they wear it like second skin.

It is intentional, the way they do not reveal Chilledstar's words, the way they do not touch upon Lilacfur's good intentions and how those had spiraled into something vile... something that had taken Poppyglow's sight. Remaining quiet seems like the best option. Mirestar is adamant about heralding their Clanmates through the storms, without getting bogged down in all the details.

"I will lead a patrol to WindClan. Lilacfur, Flintwish, Bloodwing — come with me." It is nigh time they check up on their neighbors. "As for ThunderClan... Mapletuft, please take Halfsun, Thrasherthroat and Batchaser with you. I know we have our suspicions, but we want to prepare our counter accordingly and at our own pace. Stay safe." They deliberately choose this set of cats; Mirestar does not intend to allow Flamestar's Clan to remain unpunished, but a regular border patrol does not need to shed blood.

The next order of business: food. After the Clan's safety is reinforced, one must pay special care towards keeping everybody's bellies full. With plenty of kits in the nursery, and with leaf-bare inching ever-closer, Mirestar wants to extend their reach as much as possible. "I would like two hunting patrols. Amberhaze, will you take Scalejaw, Sharpshadow and Willowburn with you? Check the tunnels under the Thunderpath. Mice might be lurking in the shadows there... and that way, you can check if we've had any surprise visitors lately." They have not forgotten the strange scents drifting along the way to Highstones. Surely, ShadowClan does not need to brace itself for intruders?

"Salamandersnap, I'm sure the Carrionplace has something to give us. Wormwatcher, Shalestorm and Ferndance can go with you. Check every nook and cranny." With any luck, one might not even need to bother with perfect hunting to gain something for their efforts.

"That should be good for now. Let us get to work!"

The moors still nurture some flowers, in their last efforts before frost takes over. It seems they are not the only ones with that thought; there is a bunch of bees in this area, buzzing frantically as they flit from one petal to the next. Just don't get stung!

Tension is palpable. ThunderClan remains blissfully unaware... or maybe they are just trying to get on the ShadowClanners' nerves by playing dumb. Mirestar has warned not to bite off more than you can chew, but how can you possibly do that, when your Clanmate's blood has been spilled right here?

@scalejaw @SHARPSHADOW @Willowburn
An earthquake might as well be taking place, with how the tunnels shake with each monster passing by. Plus, the roof is leaking with raindrops here and there, courtesy of leaf-fall rains... they keep dropping onto your nose! Nobody can work in these conditions.

@Wormwatcher @shalestorm @FERNDANCE
A dog has been set lose in the Carrionplace! It bears a sturdy collar around its neck, showing that it belongs to Twolegs. Do you dare to try and scavenge while it sniffs around, or do you turn tail and run? Getting hurt is OPTIONAL! Don't fret. <3

Salmandersnap is admittedly disappointed she won't have the opportunity to "investigate" Applejaw's death, but can't argue with Mirestar in front of the clan (or at all for that matter). Her ears flatten against her skull in distaste, only to perk up as her name is called to lead a hunting patrol. "We'll look it over Mirestar." her meow comes with a tone of respect as the brief meeting is called to a close, and the patrols are dismissed. Finding a clear spot just beside the camp's entrance, she waits for her patrol to gather before heading out.

  • ooc. —​
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
⚛︎₊˚‧ At the call of his name, Amberhaze's frame visibly tensed with momentary shock, something that slowly but surely subsided as the rest of his patrol was named. Hunting the thunderpath tunnels was not his favorite, the claustrophobic sensation that suffocated and squeezed him from every side when stuffed into such narrow confines was enough to make him retch from stress alone, however he would never argue the instructions provided to him by any authority figure, especially not in front of the whole clan. Not that he could anyways, truthfully, being the endlessly anxious and socially inept creature he was.

He would take forced solace in the fact that he would not be bearing the brunt of the experience alone, his clanmates would be with him and they would look out for one another...surely? He couldn't help but feel a twinge of paranoid unease seize his muscles for a moment, the intrusive concept of one of his companions suddenly deciding to turn on him or one of those close to him during their secluded outing suddenly overtaking his mind. After everything that had happened recently, he found himself battling doubt and fear much more frequently and over things that he never would have once considered before. Uncertainty was his greatest enemy as of now, fighting something that he could not see- the unknown.

Focusing instead on the now, something much easier said than done for the likes of Amberhaze, he would do his best to put all of that negative energy into the task at hand, which was feeding himself and his clan. If he let everyone down with his endlessly sporadic and unruly behavior, he would not let them down when it comes to their wellbeing. "Uh- yeah. Yeah, okay." He swallowed hard and his eyelid twitched as he considered what else may be lurking within the murky shadows of the tunnels besides mere mice.
° . ⚠︎ . °
  • ooc:
  • whaddahaell3.png
    a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation. black oriental shorthair.
When Mirestar calls for patrols, Mapletuft gathers, waiting for her name to be said as they go through each patrol. They're leading one to Windclan, a Clan that admittedly doesn't have a very good track record... And the next one, shes leading a patrol to Thunderclan. Her face creases with a small tight-lipped smile, admittedly pleased that shes leading something.

Stay safe, they say, and she mouths it back. Stay safe.

"Okay," she'll verbally respond to Mirestar now, a gentle affirmation that she wouldn't let anything too terrible happen. "We're going to leave out, be ready!" her voice is kind as she calls for her own patrol, lingering near the camp entrance and giving Salamandersnap a small dip of her head before her former apprentice would leave.

  • mapletuft ʚ♡ɞ cider
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 52 months
    shadowclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    long-furred chocolate torbie/cinnamon tabby chimera ʚ♡ɞ elegant & flowy
    "speech, F17E23" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    widowed ʚ♡ɞ bisexual
    smells like spice & cool night air ʚ♡ɞ warm & crisp
    penned by chuff

✧ . With a new name held, Ribbitleap is surprised to hear Mirestar's voice echo through camp with a call for patrols. Now that they're leader, the tom supposed they would've chosen someone else to do so, someone to replace them in this process. A deputy, he figures.

Just like every other leader before them, they'll choose one at some point, he knows — one that Ribbitleap hopes doesn't have to replace Mirestar any further than that for a long time. ShadowClan doesn't need to go through this process again, not so soon, at least.

He steps forward, ears twitching as he listens to the patrols they assign. Ribbitleap doesn't find his name among them, but he nods anyways.

" Good luck! " he says to those around him who have been assigned to patrols.​
  • 75352496_gFsg6B3oNHI0fCV.png
    RIBBITLEAP AMAB. He / Him. Warrior of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    ✧ . Geckoscreech x Toad's Prowl
    ✧ . Mentored by Rustleap ; Currently mentoring Emberpaw
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
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