Jun 7, 2022

Hi everyone! With Blazestar's death and Orangeblossom's upcoming ascension, she will have a very important decision to make upon returning with her lives: her deputy. Quickly before we get into it I'm sick so if anything doesn't make sense please let me know and I'll clarify as best as I can.<3

PLEASE NOTE that there will be a short term plot in the first half of this year that requires your character to temporarily step aside as deputy. This can be through injury, illness or any other reason. You will be given the choice to have your character return to this role, and more details will be discussed with the chosen candidate.

  • Please read and understand the rank guide located here. On applying you acknowledge that if Orangestar dies or steps down, you will be stepping up as leader.
  • You must not have another character on the leader track (ie be currently playing the leader or deputy of another Clan). This excludes lead warriors.
  • You must be active and engaged within the Clan discord, as it is a central plotting hub for SkyClan. This will include keeping up to date with the HP channel, as that is where a large portion of our organisational conversations are held.
  • While SkyClan does not have a formal posting quota, I am more likely to promote a deputy who has shown consistent activity.

  • Characters must be warrior-aged (12+ moons) and must make realistic sense for Orangestar to promote. She is unlikely to choose a deputy she consistently butts heads with.
  • Orangestar will not choose a daylight warrior for this position. While she respects them, some of her own most pivotal moments as deputy were during the evening when a daylight warrior would have not been with the Clan.
  • Recently made characters are welcome to apply, however they must have at least 10 IC posts made before the closure of this thread AND qualify for the census to be considered. Do not spam the board to meet this requirement.

[B]Character name:[/B] @/account
[B]Why are you interested in this role?:[/B]
[B]Why is your character interested in this role?:[/B] (or why are you interested for them, if they aren't?)
[B]Anything else to note:[/B]

Character name: @Dogbite

Tags: Dogbite's Information

Why are you interested in this role?:
(Forgive the ramble but I am genuinely stoked for Skyclan and this new era!)
Skyclan has been a true staple to me personally and was my first real example of what my time on Tabbytale's would be like. I've never been happier to say I am so glad I chose Skyclan to be my first group and to have had Dogbite be a part of it. There's no secret that this character absorbs my every waking moment like a brain tick, and that I adore him tremendously as both a user and an artist.

I'd have so much to give him developmentally as a deputy, and the chance to boost more interaction within the clan would be a major goal of mine. The plots are always invigorating and well-thought-out with kind users behind them. Which is what attracted me to the clan most of all! Every person I have gotten to hang out with or plot ideas over has been nothing short of wonderful, and getting to play a bigger part in that seems like an amazing time!

My activity, especially within Skyclan, has surpassed the minimum requirement since the day I first started with him. I adore Skyclan and have boundless muse and energy for this group. I love talking to folks within the Discord, and if given the opportunity, I would be over the moon to be involved in larger plots. I'm online on both the Forum and Discord daily, minus when I sleep, of course, so if I'm ever needed for something urgent, I can definitely respond promptly.

Any chance of inactivity is always given with advanced notice, and generally, I don't dip out unless something serious has arisen. Similarly to Mr. Dog, I love to be useful and would be more than happy to help where I can! Whether that's updating guides, answering questions, making announcements, or keeping patrol threads checked in a timely manner - I'm on it! I would love to play a key role ICly and OOCly for Skyclan, as it's a major passion for me as a roleplayer and for Dogbite's development as a character.

Why is your character interested in this role?:
Individually, he would not outwardly seek this position, having a more humble mindset. Primarily due to being non-clanborn and believing his other clanmates have shown far better potential than himself. However, if he were picked, I know Dogbite would start out on unsteady legs then grow into the role, making a few mistakes but quick to learn from them. Having the chance to feel useful would improve his emotional state tremendously, and being beside a cat he treasures even more so.

Since he is a thoughtful and polite cat, this would put him as a nice counter to the leader's more straightforward personality, making them a well-balanced duo. Seeking to become her closest confidant and welcoming to providing solutions to bigger issues they may face.

They would be more than honored to fill paw steps as large as Orangeblossom's and be a reliable candidate at that. Dogbite would also be a supportive deputy and take on projects left and right if that meant taking some of the burdens off others. Their reasoned approach could also prevent reckless or anger-driven decisions. However, his gentleness might cost him being pushed over at some point. Though he's no fool to getting punked. One time would be enough for him to properly gauge future reactions.

Since their early kittenhood, Dogbite has wished to belong and to make his home a safer place. Skyclan was his first step into finding that livelihood, and they have loved it even through the cold of winter. He knows the depths of experiencing a difficult life as well as the challenges of being in the crowd's eye. Having to take charge of difficult situations and produce effective methods in stressful circumstances. Despite his awkwardness, he leverages himself to the call of duty for the betterment of those he loves.

Often going against his own nature if that means saving lives. Plus, being a natural mediator, they try to see every angle of a situation before reacting, often choosing the more peaceful option if able but not afraid to stand up to opposition either. Loyalty has never been a question as his life is blatantly dedicated to being a staple to the Skyclan community as well as its laws. Knowing this right from the day he joined to his current status as a warrior.

Their newfound faith in Starclan has wavered since losing Blazestar and could cause troubles spiritually. However, even with faltering trust in the stars, Dogbite is an incredibly selfless individual and has catered himself to that truth. Of course, this didn't happen overnight, and with dedication, he grew into himself with lingering impressions left by both Blazestar and Orangeblossom. Even when ill or tired, he does not shy from duty much less when it comes to the betterment of his health.

For the plot purposes, this could end in him falling out under pressure/illness at some point, and Orangeblossom would most likely have to reprimand him, making him promise to also put himself first sometimes and see things with hard truths rather than strictly emotions. Image-wise this could put a damper on him being a promising deputy, and his rugged looks would not be a plus to outsiders. Despite the eyes and heavy expectations, he is accustomed to pressure, and with the support of friends, he would learn to be more mindful.

He cares deeply for the future of his clanmates and would dedicate himself wholly to that cause alone. (Maybe even bathe himself more regularly just to improve the faith of others in him) Despite being a former loner and having a kinder outlook towards outsiders and kittypets, the loss of Blazestar would twist his decision on who comes within the borders. Growing far more strict with any trespasser and holding an even harsher opinion of former rogues and Windclanners. His trust can be earned with dedication and time, but not much else would sway him.

Anything else to note:
Best of luck to everyone who applies and know I will be eating up every one of your apps with excitement!
**Edited some spelling mistakes 🥺
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Character name: @TWITCHBOLT
Tags: here
Why are you interested in this role?: i've been in skyclan since it started as the pine group, and it has always been a sort of 'priority' clan for me, even before i joined the hp team. sky won me over on ff, became my favourite clan in concept, and has been ever since- i don't make a secret of it, really! and though i love all the communities on tt, sky's has always been the one i tend to automatically gravitate toward. i'd really love to explore this plot for twitch- it would mean a great deal to him as well as giving him a heart attack, and i think it's a perfect evolution of where his story is taking him. i've been playing twitch since he was a kit, on the very day of the first ever gathering, and i've never gotten bored. i just love sky a lot haha
Why is your character interested in this role?: though twitch looks like a pathetic wretch of a coward on first glance, after having worked with him for a long time (i would hope) that most skyclanners see that there's a very distinct bravery underneath. ultimately, he is a cat whose love always outlasts his fear- what he cares for will always spur him forward into acting when it really counts. he also pointedly finds himself irritated with disrespect, and a jittering demeanour does not mean he's afraid to give people a talking to when pushed to his (admittedly rather short) limit.

twitchbolt struggles very heavily with self worth, and has never really thought of himself as a cat of authority, but has managed to find his voice. he cares deeply for the protection of apprentices (too many of which he has seen die before their warrior ceremony), but not the coddling of them- once a cat reaches six moons, he is a diligent teacher and watcher.

ultimately, twitch is a caring if not a bit erratic cat, protective of what he loves to the point of absolutely rabid rage. he's not even thought about deputyship to the point of interest, but if he looked within himself it would be a role he could find himself suiting. like his ascension to lead warrior, it's a role he would acclimate to with some reassurance. speaking to blazestar had instilled within him that he is genuinely wanted, and would probably help him settle into the role faster, despite a bit of obvious apprehension.
Anything else to note: I LOVE YOU ALL kissing everyone who applies
Character name: @BEETLEBACK
Tags: here
Why are you interested in this role?: Skyclan has always held fond feelings and memories. Both on tt and ff! While all communities on tt are wonderful and each have their own charm, Skyclan has always homely. A place that I could come back to and be inspired or a place where I am lovingly teased by others. I think it would be fun to give this opportunity a try.

I will admit that my activity isn't that great within the discord, but I am more willing to work on it and become active because quite honestly reading everyone's thoughts in their own channels are the teasing that occurs as it always does (giggles in we're all silly) brings a smile to my day. Frankly, what I love most about Skyclan is the sense of unity we have and how the plots are crafted so carefully. If there is any confusion hps kindly clarify, or in the case that it was not thought of before no answer is given but it isn't tossed to the wind at all! hps would kindly tell said member to wait while they discuss the situation and I'm most likely rambling at this point, but the way the community treats each other has always warmed my heart.

To me, that is what I want to be part of! We're in a new era of Skyclan but that doesn't mean somethings should be left behind such as a welcoming and kind community. While I don't have experience with updating guides, making announcements, and all tasks expected of hps I would love to have chance to play a key role iccly and occly! Regardless of who is picked the fact that remains true is that I love this community and hope we can all continue to be kind, ramble about our beloved battle cats, and laugh together!

Why is your character interested in this role?: (or why are you interested for them, if they aren't?) currently they have not thought about the role simply because they're still coming to grips with Blazestar's rule ending and he has not held a lead position before! If he was nudged into the

As a deputy Beetleback while playful, he is agreeable. Because he feels a deep sense of gratitude towards Blazestar and by extension Skyclan, he only wants the best for the clan and aid Orangeblossom in any way he can. If given the position he needs some work to put it simply. His background is that of rogues, so there are times where he lacks tact. However, he is more than receptive to critic or suggestions to improve in order to serve Skyclan. One issue that stems from him is that he has a light impression on most things. It's a bit of a double edged sword because while he can offer different perspectives, he is not firm on decisions. That is something he'll have to improve on.

While he may not seem like it, he does have a strong moral compass. If there was ever an instance where Orangeblossom was pondering something questionable he would be hesitant to carry it out and ask to discuss further about it. Otherwise he would be a playful deputy not because he wants to mock the rank and what comes to it, but because he believes that Skyclan needs cheer. Yes, they also need to be strong but what is being strong if they can't laugh together and tell stories? In short, he cares about the wellbeing of his clanmates and would like to make them smile through the hardest of times.

Beetleback once known as Stormy was born and raised into a rogue group, so his strengths lie in battling and cheap tricks. Considering Skyclan has recently had rogue... Issues among other things he knows and understands the actions of rogues as if he were part of them. That is not to say he sympathizes with them or will excuse them because he never loved when rogues would harm kits and the helpless. He'd be able to come up with counter measures or some insight on how to come up with a strategies to deal with similar instances.

One major flaw of Beetleback is that he is not committed and has a habit of turning tail when it comes to vulnerability. He fears responsibilty because he doesn't think he'd measure up to expectations. However, he is eternally grateful to Skyclan for all they have given him, thus he would give his all to Orangeblossom. It would be interesting to see him grabble between his fear of responsibility and his devotion to supporting the those he cares about (at that point it will have transformed to the entire clan).

As for plot purposes not sure if this rule has been decided yet or who will propose it, but Beetleback hasn't had an apprentice! Considering he will have to temporarily step down it could be due to lack of experience combined with injury? While he would have been grateful for the position he would know his faults and bring up his lack of experience compared to those who have apprenticed others. A deputy has many tasks, however the main component is that they are to take care of the cats they serve and try to act in everyone's best interests. It is not at all an easy job and he would argue that training apprentices while it is not on the scale of looking after an entire clan is a great place to start!

Anything else to note: Just know I am eating up all the current apps 👀 at Taz, Pin, and Wolfie! @ future apps know I will be devouring them with much gusto!!! I LOVE Y'ALL AND GIVIN' ALL OF YOU HUGS <3
Character name: @DUSKPOOL
Tags: here
Why are you interested in this role?:
I’m still “new” to rping battle cats, only a year ago since I joined with a friend on another site, although I was afraid ( silly as it was ) to join the clans on ff, so I wasn’t as fortunate enough. Regardless, SkyClan was the first “official” clan I was introduced to, no less joined, and I cannot explain just how welcoming everyone had been, especially to the clueless newbie that I was back then. I hadn’t the slightest clue what I was doing, but I made some splendid memories before the site shut down. SkyClan holds a special place in my heart, even now on tt that feels like home, truly a comfort clan within tt that I gravitate toward ( especially within Discord as I ramble ).

Of course, my activity was super spotty when I joined tt for the first time, but I’d like to think my activity has gotten better the more I rp Duskpool and I think it’d do wonders for some delicious character development!

Regardless, I would love to gain experience, whether that’s short-term or long-term. I’ve always enjoyed helping others, especially if it lessens someone’s load, and one can never have too many to-do lists. My memory is the size of a peanut, admittedly, but I’m usually on top of things, especially since I enjoy organizing things lol I would love to give back and help icly and oocly as much as the current and past HP teams have done ^^
Why is your character interested in this role?: (or why are you interested for them, if they aren’t?)
Duskpool isn’t necessarily an ambitious character, especially toward wanting a higher position since he’s pretty content where he is right now, someone who’s dutiful, albeit running himself haggard, but he’s always adapting to what life throws at him, arguably sometimes not in the healthiest of ways, but he’s gotten this far without dying. He wouldn’t be walking blindly, having experience aiding another during dire times, and ultimately thrust into a leading position that he wanted nothing to do with during his time as a rogue.

Calm under pressure, Duskpool isn’t one so willingly swooned by chaos, keeping a level head and doing whatever needs to be done. I don’t think I’ve played it out as much as I like but that’s mostly because he’s always getting injured, but Duskpool can have a commanding presence, someone that you can look to and know things will be alright ( even if that’s far away, or may never happen ). He will gladly take the brunt of scorn, doing what needs to be done, but he won’t lose his compassionate ( albeit more toward the younger generation ) nature, offering a gruff, but comforting gesture of goodwill, always willing and never asking for anything in return. In Duskpool fashion, he is very protective of his kin ( and clanmates ), never one to get angry ( and when he does, it’s for good reason ) which can appear aloof, or uninterested.

As a deputy, Duskpool wouldn’t act any differently from carrying the additional duties that come with being a deputy. He isn’t afraid to tell someone they’re wrong ( calling them out ), or rather, their thinking is a one-way street, and offering a non-biased opinion ( even if he’s biting his tongue, at least, tries not to ) at the situation at paw and remaining level-headed, albeit sometimes that won’t always be the case given his protective rage for his clan ( and kin ).

For character development, Duskpool has problems with self-worth, believing he’s undeserving of things and he’s had experience ( if only minor ) where cats have died under his watch in an environment he couldn’t very well control. With this, I think it can have a positive impact in finding a place within the clan, not that he hasn’t already found his place surrounded by kin ( adoptive and biological ) and being rather content with where he is as a warrior now, but allowing him to grow and realize that his entire existence isn’t a curse, and maybe he deserves something good in his life than constantly putting it at arm's length.

Duskpool has grown significantly since the journey, but it’s a slow progress, one he needs to resolve internally and let go of his ghosts. Of course, this can go either way, feeling daunted by these responsibilities as a deputy, but it’ll also help him open his eyes that he isn’t just his past sins.
Anything else to note: I’m rooting for everyone who’s applied ( now and future )! Giving you guys the best of luck and excited head pats !!
Character name: @SLATE
Tags: here
Why are you interested in this role?: I'm interested in this role because of the opportunity for development! I am super interested in fleshing out Slate's relationship with his clan/clanmates and his relationship with power and authority. He would not be the first former rogue deputy on the site but I think having such a controversial and rugged character in the position would be really fun to explore ( I will say that Slate won't be dropping his open dislike for kittypets and daylight warriors so if that's an issue then I totally understand ). SkyClan has also been my home for over a year now and I would like to continue giving back to this wonderful community c:

Why is your character interested in this role?: Slate is personally not super interested for the sake of having authority or power; in fact, he would be terrified of being considered "next in line". He has enough confidence to make him a decent deputy, such as carrying out orders and tasks and making sure everybody else is doing what they're supposed to, but Slate would still feel insecurities and feelings of not being "worthy". Still, if Orangeblossom were to offer him the position, Slate would not refuse. He wants to support her and protect her ( as much as she may not need it ) and feels that he could do so by being her second in command. Also, selfishly, he would take the position if it meant that he could grow closer to her and no one else could.
Anything else to note: There are more plot ideas I have for this that I can't share here ofc :3c
Character name: @SILVERSMOKE

Tags: tags

Why are you interested in this role?: SkyClan has always been one my favourite clans in Warrior Cats, I remember my first ever OC, 'Jetfur' - she had black fur, green eyes, the signature grey SkyClan pawpads, and was such an absolutely tragic Hollyleaf clone that I cringe even to this day. I read all the super editions that contained SkyClan, I was so hype when they returned to the mainline series. Needless to say, that love for the clan has translated into Roleplay as well, and I can't help but feel as if all the talented and accepting roleplayers here have helped. The vibes in the discord server are so nice, I feel as if I know most of the deals of the characters, I feel connected to SkyClan which makes me genuinely smile whenever I get the chance to roleplay here. I want to be able to give back in the Deputy position and believe I have a character who could benefit from the character development such authority would give him!
I will be the first to acknowledge that I have struggled to talk previously on the Discord server. I can't say that I will suddenly get a Deputy position and be a social Andy, but I am currently trying to improve on my participation there and believe that going forward, I would be consistent enough to keep up with the OOC requirements for the role.

Why is your character interested in this role?: Silversmoke has a beefy track record within SkyClan. He has mentored an apprentice to Warriorhood, he has served as a Lead Warrior for a year, he's reliable and always puts SkyClan first. However, he is also deeply flawed. He's confrontational with the other clans, he has a strict worldview that he struggles to challenge and there's been a few times now where he's needed a leader to step in and be like 'hey... maybe tone it down a little.' ICly, the Deputy position is not one he sees himself in, but I think from an OOC perspective, it would be really interesting to have a second-in-command whose got a bit of a 'reliable but omfg i do not want to talk to you' reputation within the clan. I have previously written Deputy notes in my channel for Silversmoke, but to summarise, he would be a pragmatic Deputy who would take as much work off of his Leader's paws as possible, but struggles to rid himself of biases that make him antagonistic towards outsiders.

Anything else to note: I have an!! Idea for the step aside. Little mix of injury, little mix of step-down, it's something I'm definitely down to discuss further.