private SO I'LL TAKE THE NIGHT SHIFT ✦ florabreeze


// CW: Mentions of blood, violence, death, nausea; panic attacks.

As late winter furiously consumes itself in frost, Doeblaze dreams of snow. She stands sunken into it, drenched to the elbows as her body heat casts its ghostly rays. Her chest is tight with a fire that doesn't unspool, her eyes sharply dry. As she waits, the drifts coalesce into peaks like claws and gaping sky, and she's watching Gentlestorm say goodbye to Little Wolf, his great pale body hunched over her small black one, her scarlet wings spread against the snow.

The world lists sickly, warbling bands of queasy color that bring nausea to life in her belly, and then she's watching the scene that haunts her. A tiny lilac body hunches over a golden one, both of them smudged around the edges, the tabby dipped to her elbows in sticky red. She squeezes her eye shut against the feeling of hot, slavering breath on her heels, and the scene blurs stubbornly against her sun-flaring eyelid.

As the lilac tabby looks over her shoulder and parts her jaws, saying something Doeblaze can't make out, she feels her own paws move. When she looks down, they're bright crimson, and the tabby's lips move soundlessly as she strikes true. The world is snow-muffled and void of sound, but the feeling of a throat under her teeth is clear enough.

Her muzzle is bloodslick, strings of thick copper connecting her teeth to the cat's spasming throat. The fur between her claws shifts in a nauseous miasma of black and lilac. A dark tabby figure watches her from the edge of the clearing, then dissolves into a column of snow. Seeping splashes of scarlet steam in the white world around her.

A biting gasp greets her as she wakes. Her chest is iron-paneled, her mouth full of the taste of the metal, her head throbbing in time with the frantic beats of her heart. Doeblaze swallows thickly, probes her cheek delicately and finds the ragged skin of a bite wound there. In the heartbeat it takes her to canvass the situation, she becomes acutely aware: Someone's touching me. There is a body persistently nudging at the corners of her own, and it is only by the fortune of how recognizable it is she doesn't leap free of her seething skin.

Florabreeze. Right. She can't even see the sky in the cracks for how dense the snow atop the bramble bush is. It is persistently disorienting. Doeblaze works herself through a shuddering exhale with the precision of moons of practice. It's her second leaf-bare in the forest. It is sometime after sunset. She's in the warriors' den—there's a collective rhythmic breathing and the strong pine–smell of many bodies—and Florabreeze is with her. Because of the storm, her mind helpfully supplies, and she inhales tightly.

The storm. Right. Leaf-bare's last petty gasp, a final reminder that newleaf didn't have its claws around them all quite yet. Her final walk back to camp had been done in a blizzard so thick she could hardly see, navigating by internal compass alone, and it had been her insistence that Florabreeze stay with her rather than try to walk all the way home in such a mess. It does little to help with the persistent, prey-animal roiling of her unruly skin, which screams that the reality of Florabreeze's warm body against her own reeks of danger.

Her breaths are still coming knotted in her chest, she realizes distantly, and her efforts at sucking in slower ones only seem to be speeding it up. She squeezes her burning eye shut and tries to salvage the fragments of whatever dream has distressed her so. Snow and blood clotting her teeth, and golden fur, and a dark tabby figure watching. They mean nothing, these leftovers, and they do nothing to ease the harshness of her splintery, shaky breaths, which rip through her chest like the howling wind through the trees.

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
58 moons old as of 2/5/2025
penned by dejavu


Her stomach is lined with stones as she returned to the warriors den for the first time since Kite was found out for their crimes. In truth she hadn't intended to return here but she finds herself needing to as the shards of jagged snow pelt the land, a storm that she can't possibly hope to blindly stumble her way though. She had thanked Doeblaze for her kindness but now that she reclines in the moss lined with her smell, far away from the spot she had been used to sharing in the den... It's dizzying, uncanny to her. She wouldn't bite the hand that feeds, this is a gift of generosity from a dear friend and she would be quite the fool to rescind that.

So Florabreeze makes do, shifting and turning until she had found her spot that felt the most comfortable, she considered apologising to Doeblaze for it, maybe cracking a joke. Nothing comes to mind so she had just once again practically sang her gratitude for her kindness and that she would hardly notice that the Maine Coon was here. Which was... Practically impossible considering the fact she eclipses the smaller warrior. It's strange, she thinks as she rests her head, long tufts of fur dusting across her nose. Back pressed to the side of the she-cat, feeling the rising and falling of ribs. Finally greeted with that warmth that she had yearned for when the frosted glass of a window seperated them. She's a kind friend, that last word lingers in her mind. Yes. Her friend, a good one at that, probably one of if not the very best that she has.

Florabreeze drifts to sleep with ease for once, she had really considered that the howling winds and the bitter cold would become too distracting. The snores and hums of her clanmates filtered the noise, in a way with all these softs sounds it was no different to hearing the raging blizzard from the reinforced thicker walls of her own home. At some point in her sleep she shuffles to be facing the one eyed tabby, paw curled up in front of her face to protect her nose from the lingering bitter chills. If anything she had shuffled closer to Doeblaze during her rest, seeking out the warmth that intensified as the pair rested.

In comparison she had slept quite well, for once her dreams were void of a tabby phantom, no piercing green eyes, no tear like scars. Just a peaceful darkness, flitters of memories from her childhood, morphing to dreams of what tommorow might look like, though she believes it might be far fetched to think she's turning into a large pine tree tomorrow and all her friends turning into little birds building nests amongst her branches for her to keep safe. It's peaceful, so peaceful that she doesn't wake up until not long after Doeblaze's stirring to conciousness. Bright eyes open blearily as she nuzzles her muzzle further into her own paw, subsequently nuding both her paw and forehead against the lilac tabbys shoulder. Long brown tail draping itself across the other warrior, there's a minute where she believes that she's waking up somewhere else, with someone else.

The rapid breathing corrects her. Recognition dawning on her face as she can practically feel the anxiety from Doeblaze transfer into her own pelt. "Mm? Doeblaze?" Her meow is soft, a drawl lazily spoken as her tongue works to catch up with her slowly waking brain. "Hey, it's okay" she isn't very well versed in what to do in these situations, damn her if she's not going to try regardless. "You're okay, it's okay. You're safe" that's usually a cause right? A feeling of unease? Paranoia? She pauses before hesitantly removing her tail from resting ontop of her body, curling it beside her instead just in case the extra warmth was feeling particularly overwhelming currently.

  • WvPXcWf.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 42 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

" Florabreeze, " she gasps, not quite sure whether it's a warning or a plea. Snakes coil itchy-scaled under her teeming skin, a shifting mass of serpentine bodies that leave her ready to shed her pelt and dissolve into the sky, like the cat from her dream. She seethes when she's this wired, yearns to vibrate out of her traitorous flesh and scrape herself free of the prison of it. Her skin turns convulsive, her ribs constrictive—her whole body screeches for an escape.

The bleary heat of Florabreeze's fluffy fur against hers sears, demands a retribution by claw. Her instinct tugs her sideways and backwards, alternately beseeching her to flee or to fight. It's making her head spin, or perhaps that's the tight, distinct absence of fresh air in her chest—her throat feels tight-wound and breathless, her gasps through her parted jaws as lost as windcarried smoke. She feels tattered, lost to mountain gales and scattered to the four winds.

She chokes out an, " I'm sorry. " She squeezes her eye shut. It's her second leaf-bare in the forest. It's sometime in the night. She's in the warriors' den, and Florabreeze is here. Florabreeze is here, murmuring sleepy comforts a whisker-length away and retracting her tabby tail as if she can sense the unease roiling under Doeblaze's flesh, itching right down to her bones. Florabreeze—she hesitantly cracks her eye—isn't… upset?

You're okay, it's okay. You're safe. She stares fixedly—desperately, really—at Florabreeze's concerned features, hoping the brilliant acid-bloom of her eyes might anchor her in reality. Her dream haunts her in the taste of her own blood cooling on her molars, in the brisk flakes that whistle down through the shaft of moonlight, newly opened as a chunk gives way and explodes soundlessly between two nests. Gratefully, she lifts her face towards the paltry ration of light and cold air, sucking in icy breaths and exhaling humid old memories.

Her breath rattles, but the rabbit-thump of her heart slows. " I'm okay, " she repeats shakily, trying to drive the iron conviction home in her spasming heart. " I'm okay. " It takes a long, ragged moment for her to ease herself down a notch, from a sprint to a lope.

Embarassment's hot breath hits her heels and she winces. Not only had she woken Florabreeze, she'd forced her to sit here and console her, as if she were a feverish kit. She had offered the dark tabby her nest, only to disrupt her much-deserved rest… it's almost funny. The past seems intent on ruining everything for her, no matter how indirectly. It steals not only her sleep, but potentially, her nearest chance at a good friend in a long time.

She clears her throat rustily. " I'm sorry I woke you, " she manages weakly. Her pulse throbs against the base of her throat like a living thing, as if the overactive organ is lodged in her windpipe. It's forceful, the tuneless melody it beats against her ribs.

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
58 moons old as of 2/5/2025
penned by dejavu


There are heart beats spent in silence, as she tries to assertain just what it was that bothered Doeblaze. How could she help? Fangs prod at her maw, threatening to split the fragile skin closest to the inner section of flesh. There's a threat of a metallic pang but she withholds. Instead her expression furrows, keeping her tail away from the lilac tabby's side just in case that was the cause of such a panicked state. There was a feeling that wasn't the case but it was better to act on it than leaving it being a lingering pest. Instead she tries to walk herself through such states, when she wakes up upon a particularly nasty dream, of which seemed to increase lately. It's horrible to think but truly she's impressed at just how poised Doeblaze seems even in her worst states, admiring how she anchors herself with that angled of a soft head and greedy gulps of ice cold air.

"You're okay" she coos, a timid smile finding it's way to her maw. She has to be okay, not ready to deal with a reality where something could send her friend over the edge too. Beside her trapped underneath hindlegs a coiled fluffy tail flicks. Yearning to brush against her friend in support, knowing it would do nothing to soothe her aching nerves or frenzied state. It's how she shows she cares, how she shows she loves, something she thinks that Doeblaze needs but not in the way she's used to expressing. Instead she relies on words of comfort, hoping that's enough to throw a life rafter towards her. "You're okay" she repeats, tone kept levelled and soft as to not wake up anyone surrounding them. It's intimate, she realizes with shock and there's a small cough, acting as in she choked on her own saliva then the pitiful attempt of clearing her throat it is.

Florabreeze brings a paw to soothe her fluffed up tail, twitching in concern. Whiskers wobble as she herself takes a deep breath, one in relief that she seems to be calming herself down. Bringing herself back from whatever jagged cliffs edge that assumed dream must have threatened to nosedive her emotions towards, her stability. "I was awake the whole time" she mrrs in an attempt at humour, a clear lie by how rugged her inflection sounded from her half asleep state. "You're fine, Doeblaze. I'd rather you wake me then go through this alone" it's sincere, sickingly earnest and sweet. She hates how saccherine it sounds, though it's brought out of her regardless. It's the truth, the scarred she-cat had seen her at her lowest points, pitiful and grieving seperated by a sheet of glass.

This is the least she could do, and yet she wants to do more. Wants to chase away whatever it was that troubled her, something she's certain must be a complex web to navigate. "Did you wanna talk about it?" She lets the offer hang in the still air, pushed between a cold stray breeze and heavy snores from those who were still blissfully asleep. There was no desire to prod, even if she wanted to know what mattered the most was making sure that Doeblaze was doing okay.

  • WvPXcWf.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 42 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
  • Love
Reactions: DOEBLAZE

Ragged, she feels ragged all over—sleep-rumpled fur, hollow eyes, throat scraped raw with a roadkill scream. Anchored to the world only by the slice of cold light and Florabreeze's luminous green eyes, she curls into herself, tucking chin to chest and tail to flank as if, condensed, she can hide from memory. It stalks past like the great cat had passed her and Gentlestorm, the heavy smell of feline replaced by the coldness of copper and fresh snowfall. Once more, though, she isn't alone.

Shakily, she exhales. " I will be, " she manages, muffled by the dense fur of her chest, where she's nested her muzzle. Her voice has gone gossamer in an effort not to wake anyone else; their mrrows mingle in the air in a soft quilting of sounds. If anyone else were handling her this softly, this sweetly, she would recoil—she might well slip free of her skin and run raw and red under the curve of the moon. Instead, she goes rabbit-downy without the flight, wide-eyed and disbelieving among the nodding heads of flowers.

" I'm still sorry, " she breathes out. It's shaky, but it's steadier than it has been since she woke. She has Florabreeze to thank for that, she realizes, and though she hates to ask more of the dark tabby—her chest is still seizing, her throat getting hiccupy with what she knows to be a delayed flocking of tears. Back when only dogs and eagles stalked her nights, when she slept under a lacework of elderberry, she used to tuck herself against Blazestar's side and listen to the steady thunder of his heart until her breathing eased.

At the memory, her breathing goes ragged again, hoarse and wolfish in her throat. It's as if the barbed wire that shielded the furthest reaches of Twolegplace has laced itself tenderly around her neck and squeezed. The tenderness of Florabreeze's questioning, softer than she deserves, pulls it taut. Abruptly, she wraps her forelegs around the expanse of Florabreeze's shoulders and buries her damp and working face in the fluff of her neck, shoulders shaking. " Do you mind if I—I'm sorry, I just— " she stammers, muffled by dark fur.

Her forepaws curl into a dense tabby pelt like it's all tethering her to the world, long-held tears slipping into curls of brown fur. Florabreeze's pelt is thick, her body warm, and with her muzzle tucked into the other's neck, she can hear the great hoofclaps of her heartbeat, fuzzy as if submerged. With her eyes squeezed shut, she can pretend, just for a moment, that sad blue eyes will meet her own when she lifts her head, that the fur she presses into is golden, that she inhales the scent of elderberry.

" I'm sorry, " she says, again, weakly, as she pulls her face from the other's neck. Her lashes are matted with dew, her eye sore with weeping out what feels like moons of unshed tears, her ears hot with shame. Doeblaze wants to be too ashamed to meet Florabreeze's eye, but instead, she tips her head up and indulges the sight of brilliant greens. It's been moons, seasons, since she felt held like this. " Can… Could we just stay like this for a minute? …Please? "

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
59 moons old as of 3/5/2025
penned by dejavu