SkyClan Mentor/Apprentice Tracker - Updated 11.18.23

Name: Prince Pea
Age: 7 moons old
Brief personality: prince pea is a rather energetic little cat. he is kind of impulsive which can get him into shenanigans. but overall he is a good listener and is always trying to win the approval of others. He does tend to over do it because of his size but he means well. He loves a challenge and will never let his mentor down if he can help it. Although he doesn't have too much experience with anything and will often fail at some things despite trying his heart out.
What are you looking for in a mentor: a mentor that is patient and will take his size into account when training him. Someone that won't snap at him or they will get the ugly crying. but they can be positive and push him to do his best
Any other notes?: nopeee!
Name: pearlkit (pearlpaw)
Age: 4 moons come september meeting ^_^
Brief personality: hyperactive, loud, silly & kitten-like
What are you looking for in a mentor: ANYTHING. And anyone who’ll deal with her stupid questions
Any other notes?: shes around semi-active! aiming for 10 posts a month :)
Name: Cinderkit ---> Cinderpaw
Age: 3 moons, 4 moons on September 1st
Brief personality: Energetic, friendly, determined, and wants to be of use to her Clan.
What are you looking for in a mentor: Someone patient enough to deal with her initial excitability
Any other notes?: Because she's a bit awkward about close contact, her main strengths will lie in tracking, speed, and hunting.
Name: Lokisaurus
Rank: Tiggerbounce
Brief personality: Jovial, go-with-the-flow, tactless
Specialties: Marsh colony - style stalking techniques, more suited to hunting and fighting in a swampy territory than in trees.
Any other notes?: Most likely the last resort due to his reputation as being lazy and not particularly involved in clan life. Would most likely teach any apprentice he has the importance of enjoying life and having a good time - big Baloo energy.
Name: @Hazelbeam
Rank: Daylight Warrior
Brief personality: [Tags for reference] Hazel is a patient, cheerful and fairly goodnatured cat who understands the severity of clan life well enough she won't coddle or baby an apprentice though she is a bit more gentle than most mentors might be. She won't push for perfection and is a firm believer that as long as you're trying your best that progression will come naturally. She handles bad behavior and tempers with an aloof amusement andn rarely gets angry, choosing instead to try and direct that anger into something productive.
Specialties: While no slouch in a fight, Hazelbeam excells more in hunting and has adapted nicely to SkyClan's tree climbing enough to teach that as well. Primarily her main skills are in tracking and stalking.
Any other notes?: N/A
Name: littlepaw
Age: four moons
Brief personality: little ( right now ) is a temperamental apprentice, running head-first into danger without a second thought about what might happen to him. he’s reckless and believes if he can’t do everything on his own, then why bother? he’s kind, but that tends to be overshadowed by his short temper, often reigned in, but can be explosive when he’s poked enough. he’s rather quiet, never once has he raised his voice, speaking softly almost meek-like. appearances can be deceiving. but here’s his tags.
What are you looking for in a mentor: i’m not entirely sure! someone who has enough patience to deal with his temper? or someone that’s stern enough to put some sense into his head that he can’t do everything on his own. but i’m not picky!
Any other notes?: none !
Name: @Dog
Rank: Warrior
Brief personality: A quiet and well put together cinnamon tabby who comes from a hard background. Has a softer personality for those that give them the time of day. Expresses a far more reserved side to anyone else. Willing to spend time training as well as spend quality time with their apprentice. Current events for him is that he's losing weight rapidly due to the rogues and lack of prey. During the first moon or so of training he will be acting starkly different to how they usually are.
Specialties: Despite his bedraggled appearance Dog can hold his own in a fight. However, he does struggle with vision and so he relies more heavily on sound and scent. Excellent at hunting underground rodents.
Any other notes?: Please, check his tags for any other relevant information!
Name: Drizzlepelt
Rank: Warrior
Brief personality: Overall Drizzlepelt is a kind cat, he can be overly emotional at times but he’s hard working and what you’d expect out of a warrior! As a mentor he won’t be lenient but he won’t be super strict, pretty casual. Better with a cat who will be nice to him, too mean and he’ll lose patience.
Specialties: Climbing; he will be okay teaching most things, though combat is probably his weakest.
Any other notes?: He’s a cat I can reply with fairly easy, shouldn’t be too much holdup on my end!
Name: @APPLE STEM (Applefrost by the next meeting)
Rank: Warrior
Brief personality: A bit distant and not entirely present in conversation. Still very determined, loyal, and above all else a strict rule-follower. Apple enjoys a bit of fun and innocent nonsense, but takes her responsibility in the Clan very seriously.
Specialties: Fighting, Diplomacy, History
Any other notes?: Shes a bit whimsical and might be a bit unorthodox in training until she finds a good balance
Name: Pollenpaw
Age: 5 moons
Brief personality: Friendly, curious, oblivious, enthusiastic, very well-intentioned.
What are you looking for in a mentor: Ideally someone who can match Polly's energy; someone she'd want to have fun or just spend time with and maybe come to view as an older sibling or parental-esque figure. She's a bit dense, forgetful, and easily distracted so someone on the more patient side would be great.
Any other notes?: N/A
Name: Tigerscar
Rank: Daylight Warrior
Brief personality: Outwardly, he's cheerful, playful, and friendly. In reality, Tigerscar is callous, cruel, and sadistic. He hides this well enough, with only the occasional slip, but his lack of patience and impulsive behavior is clear for all to see.
Specialties: Climbing trees, attacking from trees, hunting from trees.
Any other notes?: Tiger might encourage some bad behavior ngl...
𓆝 . ° ✦ Name: Circe
Age: 37 moons (recently joined)
Brief personality: Naive, stubbron, hard working and ready to prove herself Circe wants to be like her late brother Shadowfire in all things clan. She wants to be a good warrior like him, whatever it takes. Despite this, she struggles greatly with the idea of hurting anyone or anything, so hunting and fighting are things she hates, but ironically has somewhat of a knack for.
What are you looking for in a mentor: Someone who will not deal with her excuses and urge her to practice more fighting/hunting as a way to serve her clan.
Any other notes?: She wants to be good at climb. She is. NOT.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Name: Springkit
Age: 3 moons but will be 4 moons on the 1st
Brief personality: Sensitive, bleeding-heart. Springkit is a dreamer who wants everyone to get along all the time and when she doesn’t get her way she is prone to boughts of crying. She is not tough in any sense of the word, any pain or resistance will be met with immediate discomfort or dislike for the activity they are partaking in. She is shy until she gets to know the cats she is around and then one will find that she has a big mouth, that she isn’t afraid to speak her mind and has little idea of what consequences are.
What are you looking for in a mentor: someone firm but kind that can be understanding but unyielding to her more sensitive and childish nature.
Any other notes?: none
Name: Bumblebee
Rank: Warrior
Brief personality: Somewhat snarky at times but very humble and adaptable, comes off as gentle and encouraging to others and very expressive
Specialties: Stalking, Ambush, and Fighting
Any other notes?: Bumblebee is mute so it may be harder to communicate but he is definitely someone who will try their best with training even without the usage of words <3
Name: Beetleback
Rank: Warrior
Brief personality: A playful warrior who is laid-back and appears to be unserious. Tactless when it comes to expressing himself and may come off as insensitive towards others. Simply wants to bring cheer to others.
Specialties: Really skilled in battling and is not afraid to teach underhand tactics. One may argue it's not honorable, but he would push for the notion that survival is all that matters in the heat of battle. Has faced many threats and is able to teach apprentices how to fight threats found within skyclan and how to track them.
Any other notes?: nope!

Name: Softpaw (@SOFTPAW ♡ )
Age: 8 moons
Brief personality: Bubbly, naive & outgoing
What are you looking for in a mentor: Someone who can be hard on her & push her when necessary, but will overall be patient and helpful/encouraging
Any other notes?: Even a mentor who doesn't entirely fit who could bring potential interesting development would be okay!
just a note that this thread is severely outdated and will need to be revamped, bear with me between now and the next meeting for its updates but I am noting these down!
Name: @Dogbite
Rank: Lead Warrior
Brief personality: A quiet and well put together cinnamon tabby who comes from a hard background. Has a softer personality for those that give them the time of day. Expresses a far more reserved side to anyone else. Willing to spend time training as well as spend quality time with their apprentice. Current events for him is that he's still coping with the loss of his friend and trying to find a balance with his new position. He'll want to be way more involved with his next apprentice.
Specialties: Despite his bedraggled appearance Dog can hold his own in a fight and is loyal to only Skyclan. Thoughtful, calculating, and sturdy. They're also an incredible tracker with a strong sniffer. However, he does struggle with vision and so he relies more heavily on sound and scent. He does best at hunting rodents.
Any other notes?: His apprentice would need to match their pace with a high activity of 15+ posts per month (a little less is fine but I am wanting a lot of engagement) you can find more information about them in their tags.

Name: Momowhisker
Rank: Daylight Warrior
Brief personality: Non-confrontational, puts on a guise of being calm and assured in himself but gets anxious very quickly in new scenarios. He's very social and likable but has selfish goals and struggles to wield authority which means that he might struggle with unrulier apprentices.
Specialties: Competent at fighting, tracking and mediating!
Any other notes?: Momo is a more casual character (likely to have >10 posts a month) but I respond quickly to tagged threads && private threads with him and would prefer having an apprentice that can do the same!! <3