♥ Indigorain ♥
✵ ღ ☾ I'D WALK THROUGH FIRE - He couldn't help but feel proud when he was given the responsibility to show Spring around, as if it was a clear sign that his father trusted him with such tasks… and it didn't hurt that the molly was beautiful either.
It had been early in the morning when Indigo fetched her for their tour, concealing his over-eagerness with a cool smile and a sweet tone as he led the other out of camp.
❝ Okay, I won't lie- there is a lot to see, but luckily you have one of the best tour guides in the forest. ❞ He hummed playfully as he began to lead the duo towards the infamous Tall Pine. ❝ First, I was thinking the Tall Pine, and then of course the best hunting places and such. I would show you the Twoleg place, but it's not recommended ❞ he explained in a carefully paced tone, taking the effort to slow his usual long strides to keep in place with Spring. ❝ So, where are you from? ❞ A basic question, but always a good ice-breaker in Indigo's book. Curiously he gave his companion a side-glance before looking back towards the well-trodden path before them.
❝ Speech. ❞