SKYCLAN EASTER EVENT - open / part one



OOC- Welcome to the Skyclan easter event, part one! While out on patrol near the twoleg border, a bunch of adult twolegs are spotted doing something strange.... are those eggs they're stashing along the treeline? Why are they just leaving them there?? What the heck is going on?!

Feel free to have your cat speculate or investigate the eggs- some are actual eggs that have been painted, while others are just plastic ones with candy inside :)

For the most part, boring was a good thing when it came to patrols, and that was coming from a cat who loved a bit of excitement. But not every situation called it, and he knew that when it came to checking out the borders in particular, quiet and dull was often the best case scenario.

Today would decidedly not be one of those days.

Twolegs were in the treeline.

Johnny let out a brisk call of warning to the other cats he'd been sent out with, not wanting anyone to be sighted regardless of where they were hiding; in the trees or along the forest floor. From his own perch on the branch of a pine, he could make out the shapes of several adults carrying baskets of... eggs? Brightly colored, some sparkling in the springtime sun, Johnnyflame watched in pure confusion as they went about placing them among the taller patches of grass or among the roots of tree, and so on.

Johnny liked to pride himself in his knowledge of twoleg things and behaviors. It was one of the specialties that made him useful to Skyclan in ways the fulltime warriors often couldn't be- but sometimes even he was stumped by their antics.

"What in Starclans name are they up to?" he muttered to himself, letting out a soft breath of relief when they seemed to wander off a few minutes later, leaving the eggs behind.

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Reactions: wolfie

Perhaps it was because it was part of his namesake, but Eggshell watched with slightly (only slightly) more clarity as the twolegs paraded around in another of their strange rituals. The coward looked to Johnnyflame and the rest of the assembled cats, hoping that he wouldn’t have to explain what was happening. As silence engulfed them, though, Eggshell braced himself to take on the role of teacher.

What was the phrase? ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’? Well unfortunately, that now applied to Eggshell. Distorted knowledge was often worse than outright ignorance, but the boy knew no better. “I-It’s a c-ceremony, I’m p-pretty sure” The skittish Scottish Fold stammered out. “M-My housefolk don’t d-do it, but I’ve seen h-how it w-works. Those e-eggs have t-twoleg kits inside - r-really small ones, and they - they c-compete to see who can c-collect the most.” Perhaps being left alone with an overactive, anxious imagination all day hadn’t been the best for the boy’s perceptions. Still, he was steadfast in his belief.

As such, instead of padding forwards, yolk-stained paws took a few steps back, scared of interacting with the objects he was named after.​

Johnnyflame’s brisk warning is enough for Figfeather to throw herself in the scarce foliage. In the pine forest, there was little for hiding on the ground floor. It had a pawful of advantages to ground hunters, prey was easy to see. The con? So are you.

The fur along her spine bristles and orange eyes dilate in fear. Breathing hitches as she recalls many moons ago when twolegs plagued their home, setting traps for cats all over the forest. She remembers the last time she saw Daisyflight, her mother. Trapped in a cage huddled with Butterflytuft and Snowpath. In this moment she remembers how helpless she felt, whenever twolegs strayed too far into the forest she couldn’t help but brace for the worse.

Yet soon enough, they disperse. All members of the patrol are safe, just confused by the activity they had just witnessed. She slips out of her hiding spot and regroups with the patrol as Eggshell begins to explain what had just occured. Figfeather can hardly believe her ears.

”Theres twoleg kits in those?” She could hardly call the strange, colorful ovals eggs. Especially with the funny stench they’ve left linger behind… but suppose… the cream daylight warrior would know better than her.

”…We should destroy them then, right?” She looks to Johnnyflame for guidance, ”I mean- I know not all twolegs are bad. But there’s plenty of twolegs in the twoleg place already. We shouldn’t risk any bad twolegs emerging from… this.” She shudders at the idea of more cat-trapping fur-less beings stomping all over the forest. Hopefully the daylight warriors would understand her concerns and not take any offense to her proposal.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The lead warrior comes to a halt, The urge to let out a warning growl suppresses in his throat for the sake of their patrol's safety, though Slate could not begin to describe the amount of anger and resentment boiling in his gut like a geyser.

So, those are where twolegs came from? How peculiar, that such greedy, towering beasts could come from small and eye-strainingly colorful pods. Slate had no reason to disbelieve Eggshell at this point, as much as he didn't want to — it wasn't as if he himself had ever seen a twoleg give birth. Their kits just... appeared seemingly out of nowhere as far as he knew. Now Slate had a first glance at their first stages of life...

Figfeather suggested destroying the eggs, which seemed like the most logical path to take, but Slate did not figure it would be an easy task to undertake. "It's dangerous, having 'em this close to our territory." The Maine Coon agrees in a somewhat rare instance; any twoleg activity beyond the Twolegplace and bordering SkyClan territory was never good. "But it'd be even more dangerous to approach the eggs. There might be a twoleg keepin' watch over 'em, even at night." Did twolegs sit on their eggs like birds did? Or did they lurk beyond the trees, lying in wait to lunge at any threat to their unborn children? Either way, Slate's veins began to grow icy-feeling as he recalled the feeling of running right into a twoleg trap in the dead of night. The crunch of their large paws, the flame that they wielded casting a blinding light down onto his claustrophobia-inducing enclosure. That could not happen again.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
It's become increasingly common for Orangestar to cross paths with a patrol when she's out on a training hunt with Springpaw. Thinking about it, as she sees Slate's familiar shaded form from a distance, she should have realised that she'd run into Johnnyflame's patrol. The scent of twolegs hits her tongue and she stiffens, stepping in front of her apprentice; but their inscrutable neighbours seem preoccupied. Familiar conversation hits her ears - Figfeather, Eggshell - and Orangestar scales a tree to Johnnyflame's right for safety.

"I didn't know twolegs laid eggs." She muses thoughtfully, genuine in her statement. Like birds. Maybe they were just a featherless type of bird, like how a sparrow and a robin were similar. They must be incredibly small at their hatching - smaller than Clan kits - to fit in them. Interesting. "We'll keep a closer eye on this border for the next quarter moon, I think."

  • // @Springpaw
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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

With the discoveries that have been made on patrols he’s taken part of, Greeneyes can’t help the nerves that creep up on him sometimes. Though the lead warrior is glad that nothing out of sorts hasn’t been spotted so far, a spring-green gaze darts from tree to tree, his ears straining to pick up on any distant cries, any snapping of twigs — or, Johnnyflame’s call up ahead.

Twolegs. His eyes shift to his sister, to a shared memory that makes his blood run cold and makes his breath catch in his throat. Were they back to set more traps? Back to catch him and Figfeather, this time? He ushers Falconpaw back, before — just like his sister, and just like then — he springs toward dwindled foliage, tries to hide flaming fur from twoleg grasp.

They place things down with their strange paws of theirs, but it’s not the silvered traps that took his family away. It’s something colorful instead. Round — rock-like. Or… No. Egg-like? They retreat without further disturbance, and soon Greeneyes leaves the cover of his sparse hiding place to regroup with the patrol, just in time to hear Eggshell’s explanation.

Twoleg kits? “ the lead warrior echoes in disbelief. He didn’t think twolegs came from eggs — or, at least, not small ones like these. And a ceremony like that — to leave ones kits out in the cold for older kits to pick up — doesn’t make sense to him. It seems careless and odd. Do they do this all the time? Greeneyes hasn’t seen it before.

Figfeather suggests destroying the eggs and the tom looks to his littermate. “ Wouldn’t they be upset, then? We’d ruin their ceremony, and harm their… kits.

Colorful and shining; Greeneyes spots one in the distance that gleams in the sunlight. Perhaps if he were still an apprentice, still young and too curious for his own good, he would’ve taken a closer look at it. But he resists the urge to inspect its shimmer, to ruin a ceremony, to fall into a twoleg trap, and instead nods in response to Orangestar’s suggestion.​
  • // @falconpaw!
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Springpaw is following along closely to her mentor, but she's not exactly paying attention. Rather, she is distracted by the sheer beauty of the territory in new-leaf. She stops every so often to lower her head to a flower as she passes it by, inhaling the sweet perfume or lifting her head to watch a bug float by on the gentle breeze. Having been brought up during the icy grips of leaf-bare, all of this was so new to her. It is only when Orangestar suddenly steps protectively in front of her that she is brought back to reality. The hair along her spine raises and she looks cautiously out at the group of cats who's voices float into her ears. Eggs? Twoleg kits? That didn't sound that bad. Twolegs were nice, right?

When her mentor jumps into a tree, she quickly follows, her own attempt to claw her way up the trunk and scrabble onto a branch much less graceful than her mentor's but it was clear that she was making an effort, at least and it was a definite improvement over how she had done last week. Wheezing, she digs her claws into the soft bark as she tries to catch her breath before speaking. "Maybe... maybe we should just leave them alone" she says, finally regaining the missing air in her lungs. "We wouldn't wanna make 'em angry by hurting their kits, right?" she looks to her mentor, her leader with brows furrowed. If a twoleg came to their camp and hurt one of their youth they wouldn't like it very much, so Springpaw doesn't see why they should do it to them. Greeneyes, at least, seems to agree.
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  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
Tipping her head to the side, Puddlemist watched the Twolegs through narrowed blue eyes. The blue-point padded over to the group of cats, pausing beside Orangestar. A whisk of her plumed, feathery tail showed the younger warrior's curiosity. ''Aren't Twoleg kits bigger than that?'' The SkyClanner mewed, her voice soft. ''There was a day I was out in the territory hunting and I spotted a Twoleg holding a little, little Twoleg kit, as if it had been just born. They're bigger than those eggs.'' Puddlemist looked at Eggshell as her Clanmate spoke, then looked at the ground and shuffled her paws. The she-cat bunched her muscles, pelt rippling along her spine.

As her Clanmates jumped into the trees, Puddlemist followed with grace, standing up straight with her head and tail held high.
''Of course we don't wish to bring harm to their kits,'' Blue eyes turned to Springpaw as the young SkyClanner answered the apprentice's question. ''I know that Orangestar has the best intentions at heart, though I don't think the Twolegs will be here for much longer. A few days, at max.'' Puddlemist blinked. ''I'm not trying to undermine you, Orangestar. I was just answering Springpaw's question..''
𓆝 . ° ✦

Trying very hard not to allow her facial feature to warp into something unladylike, Sorrelsong trys her hardest to keep her disgust for twolegs to mar her face. The smell of them brought back memories. And memories brought tail lashing and loose lips.
"Twoleg kits can be any size," She mutters with conviction that surprises her. Does she know that? Does she know?
"Their presence here is disruptive to the prey. I wish they had at least a little bit of hunting experience, they're so loud I doubt the birds will perch here for days." The sight of them set fires under her paw pads. All of the ants in the forest seemed to suddenly find her fur the most hospitable bit of dirt they could find. She had to move.
"I'll hunt elsewhere." She annouced to no one really before heading in the opposite direction, trying her best not to break into a run despite the forest floor moving so quickly underfoot.
// in and out

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
His fellow lead warrior, Greeneyes, erred on the side of caution while Springpaw and another warrior, Puddlemist, spoke with a tone that suggested that harming the twoleg kits was an immoral act in itself. Springpaw was young and naive, not yet exposed to the horrors of twoleg capabilities, but Puddlemist's words struck a nerve within Slate.

The Maine Coon's amber eyes lit ablaze, turning his stern stare onto the blue point she-cat, "Let's be clear — I don't think any of us should give a damn about what happens to those eggs. They kill plenty of our kind for their own pleasure." Have they forgotten what happened to Daisyflight? If he and the other captured SkyClanners had been locked in the shelter for any longer, would they have succumbed to the same fate? Slate could not help but wonder every time he remembered those horrific events. Although the likes of Johnnyflame and several other daylight warriors had helped free them from that dreaded place, Slate still could not comprehend why they chose to remain loyal to those beasts.

The lead warrior huffs through his nostrils, now looking back toward the bipedals lingering in the distance. A deep-rooted disdain turns his scarred features utterly cold. "But... there is no winnin' against a twoleg. Engagin' 'em in any way is a death sentence." With their steel traps and their firesticks, the bipedal beasts had already won. Slate would put up a fight for his territory in a heartbeat, but a fight against twolegs is one he would avoid if he could help it. He hated them so much, what they did to cats like him, how much control they exerted over every living creature around them. If they were any smaller, he'd slaughter any that stood in his path.

Circling back to acknowledge Orangestar's suggestion, Slate flicked his bushy tail in agreement. At least she seemed to speak some sense and did not talk as if she sympathized for the twolegs. "Let's just hope they leave the forest after their eggs hatch." If the twolegs decided to inhabit the edge of SkyClan territory as a means of expanding their own territory, well... SkyClan may have to reevaluate the placement of their borders for their own safety.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
"Maybe we can snatch.. One. Just one?" He's curious to find out what's inside of the egg, maybe there was a twoleg kit inside! If that's so, maybe they could keep it! His tail whips behind him as he sniffs an egg curiously, wondering if a heartbeat would sound if he paid close enough attention to the shell. He presses his ear to the thing, waiting a few seconds- one, two, three, four.. Nothing.

"It's not alive. There's no heartbeat." He blinks owlishly, turning back to the patrol of cats with a grin. "We should take one, just one, Orangestar."
Springpaw scrabbles her way up alongside her mentor, and Orangestar is pleasantly surprised that she doesn't have to haul the young molly into the foliage. Despite her apprentice wheezing with the effort of it all, she's stable atop the branch, and after a moment Orangestar drops the guide of her tail from behind the black-and-white she-cat.

"No harm." Orangestar answers Puddlemist with a flick of her ear, as the warrior's apology follows her opinion on the topic. The gesture is dismissive, but not unkind. It seems that Sorrelsong, too, has opinions on the size of the twoleg kits, disappearing once more with a mutter and a whisk of chocolate fur.

"... But we'll increase patrols to the area regardless. If they try to set a single trap, we'll be prepared this time." It's been four seasons, she realises, since Fireflypaw had received the prophecy from Haku that forewarned of their Clanmates' captures. Ashenclaw, Slate ... Daisyflight ... Orangestar shuffles her paws atop the branch, expression hardening. It's only because of a pawful of warriors that they'd managed to retrieve most of their Clanmates. She hopes they will never lose more in the same way. Slate seems to be of a similar mind, and she nods at him if he makes eye contact. Another meow, however, makes her press her eyelids shut for a heartbeat.

"Fireflypaw, no," Orangestar hisses, exasperation clear in her meow in exactly the same way it had been when Blazestar had named Orangestar his deputy. The apprentice, half-grown back then, had danced around her with a similar mischief that radiates from him now. He likely knows her well enough to guess at her own curiosity, tampered down for her Clanmates' sake. If he were to snatch one when she wasn't looking, as opposed to right now when she is, he wouldn't get in as much trouble.

// mobile​
❪ TAGS ❫ Amber eyes watch the interaction between Orangestar and Fireflypaw as a smirk crosses the silver tom's face. He wouldn't mind messing with some twolegs... maybe not bringing any of their eggs close to camp, but perhaps somewhere else simply to mess with them - or to Firefly's point study them - wouldn't be a bad idea. All enemies were less scary after you knew something about them, after all rogues were just hungry and cruel cats after a while; not the shadows that scared him before the fight.
"Engaging them without understanding them is what makes it a death sentence," The tom corrects his brother. His claws slide in and out of small grooves in the branch beneathe him. Though Slate's history with twolegs is not forgotten Cloverjaw couldn't help but try to understand the beasts that nearly killed his brother. There had to be a reason - every animal had one. That wasn't to say the sight of them made him calm. Their odd gait and calls draws his tail up protectively behind the large charcoal tom.
At Orangestar's words, he made a mental note to ask her if he could lead a patrol, his eyes fixed on the eggs.


"... Twolegs lay eggs?" Pure inquisition, uncharacteristic of fiery rage that often spewed from Chrysaliswing's mouth, now fluttered from his lips. The tom had never seen such strange curios before, as though the very notion of them emerging from the thin-stalked creatures seemed too outlandish. What intrigued Chrys the most was how Fireflypaw remarked that there was no heartbeat within. Are Twolegs born without a heart or something? Mottled nose twitched as he sniffed at the air around the Twoleg egg, dagger-eyes whetting naught in fury but in examination and consternation. Sickeningly familiar stench of the sterile Twoleg dens wafted into his nostrils, and he snorted as if he were blowing it out as smoke. Bright against the shadows and agog against the quiet of the pine forest, the Skyclan warrior saw little use in laying eggs in such strangely conspicuous places. To the Twoleg, they might have been hidden, but to the acute feline, they might as well have been in plain sight. Stupid beasts. They're only alive because no other animal dares to mess with them.

"Let's not touch them further. The Twolegs will surely follow our scent trail and kill us all." The chimaera muttered, gaze now perched upon the smokestacks of the Twolegplace. He was ready to run, or at least meet beady-eyed glance of a Twoleg. He did not, but that did not quell his anticipation. "It might be a trap or something. You know how Twolegs are."

  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Getting this close to the twolegplace was not on their card for the firs thing they do when out of the medicine den. They should turn back, run for the hills and cry about it later. They shouldn’t be walking up as they had noticed a gathered group of their climates near the edge of the forest. They were watching something and their strong need to be nosy overtook their fear that felt like it would buckle their knees. What was going on? What was so interesting it seemed to bring everyone out?

Honeysplash peered past Chrysaliswing, like a dainty moth to an enraged flame, she had almost instantly gone to his side upon her approach with a curious glitter to mossy hues, “Whatre we looking at?” She asked with awe and then turned. The two legs seemed to be doing something, with colorful eggs on the ground and kits screamed with excitement that made them flatten their ears slightly.

Though this seemed- familiar. She has even this before, but a very long time ago when she lived with her two legs. They had done something similar because she remembered finding one of these colorful eggs and eating it. Then getting violently ill afterwards for a week straight because she hadn’t noticed the rotten smell over this spicy scent. Though she couldnt quite place the name or why they did this. And these eggs didnt seem the same either. Interesting, “Maybe it’s something fun they do?

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: puddlemist
Puddlemist's blue eyes blinked, relief pooling into their depths as Orangestar acknowledged her apology. She turned to Chrysaliswing as the tom appeared, and then to Honeysplash. A wave of her feathery tail was her greeting to her fellow warriors. Though a faded blue-gray ear flicked with irritation at Chrysaliswing's remark, Puddlemist ignored it altogether. ''Perhaps,'' The young SkyClanner answered Orangestar's littermate, Honeysplash. ''Though, as Fireflypaw said, there's no heartbeat, so I doubt that there are Twoleg kits inside of them.'' The warrior gestured to the seal-point medicine apprentice with a flick of her muzzle.

"They look like toys," Peachpaw mumbled. It wasn't uncommon for her two-legs to bring strange objects home and mess around with them. On occasion, they allow her to play with whatever soft, squishy thing that was left on the floor. She had plenty of colorful toys at home. Maybe she could swap one of these eggs with a toy. Then the clan would definitely know what it was. They seem oddly familiar, but she couldn't remember what it was.

"If they leave it on the grass for a few days, they don't want it." Peachpaw really hoped that Orangestar would let them take one. She was so curious. Maybe they were actually bird eggs or two-leg kits, but if we wait too long, something else will definitely take the eggs for themselves. Or squish them. Once they hatch, they could decide if it's food or weird clanmates. Peachpaw would love to try one if it were actually food.