TIDEFROST, Warrior of RiverClan

Tide, for the sea he was born near.
Frost, for the white patch of fur on his chest.
‣ Created 08.23.2022 at eighteen moons.
‣ Ages on the first of each month.

  • A BLACK SMOKE TOM WITH LOW WHITE AND BLUE EYES. Standing at an average height, Tidefrost is a short-haired black smoke tom. His eyes are a gleaming shade of blue, one reminiscent of the reflection of pale sky on a body of water. A white splotch inhabits itself on his chest, and white also appears on the toes of his back paw. Upon arrival, he wore a light blue ribbon collar. [ TOYHOUSE ]
  • PERSONALITY: Wherever Tidefrost goes, he is simply happy to be there. He is a lover of attention, a result of his time on a showboat. Since their separation, he's always kept his siblings in his thoughts, and will be thrilled to see them again. Tidefrost doesn't understand the divide between the clans, often wondering why they can't just be friends and live in unity.
    ‣ Littermate to Willowroot (Brother-in-law to Poppysplash)
    ‣ Uncle to Antlerpaw, Poolpaw, Hazepaw, and Mosspaw
  • TIDE, Resident of RiverClan — [SEPTEMBER 2022 - DECEMBER 2022]
    THE WORLD OUTSIDE ╱ Tide reflects on his new home in riverclan.
    ENDLESS DAYS IN MY SHADES ╱ Tide joins Buckgait and Willowroot in laying in the sun.
    AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES ╱ Tide teases Willowroot and Poppysplash.
    ABSOLUTION ╱ Tide attends the meeting.
    ALL THAT I COULD HEAR WERE FUCKING FLIES ╱ Tide attends Beesong's lesson.
    TELAPATÍA ╱ Tide teases Willowroot and Poppysplash again.
    CARS THAT GO BOOM ╱ Tide reacts to a honking noise.
    DESIRE ╱ Tide talks about crushes.
    ONE SINGLE THREAD OF GOLD ╱ Tide worries about Willowroot.
    FROZEN AND CAN'T BREATHE ╱ Tide ponders leaf-bare.
    SECRET AGENT MAN ╱ Tide finds out he's going to be an uncle.
    IN AND OUT OF PATIENCE ╱ Tide spins in circles after seeing Fishface do the same.
    CBAT ╱ Tide prepares for a hunting patrol.
    I LOVED YOU LIKE THE SUN ╱ Tide becomes an uncle.

    TIDEFROST, Warrior of RiverClan — [DECEMBER 2022 - PRESENT]
    SILVER BELLS ╱ Tide becomes Tidefrost, as named by Cicadastar.
    THE RIGHT GO MISSING ╱ Tidefrost worries over Hazekit's disappearance.
    BY ANY OTHER NAME ╱ Tidefrost inspects Sweetbriar's flower stock.
    WHERE THE SHADOW ENDS ╱ Tidefrost discusses wishes.
  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Morbi posuere ligula blandit ex rutrum, sed dictum tortor pulvinar. Mauris risus leo, vulputate tincidunt tristique ac, facilisis a eros. Morbi rhoncus diam at lacus iaculis vestibulum. Praesent sed velit id lorem suscipit laoreet. Aenean condimentum turpis ac suscipit molestie. Vivamus elit ipsum, ornare at rutrum vitae, volutpat sit amet turpis. Donec sollicitudin id velit vel cursus.

    Maecenas at egestas augue, at tempor enim. Nullam sit amet sem tellus. In cursus, lacus quis suscipit varius, est diam viverra enim, sed molestie metus odio nec elit. Suspendisse eu dolor diam. Curabitur ullamcorper elit commodo eros congue gravida. Suspendisse potenti. ​

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