The walk back to camp is nothing more than a blur in her lone eye. She looks forward while she walks, but her gaze is glazed over, far away and distant. The usually bright medicine cat an unpolished, dulled down version of herself. How is it possible to have experienced so much agonizing loss in a life so short? Her mother, her brother, her friends, her children and now her apprentice. No one she cared about was safe from whatever curse surely plagued her. She is thankful, at least, for the patrol that accompanies her back to their hollow. Without them she would be untethered, no doubt still sitting by the thunderpath, losing hours to her grief as she waits for him to return just like she had done when he had stayed behind with those injured on the journey.
When finally they make it home, her first instinct is to head straight for her den and collapse into herself in private. But the idea of that cavernous space, made so much emptier by Magpiepaw's absence, makes her sway on her paws. Her paws. Stars. Her solitary gaze flickers downwards to discover red still staining the white. Blood. His blood. She can hear the murmur of clanmates as they begin to take notice of the somber patrol, of the state of their medicine cat. She can see it in their eyes as they take stock of the patrol and begin to put the pieces together. "Magpiepaw is gone" she chokes the words out before anyone else can. The news was her burden, after all. He had been her apprentice. "He was- he was struck by a monster and then taken. I do not know if he's coming back" Deadpan. She barely recognizes the voice that comes from her own lips. She feels disconnected, like a bird with no wings.
// This thread takes place immediately after this one

A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.