pafp Shrike ⚔︎ deaths (st)

//TW: Gorey and depressing!

Petalnose and Aspenhaze set out to verify the hounds presence within the confines of their territory. Riverclan had enough of it misfortunes; loss after loss and trauma after trauma. Petalnose wasn't going to let a dog do more damage than it had. Robinheart's kits had experienced enough, watching their mother get torn before Claythorn and her could intervene. The lead warrior was lucky enough to help drive it away without any wounds to be tended to, therefore, taking further responsibility to make sure it was gone. Exhaustion was the mere feeling she felt dripping from her, grateful it wasn't her own blood. Confidence she met by tracking the dog but she felt a thorn in her side for bringing her mate, maybe it was intuition.. maybe her soul knew something.. but she accepted it as a feeling of instinctual protection. It just felt off.. It felt more off when she sensed the scents driving anywhere but over the border. It circled back to camp after meeting the river.

Brows pierced forward and her gaze swept towards her mate, "We need to pick up the pace, it's going back." Petalnose warned, darting forward as she beckoned her tail to follow her. The scents were strong, as if the both of them were on its heels and before she knew it, the dog was within view. It's large black nose swept against the ground, then it's head rose to the sky to take in the scents within the air, pausing as if it were processesing a different location.

It already scented them.

Petalnose swept her tail against Aspenhaze, halting to a stop and looking for underbrush, hurried hushed tones noting of the waning time. Soon, they'd be in danger, "It knows we're here, we need to hide.. Sneaking up on it will be more successful, I sneak upon this side you sneak-" a bay broke her whispers, watching it run full speed towards them, "Fight!" She shouted, darting out of the way as the hound advanced towards her, springing onto its back and digging her claws and teeth into it. But it was limber this time.

Teeth dug into the side of her neck and ripped her off before she could react, claws slamming into the hounds face as it shook her relentlessly.

It felt like ages before her body fell to the ground, sharp pains striking through her back legs. It took her a long time to notice that she could hardly use them, watching as the hound went for her mate, watching as Aspenhaze tried to defend her and tried to defend their clan as well. At first, she wasn't scared. Petalnose was never scared, even as she felt her throat torn to shreds and even as she felt she could no longer get up properly from one ruthless attack. She wasn't scared when she knew well this hound could ruin her in moments… that she'd probably die today. She enjoyed the thrill, she enjoyed chasing it off and she enjoyed sinking her claws and teeth into it again. She enjoyed defending her clan, she enjoyed fighting.

..But she was now terrified as the hound went for Aspenhaze, she.. could barely defend them at this point. Weakness was fast to strike her, feeling blood pool down her neck and soak half of her body. Although, she took what strength she had and her fiery soul to limp and drag over to the hound and slice her claws into its neck and sink her teeth into it. "N…No! L.. them.. Ah-ALONE..! ME!"

The hound shrieked in a yelp and whipped down to grab her once more and tear into her throat again, shaking… tearing. It was so fast but Petalnose wondered when it would stop. When will it let her go? The lead warrior was silent, tearing her claws into its face but it wasn't long before she retracted them and went limp.

Her body dropped to the floor, unmoving except for a heave of breath and the blood that stretched across the earth below. Her lungs felt heavy, as if she were drowning. Fight.. fight. You need to fight for them. You need to fight for your clan. Another strong heave.. she began to understand this feeling. The feeling she got so close to twice. But a closer feeling than what she had felt in leafbare. I'm.. dying. Her paw slowly moved to touch against her neck, shifting tired eyes to look at the blood upon her paw. And… there is no saving me this time. This is the end.

I.. am done fighting.

Blurry vision stretched towards Aspenhaze and she realized quickly that they may join her too. Petalnose was in too much shock to see the whole fight, to know what all happened for them to end up infront of her in the same position. The dog gave up, gone.. satisfying its instincts. A hint that she wasn't the only one.. to not be lonely for once. She didn't like it. She wanted to scream out for them, pray they didn't fade with her. But all Petalnose could do was reach her paw out to the blue tortoiseshell point, touching their own paw with a tear trailing down her bloodied face, "I'm.. s..sorry." How much time did they have? How much time did she have? She.. was tired. "I love.. you.." Her lips deepened into a pained frown, "I'll.. see.. y-you s-soon."

Tired gaze shifted to approaching blurred forms but then back into familiar blue eyes, "I'll fight.. o-once more.. to say.. g-goodbye. Go to s-sleep.. my I'll.. I'll.. meet you.. s-soon…"

Petalnose wasn't sure whether Aspenhaze would take her words or stay with her to say goodbye but she tore her attention away just so she couldn't see their light fade.. so she can stay strong one last time. For them. For the clan.

They needed to know this was her end. Both of their ends. The clan must fight on without her. The clan must fight on without both of them.

Petalnose must fight one last time, a fight that didn't involve her claws, "River..clan…" she acknowledged the familiar blurred forms, lifting her head to look at them with a wince. Who all was here?

// Note: Petalnose will be alive for 1-2 more posts to say her farewells. But please wait until @Aspenhaze has posted!

I appreciate you all so very much! I need to focus on my business and dreams until I can handle being active again! I'll still be around with a casual character to love on you all so this isn't a farewell from me rn. You all are amazing people. <3

Being a cat in RiverClan was just…tiring, right now. After the sudden loss of Smokestar, Aspenhaze could feel their usual spunk start to fade more and more. If they can lose the most promising leader they’ve ever known, what else could they lose? Everything, that’s what.

Their bones ached, even as they followed their mate, Petalnose, into the foray. They know this is no laughing matter, and they should be at the top of their game, but part of Aspenhaze can’t get themself to muster up the energy. Even as they’re ordered to be more on guard, they barely pick up the pace, and it isn’t long before it costs them.

Petalnose tries to strategize, but there’s only so much you can do when a dog rushes at you at full speed. They unsheathe their claws and launch themself at the mutt, but just like they can see from the lead warrior, they can only hold on for so long. But for her, they have to try. And they do. Aspenhaze keeps trying and trying to make a dent into it, but nothing seems to work.

Eventually, they’re thrown like a ragdoll onto the ground. They can feel blood seeping from so many open wounds, and it’s hard not to be mesmerized. Is this truly how they’ll leave this earth? Will the both of them fall here? They can hear Petalnose yell in anguish at their current state, but it’s hard to move…

When their beloved joins them, they do all they can to use the last of their might to touch her paw one last time. It wouldn’t be long before StarClan reached out, and there’s comfort in that. But part of them is still sad at just how fast this all happened…oh well, they can’t change what’s to come.

“I love…you too…” The tortoiseshell point says, voice peaceful instead of their normal attitude. She deserves better than that. “Soon…we’ll be together again…” Aspenhaze whispers, as their final words leave their lips.

// OOC : This is goodbye for Aspenhaze… thanks everyone for the amazing time we had together, I’ll miss y’all when I leave for real! Not just yet, but Aspenhaze just had to go out with Petalnose. I know this isn’t amazing, but I hope Aspenhaze will leave an impact nonetheless. They loved all of you just as much as Petalnose 🥺💖

By the time that Claythorn arrives upon the scene with her own patrol, having set out to search for the dog, Aspenhaze was already dead. Mismatched eyes flicked across the scene- blood, too much of it. The dog's scent was thickest here, no reveal that it was any foul play from other clan's, and Claythorn made a distressed noise. She shouldn't have to be the one to find this- she was not kin to them. Ears flattened against her skull as she slowly moved forward, paws tenderly avoiding splashed blood.

Now, guilt coated her insides. If she had done as her instinct commanded, ripped the throat out of the beast- even at the cost of her own life- these two would still be alive. They would still have a future, to live and love together. That thought was instantly stole into betrayal. Seafoam eyes stared back at her, no longer in challenge but in acceptance, in... in mutual agreeance. Shame cast over guilt, and Claythorn exhaled hotly. "Petalnose." Claythorn murmured.

She stopped next to the warrior, head craning down. She did not lean unkindly- but in a moment of.. solidarity, comradery, her paw lifted and touched to her flank. "You are brave. Thank you, for all that you've done- you've protected Riverclan." Her words were entirely too soft, very unlike the flame-coated warrior. And her words were truthful- even in death, the dog had fled, damaged and knowing the cost would be too great to return. The kits would have a newfound fear of dogs, but in it, the stragglers from the hunters were leaving.

Claythorn swore to murder any beast like that dog who stepped paw in their territory from here out. For Petalnose, for Aspenhaze. For Robinheart, for the kit's safety.
  • "speech"
  • fYfRn8Y.png
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Like
Reactions: Petalnose


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • "Claythorn... Claythorn did you find-"

    Pressing apart a curtain of reeds, the crimson-splattered scene unfolds like a nightmare and steals the breath out of their lungs completely. The question of the predator they opted to hunt like prey dies on her tongue, turns to ash and disappears on the wind.

    Haphazardly her paws skid in the gritty earth, tearing up blades of grass as hungry strides carry her forward. Desperation fills her as sanguine sticks between her toes, "Shit... shit! Petalnose-" Her vision peels between her barely heaving chest and the too-still dappling of Aspenhaze's coat, "A-aspenhaze!" For all their tensely shared words, she wouldn't have wished this for them- wouldn't have dreamed such cruelty to find them.

    They aren't breathing...

    Feverish, anxious movement draws her ear close to their flank, listening for any sort of sign they're still there. That this might yet be fixed- They're still warm, deceitfully so... cold only where blood has left stains behind. Nothing stirs beyond their feeble, unmoving ribs... Teeth grit painfully against one another, pulling away to stare at them in agonized disbelief.

    It's too soon... Too sudden. The threat was supposed to be over. A wheezing voice squeezes out a gasping, single word. "River...Clan..."

    She turns to give her undivided attention to her lead warrior, her rival, her friend, struggling to keep her paws from shaking in their steps. A vision of sepia leans down to say something, gentle, kind.

    Lichenstar recognizes a goodbye when she hears one. She's heard too many.

    "What... What are you... talking about," she snaps, face pinching in distressed confusion, "Petalnose, hang on." Though she recognizes a farewell, a stubborn part of her insists it can be fixed- A bitter glower searches the sky for any explanation, for some kind of sense. Why? What's the point in having nine lives if they're useless? What good is honesty or... or trust when everyone just keeps dying?

    "Just hang on," she repeats, leaning down to press her nose against a bloodied cheek to listen to her breaths, how short they are, how weak... or maybe it's because she knows despite her fighting that it would be her last chance to share that touch with Petalnose. "You can't... leave first... cheater... I have more lives... than you," the joke is strained, a tense, feeble attempt at inspiring that fiery spirit to stick around. "MOONBEAM," her head lifts abruptly, turning towards the wall of cattails that line the island of camp, praying that the medicine cat can hear her ragged shouting. The second time breaks, strangled by a throat too mangled to scream... Not so unlike Petalnose... but twice as lucky to have survived. "Moon-..."

    She winces against the pain that tears where her voice should've been instead, fixating watery blues on the shuddering gasping form of Petalnose one more time. "Keep... fighting... for us.... even if... our paws... can't follow you," she whispers, scraping through the words despite the way it aches.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶ absolutely SCREAMED for @Moonbeam but it's okay if she didn't hear <3
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

( ) "petalnose-" the soft breath comes from a horror struck smoke molly as she arrives upon the scene behind claythorn and lichenstar. "aspenhaze!" she gasps as the dilute tortie's body comes into focus, breath leaving her. crimson soaks the ground, the scent of dog overwhelming, and petalnose's body shakes with effort to keep awake, keep fighting. panic has her frozen for but a second before the feline moves forward, a sob building in her chest. it isn't fair. nothing about the past few moons have been fair. petalnose and aspenhaze were supposed to raise a litter together, watch their kits become formidable warriors. starclan, willowroot reckons that the brown and white tabby might've been first in line for deputy, once lichenstar decided. now she lays with much of her former strength gone, paw in paw with her mate. it's cruel. it's not fair.

willowroot bends to huddle over the stilling form, verdant gaze dark and sorrowful with guilt and grief. her leader screams for moonbeam, and the fact that they're fox-lengths from camp allows some hope to creep into her heart. moonbeam can fix this, she can bring petalnose back from the brink.

(she can't- she knows she can't)

"petalnose," she murmurs the she-cat's name, remembering a clan meeting many moons ago where she stood not as one of the lead warriors but back as a normal warrior of her clan. she remembers the tall tail and high head of the flower-named molly accepting a promotion in willowroot's place. her replacement, but more than that, a cat willowroot trusts with her life. lichenstar begs the feline to hold on, to wait for moonbeam's arrival, but the smoke knows a farewell when she hears one. stars, she's heard way too many. "you served so nobly. thank you, for everything." she finds the blue-brown gaze and offers a slow blink, then rests her nose on the woman's cheek for a brief moment.

they were never close, but petalnose is a cat willowroot would follow to the ends of the river. "starclan light your path," she whispers, and steps back. emerald eyes find aspenhaze, and sorrow builds anew. the two felines who swore their lives to each other will now go beyond. they'll find each other in the stars.

  • // "#91A26C"
  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.


Cacophany always burst so suddenly, and so cruelly. There'd been dog barking on the horizon, it had been impossible to miss- and it reeked here now, of mutt and blood. Ferngill's single eye of green shone wide with a film of tears, there already. With this sickening sort of thickness in the air, a tang of blood this inescapable, there could only be one answer to what had transpired here. Fiery feet blurred behind Claythorn's, Lichenstar's, Willowroot's- Ferngill was already shaking his head in disbelief as trembling vision danced between the mates, paws touching.

Aspenhaze was dead, first of all. Already dead before he could even get there- his breath bagan to shake, and a tear-tremoring word- "Oh, Aspenhaze..." shook quietly from his maw. He tentatively neared, dreading the feeling of claws raking through his stomach. Aspenhaze- always there, always... kind, loving. Gone. And- and next to them...

A friend. His friend, first and foremost. And it had been an unlikely friendship- a tuny runt of an apprentice with a freshly-torn out eye, and a battle scarred lead warrior. Somehow, some way, he'd managed to lift up to the same council she was on- work alongside her as an equal. Petalnose was hardy, steely, wise- there whenever he needed her, even when she was faltering herself. "Petalnose," he murmured, voice creaking with sadness. Lichenstar was already begging her not to go- Claythorn and Willowroot's voices were already levelled with acceptance. He dared not hold back his tears- they darkened the firey ginger of his face, weaving streaks that stained short fur, dew-dripped onto the ground.

"P-Petalnose, you can't die- I've not- not given you nearly as much advice as you've given me," he blubbered, taking in an ugly, tear filled breath. Plodding forward, he brushed his nose softly against his shoulder. "You've b-been such a good friend to me, I- I want to be a good friend to you, too..." And please don't go, so I can have that chance.
penned by pin
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. The past twenty-four hours had been hectic, from Robinheart being injured to having to bring a ThunderClanner to camp and now to this, it was hectic. It was painful. Everyone knew the risks of being a clan cat, it was pounded into your head in stories and tales of brave cats that fought and lay down their lives for the clans to be formed, for the clans to be rescued. Despite this and despite the training every cat would eventually receive in their life it always felt like something that couldn't happen to them. They were stories, and although there had been close calls in the past the cats of the clan were untouchable, they had been through so much so how could they go through all that and not live if more were thrown to them?

Petalnose and Aspenhaze had been untouchable to Moonbeam. Fixtures within the clan that had been there long before she'd been born. Permanent clanmates who she would see to grow old and they would somehow live within the elder's den long enough to see Moonbeam herself join them. So she could not imagine a clan without them, and of all the cats that she knew she would see broken and bleeding when the ragged shouting of her name had broken through reeds and moss she had not thought it would be these two. Moss had been grabbed as cobwebs wrapped around her paws before reeds had parted and the medicine cat froze.

"Wh-what happened?" She'd warble out as if it wasn't obvious, paws moving her forward to lean down near the two, eyes glancing to the still body of Aspenhaze, frozen as their paw touched Petalnose's own, before eyes would quickly move to the lead warrior's, ears pinning as she saw the wounds, the blood pouring from throat and silently she'd stuff the moss she carried under the lead warrior's head. There was nothing she could do but make the other comfortable in her final moments, and though Moonbeam knew this and she knew those around calling for her to help knew this, she couldn't help the tears that fell silently as the cat before her bled out.

"Thank you," She'd begin softly, words lost on her for a split second, "For being such a noble cat, for teaching me to not be afraid of toads." There was so much more she wanted to say but the words would not come. Such a wonderful cat taken from them too soon, "May StarClan light your paths, may you go to them safely and fish in their endless rivers." She was sure Aspenhaze was waiting for her before they went to StarClan so that they could walk the path together.


  • --
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    13 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
Foxtail's fur bristles as the metallic smell of blood invades his nostrils. His paws tremble at how strong it is— the tom has been worried sick about Robinheart.... he's still in such disbelief that a dog got into their camp. Foxtail has always believed that their camp was... untouchable. Or, well, it seemed like it was to the newly promoted lead warrior.... Capable warriors guard the entrance; it's supposed to the first line of defense from potential dangers that lurk in their territory. He feels relief that no warrior was killed at the time of the attack in camp, but his heart aches with worry for Robinheart. For Rivuletkit— he thanks StarClan that the young kitten didn't get more than a scratch on her back legs. But oh Robinheart....

And now, the strong scent of blood invades his nostrils while out of camp, and the lead warrior loses his focus on the fish he had been watching so closely. His ears flatten as he hears the distance sounds of rustling... the furious hisses and snarls, and the whimpers of a dog. Foxtail knows he isn't much of a fighter.... Foxtail doesn't feel the thrill from a battle, his paws tremble at the thought of getting hurt. But his paws tremble more, at the thought of his clanmates getting harmed or even killed. Even towards the clanmates that will be honored to die defending RiverClan.... Bleeding out sends chills down Foxtail's bones. It isn't an easy way to go, and he can only hope and pray there will be no casualties as he nervously races in the direction of the coppery scent.

Foxtail's blood runs cold as he races into the scene, his eyes falling upon the bloodied Petalnose and Aspenhaze. His olive green eyes land on the deep wounds in Petalnose's neck, his ears pinning back to his skull. Aspenhaze lays limp, already succumbed to their wounds... But Petalnose is still alive. Hanging on by a single thread.... StarClan, there's so much blood. He gulps, and the newly promoted lead warrior races over to the small crowd of RiverClanners that surround the two cats. "P-Petalnose," The tom gasps out, and there is nothing he can do to stop his paws from trembling. There is no way herbs in Moonbeam's herb storage can heal this wound.... He's no medicine cat, but even he knows the wound is far too severe. She's losing so much blood by the minute.... And his heart aches even though she seems to have accepted this as her fate.

"...I-I'm so sorry we n-never got along w-well." He feels regret sinking into his bones, that he never took the chance to know her more. As a new lead warrior, he should've had plenty of opportunities to know her more, but now it's too late. "I-I always admired y-your bravery.... Thank you for... f-for everything." She only has moments left, but he hopes that his words bring her some peace. He always admired her strive to protect RiverClan, even in moments where they didn't see eye to eye. "May S-StarClan light your path, Petalnose..." And to you too, Aspenhaze.

  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to meghan for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

Last edited:

Never would Petalnose have thought she would bring this big of an impact. The ones she cared for.. they were crying for her. Moons ago she thought no one would have cared, no one would remember her. It didn't scare her.. but she expected to be lonely. She was anything but that in this moment..and.. she didn't know if she could be thankful or cursed.

She was already being grieved over right in front of her eyes, had she made it worse? Would it have been better to die lonely and not leave an ache behind? Petalnose wondered that, it hurt her more than her wounds to see the sadness well into their eyes and horrified looks staring upon her. Heartbroken. She was leaving them heartbroken. Can she fight this? ...So they didn't suffer?

Petalnose heaved a breath and her claws stretched for the earth. Pain surged throughout her body, it felt as if the depths of the river was tugging her down. She was drowning on land. It was exhausting just to breath.

Claythorn was accepting her fate, mewing gentle and honorable words, she blinked slowly in her way of expressing gratitude and receiving the words. It was short but endearing, something she'd rather hear from everyone.

But.. it wouldn't go that easy..

Lichenstar rushed to their bodies, panic she didn't expect, their names were stuttered upon horrified tones. Then disbelief and pleas for her to fight more. Truly, anyone would've thought they were closer in this moment. Close friends. One would've thought they had many endearing talks. But they were merely competitive moments or hunts together, either spars or working alongside each other. Perhaps they were too competitive to call each other friends, or just too distant.. too focused in work or love. Petalnose rose her paw to weakly press along Lichenstar's shoulder as she pressed into her cheek. A strained purr; of rarity of the patched tabby. She lightly lifted her lips into a smile towards the panicked joke, "This... Is not.. C-Cheating.. You w-won... S-See? Hah..." A breathy laugh, she took a sharp breath in, "B-But.... I won..t-..too. I... Fulfilled m-my promise... M-my vow. I was destined.. for this. Y-Youre Des-..tined for t-that..."

A flare of strength of what she had left, she tightened her grip against her shoulder in endearment, raising her voice of what was left within her, "Lichenstar... I-I'm not afraid.. I've f-fought.. too.. too much. To live f-for.. the c-clan.. t-twice.. and to- protect... countless t-times. .. Hah.. ha.. it's o..overdue I ..go. Lead and f..fight strong...Friend."

Willowroot was next of words and it was another wave of acceptance, respects flowing throughout the warrior. She was grateful to have not needed to comfort her, but of guilt that they weren't closer. Life was so short wasn't it? There was only so little time and she regretted not taking that advantage to get to know the rest she fought so hard for. But oh distant she was at times.. it definitely was a regret she held within her last moments. Willowroot was a noble figure, a lead warrior before her and she had taken her place along with Lichenstar. Willowroot would fight for the clan. She'd keep them safe to her ability. Even if it wasn't as reckless and as far as she went, it was enough. Claythorn would protect them well too.

Ferngill was next to her attention, feeling the press against her shoulder, she shifted her gaze towards the orange tabby. Tears. It pained her to see him like this. That smiley kitten she used to see.. the one that would lift her own spirits from afar. It was surreal seeing him cry. Over..her.. of all things. "Oh.. F..Ferngill..F-Fern.. I was o-only making u..up t-to how y-you made me f-..feel. You are a ... a g..good friend. A w..wonderful friend... Go b-be that others, o..okay? I'm p..proud of" a weak purr, she gently moved her leg to touch his paw in endearment. Hopefully, he'd take that. Hopefully.. she left a message for them all.. she didn't want to just leave heartbreak.

Moss was shifted under her head, a wheeze in pain at the movement but she continued to weakly purr at the gesture. Moonbeam, a kitten she had gotten close to and watched grow into the cat she was now. Healing.. serving the clan. A gentle heart, something she didn't hope for by the time they were pouncing on toads to face fears. But she was grateful now, that Riverclan had a trusted healer. Those hopeful talks.. she'd miss them. Petalnose hoped she'd atleast see her briefly over the visits to moonstone. Her words were short but meant a lot, accepting through tears and she touched her paw to Moonbeam next. "G..Go t-teach ...someone else to face.. t..their f-fears yes? Be b..brave.. Moonbeam... T-This world w-wants t-to...scare Don't... Don't..let it."

Foxtail was of least she'd expect to see but she still felt the same endearment despite the harsh tones she sent his way.. all for her intuition and protection. Petalnose was only doing her vowed job... To protect her clan. Intense she got.. firey and blazing firm commands all for the betterment in her eyes. Personal or not; she didn't care how her clanmate's took to her fiery attitude. She only cared they knew she truly cared for them all despite what she said or did. Luckily.. it seemed Foxtail had done so. She was grateful. "No... Don't ... Be sorry. I was... o..only protecting.. t-the c..clan. I just.. wanted you.. to be.. m-more careful. I care. Keep.. Riverclan...f-fed..okay?"

A breath and she knew it was time to stop fighting. A battle near done but had she really lost or won? A win in her eyes, she got to speak.. she got to protect. She got to die to her promise. A loyal warrior. There wasn't a better way out. She gazed up at the blurring figures, a smile reaching her lips once more but her voice weakened into near whispers, the sparks of the once blazing flame were flicking out,"Riverclan... Be.. be s-strong for me…Fare..well.." a long breath out and she watched as the world faded, letting her lids close to end her story.

The last battle was over.

  • Crying
Reactions: tieirlys