- May 5, 2023
- 681
- 259
- 63

As late winter furiously consumes itself in frost, Doeblaze dreams of snow. She stands sunken into it, drenched to the elbows as her body heat casts its ghostly rays. Her chest is tight with a fire that doesn't unspool, her eyes sharply dry. As she waits, the drifts coalesce into peaks like claws and gaping sky, and she's watching Gentlestorm say goodbye to Little Wolf, his great pale body hunched over her small black one, her scarlet wings spread against the snow.
The world lists sickly, warbling bands of queasy color that bring nausea to life in her belly, and then she's watching the scene that haunts her. A tiny lilac body hunches over a golden one, both of them smudged around the edges, the tabby dipped to her elbows in sticky red. She squeezes her eye shut against the feeling of hot, slavering breath on her heels, and the scene blurs stubbornly against her sun-flaring eyelid.
As the lilac tabby looks over her shoulder and parts her jaws, saying something Doeblaze can't make out, she feels her own paws move. When she looks down, they're bright crimson, and the tabby's lips move soundlessly as she strikes true. The world is snow-muffled and void of sound, but the feeling of a throat under her teeth is clear enough.
Her muzzle is bloodslick, strings of thick copper connecting her teeth to the cat's spasming throat. The fur between her claws shifts in a nauseous miasma of black and lilac. A dark tabby figure watches her from the edge of the clearing, then dissolves into a column of snow. Seeping splashes of scarlet steam in the white world around her.
A biting gasp greets her as she wakes. Her chest is iron-paneled, her mouth full of the taste of the metal, her head throbbing in time with the frantic beats of her heart. Doeblaze swallows thickly, probes her cheek delicately and finds the ragged skin of a bite wound there. In the heartbeat it takes her to canvass the situation, she becomes acutely aware: Someone's touching me. There is a body persistently nudging at the corners of her own, and it is only by the fortune of how recognizable it is she doesn't leap free of her seething skin.
Florabreeze. Right. She can't even see the sky in the cracks for how dense the snow atop the bramble bush is. It is persistently disorienting. Doeblaze works herself through a shuddering exhale with the precision of moons of practice. It's her second leaf-bare in the forest. It is sometime after sunset. She's in the warriors' den—there's a collective rhythmic breathing and the strong pine–smell of many bodies—and Florabreeze is with her. Because of the storm, her mind helpfully supplies, and she inhales tightly.
The storm. Right. Leaf-bare's last petty gasp, a final reminder that newleaf didn't have its claws around them all quite yet. Her final walk back to camp had been done in a blizzard so thick she could hardly see, navigating by internal compass alone, and it had been her insistence that Florabreeze stay with her rather than try to walk all the way home in such a mess. It does little to help with the persistent, prey-animal roiling of her unruly skin, which screams that the reality of Florabreeze's warm body against her own reeks of danger.
Her breaths are still coming knotted in her chest, she realizes distantly, and her efforts at sucking in slower ones only seem to be speeding it up. She squeezes her burning eye shut and tries to salvage the fragments of whatever dream has distressed her so. Snow and blood clotting her teeth, and golden fur, and a dark tabby figure watching. They mean nothing, these leftovers, and they do nothing to ease the harshness of her splintery, shaky breaths, which rip through her chest like the howling wind through the trees.
thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
58 moons old as of 2/5/2025penned by dejavu