Today, he had been out on the dawn patrol. Dusk was his favorite, but there is something magical too about the early morning when the world is first waking up, when the sun paints the sky for the first time that day. It reminds him of his sister, the one who was named after the SkyClan medicine cat who helped to deliver him and his siblings into the world. It is a gorgeous day out, the kind that you could spend every second working and you wouldn't be mad because it was so nice out and when they finally get back to camp, he is in pretty good spirits.

He makes his way over to the fresh-kill pile and picks out a nice plump squirrel, a definitive sign that leaf-bare was out and new-leaf was here. There were many things to celebrate right now. How nice it was outside, how soon they would be eating good again, and of course, the impending arrival of his kits. The creature's tail brushes the ground as he makes his way over to the nursery to deliver breakfast to his mate. "I broff oo somun' " his words are barely audible through the squirrel in his mouth, which he promptly deposits in front of Roeflame. "Have you eaten yet?" he hopes she hasn't because he is starving and sharing a meal with his mate is the last thing that would make this day absolutely perfect.

He settles into place next to her, black brushing against silver just like it had when she still occupied the warriors den. He misses her at night, but is glad that at least he can still spend time with her during the day and speaking of daytime "I wish you could still come out and patrol with me" he says after taking a bite from the squirrel he had brought then passing it to her "It was such a gorgeous day out. New-leaf is in full swing now, the sun was warm and the prey? It was practically leaping into our paws!" his amused purr rumbles in his chest as he speaks.

// please wait for @ROEFLAME .

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
When her beloved mate plops himself next to her smelling of the forest and freshly dewed soil, that is Burnstorms first mistake.
Since just about the day Roeflame had settled into the nursery, her paws had been itching to break out, plan a secret escape into even just the ravine.
Yet, then wolves had made a presence in her forest, and not even Roeflame would take such a big risk, not when it came to her unborn children.
At his question, the cinnamon queen shakes her head, blinking gratefully at the prey he brought for her.
Despite her envy, it does not keep Roeflame from curling comfortably against his familiar flank, her second home.
I wish you could still patrol with me.
A cord of irritability is struck, but Roeflame only hums in soft agreement, biting back a snarky you don’t understand the half of it.
Sliding the meal closer towards her, the next words to come tumbling out of Burnstorms sweet, ignorant maw cause the rosetted molly to stop cold.
”Y’know what- just shush. Shhh…” She cannot keep the sarcasm from her tongue this time as she pushes the prey at him, celadon hues narrowed, scathing. As though the only gesture she can make in place of a cuff over his ear, Roeflame would reach a forepaw up, pressing it against his maw in order to keep his lips from opening once more.
”Not another word from you.” Roeflame doesn’t think she could handle another peep about how nice the sun felt on his back as he ventured through the forest, or how the birds chirped.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Haha
Reactions: BURNSTORM
Raccoonstripe just happens to be approaching the nursery, wanting to check in on the queens who have their paws full with both abandoned and pending kits, when he hears Burnstorm brag to his campbound mate about how great the sun felt on his pelt while he was out hunting. His mouth twitches into a hearty smile. No doubt all three of the nursery’s newest residents are missing the morning dew under their paws, the smear of blood fresh from a kill. Flamewhisker is known for being one of the Clan’s best hunters; Roeflame and Moonwhisper, too, had never had idle paws before being sentenced to the nursery.

The tabby’s smile widens as Roeflame lifts a paw and presses it firmly against the dark warrior’s mouth. He takes a few steps closer, his tail lifted and curling inwardly behind him. “Thought you had more tact than that, nephew,” he teases, drawing closer and wrapping his tail around his mismatched paws. “You’re lucky Roeflame has a soft spot for you. I think Nightbird might’ve clawed my ears off.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

  • Haha
Reactions: BURNSTORM

"I have half a mind to destroy him myself." While not part of the conversation she had heard every last foolish word dribbled from her brother's maw and while she and Roeflame were not exactly that close she had seriously considered rising from her comfortable nest to go and bite him before the fawn striped molly had done so. She was already in a poor mood from how many kits had been dumped into the nursery before any of them have even given birth yet, ruining her quiet solitude before the oncoming storm, and the reminder of a world outside the camp that she longed to return to left a bitter taste in her mouth. Moonwhisper wasn't exactly thrilled about her captivity, an honorable duty her tail, she wished she had more sense than to let herself be blissfully swept up in the delight of her new mate but of course she hadn't and now here she was. The price of love, apparently.
"We should practice our hunting skills still in camp, Burnstorm would make good prey."


  • 75204781_kmRWM9XaLmDg6Vg.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes

Skyclaw visits the nursery infrequently at best - with his brother's mate and his sister there, he feels some sort of duty in making sure the queens are well taken care of. Flamewhisker, too, since she's now the deputy (or, rather, was. She would return to the position soon enough, but he had to defer to his uncle for now.) That said, he's not too full of his own brawn such like Burnstorm is, freely sharing with the nursery hopes and desires that they, in their current, rounded states, cannot enjoy. He has half a mind to keep walking and avoid the queens and their hissing - but then a thought blips into his head, and something of a smarmy grin fits on his face.

"Burnstorm," he greets his brother, "hurry with your meal. We've got another patrol to the RiverClan border." He makes a point to look over the two she-cats, as casual as he can. "We've made those fish-eaters turn tail twice now, we did. Burnstorm himself has scrapped with one of their leads, I'm certain. Pulled out tufts of their fur and everything," his lies are too easily spoken, a bit of a grimace hiding beneath his sly smile. Skyclaw's tail twitches, "Shame you lot won't be able to catch your claws into any water-pelt soon. Don't worry - Burnstorm has it covered. Don't you, brother?" he turns his attention to the black furred tom, grinning still.​
  • Crying
Reactions: BURNSTORM
Adderpaw had no desire for relationships, nonetheless the idea of bringing kits into the world and quite frankly couldn't understand why anyone else would want to either. They're just mewling, vulnerable scraps that can either die too fast from the harshness of winter or the talons of a red tailed hawk in a matter of seconds and cause everyone who loved it extreme loss and pain. He rather focus on he, himself, and the roly-polies covering the ThunderClan soil.

So when he overheard the bickering conversations from the mates in the nursery, the small tomcat perked his ears from his setting against the mixture of dirt and sand beneath him and shuffled his way over. He only moved his shoulders and paws, trying to stealthily crawl along the campground as to not be seen by anyone entering, nor by possibly anyone inside. Was there gossip behind those bramble walls, information just behind his reach to use? He just wanted to get to know more about them, he'd swear up and down to StarClan if someone caught him and asked him why he was sneaking around the nursery. No one cared what he did, but Adderpaw didn't know that and would easily give any of his plans away if even questioned in passing.

A purr vibrated through his throat as Burnstorm unknowingly yanked his partner's tail, his words about camping probably slicing through Roeflame like claws he imagined. What would it be like to argue with someone you love, someone you chose instead of the family you were given? Sometimes the thought wandered its way into his mind, an invasion he wished he could make disappear with any powers he may possess inside of him (he didn't, but he liked to imagine he did sometimes). Raccoonstripe wandered in next and Adderpaw sat up at the lead warrior did so, puffing out his chest in a very exaggerated manner to seem presentable to him. Ever since his first interaction with the other stripped warrior, the apprentice found himself wanting to please the temporary deputy as well as he could to make it up to him for being... well, him. Moonwhisper was after and then Skyclaw, neither he knew of but knew about. But he seems to know a lot about his clanmates, but you'd have to look through the tangled web of lies like ribbons in his mind to find whatever truths he may know about someone.

Skyclaw's taunting produced a giggle from deep in Adderpaw's chest, covering his maw to hopefully silence himself just a bit. He was sure he'd be caught at any moment, but it's not like he'd get in trouble... right? Maybe he should just step out and show himself, allowing everyone to see him...! No, no. Adderpaw didn't like to be seen, so he kept his distance yet again but decided to mumble through through the leaves: "if you like being out of camp so much, why'd you decide to have kits?" It was a genuine question, and he really wondered the answer. But it wasn't exactly said in the kindest of terms. He wouldn't be surprised though if no one heard his little comment, it was pretty soft-spoken as usual anyway.​