n o s t a l g i a ༄
Jun 14, 2024
" Just like lying in a Twoleg garden, isn't it? " . . . " I wish the rest of us could be so lazy! Unfortunately, we've got things to do, like patrol our borders and hunt for our Clan! " . . . " He's not even from here. " . . . " Come on, Twilightkit. Don't take that from a kittypet. "

The words of his so - called Clanmates echo in Coltkit's ears as he traipses on clumsy forepaws around the edge of camp, creeping under the characteristic underbrush and attempting to avoid the watchful eyes of the nursery queens. Under the generosity of the green - leaf sun, the growth blooms thick—verdant ferns and bursting wildflowers wobble gently in the wind, serving well to easily conceal the movements of a small kit. That, and the gilded purple dusk that streaks the sky casts the camp in half - light as cats begin to retire to laze about in lumps of fur, washing each others' pelts, relaxing from a day of hard work.

Hard work. A small lower lip wobbles at the very words . . . lazy, is what everyone called him . . . or if they didn't say it, they thought it, he just knew they did. Ever up in the clouds, the sugar - coated poison of Redflower and the others had dragged the blue tabby abruptly crashing to earth. Lazy kittypet. He can practically feel the invisible brand of the little blue collar the warriors had unceremoniously dragged off his neck when he'd been towed in no more than a moon ago, an impact wound raw on his thigh, now healed.

He steals a glance about in the gloaming, for any watchful queens . . . seemingly spotting none, the little tom breaks from the underbrush and into the firefly - lit darkness of the newly unoccupied gorse tunnel, its ground worn velvety smooth from the paws of the hard - working warriors. He's not . . . he's not useless—or . . . or lazy—and he's gonna prove it! He's gonna show that he's not just a . . . a kittypet! His childish resolve strengthens as he makes clumsy steps up the tunnel. He's . . . he's gonna go and hunt for his Clan! And fight anyone who'd try to stop him!

Except . . . when he's caught no more than a few pawsteps in, all the ferocity drains from his body, leaving oversized paws trembling beneath him. Whoever apprehends him can hardly get in a few words of their scolding before the corners of a white muzzle downturn, overlong milk - fangs poking into his trembling lip as big tears bubble up in off - hued eyes. No, no, no . . . ! He can't—he can't cry! That'd be all . . . weak . . . and not strong and un - lazy and un - everything. It's as though every bit of sadness Coltkit has seemed immune to for the past three moons hits him in one big wave.

" I'm suh–suh–sorry! " he practically wails. The tears, uncaring of his defiance, spill over duotone lashes and roll in fat droplets of salt down his cheeks, following blue - tabby lines. He's in trouble, and he knows it . . . but . . . but he doesn't know what to do, 'cause everyone gets mad at him for trying to go out and do things, but they get mad at him when he stays in camp too! Coltkit's hitching sobs shake his little body so much that he plops down in a sprawling puppyish sit right at the scene of the crime. " I juh–just wanted to be . . . " There's a big word, the opposite of useless, but his young mind can't grasp it. " . . . nuh–nuh–not useless! "

" I'm not a lazy k–k–kittypet . . . " he hiccups, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks and splattering the ground between his oversized forepaws. They're too big . . . they're all wrong. He's all wrong. Unable to express this in the simple syllables of youth, Coltkit repeats in another sob, " I'm nuh–nuh–not."

OOC : He did not get very far into the tunnel, just a few baby steps! Anyone can feel free to be the cat who caught him </3
  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame had not been present when Coltkit had been subjected to the hateful language that was all too freely being spilled these days.
When celadon optics catch the young kitten slipping through the entrance, it’s jarring to realize what he is attempting. Springing into action, Roeflame is quick to reach the escaping kitten, taking his scruff in her maw and turning them both right back around and back to camp. “Coltkit, what in the name of Sta-” before she can even finish her sentence, the flood gates are thrown wide open. The kitten before her bursts into unexpected tears, and Roeflame has never been more confused. Her demeanor makes a dizzying shift between lightly scolding the child to wrapping her tail around him, hunched with concern. “Take a breath, little one.” Roeflame instructs, but the next thing to burst from Coltkits maw is gut wrenching.
I’m not a lazy kittypet! He says, and Roeflame aims to press a forepaw soothingly to his shoulder. “No, you’re not.” She confirms, voice firm. “You’re a ThunderClan kit, a future warrior. Why on earth would you think otherwise?” As the words spill from her tongue, the pieces of context begin to shift in the queens mind, and teeth find a pocket in her inner-cheek, ready to chew out her frustration. “Coltkit, did someone say something to you? It’s okay, you did nothing wrong.”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Ravenstrike was disgusted with the kittypets that filled their ranks, staining the blood of true warriors. Howlingstar had grown senile and made choices that badly reflected their clan. She had been alive too long, and it was obvious she needed to retire to the elders' den with the rest and take an honorable retirement before the icy grips of death pulled her. Howling even had promoted Leafhusk- someone who had no scar nor anything useful to bring Thunderclan or the council. They neighbored with those who loved kittypets and outsiders, and it would be an easy solution to kick them off like the garbage they were at Skyclan's borders where they were welcomed. Leafhusk was disgusted with bugs and even bones, a true softblood who deserved to sit in the twoleg nests and be pampered. A false warrior, a kittypet who just wished for the thrill of something different because they thought it was 'cool'.

The warrior had been returning to camp when a small runt, another disgusting creature was stopped before her. An obvious scoff leaves her lips and complete disgust and hatred are reflected in her eyes as Roeflame rushes forth and scuffs him. ”Disgusting kittypet.” Ravenstrike venomously spills as the nursery-bound lead warrior takes him back to the safety of the nursery. Her tail lashes as the predator watches the sniveling snot-nosed child and intense hatred makes her claws flex in the dirt. ”Just dump them all at Skyclan, they're so disgusting. False warriors who'll never achieve anything.” She mutters as she stalks off, her words audible as she glares at the child with a burning hatred for the blood that runs through his veins. Ravenstrike then turns on her heels as she leaves as she needs to sink her fangs and claws into something, anything- to relieve this rage of the impure blood that plagued her home that she watched grow from colony to clan.

/out unless stopped
જ➶ Hearing those words as he returns from a hunt almost makes him pause within the tunnel. Teeth tightening around a squirrel that he caught moments ago. Gor a moment be finds himself stunned. For when did everything change. He isn't sure but this disdain, this animosity came from somewhere. Perhaps it had always been but the tom finds himself finally stepping forth to look Ravenstrike in the eyes. The large tom narrows his cold blues on the other and he can hear Coltkit's sobbing from where he stands. Squirrel forgotten as it thuds to the ground, claws flexing in the dirt beneath him. "Watch your mouth Ravenstrike. Or are you so weak you have to mock a child." Hearing Coltkit claiming he is not lazy kittypet tears at his heart. His muzzle stretches into a sneer as he grabs up the squirrel he caught and quickly he shoves past Ravenstrike to go to Roeflame and the child. He doesn't care what she says back to him. Mind already slowly being made up about these kittypet haters.

"Roeflame..." He mutters softly as he places the squirrel at her paws. Quietly he looks at Coltkit before he looks to the lead. "It was Redflower. Twilightkit and Coltkit were playing and she had to wag her tongue." All of this is troubling him that clanmates are snapping at one another. A division being made and he frowns then before looking to Coltkit. "You are none of those things. Trust us."

( 𖤓 ) escaping out of camp is a thing basilkit has already tried to do and failed. campionsong is too watchful an authority and swiftdawn too keen an eye to allow him to try again, and so it's with wide eyes that he observes coltkit's attempt. the rambunctious boy is about to call out a warning to his fellow nursery dweller when roeflame catches on to the other's scheme and halts coltkit in his tracks. disappointed, the cream tabby is about to turn away from the situation when a wreched sob pours from the younger kit's lungs. concern for one of his nursery-subjects fills him, and the tom-kit approaches, trepidation in his pawsteps. coltkit mumbles something about not being a kittypet, and roeflame is quick to reassure him, something basilkit approves of. coltkit is far from kittypet- the blue and white tabby has grasped nicely onto the cultures of clan life. as far as bas is concerned, there's no kittypet in him at all. of course, why it matters in the first place is another question bas hasn't had the bravery to ask out loud yet.

the nursery-bound lead asks a concerned follow up question, and the verdant eyed boy listens in, keen to learn where such horrid insults had been overheard. passing by, ravenstrike snarls a clear and cold insult. basilkit's head whips around, eyes widening and tail pinecone-ing in rage. "you shut up!" he yaps at her, baring stark white teeth in an attempt at a growl. imagine being a full grown warrior and being so petty! it's insane to even think about! "what have you achieved that's so great, huh? he's a kit! you haven't even given him a chance! you're just-" he pauses for breath, gasping through his anger. "just plain mean!"

turning on his heel, the four moon old tom doesn't even watch as the offender strides off, too caught up in his anger. "coltkit, you're gonna be a strong warrior, mkay?" he doesn't know if he's helped the situation at all, and perhaps he's made it worse, but he cares very little. though thinking back on it, he's been raised to not talk back to those with higher rank than him. if swiftdawn had heard his language, he's sure she'd have his tongue. cream ears tip back slightly, green eyes finding the gazes of bluestride and roeflame. they'll help talk some sense into his denmate, surely.

  • // ic opinions!! "#FAC966"
  • 81393563_8O53Igoh9sDSoNx.png

    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, he has verdant green eyes that sparkle with mischief.
Ivorykit watches the scene unfold with a cold sense of foreboding. Coltkit's burbling words reach her folded ears: "Useless. Lazy." Worst of all: "Kittypet." She frowns, her whiskers trembling like a scared rabbit's. Roeflame is there to comfort him, to stop him from leaving camp, and she asks who had said these words to him. Before anyone can answer, Ravenstrike appears, and the white silk of her tail fluffs out in fear. Since her first meeting with the dark warrior, she's stricken terror into Ivorykit's heart. "Disgusting kittypet," she spits toward the crying kit, and Ivorykit lowers her chin, quivering. Is that what they think of us?

Bluestride calmly informs Roeflame that it had been Redflower who had spoken so disparagingly to Coltkit. Ivorykit's frown deepens, but she stops her quivering, shame flooding through her body like a hot wave of water. I'm only proving them right, and so is Coltkit, she thinks dismally. We have to be better than them, or they'll never like us!

She ambles closer to where Basilkit tries to comfort Coltkit. Gently, she nuzzles the top of the kit's head with her muzzle. "Try not to cry," she soothes. Her voice shakes. "Try not to show weakness," her words slip into a whisper, meant only for Coltkit — and for her.

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Palefire was lounging in the sun nearby when the commotion began to unfold near the gorse tunnel. Curious, and a touch concerned, the warrior rose to her paws and quietly slipped towards the growing crowd, hearing the devastated wails of Coltkit. Her ears folded back against her skull at the utter despair in his voice, and his words made her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. Kittypet. That word had been thrown around more in the past moon than she could ever remember hearing it throughout her entire life. What had gotten into her clanmates recently? She was no fan of kittypets, or any outsiders really, and wouldn’t be the one to openly welcome them into Thunderclan. But the disparaging comments and open hatred that was being hurled at their former-kittypet members made her more than a little uneasy. Especially when she had those she considered to be friends suffering from these harsh words.

Her ice blue gaze fell to Ivorykit who was lingering nearby, watching the altercation with a look that was clearly shaken. Her fur bristled with anger at the sight of the little girl so upset, and Palefire quickly moved to stand over her, placing her deftly between long lilac-striped legs. “It’s okay,” she murmured softly down to her, hoping her presence would ease the tension. It was then that her gaze flickered to Coltkit, who was hysterically explaining to Roeflame that he wasn’t lazy.

Ravenstrike picked that moment to make a dramatic entrance, spitting venom and storming away like the snake she was. Palefire never liked the obsidian warrior, and her claws itched to take her down a peg or two. Instead she sneered after her retreating form, loud enough so Ravenstrike (and the rest of the camp) could certainly hear. “Typical behavior for a coward! Too scared to stick around and face the consequences. Foxheart.” Her blood simmered as she watched Ivorykit and Basilkit try to comfort Coltkit after such biting words. “It’s rats like her that this clan could do without.” Regardless of one’s opinions on kittypets being allowed to join, saying such horrible things to a kitten was always unacceptable. Ravenstrike was lucky she hadn’t been caught saying such things to Ivorykit. The she-cat would be wise to watch her tongue from now on, because Palefire was desperate for an excuse to put her in her place.

  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

Kittypet, it got spat around a lot like it tasted bad, that word ... Stormkit's ear flicked like he was swatting a fly every time he heard it. Today was no exception. Ravenstrike spouted a load of stuff within earshot of the nursery, and the scruffy little tom stared after her. Best he could, anyway. Maybe if he stared hard enough he'd hear hed body thum pon the ground of somethin', yeah... did Kittypet mean kitten, then? Did she hate 'em? All the more reason to topple her, then...

Trapped in his own thoughts, it took him a second to hear the soft, comforting murmuring nearby- the stuttering blubbering of Coltkit. "What's kittypet mean, again?" Stormkit snoffer, toddling clumsily closer to the others, staring dead forward and not bothering to even try to make eye contact with any of them. He didn't even know who it was gathered here, really... "Is it like, a bad thing? N' that's why you're crying?" His ears folded against his head. Crying, crying, crying. It was kinda distracting... "Yeah, you should stop crying." There was enough innocent encouragement in his voice to hide that he didn't really get it.
penned by pin ༄
There's strength to be drawn from Palefire's presence. Ivorykit lets the solid length of the warrior's legs touch her flank, and she stills, comforted. The she-cat's teeth are bared in response to Ravenstrike's fleeing dark figure. "Foxheart," Palefire hisses, and Ivorykit thinks the black-pelted warrior is very akin to a fox. Long-snouted, vicious, and predatory. I need to stay away from her if I can, she thinks, shivering. But Ravenstrike is meant to be her Clanmate — how would she ever fit in, if her rhetoric bounced around the walls of camp like badly-flung mossballs?

Another kit approaches, stilted and wobbly, his sightless eyes peering past Ivorykit and toward the snuffling Coalkit. "What's kittypet mean again?" He asks, and the way he says the word makes Ivorykit flinch. "It just means... a cat who used to live with housef— I mean, Twolegs," she murmurs. "It's not a bad word." Her chin juts out defiantly, though she feels, despite it all, miserable.

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.